Free Trip to etroit and Return.-""
(S9ueessors to the Golden Eagle) l0E6 Woodwarc1 Ave., Detroit,
Will refund the railroad fare to all students ordering a suit or overcoat in their store
aturday. Students are invited to visit our new store and inspect our stock and prices.
Suit or Overcoat to order $20.00 up.
Cir, of Woodward & Jeffersonses,
Vaudeville IheatreBijou Theatre,
Musee, Mystic Mate,
Menagerie, Taidermy Hall,
aquarium, Cosmorama,
Art Hall, Museum.
In Theatres.
S I c h M T O A L - a hairs in Fh at r 5 and 10 ts ,
; Pay Your bets
203 Woodward.
(Continued from. First Pame.)
(Sass, at quartes', is playing this usual
sar game. Tlisiis his ihird yeas sil
the teats, and tte is shint'ig better
tormn thans eves before. Ile weighs
J6i8 psouts, and( besides being a val-
uable msan in the interfercence ue backs
uoh iis line well on mse defeuse.
White, .a freslimian, at left half, is
playiug a phlenomsenal gamne. I~e
iails ftrom at. Mark's and camie with
a big reiputatiun as ai back. Ilie is sue
of the best ground gaissers afthsie
tiais d ti lays a ssosn",shtrd tie-
feinsiv'e'g'amie.Ie Weiglis llisatpiutds,
ansd is of asisliori, sseky build.
Vaashstyss is plalyitng Iis seconds
yeasr it sight 4halt, Aliliotighie ts
wt'iglis ibut 150, lie' is as strusig lists
buciker', lie foilmsi .hiis interfe'r'ence
sssil adsitis iasvery fasut tunner'
Illldesitiss, fiuillibick, is s itu'w mni
its t'elposition,salthsousgihthis is Is
tidAyei' ass'vos:iiy itisit. iie is a
fss it kicker andsi asgoadslgrousisdlgaisser,
h>ut 4issbest work i isisane its'eis'-
The 'teamii is, ias siscis tius's', rotser
light, bit thlst snappjy games'tisat is be-
ing plalyedi gus'sfaistiosvatid iiakisig
upithe si destis'ey Its weigist. 'list
baceks se'e'm -to tbe' lssyisig isbtter
team sgsssnes'thanisLisu.tyests, theiitrs'-
fes's'ss'ibeiig well form'eds'satntuof sli-
tisil situ tsots'ethen. sis. Mortis, sits
toss-is, seestos iavei'nst ille's msuchs
of liii' Yaile i'i ilit'41ih t'ie, atunst-
iess issfarseesi acc'ide'sts tissiesi, they
Ill ptlas good article of footbasll.
The folowinig statistics regssrding
(liii'w('ll kisiawss tlssysi's sisy not tbt
~iwill prws'ssintstslinsg evertlhSels.
Outr stnly 're'gret is thast we esssnt givet'
tisse spat'e to t'esminitwho brinig
hisosrto tse YellowawnstuBlue.
HIt. M.igitet, ('alitains, left endi, '98
l, wAeiglist 155, hseigist 5 ft. 10 in.
tackle, P.(t. L., weighit 100, hseigiht j5
ft. 8 in,.
F. W.', ("Psa") Hesinger, right
aciks', '9)7 I), weigiht 585, height 5 ft.
11 in.
B. Si, Curr, gsssrdl, '98 It, weight
205, height i ft., 1 iin.
J. W'. F. Benntt, guard, 'h)98IF,
we~Ight this),,heigiht 6 ft. 3 in.
D. K. Pope, guard, '00 L, weight
24.5, hseigiht 6 ft. 4 ini.
J.I)., Wmaniohier, center, '07, weightl
213, height 5 ft. 11 in,
V. ft. Ctsnningisams, center, 1'001i,
weight 190, height 5 ft. 11 in,
S-. iSihultzs, guasrud, '00 M, weigiht 170,
height i ft. 1 ?:n.
