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October 31, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-31

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fL 4 fUP dn.
P'ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, at
OrFICE: Times builing,.79 S. Main St. be-
ttteen Ltberty and Wlliaem Stn.
J. F. THOMAS, 97.
0. H. HAMS, '98.
E. L. GEISMER, '98 L. F. S. Sioa's, '98.

They Will Be Sung at the Game
Air-Marching Through Georgia.
Bibng tiic g-ood1old t'ik dkin 1bays, aid
pliay another gdiie-
I'hty thit kinid you rid atlatit, tue
kind tiat gives you f iitie
Pia-Vrfor deaticoad Miitiriti.oIs iiloril
to your t 1191001,
11cilie ste ire yeifuAg for "'i 91 .


wins the jury of shioe buyers and in
oura by a heavy iiajority. Footwear-
sotld bc top quality. Tue fcct can't
stanid anyiiiing eisc. 1Prices shouid be
low, so as to keep tiieshioe tax witiiin,
bounds. Yoll won't feel our ohoe
prices, butf tucy wiilsniako you feel
pleased. Tiiore arc no corii growcrs
like bad shoes. Cone to us and get
somnething tiiat yoiican wear yotiroeif,
inotead of the siioe wearinig your foot.
L. GRUNER, Noa S. nnrbS.,


H. BMH. E iANY, '(39. nH. B. Seanros, 98L.
H.H o1 ..C. M. GRE, 99:Athletic Editor. ore wI'e5 1Cti L
- tlui' "ii H l'r11ii?!We'%'sott) 'or vi.c
W. W. Hughes, '95 S. XW. SOmiti, ' Ysw'lhx ss i'tdyhwvr IE O HECOC F
'.A. FactO, '98 E. Louise Dodge,'991. Y',,w'lbet 11fetrdyhwvrGVSYUTECOC F5
Wi. P. Moriii, '9. lBotler Lamb. 1900. Oti ;l ul slit' he.
A. it. Smith. '97. C. Lull. jr.,9It)M. Wilei'We ire yelling fist'Varsily. DOZEN SCARFS - - - -
S-idOoni't ii- tii oii"h ttlil ing. u'
iiiir ti.°lt tiacks 'roiuiii ths' c l. Flow ing; End Four-in-Hands,
i1i'it flit s Igilsi oilies lto pilt our;ri'
Tue suhbsiptioni price of the Dily ts S2"30 ekSrlPffanBos
~~~deieyfr the cl cYear iiih a eegiiiar siv;y fl 1(1wi'l-leif enl.TrkSinsPfsadow.
biefore 110oii ech iiday. Notices.'ommuica-
lions. oundlothee ltter intendeitfor 10 ues I i~it .. 0 ot ain oldtn oii he iri.
tioni suostbehainited ini at itie itail ly~ l h- I1' '"i'9 lit.n th
foe .cl.,.or miled to tie iditor before 3T Iaen~ )fa'c~lf CI
p. i. of thy pi s 10to that 00n91 ilel JAi)V'ile' we' are' yelilg' f c ' arst
theye exesiected to oappear. Te r oiolrSa o o
Subsciptions moy he left lat The Daily Nowef5. "bck"il'( 1111 y
Office .Meye's or Stoft'Lo Nioivstaind, or ' li" l.l5~lil 'tilii r+)1111i, 75 centScarfs, buttfle best ties
swith Busiess ltlnagcr. 'Salirihero 11i1l CO"- our 111( ii OPi'i lili lo 10. thacafhe1prdncd'1r
tee a f'asor liy eeportiug prosiptly or thio htCn er
office iny failur'eofcarriers totdlie'r paiper. 511' t' t (' 1 T i 'ls-t till ' f lilli'111 1'\t v'k k Yier id~~
Wif 0tle ffown i'th fieltlt - I oII'J "II' di cents.
Mieigttt011)C~i'll'l 111 lllY A 'o wiil '\~irit!See Our W indow.
I't l'-1e 'l' lii ltiitiihsgiv'isig I lay. 111
J AS,1'. AItJS '''1l INC. 'S)91. 6
be glaltd ito lic of Ibis filct. Air-Siseet r ie leosajo Mohl lyh(at lIi
the _______________dle_ ail_ fees_11-afAj___t at.I'. ll' i 11 ltll i i.1i -i
joiittiissiiooi is 111111 (II'l1111) III wil
it i4s11111' leits ;glare'l. I' lflfIIWlir- ~I if' 11rus1 Ihl~t ('iltufrems GIm
iicl' olf t is -Il 11 ;(- lltfvc tro t'1i41-1 ' 11191sl ko ,
.11 ' 11111' r.1 lii1111111hucfi r % 119)0
out 11111111 ii. 1Nsl -\Alet fill' h '(lilt 'wn heiii'
