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November 11, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-11

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Time Lab]l(f(Deised) Sept. 2, 1896
Mail and Ex _ 1 N. Y.Special __1_
NY.Special_ 4 f8 Mai - 4- -------_8_4___
Eastern Ex----10 17 N. S.Limited.S_ c 9 23
Atlantic Exe 73i Pacific Ex----- 1 ]1
D.N.Expees __540 Wete a ANh .-r
WetrDx_- 15>ELP R.Express, _11(5 (hi Nt. Ex---- ii At ®I t Twa


G.P. & T.Ag.,Chicago. Act.Ann Arber-.e1i eo a
F'9 eo ' Du N O c . a --,/ ITT
R A L O D1. 2 h ni le ing a "r Lionbt web o -
n. i I a'fAP~ode andSicoOMi °Geno.
( f l e t ie ccJ .A e A e. e c ii ] vqd o l , o e d o l ol e n b a s a n d llesa5 r et o n,
All eebedail eacpt feiidy. [ie (CKY Cl V ciThe P n nllmanSleeprngbetwLien oubetwe ndo
E.A.IGLROAD. A j lid m Ledoa hiand o.ubs
NROR& PSLATISOT RY®. inndyebeteen TYe]deCoand san
4:30_ lii pl.ieieiin iet8le:*ccl.--lc-et n- al - - db hePiLe The Only DLai n oomGraine bew eail
Peipop m,.IieTsole wt ee Ce oledo, adClg restond
LRntea e nsiAnAembonresandTl-o :(1beonnloldondCWylnoW..
nodpho 1100a.in;er:5,:0is:1it:0,oi th8:0eotthVeinie
aod 15H . BNmT . P . oed .THE OPLALINE ih 4traneaoc oyPdail-
lf~5A.NAR O m. - PT S .RY Sall e w n eo Ceietol ofs
SUD aYle IME1, We8ave6 vey PefumsRwhchDb,,e99, 4 .Uiest vevH NYLN itih 2hrainsyachnwayedby
Leave Ypsilanti from Congreassat., 6:10,3:0,fie ith obAetweienChcTolend al eo nW a
an5:00a.m. 1:4, :0, :3 1 :00, 648:0 wwllbe gadtosh wSou O LtOeVgnaN O etween.TP.eA.
1land 0:5p.m. O-r Store, i7 P.PWLAhReLtnE _________Toledo,________
Leavto;Ypsoan t rCheon15rens ta.,1 ,33,Aen.fteOiCnrlLns
WM. P. PAniKnR, Papt
Camp and Deland on Football. seelli:' "'5I'11i~ltyol' hoiii-a 2: :a
Wh111at(is byall odds:1the: best [111eatilse s-:ais5::11 ii'll: hsspc srsre
RAILROAD TICOKET BADOKERS, il:otbill y0toffered to tI pIblaic;I'ii 11'1"«I':iilci1:lii i dv ' e 11iThs:pceisreere
Wholesale (.igain,1Tobaccos aiidl(':imp 'i Yal, :and(1 loriilI". Dland,'liol:f a:it::: :t:are:1welt i ii i o1 ':is 10fI for the GrandOpr
Cigarefitefis ~ ii. ls f ae :11 ta h isa comels a ptl~l~ers oi1liei 'i tol
COr'. Ifinand Liber'ty Sts. :Irie Nt'li llnownbylhir 1:1welioi'l rit-IeliIi lail fI:: iiilll ~c ul House
M LLA RD iHURRAHI! Ann Arboirit at has a fine
M i THEPhe bookis budin: lotd is:of 1hall "'Isonc illluds plart toi:Restauant and LunchCouneter,
'cs.i hle: ll:illstratins :and ii:l1 a All of lte' il rlll ofla p:1y11 are 11 03511
sslIi<ilall litS11:1Main 32 ~Street. Anything inseason
P I T E I ar11,1(1,18adtn.;t- !per week. Regal-acrimealsoIac. OPEeNDAY
pless ill I a:'lf, (Chapler ec ill dea I " ASN icee, P. S.-Dlont forget-A spec-
Part1 011:is 'ForIthe s1p:-e:1lii. :11: andO
-- . s-aa1b11sflhistory of I::cil1: IN IflE EUDiPMENT O
l f y ginlalilup i1s on-ill liacklato thI ls' liris ('0iiialllgI thl i 5111 l 1113 Oll te dis's: 1 STUDENT'S ROOM,
