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April 01, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-01

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1Published Daily (Sundays exCepted) during
- he College ear, ax
orc: Tmebuilding, 29 8, Main St.
Telephone (ew S ate) 1K5
J. F. TostAs, "S0 .
0".11. IANS, 'ISL.
H,. B. Ssn.su~, '98 L.,Athletics.
E. L. OnlSse, '3 L. RM. 9OAroov1, 'So
BUTLR Ln, '0. T. I. WOsonow, '5
I .. CAntratt, 'O. Allan CAPrueLt, 'S
I+. EARD"ont,'3. F. D. EAstA, 'So
P. W. Joes, '9
The subscription price of the Daily is $50
for the college year, with a regular delivery
before oon each day. Notices, communia-
ticos, and other matter intendedl for pubia-
ion mst be handed in at the Daily office be-
foee8 p. in., or mailed to te editor beore 3
p. in., of the day prevos to that os which
they ae epected to a. ear.
Subcri p ions may be lft at The Daily
Office, Meyer's o Soffits Nestand, or
with usness Manager. Soeribers will o-
feracfavor by reporting promptly at this
office an failre of carriers to deliver paperl
There swill be a mretig of the Daily
Bord oss Strday, April s, ort 11 a. m05
il Room 9.
The Word Campus.
The wrd (Campus, mean0ingitt s'lIg'
gotunds, i a oiew-fagediusage. It is
dicoverble irn on ditionay knowna to
sic, sve within the Fast eae- Web-
ster won igorant of it in l ediiono
up) to 100. The essormousa Oxford wnak,
which how twice a s msay wors as
Webster, acknowledged iitol is sI.
Thio voble sny be red inour UnIi-
vrsity closs day song of Jue 1, la:
'Twasson lthedewy Capus gras
One blue Spensber mlor.'
Thuss far 1 have eO~nit in sosius it o
ealier sdate i gorrino'th.a ibds of
Wiseonois's tniversiy. IMaosy a reader
ot the (Crdinal an enligtens mlri-
neso. -Itrustt s0meStciffthsm wil eowy
seso loer sdeis oeig0it my lwsten
dep.-Joanes D. llier is Wsoonss
Across tho Atlantic.
The oicieal as'ceptanc.e of oe cha-
letge sn' by Harvard, Yole, Princeton
snd Colmbia for a hess match b
sable boo een reeivd fromn Oford
'inerily. The Englishmen conider
ix plyros ot aide sunicienot,and
- sgget Airil 20 fas the dte of -he
ymteb, They forther sggslt:iat no
player shl ie eligible for more than
ie years from the dte of his mttricsu-
laion as a mon between th cal-
satiotno for Englihand Anercatsin-
tercollegiate chess matesr. 'bs or-
noment is to be bld ounder the ptro-
age of the Mnhattan Chbrs Clo.
Arrange For Fencing Tournament.
There wiii be a meeting os thOe Ui-
versityFesseng lb tomnorroswvaoter-
noon at d o'cls'ch at the gymntasions to
arrange for a tournsmentatos be held
afte Fater vaation. tQuite a. num-
ber of entries ave already b en se-
cred and the tournonment ptonis to
be ;successful in every way. Ayoe
who desires to join the club isenes-
ed to do so as oon as possible it or-
dle to be able to enter the tournmanent..

At the lost meeting of lbse society the
folloning officers were elected: Presi-
dent, H. N. Clarke;,svice-lresidsnt. J.
Nllen;oseretary and treasurer, it. T.
Beryer. A rssnstitustion -vansalsoadopt-
Itntercollegiate Notes.
Tue atnoal cotol'ogse of Nos.'tfsv.ersf-
ecn Uivsitiy, just mooued, shows a de-
creased attensdance, as compared to lost
ycar. Its all degree-con'ferring depart-
mens the esnrolment in 2,003, against
2,113 for 1097. The schosol of oratosry
and ' arademy have sover 000, bringing
line total attendance to about 3,000.
Professr E. B. Front, of Dartmnouth '
Cosllege, has been appointed a mnesmber
ot the staff of the great Yorkeso ob-i
oorvatsry ot the Usiversity of Chsicaos.
The fosllowing subect boos isetn
chosesn by 'Horvard 'forthe Horsestrd-
Princetoss debate, whirls is so ice held
is' Camssiridge on May 6: "teolc es,
Thiat Ike lpresent setrictions oosmi
gratiossino t he Uoited Stoles arc iss-
susffiieint." Tfhe rhoice of oides on5 thos
osusstisons will fail to Princetsn.
'fle relasy ts'ack mrs's which 5. ill tols"
stars'Aspsil 30tolata Philadliao, is
which IMichigasaiboss entered, ha i casedard
grest enthssom amssosng the traro mns.
Twevns'ty-one mssens are out and traisaing
hard insorder ttooomike Ohis cr. n, which
wcitt costsst ot four snen. Scansmltss
snnumbrrof smessn atasre outIand trans
the fosrs nd qs suality ot ') rb sdone
sally, susreil' Michigassnwill be trepre-
sessted toy a ine team. Matnagor Catmp-
bell reports thsat about seve-n of the
sosost pionsisitsg candidates will bhotak-

