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October 31, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-31

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itt.,F L W ip
s'tunt red on last years team and
tit for the two experienced ens Nho
- - -s'ojsed (lie positon, would hae
r " T AA e ..We('sirte 'arsity lat t son. teis
- ' 't ts slailv lltNa''.i setles ell. ad is
r Ysrog", i t aotl tic soolsn ile ilsd. tit
i gt is 55 1iolls.
I Inzitt. at 1',t ta(kls', is aissllierne
nal. Ith iti Sieni isasilosa lrillai
c uss' i1sis siss h'istsis hisish1nt
1,71 ' illol ollsos'. sstl iis exoicrs -s
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isgssis.1). He' Its igis l70 hsu sis,.
si1)l l lst 'ly ssof i'h ue'. T'isi is Iis ire-
soiis o.tssisss. a LIsout fsss tiis',ii
110 is isis sse' ter.ii stiil It ib rl 5555
who' i len's so na ta del f
MIH1(1 'ufo ilst e l. Iis sweighlt is ts'0
.ss ls ssssiws 5cslsii i
pounsiis. le i' 5 5 l''~a'lll5
OFF FO I)1 i IZOI tcni ha beta all e erlleu ss'.lstsssll Is 'iho luesss'isss's'd yItheiis's'l rig t susills'cs'.19
0 tli e F rid)1ron. ' NN.ich wss e s side'ill'atescsl ne. h ilf. i ( liii' W till' i-s1i teilgs' isss ys-is Ilesi~ is. ls gssissi.t iglshe lil
tilh e at s ine ,rs . s won's ss1 Is to ss 'stcs i s tt htn s''y: t ( ' isat,1)syos ts. !\'i s isosussis ys rtlssi 7:s'1sis i misi .i's'ss':sg
The estandEas 1) Batle core, ms'fis tss ssthssatlsade aIeoss sst grund NNitlimadsic. cisisc' crsss Nvork fatssipelsst. ane orth
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toptsylii 'iisiyc u sesste n Netrtees i tut st nti saodial.Tessisis' ttmm \ tl ~fi te.setePenyvna ge i
'h aei ftentns npra.liss' ssptlsepliied ws ws i i ''ithN tsi5listt htss'is 5rng ssi1issetisll'. IokIn' i t eiio ~fe
Ii lilt'' s h t liss isid s 'lsts ill I'iCtotyssor s'sI Isofisis' siea a d liii oi i e asi t k n e ie s p 1..g ie
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till gus'l sshupsnt il'workitoday.iliii dowi n s wesh'li te slt soissssblock iied "y i'a s ssiss'st lii'lii' ils'' isosla s assaC nus lisi oT'shsirIss'isc riis e
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~ u . s'~d i s 's'~s'' iis 'ii.i50 i' siicsss issii ht lsl i li itS Isles eulss hiss' six ss
ssssiul o's'gThe .stem s nt in nss'sg lielsissi
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u lsrt, s rs's' o n i d is ii'sii i ll i:3 t rss.'
slissil. 'I's I'sissssrissy5 s
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f ir s'ir f t ~ ith arcsit sitlsta hl
Thei' Ilisi.bl' ine i ll be55'.S0 is fl
Wo lT i ens'sssli'li.'ii sPci' u i
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fritert .. in is, lneiM.solds
Eils'w vis guess(sa Neit nisof.t his
The showsing nusde tils 55ea5 Iii tt


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