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November 06, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-06

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Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A ll egretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
file a pound.
Lowney's if you
lst Received a Large and Elegant
Lizm of New Wipes!Y
nt and Gld Lunches at nl hers. Agents
forHusyler's and Williams and Wrners Co.S
Chcolat asneos.
308 Saoa Stat Sreet.
V RCS.....-_.=c, 350 and ann
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We are
bound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medal
Books, in short, Text-Books for
every department In the University,
new and second-hand enables. us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of Mk. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make or stres your headquarters.
Up Town Down Town
. State St. Opposite Cortlose
Ann Arbor Main at

Was Delivered by Wallace Bruce
in University HalLast Night
Ini spite sithtie ise ent wthori'
Hon. Wallace 'Bruce was greetd Iby
it large aislieriest Iis lectutecin ihe
'Philoesupsy of W'it ansi Iisissr" is
Unsivrsity Hal lst evenisg.
ti. Bruce prefacedi iis lecreewiti
an1 oig isisl pocs1)1nlt' great Nor-
wegass violiiist, "Oie Bul' prrse'nti'd
by him ini thle forsofsita ('trisimsss
sivory, whir-i was ehsllisticely re-
ceived. Ice rseatledlle tphilosophly
ofi wit snd humisos by defnitions nidslby
illustrasstion:s, mansy sit i lss'ss t'ss
inciets whiichi ilie d iselt ewit-
nessed. Hils relations of wit ssd coor
wassnsew andinsgeniouis. He said thast
wit delss with ieas; hitssor wills imii-
tation. i is conscious; hilsasr oftess
ia ere lhappeninig. These Ipoitslie
feliitously illistrsteil by storis
whicroeisedl gretet'itsssiassi in tei
saudience. lHe plidihisisrespets t
sing, slyinig that theimaslsginliltive fist-
ulties crc rsukedlhigest 'isthesesisls
of men'itali scivities, asdiiaivieli
lswest. Witrdeslsowuills issgiaiol;
slanig eiths imeittios. tic siitast
we 1und ini the very sisio f stheiiipc-
cptive faculies liiie oxyges saidiiyi-
rogen of wit anisd lisimor. That wil
lies in concentrastion; lhsisor sn eiabr-
tion. It is the unsture of scissor01 to
rsadiate; of wit to foclie. Hmoris
dsitorts; wit rectities. Wit is a flsh,
thes meeinigof poisitive'andstnegstive
electricity. Humsio is lhet ligtinssg
thast plays sot lihi subject. Wii
gives itself with reservtion; humleo
lMr. Bruce thenshslowedi the pewer
sit a ord iy ciiillssirationsof ai
.Nevsd is n sler whiose siowbll leesie
,m avaslainchiecurl the power osithe
chsansgeof a.eori by ciieloquent cie-
lly to Igrsolts triuste is Npolon.
Ie eerred to a puni cc the cheapet
ilression ot spoken wit nd regardedi
it as an idea swichsed off 00atsise-
track Io allowv tse trails sitcosmni
s ense ts go by. H~e dewv a disinctons
between pns oeupwsrd anlidsowvn-
vardi slidoectici le illustratcrd by a
sorey of Chas. Lange.
He spoke of the principal csaracer-
istic of the Scotch race as caution; .le
Irish races evasion, which evs 'apily
illustrated by a story of a Scotch
giant going over to visit hsiseighbrs
hin Ireland. He regarded the bsck-
grounud of Scotch humor as seiouss-
n ese; of Irish, as fancy; of Franci, as
gaiety; and of German, as patience;
and that tisc readiness of the Amser-
ican character was thle resultant f
teo great forces, exaggeratin and i-
His ilbstratios and seletios from
Robrt Burns eere fitting and deliver-
ed with the enthusiasm of a Scotch
descendent. The entire lecture abound-
ei with flights of fancy andl eloqene
that enchained the ausience tr anI
hour' and <a half.
Mr. Bruce speks at Aia, Ohio, to-
night, and from- there goes to Newv
York city. In February he will open


