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November 12, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-12

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AManager pinger. of te high-
Leading Tailor Michiganr Determined to Know sltool irons, presented at prtet to Does Not Think That Kicking
Are Champions. the Athletic Board Tesuay tglil olSoudCut
-I I P RT Rgiainrst the ttser-lass atne ttoutn
A mu iivirn.'.ULU. 1f the championtshitp of the wof ill tlayd with '9 Thurstday. tetbasd C hicago No. 1.-sA (hicago paper
- ~ootha11 is not settletd this sesona itfis protest othiree gonnis, but tie Itotorrosw will pubihsh a formal p~o-
fULL 1311M SUITS A SPECIALTY. wTill not e the fatlt of Mlaager sily one considered y fe Board was est front Mlinesota it regard to te
___________________ Itttgles- Iteles tchalleniged North- tat Siow sotld not tove bett allo- gane with Aliduigan. Miinnesta a-
NO. E.WASINGON T. EARMAI. ttti tit ad Wiscnsii, asking fr aIf d to ptyis tl ie is e capfaintof te le'es that the scor sollaebelt
NO,___2_E.__WASHINGTON____ST.__NEAR___MAIN.__gatetew it te winner of thei rhTiatis-osiribi.. A fie niderable iisession tt tie and asks for a heial antd deis-
+® "ii tile00I) t t inDacotet it atEvanston. Pits the prtest wasieied.tbuil oi tmotion ie" gamte romt Mihigai.
nnA Cuu ni t tilleilg' idill lebt asweeidittfore f AMr. Prettis if wts recititiderel Miite
G TA IJJfl VlTinkstgivinitgDay tand if ace pted t t'h tllowed5. If witis till decledtlTana er iisites hats lit et re-
will disappear if yoiu try guile isill bhr LIayr inien, f-ail te tint rhoiItthighS-hoiol teamiiisol ci is-rthe \ilicttitprotstadwl
our Syr. of Tar and Wild 0 follotinitg-Saurdaty. lilly0,S.is li) tiaditeit defeateil hy- tr t isdit ilcositt-tdt oesome. ITt-
A Cherry. It rotanesin 2-rc said lst ti-itolit"I don't see what their
bottles and tastes good. CgituatitiSsnate.pWesintdthistittig-gahati- fair-
V0 it 11 to li the ittoiall tttiti tsi iighl. A Valuable Edition.
lv underilte wiy fotuall rtle. t late
PALMER'S PHARMACY. IMr d-ntt-itts I .uMilian. A.juM..sis-isatlaleiigwlt-dh inne-tttr of the Wi'scoi-
STATE STI sutil t tifi-i'egatntiaietkct lhm Dtit --
4t6 S. StTAiTEtatii tltSt-ct it-grtduattdttith i-il ttass-(if o andtsi-Nrttwetstrnitgaiteand wisaltlt
.AiNIQTH1IEF? CD EI ( sib .Ils ieoii.nttniriisaatit ti- -
epticull}tedii tedtote'slmft-of Nlsoti
't' he. weahudhlre isisirattheroagaiIsstt stiilthef - -ul.ulihCIrsGraduate Courses I896-07.
Itot s-rit ttilsirdid htgetilii e lttige for tilt-ri-t of tilt-sesti
as mic-lioneytits sw-c lisired. huen dtttthis te iis d idto-idoii. flt-pileitiuitostll llstiat l-l.aid An impottrtatthtndotlok for all et--
we will continue oiii'grt rdutionon heginetith siiiNebriaska is-Iit-ti i--t a tts tilry itcomplete-nots. Tiiiesi-ll tilts iteestei iavaicedriou-sites
saeaohrw e. So route long set for netiW i-ilitisiltiylhas Itt-i'cit-ettit rite n tt oitetitu ith-itits otiggi'- itt Atieri-atti t ierities recettly tl-
till the evtining of Noetmttertpitht aind ii-Iti. Nebraskta gavs proisofhal,-f Iois to teachers is 1astery nipotrt ]roaredt'l -i-inle thiet-atoe itle. The
outsply y-ourtslf withlltitelil t ink fod tea al ntesao.iatite of tei bootk. esital s-hools tiuliettiottis uiiii-atby te l-il-
wb-t-.illI *tishonut pooly intltt-enhvstyaope h eiin ihe'iti.f sauaeCusadI
.1A O S& A L A D .st l tt'tttc-isti rtiht ciy ser sfl tistlts aut Prof. Sott eltIitedbyIt cri-tIs f 24 griltate si-
Waslhingtona lk., Washtngton st aidthitite woli risutil aitha rys's- ltt'iuutiti's-it tilet'if ititlimst tibly Ihuet,nder it'eiirefisi of I. A.
