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April 13, 1898 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-04-13

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We certainly have a very fine and carefully selected line of Furnishings for Men Con-
vince yourselves that we are THE BEST.
Largest'line of Fancy Hose in the city. Complete Department of Men's Underwear.
The Best and Cheapest in Neckwear.
Don't miss our $1.60 Gloves. A perfect guarantee in every pair. The swellest New York
styles. _________________________
Caltwand See Us,
Those who said rats' to the A whole window frill. TAILORS
Ann Aroor atst" Co., 20.20 E [. Cleaning Presing and Repairing
Washngon street, learned IRL TSi1U LR lfTHE___TOGAPHE r A I GWork called for and deli rered
hat even ats were some se ,~ t-osoiso lItb2S STATE SI. overi Rses.
isEle world. In tlis case they Tephone C)" ANN' .'11101' j Phone No . ,Ness Stoe.
ielpe',to boy Cavas Guittr
Cases at 9;c each by just gnat-s .1.X. AP TW
leg a rew slightly. MasityTk V.ofJ~I
them 'bsolutely perfect tor-1FUNERAL DRECTOR.
Ambulance night or day.
- Residence 3201Fith Avene.
ix lModel tor 'IS t 11t.11 b'11J Modl, Whle they Iaet RIt$50.
ADUI) AtBO '-' ru or, Cor Main and tiar. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRSTCA5S.
L'f~l R ®, !&+U 13~ w s Dr g to e, Streets. Orders for all Fraternity paris, club
___________________________________________________________ dances. etc. Leave order at Ann Arbor
Time TablTIe, AL.Set 5, 07 MsieC0o ras Iesidece, 7lb~ddes ave.
TRE AL t the Theatre., Calendar. .P. S. -Will take 01 sPlteadi
Traina leave Ann Arbor by Central Standar sight reading at above named Pla, es.
Time. Aftr Iser departure, st to htet i jFriday, Ail 150' to uonday, April ,5- 3 . Johnston.
NOTSUH rnvcto naldfat rs""8:43 a. m. :oam 1'lis Ta''rtattawn Widow sill 1be a term 2 'ttist ti1t~ it C
ailtia am, j 12.5am i. ot reiioarh amoing theater-goers here. I Ali)*) .sllt.'oe nlitetL .Ca-U.of M. SIIIg Pan id Ba om
4:d6 p.m. 8:40p. m. raw tutt at Rtents stele,3U U Sving TaTlrsTIRiows
Roa between Ann Arbor and Toledo only iIn osrderta i, .weinithe screi die. 22SOUiTHSATE liresigapaar
N.HBNET .P . oledO. Aet~ Isr.tsea tyleifttli tt b'AiiA i tlv tl ilOld friends call agin. We weiene new
W. as wEeTl0l.A Tld 0 to rmark that the charmtits gtudetlprtinig p ripercisetileate ones. J. R. TROJANOIVSKI.
ssidlsows d heritserry rcohotrtossill hosld 'tied trips tckstolalttll pomin t snthe
7 T].1 '[7 C tral Pasetge Asit tiis tesitrii R
MICHIAN UE7 'tI her fral reteptionlt stAnn Arborr a1 thefoonadonthrreuroewy
v_______ rsi'adsietidtg lite ILowney's Chocolates
"The NtearaFasot." IAt-its Theter, Tuesdy pil1,rte.The, tithes ill ht Slid April-0 TO
Central San ard Time. Ns iesiti litssvl si b nl1.1ss euo dl itli g ril 2 s closeTTE' AS:
Rail n S A T A N N A R B O R . m os d y r e th e e n u e o t h e e e in g s t " t i i s n l s s t s ti i F V
. M.A.'1etertaitnent. 12. S. illAtOpifll gent s ALRESfyoWjk
Mali andEs-47 BD,N. V .ChI 12 TRAS il-91 'TACK TEAM NOTICE.. ihThe Fisk TeasalltoAnthecmed c 11bn . ND
EtenN S. Lm ited.0 15 10 Paciic Ex ......12 30 os hole tracla sqtad is called ottRei ter toe ot lisi (Chicg f
A. hM.- Wetern Ex P 138 for regular wsork We Ine.day Apitlritre. 78 Woabsash stenuie. A U. f XL . TO RENT.
D. N. Expresn.__5.0 G . I.& KEx 5.1tteAhetc.ilgadaei aaer 4 YL
Atlantic --- .301Chi. Nt.Ex.. -7 41 teAhei 'il.g ltl i saae.17M.STAELER S' .ElPA MPORIU
G. R. Expressnss---!I1 05 ALLAN CAM4P~I' 1, AMe. NOTICE. w
*North Shore Limited is an etra fare train - All pertontis haing Mltltic'aiietsiats One door east Of Athecricala House.