list Fisrislss 'iaesgia, of wse sics o- AN OLD RIVAL.
eltioni'e leis iresisent.
Hon. Wallace Bruce on Arbitration. Michigan and Purdue Battle To-
The Daily interviewed IHi.lWalsace day-Complete Line-Up.
Bruce illti's-thei'Icr-ure 1last eve-ninig
sant ohtsissd thes'fillowisg opiiisitlsris- TdyI"lia -she l ia
gssriug "arbitrratiosn eihs.Is-atIt'll- in football.lPurdue,asdhu ssitresting
aiii" 11ChlIi' was eric'issuaiist Edia- r'ontes is assuret. Puirduein th ue
tburghslth'questisis cme up. ad al-erly' iort of tec seso iii not sowe
eeayos ans-weredl lit I ieleveciinii ttipusas strongly' as 'hsailbees it-cr wnt
sulrrusc oflii' tigistsji'slsisgin lprr'vious yeis'nsustffercid iefsat
:aeti assitthat its idestiy is for-verstthe hans to 'f loths Oberliss cniiifil-
DN i isllaisg. loiveir, to score in
sit-sre. Itusiscito say tus e c-covusld -'
talks sari- ittNorth curl Ssus Airri-sioth liii tligll irs-I, ositn'icieton,
if Bi'itasin eosulidtereat'of lthe'restw t h- n ccisnug, but duiringlt' lst
ot theec-risds. t eleve-that lt' 301ii-res e-eerslesaltei' issilasce' of
roiseldocttrile is lbstter' than iasy- rlits- tise'.aisstier - li'iii-rtsisu, anidi sire-
1ion carl that it sit-sres fre'edoiss 5.0 o om fa erdndearee
this sirde of tile Atlssiticeithoutsthle'hs entheretsuii'lt. '1Th tisvi' --
molestation of foreigns powes. tIhi-cintlip-defeati'dIDet'asuw sidhIntdianaa
hr-le tht o rd-ii is slnd souldsiie ,uanc'rsts 'bolithlinintiilsshlisvig
lae in thei'entire Western s tesssisilses.li'srsgsdi.is l hi sso-ss
st that arbitratiinasrs en lt' edllt'lby ub' decisivesco-ues. Itliesslien noun'e-
(treet Britain weoulds lead to foriigns able ii pasit yers that although uk
cntsanglemen'it; that Britsain woussli le due plaiyed as compatssivtly eak
ablei iinder rarlaitrrtissi to dehuay ee - gmse sagist otser tiames, w-len thiy
ser leislrio onsirhur ins'sfr-oplosedrl Mchigsn'teirplily ce-sic
earysce lto isr e ltiinwoe-ithsuce-arsic.hiatindarr-s- ssappy aisdlstrong5ad t-is- is e-ry
lusshouldite dliict - ieshriolis ihilirtiiiIsthtsudshiwill lbe the csi'
is." Iis yesui.yer
Mr. Brute lso expressedsh Iimsel as kMicisgai's practieecwork tisiwo'otk
delighterd -ithihe groweths and se'el- hiss been the lutst encorsagig of this
opilen'It of the t'siversitc'sices'hisho iforsitheiiopnnthat 'rdisgsillometstia
for lisee1 twelveiortPnhirteecviiirmsagt.
hcerslic tcrlc' o liiree yeic ags.liost hsssky ataginist. Hogg 'hcc re-
covered sufficiently from 'his injuries
Choral Union Social, to tpsy today. Egn is still sfering
with a sained tenson, lit ciiibe
'Tse spei-al abje'ct of the sat-il to- sble to ply if csalleruto. Mihign
iight will be to get the old slid ni'wv will probsbly line ups as follows: Cal-
isemsders 1st the uniioneacquainted. Inghaci, center; Snoirsiid tei,
Cal-dc beea-lug Inbers will be ils- guards; Lokwood sand Baier, tackle;
uibuted aind by mieasis thliese every- Bennett cd Teotel, ends;Iihards,
sne ciii flnd a ipertr. A promsenade qiuarter; Hogg andsiSiuat, halt bcks;
will follow, after which eachl person iansil, full bat.
scill be required to introdluce Iis tiart- Plrdue's lie-uls folloes: Bree,
nr to at least fouir other iieibsr-setr ebadHasn urs l
'fhe entertainent ciii cocludecwith ccad nd Bond, Isackle; Hll aissi
a deuce. J .ohnson, ends; Sers. qurter; Iore
Othser socialse will le given is the ad ohen, halt backs; Dosne, full
ceurse of the year. For tis purposoo back.
Prof. dePoutlis sdividerd thussmanrried Gam incil e caled romptly at I
ladies cof tie union intos four groups, oscloek withs Alwvarrd, of thisChicgo
echci group to entertain it certain nuns- Athletic Association, nd Smith,
hier of this niembers in turn. 'his Princeton, 'll, now of te tUniversity
would seem n cesocary isi 120 of the 3122,s of Illiois coac, as officislsl.
nemisero are srangers. ________
Cornell Library Get a Gift.
- Vesper Service.
-Te 'ornell librryvhas.srecenly
Prof. Stanley lhs been coupeled to been this recipietof a very vliabl
suspeind this vesper services until theP addition, in the form of a gift from
new motors for thle orgn arrive. Tier cisc Due ie SGouat throgi the librar-
putting in of this new- electric plant San of Colombia Uiniversity, New York.
lies necessitated the purchase of newv A collection of vry fine engravings
machines. Prof. Stanley ihuends giv- insde from poograph of cstui'e,
ing a course similar to that of lst pottery, idols :and other relics sit
year if the can secure a sufficiently former inhabitants of ho Western
strong chorus. Hemisphere, printed on heavy pape,
tgether with an explanatory tet
Today's Games. written in French, constitute 'the gift.
This following arc tile big genies to
be pnlayed teday: Chicago vs. Notre Ann Arbor to Detroit via Ypsilanti
Dame; Northwestern vs. Rush M3edics;
Wisconsin vs. Beloit; Yle vs. Chicago ie rol noprto aebe
Athletic Association; Pennsylvania vs. fliedA'for and eelectri otoonst
Indians. AnAbradDetroit. Itwile
built from Dtroit to Ypsilanti ad
The linesmen in yesterday's class crnnec eithi this existing road between
fcotbali gaule between thus sophonlores tat place a'nsd Ann Abor. Work will
and freshmen were F. HL Loud], 'l0 :be ommncedst one ansi pushed s
end Mlehlop, 'l. 1tst cc te weter cilIesuit.

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