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March 08, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-08

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VOL. VIII. No. 111.




A t;il ' HAND) BALL 'TOURNAMENT. Yale News Methods. gathering. The ,heelers' sre ,pry ini
T The following is from the New lienehlu hi esit s hr.tn
Sprinig selections just arrived1 Drawings for Next Saturday in the editois aslow 27 hours ioi'lope allhe
frontr the East. Call and Duls of Febiuary 13t regarding the or ;aniza essr efn5 a' eeyt
inspect out ...... ,ton and methods of the Yalte Daily Cot sill tlepsiiscra etar
r tNews: "Training foer the Yale Daily
Sui1tin~gs, Trouserilngs, li[tnthesandball tor ent~Satteiday probahly one of: the imi: t1iieipl 'tiant
To-ot. the first sries in .taubles resulltedesNesia uh aetr f aelf;piees of roll er "nestsseiuliiheetthis
follows ei5astrainitog for the foothall eleven.,'
folow: ear. The repely weesgiveii (out atl11.
Kehetite 21 reerhealI stle ads5harder work, if 'onstantail aeicatione lcstn 'eesTc eeNer
NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST,. NEAR MAIN b outdad nYlelfis big
ar sstevioiisal.ie iI ha editor;;hahd Ithe' tler mtestet usp, the.
illtr~ell sec Mcrid' lrat it'tils ,honeer. 'The pete le, mightier titan thi e etr'httgeo eiseeih'tl
I te~~~~~~~~~ ig-skin or-thoe' ot','' is a Yale masxilmh' liI'letc' tel k'Ie
A ll gIe E'LLI litessel seetetrl 't i 'ili theat is terovedl ty the' liet ofeefeht(,s- 'ale 'lterrthe lestw te'iei i,
le' and Keeheeiil. ' hale New', aweei c aeeoete atel I o'clock'
ii o o tes'fhe remeeindlereeffletheist serese eties. In the afterttenon, heic:tacu eIit,')f it
be tlayeet w ith the' wisnnetrs.if ets 'tt h'anfeslesit etit a teYeele~ et h etetr te e o'Nese
at oi l esi n tenS terday, Mlareco 12,ees felleote: cvse e ce stclteeie ee i d re ethe tiotitle et t ie 1 'eof their
freslh every week. Year Thw'.'Heserytsya'erwheetahe eei
Only in packas' 'es- IlBet thudMitdyvs. 'reeeesr'ieandYaleeNestsh[Icgtnorallyertetrice aie'tr
l et'scolleg e, weerk six ooer tlheoN'ith isi $ aic k esnotet~n'
eeL o n d. ess tif eryoue.cleassmtates, he defeetted its the t'aee', try n 'aiesiittrhtel ~ee 51,
L w e s if OU Niles and lFeu latevs.,Libtlel aneeeeI- te telerestteehggse e e ts a _oubleportin,___ abou_ X500_
prefer.trmigtfr athrsi onhliinb ot
a LES HRAY ~ e tied1Meo'cck, Ml ti lastiedas eer eit1111util the fouerth 'iitinRsacWok
PaLES HRAY cKElr3id aat 11 floclieck.eerodof sir mtts sis oer.'Thet
tbrd-ei a eeee s ite e, i ngs him threosegh his spoer~eelie itI stt~etl i u t
reete. It he hee oit seen aanerlipthatI
'iMeani tt' 2ii clck.I'erily ini wor1k for thet'ev'isieinlof tie
JFIF E S L/S T Hfl~r<I an Lih tmes he never will, fee jueeii end
-i + lr sillete~ rr~ Paimsalllllia5oef the United Sttese.
FOlTH E T EK, htneins at 2aio'cleoe'.e. lierespect tee its ee'Ireetlage's lie poesi-
,teiel received .eifresh sanely of Algetand T ent''obuelrz wnb ,1U Lst fallithereeeopeitieolee',st itt i n i qiaet t eltvh
Williams asd WernessChocolates.La're'sktline eteebositehirfthe'reshmee a'onlle Ii leeistiesi rltvlee e c el 'wlle
inr the city. w icit rill he 'emetmbe'''e t~e ela il-tehough it is ',t stie o i-erthe sle' etc
Lfunches at allI hours. ,eof Netws "heelers." They twere peeti It
teeted byo r I r~tzge,'al trll lebe - jeer oetthe tsettlemeofeseteieseific lites-
I.. . V01W-/' 3 0 . et abeoet thlec")eopues for a feeltwestuc
* eeorel e eesoon, Tile' interest "Ce 50' teeboient i sedelit', lrepaering teer the neet
1'38 out SateSteecibt the feintheartced ierepeped oles te
b0 ot tt tet e askeene as ever. Anyi futeret r- Iideceetii e eiieteThe weech ispliced
trie inthedoubes illbe eecV(,up ransiuntil theere arte enly seve'ees udrs'ldrctoeo ro.Prseot
to ri is Mth e heet2e.s Thlleei t ef titdrts oieelse t re' trtee
'"There'hp1ttThe litt/elleeothees The' e'eml'tt''eeof reesisioti uirentiltii'its
I-air Brush Isat e providR~" ' y tire. thleheave lees esulpot hae its heaidqutarters in New
____________ csisdlvhs eireef stsertYork, andilderives its findsefrnteteIhe'
Indoor Mee Prospects hus, if line it the workthe's olCltaiI,5 !proeeids oeel' iationioit tte heiastde
Indoor Meetisndtrere Proersip'ects.i Ii' ie'itiat eceisteen. The'c'elleg'efe'es aete
labort rexrp heel'ses 'ot tile'rese'ar 'i
Arreangemsents tier the I1dooreeeee ti ettaDwihty'sthoetrommietteat, ril
with Cornell, le' ttlst hare Pt eree wre ir se e I i s emle' i
Got brstls, old bcks mac r o'egresing reapidly; thereara
Gosodsbhertltsr, ising btcesatatrie alieDwight's signatue'oieeethe first sheet additie tee the stipend frhife'es sapheert.
to last anti givo satisfactioh. svrl eisrvefoleseetic l ettthe initertiew tee setteure eeit [fo h'rerlit~l hsIleiie isle
severl evets w ich lokedi aticr" lue lire ole hs enerprie. Anthlrrull sILhrrailIby 1-1..llit,,disihe.D., hissa
Almost every shape that is sal- fer Iiehtiy'"settlihlately,.T l litohisettrsel',utlral~re. hrfo .heitrda gatlt tr
able. 25c to $2.00. Medium "Oni eciio ttites eie h' ciein a'smuswiacidktslis , ther et iene'hegiSc'he'l its et retnleto eut
shot pat has three oer foear gooed "~eei ht teeetuseu eue dn sle'Shou fIheieey
whoeereligious sceruples swill eel ellowe hstbeecit tir the'lhst feelr yiears eet
prices arc better than cheapest, men is the list,.'Th he xingtitee et
ling hpreliminearies ewill pobeably he ruts hsn e tek te Stshi' fe'Tl eth e henre eheetlle cuutl
of hflreth necemt hehieeie ~1Nerws does neil gelteout ia Suntdeay ed'- 'tthe heoirhenne in teeris teeth leethe'
hsseltlil o ig stud rwrestling will teke' pl1cc nthe hee15ler ls'le dkptcuey'M o entS n t' tste i ueea dutth
CALINS PHRMAY1 atuderftrseeis euteesi ee aygliu'ntsing tier sets.Severil nset',chemisri sat lBertne. t ei soeuneaers
____________________________ opIen isto the iswho e a e cke s fo lerefuetlewer 'petulyl se rallteviouseto tie seessudies abt'oadeihe'wss
_ - r--4- ,, - ..4'.. I ground,,bu heeltiroempetitioen issoet e in plhar'maceuhte'eal practice ii SantFreat-



