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March 30, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-30

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NE0SAY, MARCH 30,11898. PRICE--3 CENT.

VOL. VIII. NO. 130.


CasclConference in Connec- Prtof. T. _C. Trueblood. returned Fri-Miue Prclaso Stdn
Spring selections just arrived dlay fronm his trip to Princeton to tiear
from the East. Call and tion with it. they Yale-Prirreton debaters. On his Life to be ''abulated.
inspect our ... --_ isoy home he visitedi the University of -
The thirtieth meeting Of the Mlirhigan Pennsytvania o.nd dlivered tlectuce The maovemnent at collertiag data for
Stuitings, Trousering'sSethoolmasters' Cluh hegtns here mor1- Pbefore the Untverstty OratoriO alAsso- the bulletin at the private life of the
Top-Coats. row. In connection with thin meeting citton. Conceerining tie dehatte Prof. Wisconsin students by Prufean r Mt.
a_________ re held meetings of the ilassical toi- =Truehloocd nays: Vincent OSheti wan Pegun Maoclay it
NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN ference, teeter the atuspices of tht (omi- The twtontebtating tearino were even - real earnest, andt every sttident wil be
ndttee of twelve of the American Phit- ty nmatched, but the indivl:tta t,,s be sn aiirtlar con taintng thle ttues-
NEW ologirat Associationtsand the :h'icihigan were not -weiltbatanced, 'ctads.hring tiona given betosr.
-.Academy or Sriecre. ane strong man and twoa loiher tweakh The titan romes highly recommnded.r
A I l gretts Thn eveing ~ ones Clot team carefutty Iby Path the facultyad timetioard of
wil beaddesed y PofDC. ~or pepaedbutinregrd o og<laia- rgents, President Actamst1 tug pear-
C h 0001 ates.... (enterceo"Spanish -Cotonmil Adiania-,tinanti force of (tetivery were asome- ttticaly enihuotasticto intinupot
tration." in the nmnseumtilecttire rt iii. wha:t weatk. I deoanit consider either of The questions were nuritte,t for the
Frehl every week. 1Tomorrow at =9 a.' m: there witt tibe a the t~ami- an ostrong as the tine which consitderation if the ficitt.atnd the .ip-
$Onlyiia p l i - genaerotal eonnfor lpresentation of pa- .w e ehatlsendtagtatist Chicago Clthiterprcitdlint ansie ntefr oa
Lowney's if yen ir. Aftrrnioan, toters befotre tire 5c - pring. fotlotwst
prefer.Lioins rof Potany, noology tint tygietie. "The syste ,)' of retiatinatria t th V t11. oodt: 1. UCitrc the heactinaga
Tjtte firat sensiton of theOtastcatltCon- Yale unit Princetnitomticht the saini 13r atftiot, Lutncheoni, l)iiitei, titrate
P ALMERS' PHARMACY. t etence awitt he held tamor rotcv at 3::34 as once. Not no mitch interent ts talncmiite in detail what yoate atomoarily
lslllilililil 11 .ti. ini Newberry Hilt. Is the after- in oratory, lriwcver, anti theta totter eat antt drink at etch mtieal. Ifpete-
TT nooa notPer ession will tie held at 2 itt ritntestants are rot se g great. hBoth rihit, keelachnt ttIfora itweritandin
PIP FrAL~ ~i day nmorning at ti3s a Join i titleges ttffer excellenitt o o esitt ors- iical innumher of tie; a cactiarticta ha
Potlt THES NEXT WEKsFsiI n te Michigatn Srhoolmatnera tory anid debiating, and the instrutrir eateni Iniate stoan acceirately to
Just receiv edamfresh susnr ef Allegretiand C.Iban t't assictal cinfecr nc-nutllgive tucctiatteiition to traiining the de- 'pssible in vsvttmtannier intl htw ttiat'
Wdilams and Werners Chocolates. Lar..ent line
ini the city. tie held it Nenwberry hitill. The pro--'hbters ehosen to reptrenent tiae univier- outgly each article is cookedt. (itur
Lunches a all heers.
gramo for thin nesinnisintoan fitl-is: nity in the intercotllegiate itehote.. The Itindlatdy will dotlesst gleadly r iff).r iti
RZ. B. JOLZ/. . & CO."Principlesin nderlying the miaiig oitwoebt-ating r-tcieties it Princetsnyotutupotn these inttilrs if youitatik her,
3()S South State Street. coutrsenstif study for nerondary srhittla," itrve elegant halln and ttakn the p10ce antI nhe will pirobabl~y be pleaned toi
by tHin. Oeorge It. Atitn, state inspect- to a diegree itf fraterities, iicihftre tauo'teaour iteirest in her cuintary tn-
or if high schootls tic Minnenol a. Ti not allowa-ediit tPrinacetonu. terptrises.)
F reshi.be follnswed by discussion. Frond the "I beliesve that blih Priticciovn and 2t. Whttarticlenstif footd dii youe like
potint if viewv it the high school, P'rint. tPentnylvania have great futres Pt- Pent? What ontes retally formn the suib-
Jothn C. Htanna, Coilummbus, Ohio; ti- ftore them, the latter espe-cially. Iitltttstatice if your dietary? Doi you eat
Straw berries rate school, Prin. than. A, Smith, Or- hare liberal endowments aand are comn-1hetweeti meals, itilulge in nmidnight
chard Lake; normal etillege, Pres. H. 0. scantly erecting men bildings and e-1nlnchtes, etc. Doitu avte tinner at
Evey la a o" outan. ne, Ypsilanti; muniversity, Pe.t tahlishing nesw course.. The tiresidet midday or night?
I ,el~ (ay t or ounain Pof.B.A. Hinsdale, Ann Arboir, A paper will if the C. nif P. in progressive ifani p-to- it. Sleept I. Do yin sleep nsoundly?
Strawberry crush or Staw- be read on "Enirichment nf the claeste- d ate, and the nunmber tif tticiertisi Dream much? omaniny houtrs ito
al course in secondary nchools" by Proif. ratpidly increasing. The sttidents theme youni plan tot spend in sleep? How late
berry' Sunday 15c. Clifford H. Moore, Pnalvernity of Chi- wvere niuch aroused oser their recent Io you study at night? When t you
l~s svlen erres et sago. The suhject will be dinscussed'defeat by Cornell, swhich wais their third gotoli bed? What time do yout arise
lay Dr. H. A. Minckwita, Kannas City; st csinve debate lont ta that callege, in the motrning? 2f. Have enau ever
cheper.............. J. E. Granreed, Uniiversity of Mich- and wcere much interestedl in teexi- -studied ail night, tic nearly no? What
gin;tLawnvirce C. Ilull, Lawrenceville, planation w hich I gave thortaoathtimeeffect ditd it have mutptn youi? Has
Nsf yntem itt prelimi natries n isvogue at knowledge gaineid at that ltie been
FrLIS HAM C. 'idaty afteranoon at 2 Prof. "Vi. 21,lMichigan." endurinig?
Spalinmg, of the University, president III. S tuday: I. Mion many htours per
,the M oligan Academy of Sciemice, DclnadlhrhCamin. .ay? What -tire youtr stttdy hoturn? Are

