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November 12, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-12

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Published Daily (Sandays excepted) during
ther Coleg;e Year, at
Orrtius Times building, 79 S. 111ainSt. be-
twee Liberty and William Sts.
0. iH. HANS, '98.
E. L. GlIosiRa, 'Is L. F. S. SIONSs, IS.
B. B. IlarrANr, '99. IH. 1H. SK5ILLMAN, 98 L
F. Al. LOoMIS, '18. H. H. CORWIN, 'S.
C. Al. GoEN, I9l, Athletic Editor.

Editor TT. of I0. Daiily:
Through your soliiiits orews toI
protest againlst the unljusot tres' tieel
to Which thie '<il1 footballMeaintiris
been subjected. Previous to otsr list
gamle, wtilih was w ithithlie igh
Schiool, Ave' conisults'd every<av ilab le
authority as to Nsh~trmen il ser.' ii-
isle. Thsi'role generally tunderstood to
be ini eret is lhat iiieii at tratutog
tattles lie bairrest. 'aiitasii 'Seter
'ais oistilted esiseia lly isn reg-srsl to
Shiows, atiii ld thiat lie wvould have a
pserfect right to play. These -w err our
grotunds toeriplaysig the iiieo'ottwtioii

5] V
c/( K

wins the jury of oboe buyers and it's
ours by a hieavry uajority. Footwesar
shioiildl be lois quality. The feet r'aut
staiot anyithing else. Prices shioiuld be
jlow, oo as to keep the shie tax within
bottods. You wonst feel our shoe
psrices, but they will iiake you feel
psleasesd. There tire nio corn growcrS
like bash oes. Couse to its aud get
somsethiug that yell coo wear yourself,
iustead of the Tsh oe Nweariug your fotot.
L. GTRUN ER, No AS anSbo..


ASSOCIATE EDITORS protest was ellrile.
W. W. Hughes, '55. S. W. Smits, 'St. Thseti, fiurthie, int e tie leitic Boarst
F. A. Fucih, '98SE. Louise Dodge, '99 usesting Tuesstay, sitter use IHigh
W. IP. Morrilt, '98. Btlter Lamb, 1900.
A. Al. Suith, '51. 0. Lull, jr., I990M. Selssofolirotesthadsbettdessnis'd, asse
theitheliirote revesedt, silltliialithssr-
IS ~ity of st few rti nwhossreius'ustssrs'sta
___________________________- Iruhs'whirl s 5no 1wisers'to tsbeondIsn51
The subscription price of the Daily is X2.50
lee the college year, with a rergular delivery wrvit tug, use Board p l'(ses's'sesttinfteet
beoe noon earls day. Notices, communica-to lltosifie
tions, and other matter intenedsflo publica-togie Isle Iprotested l 1oi he1 ~ :;
tion mont be handed in at she ODashy office be-;dolb tien hate>Iud
lose 0 p. in., or mailed to the esditor beforeS eisl s odr3gls te ioss
P. in., of she day previous to that on which
they are expected to appear. be schieduledt to plsyv'1..
Subscriptions may he left at The Daily
Office, Meyen or Stoiliets Newstand, or AV steounst ulsiwv appeal fssiss tatt
with BusinestManager. Sobcribers wilt coo-
ler a favor by reporting promply st this decisisoi, but wve protest, its behalf of
office any failure of carriers to deiver papelste clsiss ot :th,tagsainst ast sats of sit-
The U. of 1I. frssternity Itiat asmtissbtswseislsw teisitstse
visions 5to rtsithirouighi. Itseemissa
both oexes hissbeetsrdiocovered.
This tose it is The Ihunt, theVUiver- 151Iii 1 si otl uieot si
ily of Illinois weeksly, tihst sakeo se tbe foutnde, whoi knwsii the l ui is'nt
startling eisclosu~re. The IUiversity refserencec to suchsemitsters oriu'S :
-.wsest suschrelesssan hi fotuind.
aa osblishied a slew selirtiiselit. or-
hscured ' sat leaist four iiew sciholsarshsipss A. ST a:i\, tsaptsiiu,
and erected tw\o Ihaissoome builiigs B. B. Vhs Ill-ANY, ltssss'
duiriiig the last four years, belt thei''i19 Fosotbiall Tessis.

