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March 30, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-30

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College ear at
OrriGEno'Times building, 229 S. MAlaS.
Telephone (New 8ate) lm).
J. F. TuoMAS, 'tO L.
0. I.IAs, '0 L.
Ii, . SIi. 900, TS, '0L., Athletics.
&. L. Gussn, 'i3 L. Rp. sthANFOtro 'be9
RcTLEn L, '00. Ti. i. Woonow, '5
1. A.. CMPBEnLL, '9. Alaee Conrnt, '(0
V. ENGceeAen, '3. P. D. EAMA, '00
P. W, JOES, '9
The aubscripto price of the Daily is 250
for the college yer, whO a regular delivery
before non each day. Notics, comunica-
tions, and ther matter intended o pblica-
tion Rot e handed in at he Daily oce be-
foe 0 p. ., or cnaled to to~ editor before 3
p. ., of the day pevios tc that on hich
they are expected 1of por.
sbarlp-ioo mayp e lcft at Te Daly
011ic, bleycro or Sollit's Newtd, or
with Booness Mianager Sceribers cwiii o-
tr a far by reporing promptly at this
office anv failure of carriers to deliver paer
Novel Canvas at Wiconsin
( Cotinuied from flst pco.)
for boar.d? or roe)r? Hlo floge a
room00have you? 1-icc mny IIoi
iMow eaoted? I-ow sventild 1)O) 50
1000)d yorself? Do your own~ washinog?
klowo much work, manuatol or oewis10
on you00 000dr0k0 0))tside of your u0)))-
velsity studie?
'('(orreuls of thee repot xvib
c0mard wctb thoe obtained(l y ollor
institto nsO, 5-Mti ho'heobir.t of eoim-
cmcing the co nprie 0)th))).. 01c
Wisconsin(0 .00)1o'heInstitu)tios in Me
oatter of hrli, fo d, rterli L, '-'0
acnd stud, and heir efec'on mentld
Onaccont of wolkoeing doe in
tUnierrsity Hall (eer wiiibe no0v0s0
iere ricra coxt week. Sorv toeswill
be resumed the following weeko
Prof. Foswler, of 11hr WestersIR-
crver tniversiy, Cleveland, Oiio, wl
e the gures of Dr. cnd Mrsv. Hincsdae.
S'orst veoue,during 11h0 clscat
AlphaooChapter(f iDela 0Si0000No
heldis 310d initiation and bnqet1St-
urday night at theo S. Jmeso hotel.
iJocloE. Travis, of this cty, aced as
toatmser ct thehbanqu~et whlichiifol-
lowsed and respooe were made 1oy
Sam H. Warner, C. F. Severson, Dr
Wit11 Clinton Moillon, W. 'V. Clarko and
itobert S. Danforth. '1100Iniiatsere
C. F. Seerson and W. W. Cak.
"All the Comforts of loou," wihel
was given by our own Comedy Club
1as1 week, seems'Ic be going theeoc ido
of the colegs. The dramatic clubls of
Amherst, Pennsylvania and Leigi al
inted producing Gilbert's piy io the
'near future.
Dci Ford, formerly with '00, is at the
Northwestern CUnivesity law school.
The quarter-miers practiced at Rte-
gens Field yterday.
The baseball candidates wre again
divided into teams ysterday ad lin.
up for a short prcice game.
Ex-Reget arbour, wliileccture be-
fore the sociolgy cas on Friday, Aurit
fsat 10 a. i., ino the lecture roelo of

Tappano (Jail on "ThceIndeterominatoe
Seintence for Crinoe."
Prof. Scoott will rood a paper b, fore
lice English teachers of the Chicago
high schools, Thursday'o000'Verbal
Paul C. Seymour. lit '132. unti; reent-
ly a teacher inc chenmistry in 11cr De-
troit schoolo, is visiting at 1.00e Della
Upisilonc house on hic coy to Choicago
10) accep~t a lucrative poositiono with (be
Choicago Va rnish Co.

Men's Top Coats
and Sits
The handsome new styles of MAen's
fiis an o Citforc S Oninocrf '98

