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November 13, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-13

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VOL. VII. No. 38.



o WX T T D 9O A'THLETIC ASS'N. FINANCES.Traning r table 15weeks).
0 ~J ~ ______ endng and altering
clothtes - - - - -
j.jeiadina r[ ijo0 Report of Its Condition by Pres nietto'ttlttgpo-
ident Prentiss. es
rtteck accoutttt.
ANDIM~PORT ER~. i t' ctrelt t tt iTe'nn 'tis ttccoutt........
*r - * rtttniriaiion regatrdtintg 1t-it" AileticiField o.
FULL UHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY.,t'ottttts ofttte Atitietir ssorialit eee
qtttstiott totst(-vteratl ttttttred sittuit' Xts ' etttsttt
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. o ain u oks n vni osottt s.I't. gittit'..
%W~g~f. 0,s 1 e w q"1r1-+ they tvreesotittlie i ti]tttd tlat esatti-WLC, J . .......
0 TUA flfltiPUl ntiot wlitotrtexittattioni Woulit-ti t iniotl........
TH1111 UG ford'tt' buttt lte s ttisfttrtiott to tiose itttLson it ket1tot srgJamnE"..
dta ter ltretid. O f etttrse ttitdetailed a(-touttit osIotoo nn itt t tttthtg~i..
willdsp1earif youtry10 ttStttt t- iutt
n0or Syr. of Tar and Wild ofHite Athltir Associaion'aitontttta4ane.
Cherry. It comes in ZeMer~its frt' ('ttts. ...
bottles and tastes good. caiottbttogirett inthte Daily".stcoltttumns ttto .
46 S. STATE ST.) -

18)5 r. Wtenley on "Poetry, Philoso-
t) Oft phy and Ideals."
'It, It)I
li i Altttittudiene'withitfilletd Rootn?.t
1ttttettbeytindtiits (seatitig lctpacity
ai ttt(!tgateetothteatrtDr.OWetnley's lectttre
'it 151ott "toett-y, I'llilttstttty ttild Idals'
132 (It) 'It firstsigdtt lith irqust ttf slP-
10 tt0) olttti ittetty-tietwseenit literaty
136t0 11mity s't't'tttfool's et'tstttttetnoutght." staid
228' 1 rtesor W'eiiles'. ''Literttirt' and
1000I'llitosel .s511 ntel rnediitstits wthe

deicit ofI

't'e ss'te'tr ats ilther ttgttlttst tts t l -..tef)1\'11 t\)(ls'sJe'l'
as tiutiedtminey as we desired.Itette ttn (rtet'thaIti.tthis se it I Its.oo1bt:
sw't.will coittinue our grisit redu(tiout uisuuagt'uuueut.uutts'lit'fulls' undterstodIttii . Wa . . . lit no)
te atuotherI wekf't ote tto rl e e ttrtt~' ttt tttt i t''ii trlitlttt . . t5 S
tilteevening of Nos"etiber lotht ant I wl rc u consfolte{1rlnrI~bnol..... :5
suptply yourselt' wilt relittile foot bsbl a eo l S3,1(,t h tlbrl
stat.''ltatitsgis'itt g .ait t ol' NOtN-. 2t6, ")1i, ''tsuittitg ti~l'. . 200 lt
tt Etig 's a 'if l ,' (riot yrtir &l ('i.. IIttugg.isus . :>ft (
JTACOBS & .&LLDTAND, iiind'r't'ipts tt~whihnl t.ot s~rltlckslo e}. :,-Alt il;'clthesttIn tIren).
Wtashington Blk., Washuingtotn st. t fthcttominug this setlsttt. is
EIVERY STUDENT se'll n \'11(1
SiHOU LD-REGISTER ttit1ii teet l'l'tut' Iai si'' ~.15* iu
:Brow='s flruc 'Store. tit hs'1iel..... :oo
I tosseo oaoi S tuto n ot o.g tect ttt.t'iit it'e lloiit oft thf l i ne
Fowler Combination. Lady Nits inttiitutdutess oitt00,)st't'tt'ttl by ittttt
Behaind. FortRenttBy anttttfitt' battttll sitIso ~io'tWtit I l't I. .02 77
T UCKER & CO, IFIFTH AVE. detst tIs ttteht ttttr tilts te' ti e o
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL uisolto lis lnbrli iles1Mlbrhptcesylt: i
0F DANCING ansusrpin.Tsefu(s sl(oll.........:to0
l.7 Thompson Street. i u iuliiiltle ettls's I'' s" cit iit tit' si tt.
W~e invite "very stttdetnt to visit I o~t'it".tept'itt'wtill gi' youtt. miitt
our stores. W~e have a large supply (leiluilo ti to urtiralsatcttiouts, adout] Ell
of second hatndlUtniversity Text I iAlltiliti iv t: xa1tittitii htofttthis 'reifo't wi'
Books for all tite departments. tsoA1anylov h tltc:so
Law atnd Medical Books. Germant ti'X'lutIPTO. tit' ttityttrli'AtiteAso
atnd Frencht Classics. I'itgt ttiiiAsot - 111II ili(itt n stantdis tittihutts it'rt he .1
We sell the best studetnt Note I spreietta h
Btooks 20 cents each. Stbsu'ripttittis (100...... t~l ) I sstta ~'tItttti i'stitthittsI
Thtie best Linen Paper 20 cents per .lmcttts'i1 ip Iirkis 7...0.007,111-ttotstiot sporttintg' itss t hle' "silittl
We buy and excbange second btyilt ittdltiil att' t 1 atttendsttinttgamti. lttti ut
band booke.IAtiei so1_tolInhirub
Agents for lbs Waterman Foun- Settsitt tic-kets .......226 0!si 811 un br l (1lbea n
Matbematical Instruments adPr iutrIittw..... io te tire st' gr1attitulttor their 1,' t Ir
Drafting Supplies a specialty. n ot5etr(on -1> 0oIiy Aet lltmr llibvtool
The0 best prices to everybody. - itt.'csatitorttutl'sitlt
Give us a trial'lotil ...........$2,30000ttosot'ialiot. All' toss'hatvet2,110,titd
I iXIENDI't'l'1t13. ttol.-Igitatvino'sntly figutredi ott 11)
tap Town Dowsn Town 1 2 weeks tt'ainitng at Sanittill IouhIo iue n'50iioei
201s. State at. Opposite CourttHone
Ann Arbor, Main st, 'I Beach ...617...... li1) 1 I (Continute(] onTthIirdtIPage3p)

sit Illli t lii' ito's ioy''otr. seuizes
stgg'tstdett la'u'sto'ii--futitutan' tutt
ict' ls.'t'' i i tti tef ifi t iltpe, thic till'
-,o d to tleatit' 'sit ' si titi"t''. Wilut tit
'11 ll i'ted ~'l'ttltV tus Temperyiandt
'tit l t'ittt 11thss'poe t ' 11( ll1tiliiess1.
'S it 5i'li 'u''tuhlti h itid: utPe try ity tutu-
tildte'smtilt hi't~it lt'op icl ila it iitt i
i it.stsesirs'l tustuirtutut ' ssothefilst'
tIontttizeieylsth 'ihi'the phfilosophe'It
"Plloisoh lasll.-sc"ette
(:ss ist otf'thei'ditll'thetot.ubot te
r tts

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