Easter Sun-day, April 10
Some of the articleo you want for EFaster Sandi

Don't put off buying
Your Eaoter Suit until the last
dlay. Buy it early, so any little
alteration can be made. Our
Suits and Top Coats at $16.00
and $18.00 are correct in fabric,
style and price.'
Men's Modest Neck Dressings
All the pretty patterns and
jcolorings that give a natty ap-
pearance to the wearer are here,
All ohapes 50c.

You'll want a Hat
You'll want it right in s
price. You caen't gov
you buy an imperial, $3
you don't want a stiff
have plenty other styles.
Men's Gloves
The new glove for sprint
Slate Shade--well iiade
for dress, not for driisn
Also plenty of Tt.iiia
Shades, $1.0)0, 81.50.

ay wear.-
style and
Wroug if
00O. If
hat, we
ig is the.
e, mieant
intl Red

e e "

O @ USICAL ! @
. V. MelOGilesieeleadi er of StandolielBano
and Gniner Instructor in the University
j School of Mdusic. 1 years experience as
'.../ f a loather.(alatIAnn Arbor Malec Coos
y;.X S5tore t arrange for hours.
Fine Confections MONEY LOANED
Bon Bons and on watches, Diamonds, Wheels or oher Per-
sonal Property.

es' too the training' tablle Skatoss oy i g0sstht, 0 A TW SHN TNIIE~
at which timse the training tasle swt20i ATWSHNTNlTET
be formally started. } 316 SOUTH STATE'STREET.
To ntillo Rubber use MAJORS RUtS-
take a substitute. COTRESL
s ~snivanla, larvn'
BADGES OR PINS Cacoursas~ck~
Send to
2333, 2335,241 oodard Ave,..Dteroit. Cu a M vtst
Designs and estimsates furnished on all wsork
of tb kndWe regret that the,
FREE-financial real.
Bi 0 y S ! stand.' But we beg le
SPRING VACATION, is couning offer with the positive
soon. Don't go homne-with a bigr the year. No more spE
trunk, but boy your Dress Suit C)ase, for the BASE BALL SF
Valise, Telescope or Travelling Bag. ONE DOLLAR. Lea
A-329 South Main Street. Tele
30 OTI1iAINSREFine Line at Ooods and Law Prices, O M I S
Athens aTheatre$ PhelS 55Es
$ 0Q LNG $ MAKE MON0EY By securinga
LINCLN J ~ARER'5 map published; six feet Ilong; eleven beausifu
$ One side shown a colored map of our gre
o ,et.Tegac sieshvsacountries at a glance by help of a marginal'is
$UNDER THE DM . dane.tbasass.Amn a~ i
DM . discoverers, and accurately locates she acei
MONDAY, PRL4." hOnwet o f $1n.a 5 we will sendsa sample
APRILotan trial agency, Oar men clear:f
RAND McN.ALLY & GO., leg
t1#'1r 'X r" ^ ",.r "We also need agents foror Sgfine e of So

t or.Miri,. Allibusinessconfidentiali. Hours..
Sioii1:;Oa m.andlto3:30 osdton. m.
Joseph. C. Watts.
Baregains'in Secoe "hand Shatchen and Dta-
S Broadway, Albany, N,. Y.
's ased GOWS, to Olives slty ofiC Meithi,s
of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehlgh, U of Peas-
rd, Yaie, Princoton, Columbian, Williaoms,
tame, etc.
delivery of the DAILY cannot he-
one prevent-of course you unider-.
cave here to anounice our spring
e statement that it will he the lIst of
tIcial rntes. We qulote you the paper-'
AsoN--that is till entI of semester at
yhe name and money at Daily office.
ephone, New State i89.
Liberty St.
acounty agency for eu Reveroible IWall Map
dStates and the World. The largesa one-sheet
1l colors. It laneo attrativa that it aimost sells.
'at country, with railroads, counties, rivers,.
n y eleg ant .Map of lbs World, locating all
O des. It also shown ocean curreats, routes of
ns of nil current events, such as boundary
s'polar expeditions, etc.,
lcopy by prepaid express, and will inform yoti.
from $15 1012S weenly after a month's work.
1-174 Adains 55., Chlcago5 111.
;bscription Soaks, Atlases,.Enryclopedlas,e'tc-

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