#,Professionals on Class Teams. I fa Oi iiui.1Jva v "L18V 00
are horn on our cou~nters ready for in-
Noow that thce seosolof for class hart- spection. r
ball 000000 has begun, tse questionof o Clothes beai'yo urll label ate imale
allowoing rofesionacls Ico010pl 000 eonforl10ss
teamc-, is 0being oagitatled..T.he feelincg specally fr so~Dir ie equalletd only .,"
is- srong all seer college thot (he eule by tho best tailorso, thce only difference I
passe d lcot soriocgEallowobing pofessn- being in price. We save you1 the dif-
shoutltibehoe lao. A pom~Oinievolati-4
lto, formoerly c mecoclor of ansother.cool-
logo, say. I~
'Othae colleoge svi eoitho suspionm
tihe rule aellbow 0001 o)fes~ior l ooooi-to (01a) 5'~
oonclassoeaOmosoat ?Michigano. Michigan
boo ncocc a stronog stanod lately for potr-
ity ho athcletics, coolhso oftenveor-treol
{other co'leges of evolatingce 0eompalOct
in rergard tIstrictly aooateoor teanms ___________________________________________
Bot it certainly loolss srong whoeno Q MU SICAL1
tliclciganlosliv rofosolon a sonoclasas'
i o. wil re(efet)eolodPel Gillespie, teache resf "Manodlin, BOso
team whih ae th gret feder ofand Guitar. tustenotce in the Ciolsertity
(Ice "Varsity teamcs. AsiodeIiron that, f ' School of lilusle. 10 years experience as
Ithinkolitbo great injustice 10 the teas ,,,, / a leachoer. Call oh Aen Arbor Manslo Co's.
Storetoarrange forehours..
of tLier~aroy Departentoco, sohichca00
0000) oed of y ocg oond 000ew 101aytr;)-'ANV
1 a-(voho ae cvercplaby ed mchcibalool. T'ia0 Fine Confections MONEY LOANED
o4onoic loohemooaainost teamsohaicnog Poeo- BonT Bonls and O aths, tDiamonods, Whlrs or othoer Per-
Choolaes isool01alooolo sel)WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED,
1000ftfice at residenice, -K11 F. berey 50 ,lAin Ar
rivaoloy,sowa-Ic doocs soootibo mc ora tT EAST or Mc. All bocinsosconfidential. iours,
200co EASTf WAWAHINGVTON STREETI18Scolluil3sa . andio3:30atdito:). no.
r:0(1it 'Josephs C. Watts.
- 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. O~asaicns in econd hOad Wachesandad

To stick Rubber unec MAJOR'S n i tIB- _______________________________________.__
EERR CEMOENT. lBewarme! ?I!I Dooot
IF YOU OVANT TI1l+' BEST a 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
FRATERNITY STATIONERY, M oaer fte fberos andeGoics tstve s'i-y of Moiooasn
BADGES DR PINS I . soraooin, 1Hamrvord, Yale. Princeton, Colmosooiooc Willias
1 k - W lror'y, lryii tllooci-, etc.
Send to Class contractso a specialty.
23,2, 1.241 Woodard Ase..Petroit. ~ .d ~ 5
Designs and estimatestfurnished on al wok04,i..ud b a i iu st B e F ree
of this ksid.
We iegret that the delivery of the DAILY canndot bie
13 0 Y S !FREE-financial. r, aons prevent-of course youiunuder-
B 0 '7' 8stand. But u-e bog leave here to Anonce oior spring
SPRING 'VACATION is coming offer with the positive statement that it wil he the lalst of
soion. Don't go ihomec with it hig the year. No niore special rates. We qulote you ihe piapel'
trunik, buit boy your Dress Suit 1Guse, for the BASE BAI, SFAsoN-thltt is till anti of seilesler at
Valise, Telescope or Travelling.Bag. ONE DOLLAR. Lea*ve nanme and nmoney ait Daily office.
A5329 South Main Street: Telephone, New State 189.
Fine Linenoneods ansd Law Prices. H U ~ Y I E Y
BICYCLES515 East Liberty St.
Buiit to oider, Repaired and
Eiiameled, at S00 North Phone i06 BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY:
F ouorth Avenue. __________________________________
' i.J. 'Wenger. MAKEMONE"Y Byxsiecgao'ounty agency for cur Reversible F' lta p
oteonied States and the World. The lorgest one-shieet
nap published; six feet long; eleven beaus iful colors. It isunoattrative that it almcst sells-
One side Fhows a colored monp of our great country, with nalroad-, ren es, risers,
(successorn I n tner & Chapin.) town-, etc. The other ide shows as equally elegant Map of the 'World, locating nl
MANUACTUERSoF......... countries at a glance by help of a marginal index. It also shown ocean currents, routes of
ussucesress ~discoverers, nnd necurately locates she scenes of nil current events, suet as boundary
Dental Instrumaenis and. Fine rlanhlnery. disputes, Cuban battes, Armenian mnasnacres, polar expeditions, etc.
On receipt of $1.25 we will send a simple copy by prepaid express, and sWil infom you
Special attention given to Bicycle Rlapatnine' how to obtain a triat agency, Our men clear fromn$Its tol$2s weekly after a month's wont.
BICYCLE LIVERY--Prices reasonable. EAND McNALLY & CO.. l166-174 Adamsa St.. Chicago, iII,-
Noe, 192 I3E, LberIty SI. Ann Arbor. IV-We also need agents for our fine line of Subscriptton Books, Atlases, Encyciotsedias. etc-

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