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November 13, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-13

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Publshe Daiy -She Formally Protests Against
PbihdDiy(Sundays excepted) daringthColrevat Donnelly's uiy
OJFFICEO Timen building, 'tO S. 11ain St. be- ; "
tbeen Liberty and WilliamoSt. lteio'ecenit M iogii-i'utaagain'.j
- o'b~niiimg thiat Iefteree- Doonell made1
1LANAGING OEDITORI.FIHMS 7 itk i i ui ' lihls
BC~NES ISANAOEI :50111solzl lh' goal that ooli i't'aia'' I I I
saSvE*S MNAGR ottlol havoe tiltte 0111e. Ar. Dourt
.H.h,9.-- tally allowed the Michtigai teami to
E.L Dnest,,11ITOR~*SaM , 0. linei) iioil lt)'he minto- 0100 n11cito- S.. Z C)
E. B. GMrat'1. 1F. . SaMOoa, '90 1 0)1110lbad kicked. foo thit-trial for <(ool0 y
F. M. LOOuSi, 'O. H. HI. CORIN'~o,'00. ilier ier toitotdoWit,anod Minnesota.
C. il. GCaN, 99. Athletic Editor. stake;Itt'eiaiin that thii 1.ti i-liriiioA PRICE HINT "V
ASSOCIATE EDITORS have stod 0 ylivo atoatero-bao-t.
W. 0W. u brhe 0108. a. Xv. Soottlo.''9. 1 01 tese grounstiti intlesoti (.101111104