tel ' e 111 liioiito liltoI s115r15y111'.i 1111t
,lictii"I'i. . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters...
The fllilinlllOO ff'tlll sholws itse'lf 'Ill' fill':1ii 11 'fI1101it "51 t:
at thlIiow'c i is Ififthilite' .,sthere of TI' '' I'n1111 111111to 1111it witils 44 SKo1 t State S.. A n A b r
this 0111,1111 b)i' 111111 ) 11 tiiig Ift0 I40 lnd11tillir fil'tlll','a I1 'tll_ U. hS . n r o a
St1dl;rl if1if 'bt 21i Uivesity 111119 ' wif. A ('III 1111'11S'
lil~ti Cl 1s 1 111. 1 ' ib'l rt Ili 1(ii? H E N Li
Il''thth ignlity o' r, ollge m l r t(111.ee' filifai il O B I S ~r1l, II SI? S H IR 7S
si tldents Ois llo i iof teir o111ac-' Milili Gill.
corrd check 11119' zltl'lll lllto i'k the iFor As'tii'iiFI'lflirt l 'is tiell'11 that ever came down the pike.
01 51lf-l'lsi)l't if 1101 frontllreg'"1irlIfo lo 1it111111 i'leartsOpal! Shoes Shi ned Free.- - - --- - ---io l ,d i


the I 1_'Cl'5119''5sgood 11111.e
Social Settlement,
'I'Tomo1rr'ow' 9ill ff1' aigrtclay 111'for
the 5011111 l'cttll'iil t idea111iniAnn Ar-
bol',,as 9w111 as a tblsy' 1a59'fo~r Prof.
Grahiam 1Taylor. Piof. Ta~ylor litais al-
re'ady appealr'lredlseverai ltlies tiltors'
AnnllActor audslienlces andl le is so
we ill knownl both as1111 ltbll' spea1kerl
anti for his griuftswork ill lhe 5011151
settlreent knolwnias119 'ieago 111111'
Mhr. Tay9lor obmes to A 011 Arbolr 151-
der the aspiices of tile Students'
Christian Assoceiatioll. In the ioorn-
ing le ie ol silak at Newbserry tfal
ut 9:15 Io 10:15 ant Iin the evening at
T:45 lie xwiladdtress a mass ieeting
in University Hall. -Most of tile
ohurelues will give up their evening
oservice in order that all tmuy attend
the nmasismeeting.

Aler-Chirus 'Tommy Atkints. I


'Wil's' boundl lto w5ili ttir 11111 -
'l t h'.111133111' ''15 fisiii
A ll o o t s IS.II's isare wt th 'ilIr' ,
'1111i'cu oce ';vll f11t-1)1 11 (f'hiig'c'ser; Leland T.Pwr----------------NOV. 30,
I'llr A1tb'tigani so lhl'lr. Boston Ladies' Synmphony Orchestra----------------- Dec. 11
I.L. It. Charles A. Dana---------- ------------------------ Jan. 21
NOWEvryodyYal. Ex-President Harrison--_-------------------------- Feb. 1.
-Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicaigo Alumni Nunmbor)--------- _ _Feb. 12
'Thieftiiiowiiig nii'u sil l lad this Imperial Quartet ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --March 12
et~clga ouysgb~e ~'iuOratorical Cnet--------------March 19
trl'r111111i'il, HarrcyVietinstein, A. L uu Perry Hlls -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -April 2
A. MlNa~sstlli-Ned t'aiulkhs, J.. 31. John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13,
Tho1i1ns ansI Erill SpIics'r. GENERAL ADMJISSION TICKETS :x1.00
Everyone is elesd to beitth RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 2.r0
reitse e li'SINGLE ADMISSION .50
grondshoearly. 'T'le eleerinig wiilii'e EXCEPT
noost effective if the iNchigan 111011Harrisaon Nuanber $1.00
usuoIs together 1.11 sections and keep Orauorical C~ontest .25
together as toucih as possible. Bring TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tichets onlnahe Thursday,:Oct. 8th, at 'Palmer's-
.your Dailies. I. L. HILL, dregn stare, State street, and Wahr's baah store~Main street.
YeIlniasler, JAMES H.IPRUJTT, Corresponading Secretary..

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