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March 08, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-08

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ft associion which would award (c0101- ,~ ~ u
t of 9" f bi 4 lit whips in that branch (ofsport. I f or$ vaen Y
fTe folowinig ofhieci for the euiig
I year1wereC9s T akeWORK-
Published~E 1teCi Daily (Sundays excepted) during aier cild .. T
the College wear, at 5rodsI .Sit ae r
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. e, I111. llC(ornell;soceretary, ;1>ns.U'
Os-rICE: Times building, 329 S. Mian St. be --r igr ' .Tna. o, r c fse ~ ~ si a t m 'NI
tween Liberty and William Sts. preoidents, I;. S. G.ii. Me r land,Io-
IVANAGING EDITOR lr~im; ,J. L). Claks, Lafayete; executixvc (Successor to Gibson & (lark)
J. tF. TuIOM.s, 'lb L. -oinnittcc, I. N. Smih, Yale; .I3. I7.
BUSINESS MVANAGEIA IHayis, llaz-viiI, 4. D. Wiadso, IPenn- 112 West Huron street, .Ann .Arbor.
0,. .sAS, 't0 L. iyt\cottia ; I]. iG. lMVilty, Prin--etoo ; J.
EDITORS T. bbitian-, Columbliat.
HI. B. SKILsMAaNs, 'it i., Athletics.TT ^
Et. L. Oossssnli, '9S L. 0. 0. litenocT,'. The tiey:-te records mode loot cann4 I A
BUT~~LE LsM,'t5. T. It.Woosotow, '5 iiiiier lie.auspices of the 1. "\. A A.b, : MliOltespie, teacher of OMaodottn, 1Paso
I. A. CAMPBELL, 'so. Alien CAMrotoLi, 'ii s ere- trwn out bie:ause (herice and Guitar. Isistructor in the tiversity
l <r.c~c. ,Scotl of Music, t8 yeasiexperience ai
P. Baleisa~, - a teacher, Call at Ann Arbor bMusic Co's.
-Stnre to arrange for houri. :
3American Institute of Engineers.I
Th obrpto pir fth s1yIsS t-]Fine Confections MONE Y LOANED
frtecleeyear. with a tegutardeivery Y: ue nctu B li . e-:i on Bons and 'Os Watches,(hiamtonds, wheels oruolies Peir-
before noon each day. Notices, communica- Instttesco<f Miniing Entgineess soulroery
tioo must be hooded is at te Daily offieebe- htdict .fit 0)i-:::tie City, N. , tigitiinin adohrmtenene o eb-Cooae.WACE N EER EARD
fose S p. in., or mailed to the edittir before 3 ACE N EER EARD
p. in., of the dlay previous to thtat on which oithe eveaing of la eb. t5audloig (Oflice at residence, 331i I. Libierty St., At: Ar-
they are expected to a-e u a ily le.li o unto: t -'ott it. 'ftie E I iotrt: .Albusiness cetfidential. Hours,
Sbcitosmay be left a h alywt90anfeto Fb 7 I.h o-l YRClh1U1
Office,lhMeyer'sor Stollet's Neust'sd, EAST ST ET ,sto lIl 30 a.m.and 1ito 1:30 antI it to u.
with Pusilssiit aca;er. Suberibers will co.- iaile- feaiti uEtiof the o etng wi-i-i the SUT SRET.PCWl.
bra-no ty rpotise ramtty a tis jg STATE STEE, arais ini Secound-hand tfatehes and liai-
office aos failure of carrier to dolls-er paper. itiiii f i esti sI uiriig mod
Pennssylvania Invites Michigan. lai-,at tenidin-e of iold tin elee of the
iunstitute.T-e1p0aperisIpresi-nted form AVi.
l'tiai~ii :l ~ .na-ec-lent coi-llec-tiuonof cheicale, P ioo-nai5tmod< ,1: -rec
logicletmining-antd in-tallut-ni- ii lite-
fir tteicciillegisti comtititot-n:-,m
01 usw anthey1 wi-t-e-highly apt::i -NU
tine ini Apric it. i-lan lhas et: ii:-
''lis-ifl i-iier5eted-lforth ie coing
's followes: .
gale, I licet::rd.i.'cte-t. n, 'e i-ic l-yerae nsfoillowsso:i'. Kireihhoff, if A vcry elaboratoetitertainieiit
Nivabt'tnwiila;l-olt(. will take Iplace at the Operb House
iicoi-ll. t'iiolutitbtia:,LehtighoLl.afayette. l iii i i-c-ac.isi b ii i--I.tonlit. Sevenlty ladies atnd gen-
iltitin, eigctwtiUtie: iiy i-c- iii). t-e--'t~c itiemen will participate ii a refinedl
lisl ian h~toly Cros.i.iiinstrel perforioinuie. Go to the

