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November 13, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-13

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HAT ~DTNT[~Babylon Coal is THE BEST
0 HOT T 'HIS WEEK. All grads of ard and soft Coal..
* Caml Coal and Coke
Hle ot oe BooCocolae 1 $2.00 Garmets--------------------------------$1.58 1M, STAEBLER,
B ob Malted Midlk 1 $1.50 anI $1.10 Gratmets----------------------- 1.19 Tlepono No. . One door Est of Amri-
Hoof Boillioo Hof and Celery $1.00 Garments.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----75 V can Hooe.
Tonmao orlioan at Clama Brothb SC Garments-----------------------------------.50
Botyotr~oeo ot iogr There are grat argains as all of or Underwear is marked cheap at PATRONIZE HOLMES'LER
SlHot Lemono egular Prices /N and get tie best service.
Hot Efg Pbopate Bt Lemonade D . IN KER & SO 7 Ofic ndDabe 3 ors
. Hot Eg Lemonade D IOfc n tbe 2Frs
Bot Lime Juice Flip 09 'N Ave. Telephone 106.
BaelmJieCcti No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. B3ranch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
0 f0 t.a ti m t Capital Stock, $50,0. Surplus, $150,00.
0 j any." W7 jp Z renr ronledReorces, $I,100,~00l0 *Lw
:0 tI 1_ . UAM lY : .XW.'.V1'iearaooognnpoo . of tis State. Receives deposits, bys and AKN -PAR CY0SUBU 19Floprnpl
UM I~HU ll~lII~l 0wStreet,, NewYork. sells ecane on teprnia cities of tbe
0 0 ooBsurn United State. tDrafts csed upon proper
-0 0 ®111y'identiiation. Safety deosit boes to rent.
wufl.LY ~su~ m Orrocoan: CbrntlanMackPeo.; W. D.
.......Harriman, Vice-Prs.: ~ban E. icock,
'Cahie: M. J. Frito Assistant Caier.
Capital, $100,II0. Srption and Pefits, $4,001
You'e Riht I nGWTrnacts a general banking boiness.
totrso rdtForeign ecange bogt and sold. Fornsb
,On Footwear. ,idT lRBYou Buy a FAN Y SI IRT W CLARKSN, Cabie.ee,.
af~l n ca haeothe hoiceof oer F.I.Cei, Itie Sate Street Tilor. Lts
Trberes los ofel-cks in thec troile and C Steresly ic"He God Inside Prices. W do
ibt hn u ln laig resn M jkteyreo practiced umern ihanyou tink, and reptin1 tlowest price-conrsi-tent wt
luit tbree.g oodsokbVIods coied fa nda s delivee.
tis store.nmokes you sreyo'reight. I__Ties__for__ sa lltolesOS.tae etGe
'Tbhs sor oarantees youaItsafeinvest
weni of every dolla 1 ya pt into slres & CO. 21 S. Main Street, LowneY's Chocolates.
wsell. Iis a good Shoe Str, fulofi ,A~.4IH-(guu
gooud Sirom ar prces warydown. I 9U. ~ ~'~Ann Arbor. HtLnhs
G~odlRubbers tooripusounantihem
VV . C. Rein harht, U, OF M. CALENDAR, Eloquent Lecture on Erkine. LUTLE' S 48 S. State St.
42 S. Main Street. hiily. Nov. 18. gl Haul-lo Airoutii)7 studieotsIicedito the A W BOO KCS
_______)____________________C_____ las' o-rio.a01.. n .IL. gI l i ltu ie las e1 esin
lrilay, oserri ri-i1 .FI' u l~riiiils .h lf f i( getI g o Io- Buy all your can affordi for
-9i vs.i.Highil. stuoisi ilid iirrili-cti present and futusre useo at osr
THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Salirlry Nr.11, tiliie b eni-iln CillliIlleiils itsDillii11111.Sr .0ow est Pxioes !
8r0 furni-b ou ha firIrst-lass ouonain Mi: igli 1". 1Obrli-i. siorslii. lfe i t iniy o d1111 s til Yre hall behelre for a few
Pen ern rad Prin reparig a specriy - -
--GIVE HIM )A CALL., SNIVERSITY NOTES. 1m1111eiig frrriithelr path of Idys oly...... ..o.
_______________________________life rinrill he ec1rrr oucrrrri frii e 1 s4e; \/0
PHOTOGRAPHS Ther 15 iil~ti 1f111 i 11115r1l 211111 ii 1111,1 r isrls of i i liii 111I Ine al l~ahan C .,
---pea lritso Seaios at j fu wlSb oli hanellor of Elilrla. EIiiriaierlat LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO.
]B r " ' _Fidae veniiriiig. rrs. 21. 1 Xirlniiiei nd., a Iii lrnl r lutliir. At Schlode'n. 50 South State st.