If not give us a cail.
Beal's Shoe Store,

i' A. hoeth9. 'c. Louise Dodgte, '99. lthe' toine oiish lto'ould elatroo tiel. lMens alueocand Block KerteyOercoats, slcev"s
W,. P. Morrill, 'O8., Batter Lamob, 1900.,
A.tl nit,'t . ol r.01 . 'itd theo 1110 isk foror thelir ln101ed, wcith Skinner's 0sa01n eiped faeings. Etdges
A._A._________ C._ull__ r._d9_M. t!_ino^_111('___ r 01orhemmed, CayorSergetlining
withi tis ill ('icogoo oto o'cideto' itto'
choamp'lontooishipioof thtto' xo'1o$15.0
TOe subscriptioa cricerof the Daily to $2.50)< oufcl bo th'ioo ' ' tonic 1rgilnt.Saetyle as thoselt $15.10,loot ligher grade
for the colee year, with a regular delivcry to tto' whichio'means lbettegr'tilloit..
before noon echtoday. Noticesci.ommanao- g'111(1 suposed tO~o b a to n 'thorito iit on'atttr lto
tions, and other matterlitended toe pubilia-
tio moat be hlandoed Ili at thle Daly office be- ot l.Wiehesrevacos,$ 0 0
fore8 p. m., or ailed to the editor beforo'afeotol.Wtt'Ot'sot osotoo'
p. m., of tile day tprevboas to 01100 011whichil t 11,11- goles haveo'beo-tn1decoiod
they are expected to' apear.
Subscriptiosaao y be left at Tile Daily lbv 1111'samoto o ns thrl
sith Basitoess ansager. Suberibers walitcon- sesta inst a esnt iig hudr ai ie.Afn alrmd
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this -''is111 iiostallt''101iilillfohadraaite.AIetiorme
office anoy failare of carriers to delver palper. inookoe to' oloiitoishaltoero'.AIioltigooto aml neeyrset
'The.Athltol'itcAssoo'iationi tirosighili' tr'tthe. 11vtyfiet.Ol o'
wh'io ,4awsotho' gamb linko' at1 i 01011' ,
r'epaorit iiitooday's isa)))' hutsi-its roton - to 111)i
lioni fairly' 11110 can'iidloly oforeto' o 1o o't 1''' to to' otbo. t ootlt
stuotetits of theo'IU'iiversity. A study 001 lll rio t t
prsetcletiel to-goirolotoo'hei disptedo it'toulcowii liolllo
of tile facts orstlelc
by Ilotoioiilsooiiinthe to'fir'st bhlf.
crates thit' toooooogo'tloolt oftot 1111 'Nlt
In1'11 101111il'l oi)11oittl rotols' too Itoo' protest iMantioger', O T
t1011 of circeumlstanees ifor wichno- b'slii-toOt'lolw gts
botdoy is t't'altllsle 11 1too oo'iasione hloo et) ot i o o 'ltio'oto lao'E A R B O R N
"liolitgo deotfeateo-oli 51 ititio' sbot I O
existingtgo' oboe'leiioit. If a1erofx h oo i itioox. iilliVicI10I10 -al'fo
tereossilatooheart owoulod stoll)t'okii' Thei plrotosotttndoutly'ot wi100otoo'e.Genits' F"urnishers antI Hatters
asho tuloittiaito'thoe'iri'to'ro'lin o reo'ognizeod.
Itttutal1115. hs bol~eleyool im) ur1110ehallentgo t1ho' wiunner of 441i-So'uth.State St., A -- 5 n Arbon---0.
trul h ascainvey og ihiganolhasbshiowntilboerw'llinlgness 5and. see
to meelt tie' str'onigeost 'o" 11'tiloots in
Thn Alpha Nu Library. I oroeto onprooo ove rrighmtoo to"'ehio
'ilhe Alphaot\us]literpry' too'))') hasi. istip~. o-iod Minneosota'is iskitig foo t'' HIE N O B B IE ~ST S H IR T S
antherfili'goim om'ompe r-, quit(,to'eto- Z JA
soloI its lilorory too thin' in teroollitlly aaooiotlofromtom oo ioloigoon i-toonoltoitmt.
of the Untiv'ersity' for 2100. iBofooro'ib'th________
geerllirryWs *ocllpet s t Thn Graduate Club. that ever came down the pike.
lresentthetise soci'ety' litbrorim's 51.0)' Apopoios of tto' recenttt lotilittig 11011- Shorn Sthined Joree.-- - --- - -- -Shoes Shtned Free.
iti gretat oteimaondlbuttill tho lasit loos' 1110 of tim' gtaouotoio lo'tus,soo'tiiig of
year- they haoveo'beo-ni tut littloebismol. to omthe1e'andblot t'glbicotolmi-of theo' THE ANNUAL .A.NNOUNCEMYENTI
lThitsis thm' 1ast of tto'literaory'soi-tety'lbchly too'of ibnterest.t
libsories, thm' i-te bolootgiig toothm1 'tie chubtois imoportantiotbon lii'as - _--=0F -
Atlellti liavxi g betoni-old otbo t 0t)wo Ilosii olg-tTtoo hoooti on 11-- i 3
y'e'ars oago. LibratrianttDatvis texoets ;oondodimousoliB)i'm-llt tooloes of itter-r n~qjf~f~~t~au.
lo slamoke teso' touootosand ottito's hm'! est. bttaotsot in reloroseltl hg tint 1'u- ~ ~ iW ~W~~M
lI~lo-is f t otrotsttloog11101 v'ersify in tim ' Nationool Fedoerattionu of
ho the genDeraol libratry'. Tue woork of LeadTNo.3
ro-tooxso Otc ioili-fromt Allilt ,Not1 tlratottote C('bb. The Noationaotl FI-'oorLln .Pwr---------------N*
xxil -otoei'eli' t 111Iooosit 'ttotliottti-yoorBoston Ladies' Sym3phony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
hl~tol Itthetlibrary- Charles A. Dana---------------]told"-its--onenti----Jan.y21
first of unewt xxeek. Floe society' Mill wxith II lotos tHopktocinsoBaltimtoreDeCaresAlJn.2
preobaboly use the prtoceeds of thm' saleo eo'tloo'r 20 tnd 29. Ex-President Harrison----------------Feb. 1
to i-sell i1s fluidolfor a. ccwv1li1,i1t0. 'lThouogithlere tri- betwseeno 75and 80soLuther Lain Mills, (Chitago Alumni Number)------Feb. 12
'9studentoes Iil~~ s Iinursing graduate work itt Imperial Quartet----------------March 12
:gautIae rts. the Unlive'rsity, otly oetird thtt rtrclCnet--------------March 18
-hefolo~iu ha lc~e hnde -oooooohomr lihave' enrolledl 101yet.'T'he
i-bob moeets xxwiht'eoitfforetttoetibet's Lucius Ferry Hls--------------April 2
3'. HV ughtes, eltairtoato of tilt'foot.- mfheft-tt.'to Co'l0flot0co-John Kendrick Bns--------------Aril 13
ball t-onillite of lbse Athlettic Boa'rd: lyi eootsi-tts of a lpapemr by suoic tnettb-er GIENERAL ADMISSION TPICKETS $0.00
We hereoby protest the '98-99 gamoe of theo faculty folloxx,'b y it generaul RESERVED SEAT TICKETS _.50
playedt Nov. 10. on thle grounds.Ithat discussion. SINGLE ADMISSION .5o
Richtardoson or 'Marslh are or have been -loe officers are as follows: tlresl- HarrisontNusmber $1.00
ott t' sernbs lthts year. dentt, Mis1s Mary Williamus, A. B. '95; OratorlCt aest .25
S-. A. STEIN, (Captatn, secretary and treasurer, D. tR. Sltart, -'~ TICKETS NOW ON SALE-eserved tichetso nonate Thursday,'Oct. 8th, at.-Palmere
B. B. MIO'IHEANY, MauIgr, A. B. '96); executtve commtittee, :Hins drug tonre, Stale treet, and Wahr's booh store, Main ntreet.
1 99 Football Teaom. tLovell, Mr. Daveis and Mr. Gray. JAMES H. PRUITT, Cerresponding Secretary.


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