THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. RICH IGAN CtNPIL Time Lab]l(f(Deised) Sept. 2, 1896 Mail and Ex _ 1 N. Y.Special __1_ NY.Special_ 4 f8 Mai - 4- -------_8_4___ Eastern Ex----10 17 N. S.Limited.S_ c 9 23 Atlantic Exe 73i Pacific Ex----- 1 ]1 D.N.Expees __540 Wete a ANh .-r WetrDx_- 15>ELP R.Express, _11(5 (hi Nt. Ex---- ii At ®I t Twa 0. G.P. & T.Ag.,Chicago. Act.Ann Arber-.e1i eo a F'9 eo ' Du N O c . a --,/ ITT R A L O D1. 2 h ni le ing a "r Lionbt web o - n. i I a'fAP~ode andSicoOMi °Geno. ( f l e t ie ccJ .A e A e. e c ii ] vqd o l , o e d o l ol e n b a s a n d llesa5 r et o n, All eebedail eacpt feiidy. [ie (CKY Cl V ciThe P n nllmanSleeprngbetwLien oubetwe ndo E.A.IGLROAD. A j lid m Ledoa hiand NROR& PSLATISOT RY®. inndyebeteen TYe]deCoand san 4:30_ lii pl.ieieiin iet8le:*ccl.--lc-et n- al - - db hePiLe The Only DLai n oomGraine bew eail Peipop m,.IieTsole wt ee Ce oledo, adClg restond LRntea e nsiAnAembonresandTl-o :(1beonnloldondCWylnoW.. nodpho;er:5,:0is:1it:0,oi th8:0eotthVeinie aod 15H . BNmT . P . oed .THE OPLALINE ih 4traneaoc oyPdail- lf~5A.NAR O m. - PT S .RY Sall e w n eo Ceietol ofs SUD aYle IME1, We8ave6 vey PefumsRwhchDb,,e99, 4 .Uiest vevH NYLN itih 2hrainsyachnwayedby Leave Ypsilanti from Congreassat., 6:10,3:0,fie ith obAetweienChcTolend al eo nW a an5:00a.m. 1:4, :0, :3 1 :00, 648:0 wwllbe gadtosh wSou O LtOeVgnaN O etween.TP.eA. 1land 0:5p.m. O-r Store, i7 P.PWLAhReLtnE _________Toledo,________ Leavto;Ypsoan t rCheon15rens ta.,1 ,33,Aen.fteOiCnrlLns WM. P. PAniKnR, Papt Camp and Deland on Football. seelli:' "'5I'11i~ltyol' hoiii-a 2: :a THE KINDERGARDEN B!LLIARD HALL V.Iseil, yet1:..",: Wh111at(is byall odds:1the: best [111eatilse s-:ais5::11 ii'll: hsspc srsre RAILROAD TICOKET BADOKERS, il:otbill y0toffered to tI pIblaic;I'ii 11'1"«I':iilci1:lii i dv ' e 11iThs:pceisreere Wholesale (.igain,1Tobaccos aiidl(':imp 'i Yal, :and(1 loriilI". Dland,'liol:f a:it::: :t:are:1welt i ii i o1 ':is 10fI for the GrandOpr Cigarefitefis ~ ii. ls f ae :11 ta h isa comels a ptl~l~ers oi1liei 'i tol COr'. Ifinand Liber'ty Sts. :Irie Nt'li llnownbylhir 1:1welioi'l rit-IeliIi lail fI:: iiilll ~c ul House M LLA RD iHURRAHI! Ann Arboirit at has a fine M i THEPhe bookis budin: lotd is:of 1hall "'Isonc illluds plart toi:Restauant and LunchCouneter, 'cs.i hle: ll:illstratins :and ii:l1 a All of lte' il rlll ofla p:1y11 are 11 03511 sslIi