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November 11, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-11

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f L f bengsent to dleniominationail andi to
7J + . ff I+f i Uttii 5iiill ilistitittlons will lie sent lit-i.
The pra llscticei repol og will hIe- 'i
Published Daily (Suedays excepted) daring Sonally benefiicialiantl it tins-helpth Ie
the College vear, at
Univerisity. T'he planisi at least wortli
OFFICE: Times bailding, 7tOS5,Aain Smt. be-".
tweena Liberty and Williatsa. In Ye Olden Times,
MIANAGIINGI EDITOR Onlt'e0 11f toldt etislotls of t' liii-
J. F. TneOMS, 97.
v esty Nvas that in vogie amhong th liii l
BIiNS LNtES selilor E ;_ent~ILA.ier ~etei a t0o t_5

If not give no a call.
Beal's Shoe Store,
R NIN ul fO nP IIIT uniter

-- i. ANt~hei' joy tover their escatjtw teontheii
EDITORS trrtts (at inehliiit-s. 'lt' lpratt-
E. L. GEisMta, 's L. F. 0. SaMONS, '98. ha koN it ha-vat-os ~itittis. to liihT
B. B. alovucANY, 'ii. H. B. SKtILLMANO, '90 1..0S Z 0,
F. M5. Loons, '10. H. H. Coowas, 'all, soe' ittart' oftlen realistic- tian i'tphtti-
C. tM. GEars, 90, Athletic Editor. itos. ;;,pul' of the ilt'sonthlte olti .A PRICE HINT WILL TELL THE STORY BEST,-
ASSOCIATE EDITORS ptrltneiiofitthe lte'slc is5 lilt' 'I't$ttlit
FV. AV. HgeFor , S mth, 't7O . .Fci,'8E. Loaise Dodge, lil. sictiti Httrt '1' "TheItutntiig titof Ale-Mo' icadPatFetyCo-ra lee
XV. P. Mtorrill, '90. lBtler Lamb, 1900. MnsBu n lc esyOecas lee
A. at. tmitt, '01. C. Loll, jr., s9 At. cilits!' "Seve'riitg of the it'ecitatictil {olined with thinner's sttin tiped facinge. Edges
,1tgtltl. ra or hemmed, Clay or terge linting
aA proct'esiont escorted ''tutu old tots' 18 0
_____________________________________ t in acutfii'' Ilolt'e laceti'of ee t'Xolll
The subscription pre oathtle Daily is $,01.30-hetrc tatlroptrite exerceist's oert'beldl. name style a there at _i15.(, bet higher gertc-
f or the collee year, with a regular deltrerywhcmenbterlo.
before tnon eacttday. Notices. communtca- lTtet' c onsiestdo it.l1 lt'intlttll,ot1.1mtsbte lt.
tions, and other matter intended for pulicat-
tiont mastito taitded in at the Dialy office be -ctrtadiig of il(-ittilt tttletrtttottlt- $ 0
goe 8Op. i., or matted to the editor bieforea
p. in., of the day prevtous to that on whictt itt liii'etdooipteno st~y i t8t
thee are eported so appear.110'ittvco-.Ic
subscrptions may he left at The Daily
Office, Meyer's or todllet's Newstand, or ex'cuttiontt t lita1tclosing odtte 11nd1 1 1.
for a favor by reporttng promptly at this tdoxologyty lthelClass. linting, shoolders natin litoed. A fine tailor made
offirn any failure of carriers to deliver paper. Thelproc-tesstonwsdie «I to-ill)iih garment In every respert.
The sdeision of the authioritie cc- follo itig orter:
got-sing gyoitiosittil lockers is t0 be IlEII "Ittlit."
cotntned.ctl. Wilicthere play bte 711+ tIE 3ALEI"A("I'l1. etrultedcito
suoe smtallatdvantage t hlderst'iof the tendler ititrcits intl itcistiisioc
lorkeis in unitinilg 11nd1Imainlg 111ittpost'rsofita tigal sprig.
letter scrve for tlO-plersotis, altet.te 'PiHEItNIOR. swhtoetound the cell-
stin't of thiii'lling is wrotng and ins- t'HogravttloftiecofI'.hak
tire is iservertedt. There' arhill veilO CtANLDtDA'lES ttsr os in irilt'
been all excsise ditiitg tielea1101YeQlr Lecture Associattioti. 25 ilsesst,
whntesupyo lcesdi o .AI0AI DEARBORN & CO.
satlisfy lttheiteandt iti,1t1t'fot sisact', 'l tl l tilS S IO)1- if any -tiuu
bitt by limitiitg their u1se' to stutist helis' ois sosttre 1101titoxictd . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters ...
'TiEtrEA' i1N 1'ASIIED. tose?:'

