c e . o ESDAY, MARCH 8, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. VOL. VIII. No. 111. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TU] i 3 A t;il ' HAND) BALL 'TOURNAMENT. Yale News Methods. gathering. The ,heelers' sre ,pry ini T The following is from the New lienehlu hi esit s hr.tn Sprinig selections just arrived1 Drawings for Next Saturday in the editois aslow 27 hours ioi'lope allhe frontr the East. Call and Duls of Febiuary 13t regarding the or ;aniza essr efn5 a' eeyt inspect out ...... ,ton and methods of the Yalte Daily Cot sill tlepsiiscra etar r tNews: "Training foer the Yale Daily Sui1tin~gs, Trouserilngs, li[tnthesandball tor ent~Satteiday probahly one of: the imi: t1iieipl 'tiant To-ot. the first sries in .taubles resulltedesNesia uh aetr f aelf;piees of roll er "nestsseiuliiheetthis follows ei5astrainitog for the foothall eleven.,' folow: ear. The repely weesgiveii (out atl11. Kehetite 21 reerhealI stle ads5harder work, if 'onstantail aeicatione lcstn 'eesTc eeNer NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST,. NEAR MAIN b outdad nYlelfis big ar sstevioiisal.ie iI ha editor;;hahd Ithe' tler mtestet usp, the. illtr~ell sec Mcrid' lrat it'tils ,honeer. 'The pete le, mightier titan thi e etr'httgeo eiseeih'tl I te~~~~~~~~~ ig-skin or-thoe' ot','' is a Yale masxilmh' liI'letc' tel k'Ie A ll gIe E'LLI litessel seetetrl 't i 'ili theat is terovedl ty the' liet ofeefeht(,s- 'ale 'lterrthe lestw te'iei i, le' and Keeheeiil. ' hale New', aweei c aeeoete atel I o'clock' ii o o tes'fhe remeeindlereeffletheist serese eties. In the afterttenon, heic:tacu eIit,')f it be tlayeet w ith the' wisnnetrs.if ets 'tt h'anfeslesit etit a teYeele~ et h etetr te e o'Nese at oi l esi n tenS terday, Mlareco 12,ees felleote: cvse e ce stclteeie ee i d re ethe tiotitle et t ie 1 'eof their freslh every week. Year Thw'.'Heserytsya'erwheetahe eei Only in packas' 'es- IlBet thudMitdyvs. 'reeeesr'ieandYaleeNestsh[Icgtnorallyertetrice aie'tr l et'scolleg e, weerk six ooer tlheoN'ith isi $ aic k esnotet~n' eeL o n d. ess tif eryoue.cleassmtates, he defeetted its the t'aee', try n 'aiesiittrhtel ~ee 51, L w e s if OU Niles and lFeu latevs.,Libtlel aneeeeI- te telerestteehggse e e ts a _oubleportin,___ abou_ X500_ prefer.trmigtfr athrsi onhliinb ot a LES HRAY ~ e tied1Meo'cck, Ml ti lastiedas eer eit1111util the fouerth 'iitinRsacWok PaLES HRAY cKElr3id aat 11 floclieck.eerodof sir mtts sis oer.'Thet tbrd-ei a eeee s ite e, i ngs him threosegh his spoer~eelie itI stt~etl i u t reete. It he hee oit seen aanerlipthatI 'iMeani tt' 2ii clck.I'erily ini wor1k for thet'ev'isieinlof tie JFIF E S L/S T Hfl~r