13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~~1Y77~iI1 ~ r~ .I: i iiIorl~~linili-5 ni ldill-tril t1thebalIii-111 iiKsCHAFING fIHES
6 E. Huron Street. rliclr ch -is- t i- c rlnrlanrd lrl 1:1 i111- iPioladIerirrrl l le nI _~, Us
fSirrrililII i - hec- urn-e~l l ;ato-ls l n in the1ii - rknof Ihis irrorlrsioril iin l- TABLE KETTLES.
An.I)ton.[leufel, aten. Air-rrl f 1irsiblrlfur1.gadil1111 r---lltun-Ieiimiiii1-ii-. iirisrnhr u
Trunk s tualises, DressS u it cases t1 e ooblll.CII.l. it511rdye~, ri. f irer lia, rfhe set chs h eitiak M.Aii ( EA IG JEEERri
AND TELESCOPES. ViiafrolslnIl-olrestingriay5515r11ilriiiallhrsyrrl tiharti ll W. HN LbeEAINnJWEER
Trunks -and Valises Repiredi Neatly and 0 iliefoois ik l-llo riii he Libe Iirisrty f I herei s, r]it ilir
Ceaply No 7,S airr t"se.SienI this easonl.heiii- ar-ru yshowienllr15ln lrl fii'alI tr FREDERICK J. SHLEEDE
T a ilosu-i-eli iinter:-feronee-ii-i i hood g il lii eflirn f 1-l rirr aI eciraarnltsla, UNIVERSITY BOOK BNDER,
gyreT i o r !nd I- lls tidyA l uririlisiuebrit-11.lbl. li I l-lr rr~ ri lgr Sells Solid Gold outain Pers fre $ 1.0an
Hav-e you seen ilarse Inobby R-- 11(Chrr-ral irrl ~ll ni. l~nellrrnof Erglanil"111bsrofLiren Papr lri0cent.
Suits MilwVartd is tulning crlt. lantc rinsianlDufy)1t ~fill bakeAll :aaoue d. 111:1 6 tht, 0 0S. STATE ST.
M II.4W..&.D -to Stat kickldin-ord15-1gals frontirithe ill. ePrf.S. 1,II . o.f the Ch ic i1 fiSIU~O
University Band Formed. vr-rsy, sill rad lKig Lea", arr i-I M SarUD O
BEN TSCHL1SR tirsily Chll. Slirlniy ir iiii v. rs PIANOANA nie iy :1d wsfr dil21 Ih poc d ftele uea, /
1l00 nA 1Ei .1om1 ISlasi night. IBarry- r1.lu ollea to the l~Northebrnitl IrIii rR. HI. if I I =4PF
AIIN ARBOR. MICH~l. iagle itolifray lie 1lcllsi-s:ofills-FrorrrSutSutgart Crorsevtory ermany.
______________________________ sas leil51 il:algitloof Itin- rrg1lrl.oing
IA)N-Saurda afenrotlblak linrnsslrelilan 22 rieirlr-i- . iniir - j 22 5.DIVISIONtST
I,0STSaturay afernoo, blak tio whic hasl2irinrels.hgionitnl22nS.DIVISON.ST
seal leather eprse cillona ig tel t s rs ecriirsen:to Irliilosl- m usc.A BOARD )$2. 0(11)) 'IABL,
anrd adslseofownrc, $ lbil. smaliurni orpatieal ehld nextA-;-enniiiirirl lnifornrsix Iprsonlsonly. Toere, r ovisionS
hill alnd chlang. ICewardlstllhowilllai -inuce nt G. 1 ilies ind:1gn-llhnili.ThrsayandI all kinds of Saitariuml
for its return to 42 S. University. 21____ _ 4 . _______v._medaei- Fod frsaeb
Lcst--Diamondc lusteri-stick pin at Music while you eat at Ihe Portland,. ilierniinn enrqui. 9 St imson- & Co.,
gymnasium Friday eeninig. Finedr s4Ta v efc cmuto ndd o - S. STATE ST.
tv1 eev eadb evtgSleJ~ A.I If smoke or sml Just Receved a Large and Eegn
at 3 Monroe t.h e ohse.TeYle h e oaTePne Line of New Pipes!
TeNwRcetrThYaeThNeRoaTePre-20 S. Ingalls t-One single roam tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all B.~~r'aniCld amsonaren atall burs Aens
Iltlr e.nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell what we ad- Cb.alnEBanJonn, 8iC
POLITICAL ECONOMY; Professor vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold. R 0.SasSSgrBok
Adams may be consulted in Itoam S 0s 9aesy.agrBok
Tappan Ball, evry afternoon at 3 DEAN & COMPANY
oclack. 44So th Main Street. Subscribe for the Daily

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