t ..: tsal- Illill, liiel 11:-ic'1:-a,111:: fiactoris ill o111ilbis generaily coniceedbthat a stringed in-
111111 i::l:,iia. 18 i-l-iss-ll .11: 11111 ttomcut is almositean absolsse enecessity. To
I illxat : ;anteiii:::- 11:11': 1 s ' g elin~g sceethe geentest enjs ymn 'iot tee le
th~s 111 0llI(l~itl 1110111' allt:l~l ifpurchasxe aet the bett year money will afford.
FOOBAL SU PLIS ;ngltld <nd heI lite sttes:t11 til113111113.,lTis ar~tltlods -ith a Expect judgmeint pronoinces the ''Bay
FOOTALL UP~lES ll~l ilsi 11(1its'01111:1011:110 liiStat ilnstrumentbs thti'fiest in th~e torld
Shoes, Stochings, leresy Shin Gucrds, tE,< ol
e. Spalding's official InteecollegiateIsoc:tiatioll11 ilnitilr'O lboraite'1ld I1I11. IBAY'S'T.ATE $10 f00
Foot Bell, officially edopted by the Inter- Iti all1of i l i gi si1:~atis lnd '511 1 :5 s
collegiate Assoeiation. Complete Caa- .( An iXIlintitl 11111of (te tid"lll Is 11ow8
logne Fall and Wintee Sports tree, " The 'ltonsaoif tlc ' ss::k\Isore 111) t 15 IBA .1 O.
Name the Gearantee."'01)1:7 -I'llfollo Ns and1:1 l tiii 111t1i I E-
Detlantit showitti h t they11:e7II ltIsi s ocs i.Ca l l Y )ae icsiahneeedtaio
A. G. SPALDIN'G & BROS., cto ho1:toss :1eAelh 1 (1We1 hh itavhse ifoetacscieeiajos ri
Noe York. Chicage, Philadelphia,. lit'lai fllil8:f111 hill i:1 t ii'lletujet- :111 1 t'ir A17 11 :1 0 1:11 able inactracent, at a tiw price, no
_______________________________________likel other insbiumenat nutfactured can
is 111er ii I" i te eClv3'.11',- compare wlbhit,
ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHERtoe rokt.If'csoftt :l Send for Illustred catologue,
Ron theiitn lok p111 lt' yer1s,s'xplati onsil o1' t' 'h~lii '11' (:book 1is 1from1 1111' 111100 of JOHSN C. HAYNES & Co..
Ann Arbor. Icali 111 Is, :111(1 tr l and11c1illed 'llN- ,111 f11it& .11111:1: 4341 Waiiecce trr Bn ou
1wi eesii lls f clle~ '3.t all :11 olliss, Now ______fork._____
6GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING flt, lt'ieirtet'horsi il e Iioll tit-t' ltsie While youileat11at1the Ptuland.l U.
14th season. Pupils receieed nt nny time.
One method Isurees success-. beound ~ r

rooma. All atppointments fiest class.
Imported and domestic cigaers. Ladiee' art-
tic heir dressing and batheing paelors, up
stairs. J. R. Trojanowskei,100S. State xl.
Subscribe for btee Daily.

Up o lae ntsbuinssmethtods. 'Vide.awakie to te inerests of its paiteons. INew Link Cuff,
Resnbin In its teems. All tieose eeeeemplatinxtbeahandheti lose dtsi tiles tf
advancement in iheir profetsion tire ci-dially inveted beoecall an~d see us.
Room 0Land I. - Anii Arbor, Michi.I PATENT Ai -PLIED FOR.

Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
STUDENTS BOOKSTO RE Craine's fine St ationlery for polite correspondence. Best linen papers
sold b the pounid.Caln Cards Engrav'ed.

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