tt* 1. VOL. VIII. No. 33. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1897. FouR PAGES. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A ll egretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- file a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S] PHARMACY lst Received a Large and Elegant Lizm of New Wipes!Y nt and Gld Lunches at nl hers. Agents forHusyler's and Williams and Wrners Co.S Chcolat asneos. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 308 Saoa Stat Sreet. fTo-NIGeHT tAT ATHEN THEATRE VADEVILLIE V RCS.....-_.=c, 350 and ann THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARO' THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S 2 OOES2TORE. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law and Medal Books, in short, Text-Books for every department In the University, new and second-hand enables. us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of Mk. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make or stres your headquarters. WAHR'S BOO-STORE Up Town Down Town . State St. Opposite Cortlose Ann Arbor Main at A PLEASING LECTURE Was Delivered by Wallace Bruce in University HalLast Night Ini spite sithtie ise ent wthori' Hon. Wallace 'Bruce was greetd Iby it large aislieriest Iis lectutecin ihe 'Philoesupsy of W'it ansi Iisissr" is Unsivrsity Hal lst evenisg. ti. Bruce prefacedi iis lecreewiti an1 oig isisl pocs1)1nlt' great Nor- wegass violiiist, "Oie Bul' prrse'nti'd by him ini thle forsofsita ('trisimsss sivory, whir-i was ehsllisticely re- ceived. Ice rseatledlle tphilosophly ofi wit snd humisos by defnitions nidslby illustrasstion:s, mansy sit i lss'ss t'ss inciets whiichi ilie d iselt ewit- nessed. Hils relations of wit ssd coor wassnsew andinsgeniouis. He said thast wit delss with ieas; hitssor wills imii- tation. i is conscious; hilsasr oftess ia ere lhappeninig. These Ipoitslie feliitously illistrsteil by storis whicroeisedl gretet'itsssiassi in tei saudience. lHe plidihisisrespets t sing, slyinig that theimaslsginliltive fist- ulties crc rsukedlhigest 'isthesesisls of men'itali scivities, asdiiaivieli lswest. Witrdeslsowuills issgiaiol; slanig eiths imeittios. tic siitast we 1und ini the very sisio f stheiiipc- cptive faculies liiie oxyges saidiiyi- rogen of wit anisd lisimor. That wil lies in concentrastion; lhsisor sn eiabr- tion. It is the unsture of scissor01 to rsadiate; of wit to foclie. Hmoris dsitorts; wit rectities. Wit is a flsh, thes meeinigof poisitive'andstnegstive electricity. Humsio is lhet ligtinssg thast plays sot lihi subject. Wii gives itself with reservtion; humleo sniire. lMr. Bruce thenshslowedi the pewer sit a ord iy ciiillssirationsof ai .Nevsd is n sler whiose siowbll leesie ,m avaslainchiecurl the power osithe chsansgeof a.eori by ciieloquent cie- lly to Igrsolts triuste is Npolon. Ie eerred to a puni cc the cheapet ilression ot spoken wit nd regardedi it as an idea swichsed off 00atsise- track Io allowv tse trails sitcosmni s ense ts go by. H~e dewv a disinctons between pns oeupwsrd anlidsowvn- vardi slidoectici le illustratcrd by a sorey of Chas. Lange. He spoke of the principal csaracer- istic of the Scotch race as caution; .le Irish races evasion, which evs 'apily illustrated by a story of a Scotch giant going over to visit hsiseighbrs hin Ireland. He regarded the bsck- grounud of Scotch humor as seiouss- n ese; of Irish, as fancy; of Franci, as gaiety; and of German, as patience; and that tisc readiness of the Amser- ican character was thle resultant f teo great forces, exaggeratin and i- tensity. His ilbstratios and seletios from Robrt Burns eere fitting and deliver- ed with the enthusiasm of a Scotch descendent. The entire lecture abound- ei with flights of fancy andl eloqene that enchained the ausience tr anI hour' and