\(eel Iii -lBotonJti lttebe. bt-in IF YOU(VANT I'D tFBST
l'ilersity.Tinity. FRATERNITY STATIONERY!,
Chti-ago, l'iri ciy ofNlietttuan, [Ti.i- BADGES OR PINS
-tlt Send to
Iniesiie iii linoti t: lt:it 1:3 c SMITH, STURGEON & CO.,
of ti~sa:. 'il, 2,241lWoodar d Asei' liteit.
Unvr ity f o-iiuio. 'Ito: r.it::oI
Dsl s in d testimiates lilt1itislicl ontalit orlt
C':ttifo iiciit Iof ht 111011in.
'fheidaite is si-b for April <i0. An open ___

thleatre anti trive iawayl 111care fbr
an t'vening, it will do youl good.
Prices are 25c and 50o. . . .


iitiiiiiiin. Pizesare t- Ito.li icey
(,Juborate', bitt noiigunttee if nmileage
w ill be offered,se that it is unuikily
at t ii!bigatn eill enItei-c-as ilt t, oxp e
invo~lvedis 10oo ,sert.
Intercollegiate Athletic Ass'n MeetsI

nT'e last volumes of tile Wariier Library are now on tile press aiid will soon he reaidy for delivery.
On the delivery of the finished work, the pr esentclii) rates w"ill be withdrawn andtei-tie Ollisher's reguilar
prices will prevail.

is goat:'amnateourthAiletie Asoitiiit Cloth edlition-------- , 850 per vol. Cloth edition-----------$2 prvl
was 11:ld (oI Saturduty loot. Thee e-rc (quarter Russia editioi_-_ 4.00 per vol. Quarter' Itussir edition- - - 2.65 per vol.
prcoent trepireentativesifrotm iotot: Half Morocco edition---- 5.00 per voi. H-af Morocco editioit- - - - 2.90 per vol.
College, Cornll, 1.Bowiidoin, Dirtnsouth, Ful11:Morocco edition- _-__-6.0 0pet vol.'Ptll Morocco edttion - __3.90 per vol.
C'llegeo rf lie Pile if Neo Yirk, 'Ford-tT
tutm, (Columsbia, ttesrgclownl, Harvatrd, N OTE T $dI4E DIPF '1REBNIC
tlavtfid. ulyCcii. ~of~ete, . 'he library may be now secured for aliaost half the regular prices antd it is only too evideiit that inteninig
r. untivsity, 'ennos}leoinia. Prinie- purchasers will nave mioney by placing their subscriptions now. We cannot impress upoit the professors and
tio, tutgers, Stevents, Sw-arthmorec students of the Uuiversity too strongly the fact than- the present lowv price vill NOT prevail much longer and
Syracusie, ('t x~, hveoleyani, Yale asnd that prompt action is necessary.
JohnslHopins. The list Isis just becen The plan and scope of this monumental work-, itoscho'larlys character, its wonderful variety and readablenesi
asfnitted to tile issociationl. and its immense educative value commonds the Library to every lover of literature.
It wasn docided to: subitit-L a two- Professor Wenley says: "It is a work at onice entertaining, useful and wonderfully accurate.'
nile run for the, wile walkafoier this Professor D'Ooge says: "The svork as a whole will, I believe, be a source of intellectual profit and pleasuire-
ye ra, and als:: tiscuore in a tow way. to aiiy who may be so fortunate as to possess it."
Firlst lila c'iisiii eount six (6), seco-d
foutr (4), ltiirdtw oii(2), iand fouthone
(1). The Ann Arbor Office of the Library is at 318 South State Street, idhere the first thventy volume
ft u-as also decided tn use this nmethod niay he exaunined and where suhscriptions are now being taken.
sf scoirilng in the bicyele races and thint qWQ
the assoiciatinseas ready to glee up The attention of the readers of the Review of Reviews is called to tho eight page advertisement of the,
co:ntrul of the bicycle races to a sew Library in the current issue.

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