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April 01, 1898 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-01

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Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceits
x II
...tadies' Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Capes and Waists.....
Never has the advent of spring brought to our door such elegant UILTRA FASHIONABLE L'dies=
Wearing Apparel, Such EXQUISITE EXCLUSIVENESS as wei are now showing in our cloak room. T
Every garment hs that thorough TAILOREDS TYLIINI SS that air of GRACEFUL DEBONAIR so
13 nnmen desired by effetive, obby, dressers. la
3 Extra Sample Lines.
t 1 Representing the latest ides of three of New Yoik's foicmost desi]lors are now' on sale at
ONE-THIRD .LESS thain regula selling prices
Sk or lirs e T ^ 0 . e ik n Cto oaCapes and Jackes. \rIJ 0.../..X (.. J/ .,...Received TToday
Do you know tat te ik dSe UsE , iEiuo~. S E N ULR & BRNK
C . ADOI A whole window full. . ""°"TAILORS
WALteDes oeMfanDOLIN R1TE HTORPHRCleaning, Pressing and Iepirig.
le eletloeo ama- RETSULER IHJITOGAPHR dWork called for ad delivered
dlis made? JDo you t~ow t a-- T' l C . .E~,R 1=S TA Sroerloe'r
it is costructed us thease ''eephobne '0. ANN A0Bi tij Phone IlNo. 23TINS'..oeils'.
princleutpal if;rtod lvioli? that _________________________________________ ioeNo14Ne'Sl.
st.celotam 5$U poutol? Ak ao- Ima
abu- c t0. 11. IYARTIN,.
il 1A §0 4A0 5-07 E. Washigton St, mbalming a Spoctalty
oi). 209 IerU~tH A AENUE
Aebulcec night or day
________________________Rlesitiece 8011 1th Avenue
ANN ARBOR Sx ;el e '5sOS3. tf oel,'viie hylat and Ilatnr[ttCAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRSTCLASS.
Tie abeSuda, ep, , 807.1 . t B~ovr i.'ns lDrug Store, Cot trees. . Ordes oeoalFrteraty prties, cu
Tim Tble Snda, op? 11817.dncsoetc Leave ordes lta A tnAbor
TIME -TAii3LFA usic Co. oratIesi dece,1ill? Oddeave
Taisleave AnnArborhby CentralStandard At the Theatre. Calendar. iPs-wiii tike pupils cn loteacdia
Time.___ sigtI redig at above amed Plcs,
NOT, OTH trtrlitgly pretsae pt FiaiArlbi , ut;,A. J . Johnston.
21:43 a.mi. 57:30 am
"i2:1u a. m, 11:5 a., ticsnsof te awftoiluricane which Swept of Kancos, itt S.I. A(:runtec _______________________
448 P" m. .8:40 p. m. Ithe arbor of Apia March 1ath, 18'), Cltu-dayAril--ctisltetcterlotitl- U.of M. ShavlinP u~San attRos
tRunetwees Ass Aehoe and Toled ely Iis the irincilol ee feature of "n- soc. ci in Uiversity Itll for beteilfE , IMRAgn 22SUHSATErS adBTRET~
ESOILMOE, Ages tdtrCthe tDoe" hchetcomes tothe E 5,SU C.TTESTRET
W, H BENNETT O.P. A. Tleda . - Lades' rtistic ale Dressig .cp stois
AhettsTeter. Monday Aril 4t. cOlte SALE C Ill Af. Old friends ciii egai. e wlcome e
f istoroi the i icr crunottect o-I Johnon's New Universal t'yolpecit, esJ. t. TiOJANOSI.
a tacz ore tiCiling story thatn tha
_____________________ l1.I t1h 'ts etaof le ,racoito hi8hCccl.ediios. Rnui t e.315215.'t n- iRo utt h asl5tb
The Niagara Falx Rute." ogllattly fotgt hweid aod wave in itolotc. itrevenig. 1311
theteraw t~thor0 tssu ilat errt~t. L wne'sChocolates
th arwIabrdrn htee ~nysCentrl aitasdaed Time. Ilb remtemereldcstorm. Noal atnals NOTI'E. I -oT-
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. donoIreccord a mortset-cgrandlty ticls. ob ilycea-e-mtaiGO etlTO--e I
FAT. atiotn thantt n-:of-tew tat" alip' adrootae t
M Pii adtEsA athet'Egliehttasts-a, ,iiop, 1ti.y fromtto 5 to'clokIt cIte gym-t 1. W.ILJ L.L.jIfl ,sises.
NN E. 1-_ 47 B , N. Y , Chi-...? 1swetn, seingt hat to: linger italb ttsiutt. DI?. FITZG ERALD. ALLEGRETiS, i you wish
N..Special. 458 itail . 5 - 015iharbor wills his gint sips meanttsdoe -___
0N S Limited---8 15 PacticEs.-- I el23 "t-aelti t: to r 'irr all f the 1l".sc MiscIMarhll hs tt sle at Slcue
EatesnEu.. looserf eft st''-of-car, ite'recivcc o li Icito cecol dcies it I lethe
Atlantic FEs .7 :tn Chi. NI.Ex.7 471 chantsot reote'in a tmiliono.tauthe5 0 e
G .Ei ~ s-!.01did 'reacrh o e aant wsh loPicehresoall te., goccie ot DISCOUNT ON ALL
*Nrthi ShoeeLimitedtis a etra fair teanal olitc'of tal lt se anhrle rea t hoeTahtsgt le iia
to beachargeot 21510New Yrk lnoharboorflat clay escaped). NoIess hb e- 'IiskTliches nta 11as
other trains. _he arlewore thl~e stno th ~e Tecisowo, totaty potitionts s all othoes combcine.