and there Is a charge of V5210 to New Yoh
more than on other trains.i To sick Rubbr ute MAJOR'S P.155 stb(ripiluin bitka are asked t and Both Phones, No. 8.
0. W. unGEtna. H. XW. HATEO. LEE CEMENT.Beware !1 !1 Coil 1 jthemto tsthe msember sif the MihIiga n- R Grl
G. P. &".T. At, Chicago. A.. Ann Arbor takae a substilule. i n!as istrtvtsi wom her.ssie
NOTICE. them. 7. LiISNIR-.Bis. Mn. 1e ~tcvM5~w no l
IFYORATIIEYBSTIO Tthes ill e aielting osithe l~s ~er,.!ELRGS AUACUESO Atn.
I aj RTRIYSATOEY dyevand 37. dil Clsb-sits W4edes- INTEt IT.HE 05WOtLD..
ERYg e te7i1'1n.SP Phsis and Ceistt (iao) for A. G. SPALDING & BROS.
I W. C. BOYNTON Pr.'P ich1-t - I. S. $00.
BADGES OR PINS ___TeNm__he______ee
Send toIll biycle mn, canddate fst the Three Id.i. S. Prins. $1,000, 11200. ln TeNm Et nrne.
" Sed t Al biycl me, cndidtesforthe $200. ffiialOufitter En the Leading Coltee, Ath
track eanm, are ressieteldts repor at IIB.S. Assistnt (wman) English, Eery equ sihofte for Il . al
SMITH, STUUG{ ON & CO., Regents leleld every ftertiac a frn $000.eyRqiie o ae at
Gls' Col. Prep. Sll. "Latin aid Athletic Sports and Pastimes.
237, 79,241 Woodard Ave.. etroit. 1eno r. - 3d1. B. MABRSH, Trainer reek, 450 aind homne The Spalding Olfficai-ialLegue B$al
Designs andeatimates frnishedon alt wotk' '" We have very mnaly eoter vaancies Adopted by National, Siner. 1olege ad
ef this hind. iiteroity Shool sitDancing will anld re geting them es-ry day. Al- School Leagss
___________________give program prtico both Saurday bert & Clark Teachers' Agency. Pel- Bae Bal Unfrms, tat, GOmis,
evnig dtngvaaiomats.Bldg.. Chicago. The osldet and N1il, Chet Prtetoraos, tc
largest in the West. 'Thirteenth year. THE SPALDING CAINLES BICYCLES
Built' 1o order, Repaired and University School of Daningl Send ffor Ildst~n sCaaogue*fall
Enameled, at 106 North STATE WTI5ET0PPOST LAW BUILNGs. A.V6. !PALDtiNSv&rBROS.
Forh Tvnu.Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every Saturday Evening.NwYr Cicg
'i.. W n r. Private Lesons by appointment. Office, 427 Thompson t.
AULLIEOBIYLnusnisi oc.ENVOCII DIETERLE, - uitars, Mandolins, Ban!"e
(successorn to Hunter ,& Chapin) tedd a ~gh.AI9at 2o per cent ef from oruual to
taarA~xR mNo. 16i East Libety Sreet.: esdence. ':3556a1priem-thin month. TeseGenie a
MAUATRISo... . Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 1I. ' f* re all guaranteed.
Dental Instrumens and Fine labhiery CABRESMSCJB
Speial attenton given to Bicycle NRepairing {(ip ISSA ISI " . .' SCAEERE' MSI S"
BCYCLE LIVERY-Prices Reanable. RANDALL;TH Pi * 9 114 qwet Lbel'It.n, AnaAniar
, P Q' { ony a oorsWet of Sain t.
No. SiB ELiberty S. Ann Arbo :WASHINTIIR BLOCK ANtICARBOR ..a ws ~ s

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