S isnes i wthSkinsn
lao shemmed,
Same style asath
1i ~ wich m neans bel

Black Korsey Ove5rcoats, stcees
see's satin piped facings. Fages
Clay orSergetlining
hose at .1L.t0, bhotiiher gcaesr
:ter cloth.

college publicationis of tile coutntry
seoum to 'havsetseenin t blissfuil ignor-
tsnce of tile fart. Yet this vile canuardl
lives sin andi colies before the putblisc
about twico e iveek regularly. We
aetvise The Illinii to either ruts w blsank
colun th ue Inext timle "copy" is shot
or to ivenst s. few lies thast sire 1n01
tpart of sascient history.
Wi' regret Iss be e'otisiellest tos cssi
attentioni to the icik of siiport use
Daily is receivinig fromss0t'e womeni of
the t'niversity. It is not list lackt of
smorsal suppslort thsat troubles its for
itemss nd siotices without nuitmber sre
sen~t us by theim, for psublication. tn
sorb backing does not belts to psay the
prfinter. The fsact that wve call atene-
tions to Isthsat sve have been requsestest
to delver the Dsaily 10 btut eight woess
en studnits out of a pssible six hiuu-
dred. Our sublscripstionl list amioug the
smens is lsarger titan ever be-fore in thse
history of the Daily sald this ought to
be the ease on tie other sidte ot the
liouse. Both are represented on th~e
Bisard hid both owe financial suppsort.
This stsite of affairs has existed ever
since thss Daily was foundedt ans itt is
sorely time for a change to be 'bang-
The Engineering Society will be ad-
dressed on Saturday evening by Prof.
Patterson oni the subject, "The Map-
ping of Lines of Force."

11.11. iteis-as, '1)3 ', siest lotisisi
iighlt eof i'sslitlstsoi, asitheiissome sit
h'is pairenits, Orforet, I'tici.
Autexaitionsisifor imemberlstip li to
thei freshmtiss n stjo ci-utswill tse'helst
F~ridasy nighttast S oclocks isItooti2.:,.
LaseeForsestplalyed a tie'gsamse
with C(Isicago 'Tue'sdsay, i ivw1iel
neither siste sessored. 'The take For-
est tssiln applearledt to hssvethi s'test ot
it. anititatohems- ha'dssstthse bsall sin
C'icasgo's one-ysirdt line. Tue Chlesego
issae'ishiitedst sit1irsotbsble sidis uid-
hog sit the ( 'hstags tesamt, but riiir
is givensittleuhrdetes.
(tesse A. Daimou,'95, has receeutly
rsee'ivesd this'ppitmutient of assistsit
chief electric-sil enigieer of the Trsans-
lisssissiisui aiidInternaitissnal IExlsissi-

linteg, shoulders satin lined. A fine tailor msde
garment in every respect.
. . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters
44 South State St.. Ann .Arbor,
* . .and see
that ever came down the pike.
Shoes Shined IFree- -- -- ----Shoes Shined Free.
- OFr


than to Abe hsetdsit Oznhusinll1810..1ILeland T.Pwr---------------Nov. 30
Prsof. RI. B. Owenis, of use tniversity Boston. Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
of Nebrska is chieisf eugineer suid Charles A. Dana-----------------Jan. 21
plsanes ar'e alreadty beinig cousidered. Ex-President Hrio- ------------Feb. I.
The exposition tpromsises to rival At- Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Numbeur)------Feb. 12
lslntasuiu izek. Imperial Quartet------------------------------___March 12
TI9ANK~ttNC DA tA~tC. Oratorical Contest-----------------------------___March 19
A u-ste of $5 waill be given for the Lcu er il---------------pi
Tlisinksgiviuig Dsaygamse with Clii- John Kendrick Bangs-------------April 13
eugpo. Fivs hundred reserved seat GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $0.00
tiekets have been sav-ed for -Michuigan RESERVED SEAT TICKxETS 0.50
students and wvill he placed on sale at EXCEPT
$1.50 eat-h in Asin Arbor Sonmetimne Harrison, Number $1.00
next week. -tore definite announce- Oratorical Contest .255
muent regarding tickets, etc., will he TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tickets on sale Thursdny,'OcL Sth, at -Palniers
made in the Daily early next wek drug usoe, Stale street, and Waes buoh store, Main stroel,
i WARD HtJGtHlI, Mgr. ,JAMES H. PRUJITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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