0.W RIXV G Itp e o. . W. AYEoi - EceriE tesuteb srtugle of tho'.Reiter atotDoce iuh tde hcas f-
-" G. P. & T. A, Chlccgtt. Ao.. Astt Arbor EnTglishmn.tsent Li toighty cheeri I lce, 37 Watah avnu- A t. of at?. TO Close tie out.
f___________________ rotmt450 thttats. Expectinog erft gratctt, i mcugr.1'6~A
death themeites thoey rejoced hot I _gaduaeimanger._______8 ~ER,
THE BUCKEYE ROUTE, their, frensd iht ytb ae.- ' ITe.avnesl f~asfrcUn ' EAHE RI WANTED 1F011NEXT it151. WshigtnS treet. 'lon 8.
CLLMBS, HOCKD INGSAL[Y AIB OED4 RAILWAY te D)orn&beginssthis ust..ing. ISEPTEMBER,. Its i iP otts tI scctto.n
Is the ony line from the Toledo Uiont -liyis- n hhesi ty 11:0.: f r cEsites cri ttti's OFcATHsETIC
Satioslo otlambus esndpinto eyoasd, I PyisadCeity(nn u N IYL u ~E N 'rOnr
using Unons dept terminasot Cium - "Tiot' (1e's"its tocooptliotitly lil-' hlch. i. 5. 80. Nt Ott UtLDt.t.
toss and rns our. totalepres lt'aiso toot sucttcesful ligt per .0retlA n p O S.l
daily betwe en the pointnomed, 15v; of Jotiatese lifetie extisoite c sttotig Thre I. S. ros., $100, $1,20,5. IG. SPAIDIlNG & ROS
hem in tne an-pecedetted lime at threet I nd roeiy faes of the a fullys-I $2 000. " The Name te Garotee"
hross. alne.caesn day trains, ose ti . ic redi Japtz yfrteeo h
cents; Plmait selepera os nightl trins - a I3 Sa tt v oflh' t4 . Asiclott (wss'tsat) Egilo, ;Oficil Oufites tothe Leadig Cllege At.
Students d: eirisg unequaled feelinies 81itado, wist thearmusic Ijs toalsot$000. iletic Club snd Schsol Tems of he U. S.
are invited in use ihe n3uobie Rentecd tutneful aned iee. A fuill o:hecltrt Grrls' rol. Prep. SRh.. Ltn.sd i Eery Reqiisiiofor Rse 3all,
ccoar d tatiullpartculars n pitcatton is cried sod all will bIcroicedict Gek, $450 nd home. A yltcSrrs n atits
ts local tiekt agents. Ilohe sieerleti::tsf d ltol stOhasotrs e have very maty other vacocncies Aeic Oficiandlae Bal
Ii. I1.. DAVVIDSON o siarked its famots success tot Daly'casd are getting thema every day. At- The Spaldin fiilLegeBl
Dlis.Pas.A~en, Tledo' o thruler in Loutdon t ottONedw oilkthebet & Clrk Tecese' Agecy Pull- Adopted by Natiasi, MinerCollege us
It. FISHIER, G. '. adit.. A. ' The Geisha" wi~ll te presentdoim1coansBldltg. Chicgo. Te isieSh and cholegue
b:lmuOiltes Thater. I' d y 'ciril S. largst to the Ne.ve-IThireethityear. IBase Bal Unforms, Rats, Gloves,
Coum1118m Ml, Chest IProte'or, TESoesEc
_ " - 1THESPALDINC Stilt RACR S hia) sisl S
BICYCLES University S h o of D n i g HSADNRDWEL1 Send tr Illustrated Catalogue s all
Built 1o order, Repaired anid STAREEt'5T, ittostTE tote auttnso. Athletic sprs
Enameled, at loee North , $4 UNTIL MAY st, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. A. 6. SPAL.DING & BROS,
Ifouti 'ven. jIl'tagam prty ver aturday 5eseningwi toorhestea music. New York - Chicag
Wi ±n. 3d. Wenger. I flOFICE 427 Thompson 3. - r+ ® e" l
~ ais o ni~cl. 51tB~t5 isseoo. EO~i DIEERL, 0 - uitars, Mamdoln, Banjo
(sucesdessocente R hapn.)as per senl off tem our usual oe'
M hIUFCu s ea toF-lutee& Cialtst o li cth L or Street:PFoue 12'~. A. atepeces-thi muth. These Goods
. slpTanao.in~ ialthsi Ae re al l gaanteed. 4
Denial Itrn gienlsand FnRle eprmdgl eey. .(a L}*p 9 CHAEERLE'S MUSIC STORE4
lpeal attestilesghen t icycle epairlg RANDALL, THiE PHOTOGRAPHiER. * , , . 9 . tt4Weal Lbely st, Ass Arbor.
BICYCLE LIVERY--Prices Reasoale. aOly dosesTet tSin o.
No, 1 1i ILibertS t.Ann Arbr., WASIIN8TDN BLCK -ANN ARBR - ~a~ www.wW-

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