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April 13, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-04-13

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gt off hall-By Scott, Royce. Struck out-By
fL ti * Scott 2, by Callahan 2. Passed bal-
Sullivan. Time of game, 1:30.. Umpires
the Collegte year, .at
Orrats: Times building, 129 S. !Main St. The annual "stag' given by tare Tech Not the kind. you hand in at the
Telephone (.eeS° ate) 159.
Glee and Banjo clubs romeo off next
ANAGINGuoEDsTO. Thuroday evening at Granger's. Every Bak, hut those swell Check pat-
BUSINESS MSANAGdERt sale in the University is invited to at- terns we're showing i our assort-
0. B. hANs, 'os L. lend regardleos of class or department.
EISITOIISThe extraordinary success of like f mont of GOLSF BREECHES-Some
H, e. SxcssLMAN, '55 L., Athletics, fairs in preceding years insures a large aeqitpten tesaemr
E. IL. Gmscznn, '55 L 'r. K. Woonutow, 'Os attendonce Thursday evening-. aeqitpten tesae r
F. ENGEnA.nW'5. T1. D. EAMAN, 'tO a
G. D. ltnuvvT, 'G0 R. S. DAx ORTn, '9 The clubs have been practicing ions or less pronounced bust every man_
P. AV. JOess, '(0. C. B. Lcn, '0531. and faithfsully for Ibis affair and prom-
A. it. ttcIeUGAi, '01 N. ieaprga hckwlbeaaetet has his taste and there's not one
to lovers of genuine college manic. The whonm we Can't suit and fit here.-
I-Tech clubs have already won an enci-
The subscription price of the Daily is $25 able reputationa for tbemselves this a:.
for the college year, with a regular delivery year, and the program will certainly be
hefore noon each day. Notices, commsunica-
thues, and othernmatter intended for publics- wortia haaring. After th'e.
lionrat mustfheShanded is aikeHatsiy olteCn
iomutbhaddnatteDiyoicb-ll foe 8p. m., at mailed to tCan editor before 3 dancing oand other amusemento will be olf.,Soitse day pevats, to thCapsn9whic
they are espected to appear. indullged in.
Subscriptions may he left at The Dully 1 Sylvane£.:..-axO.
Office, Meyer's or .Stoffiet's Newstsnd, or Student Demonstration Tonight.
with Businoss Manager. Suberiberswlllcon-
fer a favor by reportinf promptly at this I CmWe als need agenssfor oar line lene of Subscription Hoos, Atlases, Etncyclopediaa. etc
office ant failure of carriers so deliver paper L~ast sight a small but enthuolasti.
________tI arouse inaterest in the organizai-o
(Continued from first page). of a campany of naval reserves. Thooc
by the cola and refe reisce to lan ac0- present, among wehoma ae.' quitea
onspanying thio artia-le. enumbec of r oral reoerves fromo other
The contract calls for the conmpletion places, waere fl of interest ir: the pto-__________________________________________
of the buildinag by October 1. The sock ject and appointed a comnmittee to boom
tho mrgesn ~lil ndrafreo 1c attrr.j INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME,
sho cel-ieneaS fIe Tonight a big meetinag is taolbe held CO RE L ]IB ON ARD.
-cather is favorable lice contractors Iatk cieaes ovraogcia 47-7 ra y, Albany, N. Y.
u-ill ptrobably be able to tunaover the ht.J.0}alpin,'5 a h cdBkers of thecars ofand 00555,0Liersity of Blic'as,
building on the specified dat . The of the "Naral Acadeimy of lice(Great C uf Chaia , C.vof, Yleisn oet one, olmian illiamorPes-
taes' f oldo wltadrrs 1c sirslHavadYae n eieCsumlanilios
foundation ia about finished and work LkClassTldo wlWadrs teell a~ry, Bryn Mawr, etc.
meeting, annProfctM.aEsCoecialty.
is about to begin on the layinofItheaeetnadPo .F 'oe ct
be secuced for a tallk if paosible. A