300KST ORZ.e
Text -Books!I
For every department in the Ui~u-
vrersity.. Law and Medical Books a
apecialty. We can supply all your
needs for the Second Semester at
lowest prices.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold
and Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper i~c and
'25c per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Sauld Gold Fountain
'Penssfor si.2.z

will addrss the socety in Neweberry
Mall on "A State Natural History Sur-
sey." It will he folilowved by a busi-
Friday evening at 7t45 there widll he
a recital of ancient music at University

The Whist Club tournamenit has at
last cume to an rail. Dillen amd Church:
have wai the right toi hr called club
champions; their. Ciast matchswans with
Ellsworth and Russell, wlinn they _de-

they regular mnd iiiitnterrmipted ir oth-
erwine? Hunt many homirs may yin
couint upon with certainly In be entirely
uninterrupted during the day? During
u-hat hoturs at the day are you at your
bent? When are you dullent? ino you

Hail, at which the recently discnvered! feated four paints in 3e boards. A~t the ;stimulate yourself artificially in study?
Hymns to Apaolls, the Dirge if Sirilus last ineeting tif the Whist Club, Thura- .If so, hosw? 2. Indicate the amont of
and ether extant rentains of 3reek mu- day evening, the teams which svill rep- time youi spemd upen each of your stud-
ale- will he rendered by membersofa the reent the club at 'Grandl Ytapidth will bel:en,. Hosr many hours of writtenm nork
11 y1fte.nvrst Shn a u chase. Beside, the Iwo teams thlready each day? Pen, or penicil? If pemn, line
al..mItentitoned, Flanshurg and Barlirdt ;ur blunt paint? Metal hslder? If pen-
At 9 p. m. there will be a reception have shown inlie'mast consistent farm c ii, soft em hards?
lin the gymnasium by Aeting-Preeldent At last week's meeting Ellswvorthm t.Od IV. Health: 1. Headaches? Ind-
Hucissi aut ftedp R Mussel made high scnre Nor th amid geac~tiaon,? Colds? Hthn n aut ftedpr-2. IHave you load your
memtt of literature, sc-iene an1d arm tso" South Wand Lamb and Prentls' East and eyes examined toy a skilled oculist? 3
the Unaiversity of :Michigan to the W est. Indicate time spent by yca in gymnas-
Schoolmasters' Club. the Classical Co n' ium. In open air. 4. Do y,)a dance?
ference and the Michigan Academy at The Annual Meeting for the elec- Maw freotiently? Hew late? 5. Smotke:
Science. Tickets will be furnislicmi up- tion of nsext year's Daily aoard will ' ias"iaeteo ie
on application tI the treasuer~. be held In Room C. University hallt.
The sesalonsfer Saturday will he on Saturday, April 2, at 1.30 p. m, .Ignrl Wmtd o a
pine tomorrow. Only paid-up subsc~rbers can vote. j (C ahninned ni seconld pag;e).

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