C'. F. Jusiner, tacekle, 1000, weight
154, istiglit 5 ft. 11 in, l
.1, B. Snow', itckle, '009iE, weight
178, hseigist 5 ft. 11 its,
D. J. F~letce'r, tackle, '9S8tL, weight
1S0, iseighst 5 ft. 11 is.
AN '. P Baker, guard, '961 I, weight
185, iheight 5 ft. 10 in,
T. L,. Farnihams, end, '07 iE, weight
163, heigist 5 ft, 10/ in,
C, (3. Palmuer, end, '97 E, weight 155,
ieight 5 ft. 8 in,r
L. lutchinsois, end, '07 L, weigihi
155, iheigiti 5 ft. 11 in,
J. Die 1". Rihardts, quartes', '98,
wenigist 155,iseigist J ft. 8/. isl.
Gi. i".treenileaf,sqsartcer, '00 _M,
w-eight 1-l0, height 5 ft. S its.
T'. J. Drumhlslesr, squarter, 'h97 L,
tveigiil 145, ieighst 5 ft. 6(in.ti
W.'haspias', (iuartier, '98 L, w'sigist.
145, hssigist 5ft. 1 iii.
'ti iE, weight 150, iteighit 5ft.1, ta i.
11. S.itgree, jt., hltf. 1900, iveiglt
150, iseigist 5 ft. 10 it,
itII. Gordonas, ittlf, '98 1, we'ighti
he, sigist J ft. 9 its,
li'd '. Hannaihi, jr., half, '9)S, weighst
162S, height 5i, ft. 1, its.
S. IG. Stet'le, ftull bactk, 1100, weight
i5:-,,issigist 5 ft. ist.
.R. Ilotgg, fttll bacstk, '0091L, weightl
1.5'2, iheigitt J ft. 7 in.
J.. Burlisisley, htalf, '0091E, weightl
164,iseigist 5 ft.t9 itt.
A.. Birdt, ends, I'. Gi., weigistVIA),
hetighti 5 ft-11 i.
C. A,. 'oley, htslf, '99 Li, weight lti
heigist 5 ft. 11 ils.
J,. Lssoms, lhalf, 1'053I, weighst
105, iheighst 5 ft. 11 its.
T1. A,N easl, htckle, '00, weigist 16S,
ssigist .5 ,_t,.-81' in.,. .
U.II. Vs'igiit, tackle, 1000, weight
i.65, heigt 5 ft. 101 its.
A,.I11.lFos,tc'kle, lt00, weight S1t3,
height 5 ft. 0 its,
4A few facts regardisng assnsber of
lt'e isaslisig '5'ttsity etsssdidastes fol-
C'taptain, lI. A. Selislur, 198 A, fassil-
dry gettdsi"'Murt," hullsaso u.s- taiis
si ~ ailayer hsthe cassfils'scessf tise
twhosle l'ssivs'rsily. It is a.g.'s'tt sourc'e
)f pride to enow that stl isisfost
bail ability wias developed isese at
iis'iigtsssHe hssbeeets playinsg left
'isd for thse 'Vsrsity sisnce 1593, ansd
is sstkowietlgvtleasthis'glasest Kes
'vet isodisced inthue west. Koreotver,
its last yessr's Harvartd gasie t'vens the
'astuinissers giave iisthie crestit of
4ultitsssing Cabol, wvho far the past
lu's years isas boon thse leadsiing eud in
use et.t We csan rust assusrued that
' Sesser's. end" will be seeniss against
F. E. Rundel,
19D & ?3 Wwddve,, - - Detaoil, Mich
Telephone 4011.
Formerly Manager Detroit Branch
Jno. Irving Greenhouse Co.
Riggs CafTe,
82 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Meals nnd Lunches at all hours.
Baggage Chefked Free.
'Phone 1912.
T. L. RIGGS, Prop.
H otelI Ste 1 Car,
Detroit, rich.
AMERICAN PLAN, Coi, Monioe Ave. & Randolph St.
Absolutely Fireproof.
Steam heat and hot. and
cold water in every room
free of charge. All the lat-
est improvements. Locoted
ini the heart of the city.
Rates $2.50 and $3. 00, with
bath $3.50 per day.
WK."P. B[YEII1Proprietor,