'Varsity Plays Good Bail.
Yesterdays gamseu-as a coplete re-
vercal of form shown the day preced-
log, and the 'Varsity had so trouble in
winning. Fifteen ercars are charged
against Bay City, wchile the 'Varsity
played a perfect game. The latter
played sisappy ball all through and
ncade focir fine double plays in as many
Innings. The final srore wsc 11 to 2.
Scott was in the box for ltce 'Varsity
and pitched a fine game. Callahan, for
Bay City, held the 'Varsity daown to
four bitt.
The summary:
AnB. B. H. 0. A.
(Cooley, 2h. 3 3 1 0 2 0
C'ondon, lb.a.. 5 .. 5 0 7 2 0
Buller, rf. 4 2 0 1 5 5
Wof, 3b........3 2 1 2 2 0
iDavies, m. d 5 . 40 1 2 5 5
(filbert, s.n .... 3 1 5 2 t 5
Mlatteson, lf. .,..4 1 5 t 5 0
Mclee, c.......3 1 1 2 0 5
Sottp......... 2 105 1 1 5

large 'roan ant, antenthuaiastircamee't-
inag is expected. Thce me'eting will bc
held in the cou rt houseac t i:10 p. as.
Everybody Isrnioti.
A Hot Game Today.
Awtrin gause is expected at the A5th-
letic Field today. Michaigan is now once
gaime ahsead inc the series. Blut two
more remain to he played. aiid if the
'Varsity leans-ains one of thems they
will have secured the majority of the
series. Captain Lowney, of the Bay
City team, swears that he waill winglice
remaining twoa'sncd a hat game sill:
probably result. Thae U. of M5. lBand
will attend and a large crowd ocigo.
to he present to encourage the teams.
Game called at 4 p. m.
The clinical, course for practitioners
of medicine, given by the faculty oif
the Romeopathir college, opened yester-
day, Several important operations


515 East Liberty St.

Phone 106

.At Wild's arie'VIA~NW
fiom the Fast. Cali and setor
inpc u... ..1- odn aeawt
Suitings, Trouserings,I L-fodnCaeawt
Top-Coats. plate holder and carry-
NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN luig Gase for $7.00.
- Takes a 4x5 picture.


SPRING VACATION is conninig 2.-A 4x5 Plate Camerat for
soon. Don't go home with a big
trunk, but buy your Dress Suit Ojase, $5.00. Takes good pie-
Valice,'Telescope or Travelling Bag.
-AT-I ture, too.

Total- --.. .29 11 4 18 80 were performed. Physicians from all 302 SOOTH TiIAINV STRtEE
BA BCT. scO A .oer Ike state are present. Tile nuns- Flee Line ofGonods and Low Prices.
Lowney, s.- --." "31 1 ,.1 5 4 her of patients in the hospital at nson
Mecfevit, rf -2....30 sc0 as 6ll; besides these a large' number
Royce 1b.-.: 2 5 1 5 5 6
Sullivan, e.......1 5 5 2 2 0 weak at 5 a. m. and wcill run all day.
Warner, 3b.-.. . .2 5 0 2 1 2 _
Calha, 2 Among those present at the opening ~ I Y ~{
- -- -- --- clinic were Dr.OsaofAlgnDr
Totals-.......2 2 5615 0 15Omn5.Aien,..r
I'nnings- 1 23 4 56 Graham of Jonesville, Bra. F. C. Gil- THE
Michigan- - 3552~t cher and D. Womer of Republic, Ohio,
iBay City- - -s. ..0 0 Qs 2- 2 Dr. Leonardson of Corunna, Dr. C. G. Ta y ow
Twa-base hits-Lowney, Callahan. Jenkins of Massn, Dr. Long of Eaton
Stolen bases-Condon, Butler (2), Royce. Rapiids, Dr. F.. E. Palmer of Albion, Dr. w~idow
D)ouble plays-Gilbert to Condon Wolf 4. J. Alien of Ionia; Dr. Noyes of North
to Condon, Wolf to Condon to Gilbert, Adams, and Br. Rare sf Memphis.
Wolf Iso Condon. Bases on bails-Off LOST'-Brown sinter overcoat lst TUESDAY, ARIf)L 191
several reeks ago.' Finder, please leave9
Sestt 2, off Callahan 5. Bit by pitched at Daily sefine and receive reward, 244


Freshb every week.
Only in psekagen:-
60e a pound.
Lowney's if you

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