of the Ltiversily, the p itttt nnbe'C
settis sutffiicint. Tue renit of a
locker ini the NAaternitin gettnaimil
for a swholei'aewoultttt hardsuffsite
to paty t sonthtesttttes i inasinlll rity
gyttiiisittit. withesit numbesr tof
otlier uadsanages, snuci 00 baths,
tily- class drill, ph~ysicall cxlttilta-
fions. etc., atinatken intltsosidera-
tion, it si-ellssdccidelt'hy wsooto1thlitl
dlitberately detrivecthit'gyitiisitninof
aneeded funts.
iEvetry stiudenit that has the welfare
of the Unilversity at heart slioitdbt'
silting to tdo alt ini his powe5-r 1o keep
it constanitlay tefore theiptiblic trout
whichibUitdrtto-ssits t015h501'. Of scoursv
ev'ery-bady knowes of thel'niversity
of Michiganinii a genteral osay, butt it
i, slil-prisitig so-at an aimocunt of ig- f
ttota'til and iiisiniforioitlion exists
een in Xirligan concernitig the real
stanintg, infdtuence antd nattote of thle
intiittison.jEvery tidetit ian, if tie
elp 151 to overome this in a priae-
tical-Waoily aoctinig as ret iar' for lilo
hoissiatloper. Little itonms of ge'tntral
interest sent every swock cannot tail
tostimlatte intetrest a110000peoptle
woihavtel.nfow 110 ptirticnlar feeling
for 'thoeteniversity. After this inter-
cot -will comne investigation and afier
investigation stue~ts th t a-tironosy

broestni liimbs sheotils te tonics bieomitis' ' u."14 Sc-uitihState St.,

Ann Arbors

atE\lOlt .JACK wi'mTH~E DE--
flOlN protectedl by
It-silthIlsttits-ableli- 0 io brintg tilt
'lic dsxslso,- ws is i ufols:
15is's-anics-s , buttis tilt111011'
An iawftul bsre-0orc-stee-ore-osi-;
An isoful, aw-ftul bore'-aris-ore-.
An awoftul, alllawisfullhors'.
Th'ltc sti en ot1uttotf sogueis'ihathis
'Varsity Rests,
'lbe '\-areita- hook ti tttuchi neededs
rei eassserdaysa-silndsnopractice' was5
iii the is' nnetisotai gittute Is i'ssoseil-
asi owittliprobhabla-betie nIthe its' tup
netixiSatli'stla. Setetr's lnte is iui
ver'tadhatcsonditioii ands soitt keeta hint
silt of thtt' giliticfist'soitimeus. 'lis
re'maiintg plays'sisreittvery'iaftir ('oni
stitio ant ilittite irea-ytos best Ober-
liii Saturdla-.
LttST-Strtta- lfternooni, lack
setil leather putrse containig -ants
ad addsress of own-ter, 5$ bill, smntll
ttill andtichange. tRewvtrdt sill tbe plil
tot' its return -to 45 S. Universitay. 37
Loft-Diatnond luelntr sirk pin at
gymnasiumn Friday evening, Finder
will receive reward by leaving satne
at 3 M5onroe st.

and see
that ever came down the pike.
Shoes Shined Free----------------------Shoes Shined Free.
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana--------------------------------____Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Aluni Number)---------- _Feb. 12
Imperial Qatt---------------March12
Oratorical Cnet--------------March 19
Lucius Perry Hls--------------April 2
John Kendrick Bag-------------April13-
Harrison Numbher $1.00
Oratorincal Contest .215
TICEETS NOW ON SALE-Renerved tichetn on.sain Thurnday,:Oct, 0th, at -Palmeres
dreg storn, Stain streetad Wahr's book store~Mllain street.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.-

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