300KST O0RE.
Text Books!I

eludlete half-moile in te list if ietits
events, thouitgh this trill hesrdly be pets-
sihbclettaing dio tierlimitatioites iflhe"
track. tFe'ineg aiy elsi e tee hnh'ueilec
us ion'elf thsefeature's. Tlhy ',Ttfel.
i Baned has piriumised tee eiseuee oeo
their usual pleasitng progreems, eanl it
is tuderstooduuithat she 'retorneeee the y u~

For every department in the Unii- r etssees t'oivyflrees f ustre smociss
vsersity. Law and Medical Books a if the Athlic' sseeciahioelctsas wiitehout
-specialty. 'We can supply all your feundationt anti arose fesrm a ei-Cuiner-
needs for the Second Semester at
lowest prices, standing, The effiemals astdproer-gem
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold will he announced leter,
and Exchanged.}
Best Linen WVriting Paper 15c and Oberlin defeated Ohioe State Utnomeers-
25c per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Solid Gtold Fountain jihy is dehate en the question, ""ioitld
Pens for $ 1.25. a safty fuend system of natienal batik-
tig he preferahle te suc'h anexnso
W A~lM. flPU.~~1U l~of the present system as woid allow
Up Town Dawn Town the hanks he deposit shale or munticiptal
S. ltate st. Opposite Ctourtltouse
tA rohr Male at. - sends as security."I

that in thi' hislet''yeefthe Newrs onlydiscel haering ealre'adyp'terle hueo she'-caeanithsevrgnd . c-
0'aildet'hesee 'iiccueee-loe' estero recurs leogertiniee thue i-
io wtl thou emitiethSieh srr,''each he gletdlyacetedlelthe opporil'tunt-
systeneoeecometIi teemncmmeelse'r iy of e hmf reemA ninArbor.It'tis.
candidate helicever cll Sale.l'elrhiss to weorking rooem is theet usedufotie wos
he Isis ows'scihy etditeor,ftuce elfrcptoemt- pcr atlvMKix i eui
ers aned proof-r~eader. Every misssplled himself eel homeeelteonse, aeteul i; een et
rsewrd or wrong icithil detracts a cr- huhiteburiedini his wrk.le
vainneumher trotesthia crecdits. i'tvcry--
aricle is credited tee the euctheor, eoriela Weslyan Guild Lecture.
certain nmbmer ufcredits givens tor it i-
ac's'rdising hue its length and its import- # htlsheul Ninded, inatioenal piresidletoee
Sante. the Epworth League it the Eptiscoptal
"'The 'heeler's' tt'ork is ilnlum hy Stesthodist cusrch, will deliver the nest
oocuk ct night, Alt nis cepy must be lecture in the WesleyanGunild 'curse
Ishoe teehruough tse deter usnteethee Newss onithe Ilenry 3d, Loudh fundtionmeie
offlcehr that time The senior editeors' this city, Sundaiy evening, March 2(0-
imake up the paper hetts"'en thens ritdel On the evening preceding the lecture,
hI1 eo'cc, anti it is tubhlishedl esout 1Ass Artier Methodieists rw'illItender Itt'
ero'clok the neext afterntoon. This is the' Ninde an infeermal receptioen in the pr
I~~~pr leashtsup-to-e-sate feaeture oeel tees- Ihers osetlhe ir ist Methodist'Chsurc'h.

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