lits tuititaly 'lt -utlttrlsit lt'editedilof tilt' series. Mi. itillr wisits flttit iat-. of the Ittrsarl (ra teli
EVERY S CUDENIT tlt'of ltefounitdrs of ili' asttiat. Siltittl. 'fe l ofttti littHadibooitk is
SHOUILD :REGISTER holderis of satsonittii-ktsts- ttwodiis __________
I lit resturfull lists tf i-litise, fr
-AT- ioshhtsisill e tlltwed'il ei ai f schti Catain Senter on Football
sto e iibkts to theiOb(li-tn gm. --r 5ittttudetts ttitblitofferdlin
Bt csts you iothing. D t e itet it Lecture on Erkine Tonight. ii ro<e I'wtill lbiia -rt-ttipfte'Sfit-tis15r-l'gsittny.lirttu,
CorierotAssociaaion. Aio. Hig-
Fowler Coinbinatiotn. Lady its htr-ilAot-tlti. t.tgt is a thit'fitthitl suitilin.r ,.1-hns Iluuopils.LlatudthStta-
gtIntat' f tiel tisiBi-hss oi f;Miandh Oie i fit Ihit'Judges i he pr t tatolry, fotid, Ai it ait.Miessti.Nest-Yok
Behoiad. For Bent By i iiht ~i'iit itto isthtttii httsotiii o- isisen etttltna tic'
TUCKER & CO., FIFiTH AV . he JuEo1 , itt- g~irti lt, lass. i i ptition tiytei ettl tr Ihiutt tst ntill. igth ffe', 'tlttitt. Vtndrilhth
OF' DA.NCIN'G IaI at ititimof ilastorks. (f his tint-e isill thilits sill hrci' ius ttui-ttsto.the retdetritill fittitsilts-inti
Optusite Lass Builson. $.00 a semester for itt its hit iett-' his is bhitartichelt' t-. lio's. Itte tst o f I ithe ~dointi' ittareers' of
tisalesstis coOt t '' rhi gavtti ihe le're tfore liii Benefit Number Cr the S, C. A. hrf-sii phtuornu t alil
2 Ihorupsotin ote yarsStreetre. it ifttt'lites it theittrittis ideatiltttt-ts:
tTi i in.l lcitt lg o i iht'io h l fe 7 , I t'S .tts ti iti igae t'lii'tt's li' ttrtdati e t d-es
W AH R S BOOK STOR thtli cht sut t itiht hit-t is tiT.ikit lii' Nt.trt it-tugnd fo it~s n't'Iogtilttestiits
otnis' I'ltistit ik Assoiti h II ittiter thtI stts tui t itustts isu i
We invite every studeit to visit Memberuu'shipjtitklts to thit' sse itI fnw padscorhis wnt
our stores. We have a large supply ltantd ihlt ou 1the tirpoei'll stitus f tie silt' ofsilt-histtdetts. 1antdtmanylt'othrr itlu-
of second tand jUiversity Text lO ionitl b ada isedortnight.
Books for all tin departments.- - - sught'tutisslou tiketsiwill goi ioithe hat' dttils. ita sotti.rtte iaidhiuu
Latw anad Mtedical Books. German Graduate Laws Elect Officers. Itihirtsstcittittu. (assiotighutel' ititl'i haitt-(surtsi 'ttultli
and French Classics. iltobeofls.yath rsiu
W~e sell the best student INote At 1iti-ititug of Ithe.guwiluattithis'ila fttwitsi tshtt'li'i tr itthitt i-ill le fotnduttlisful hi' ever
Books 20 cents each. e s ysedy onngtefllwn ssoiiiutionws lft osi-u' $40 iideti~rui iihiu 'ti-tiui atsrl
The best Linen Paper 20 centsper iptisstn-wishitng'attitonvtugilntfi-lltiriu5
pound. clttsoffuiceos t-ti' lted-i: I't'u'sit'ut titl i ,ttit i io o tt i lit is ntit-ii'O thi't' i th f itguithit it usruct-iotinli
We buy and exchange second itiss iici-istlA'. [hit-oh vthee tuesilu'utuis fuboari tiwipeti'tillhs li-hut andl tui-i--
hand books. _____________
Agents for the Wiaternman Foun- 1.It. A.Batiruet e cretar yt.B. 13,jhune~ttet' itrrenth extuetss.-l
-anPn '99 lass Social.
fainenMathematical Instruments and Sitiheso tretiiourt-rOi. S. ('uoss; Is- Dr. Va'ttgtttttlos agtin etltdil te
Drafting Supplics a specialty. toruttit.1'. A. 4G. iiuelll svaledoeuritn, T~uu~~i titett i he thu hla ltss itill ItollThe itsrst ltsa
The bs prices to everybody . It. illims'raor . A.Wi - ossiaul of the seasuntitt (u'tngr's tHtl
Give us a trial D I nothr ~.i.lil-lecessititofregistering at Bowitts or -rul'ngt lsuttus(neid'
Upie Towt .I.F ,ia ot LI~ihyngt Msae re, elgWA RS BO K STORE I'ttt t.('tlkns'do~tinsotsitt oter tlttttofete
BOow ownTw oto' grats mtays te deliesereil to temutsiit- Pont d Kiototout will ,it-Ias 'hatp-
Up 9. Stae st. OppositefCor nose'otdea.eln-
Ann Arbor listset. 1 ISubscribe for the Daily. oudeay

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