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November 06, 1897 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1897-11-06

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Vft f f Neither Able to Score.
xL T ail Before Having Your
The classes of '00 and '01 played to a
tie core yesterday afternoon in theo C ! INSPECT TIEBW ORK
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during initial game of tiho inter-claoo series. Ph to T dm n ..AT..
the college vear, at Tewokobohtasi iewhl
TEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. was Rrggedbanhltfumblinthewsofe-
Liberty and (tilwaamfSte.iThe Berryman Studio
OrisonS: Times building 31. Male St. be- fluent, hut the feshosen showed so-
leirity in both teamswawork and iter-
MANAGING EDITOR fewie(. The playing of Mlcean and (Successor to Gibson & Clark)
J. F. Tenuss,05 L. 'ni, of the aughty-angts and Whit-12WetHrnSetAn rb .
BUSINESS MANAGER cull) and Bach, of the ughty-ones,12WetH rnS etnnAb .
0. . IAs, 1'00 L.
was thle most noticeale, 'lbesolplayes__________________________________________
EDITORS mkn oto h oggis
11.B g. me,a'98 L, Athletics mkn oto h o, ~in. ~ ~ wiiivvn~ii
E. L. nExsasEmi'B3 L. - - - M~oday The sopshomores kicked (ff poorly IIII~IIIJITJII
BUTeeu LAM, '5, - - Tuesday and the ball was downed in the iddle
G. D, HnnNUTT.'05. - Wednesday of the field, Onl the first a:lie -n) e
T. IR. WOuODoW,'5, - - Thuray
CAurEte,'9, - - - - Friday Lean skirted the end for a fne ~un o
1,A. AMCauELse,'00, - - - Saturday 23 yrds and it loked as though the
,opli. would be esy winners, bt A
ball went over. The play for Ills next
The subscription price of the Daily is 2.50 ftciinie a vn u lefeh
for the college year, with a regular deliveryfn iue a vn u iefeh
beoreoas each duy. Notices, co mnica- nn fr'om then on outplayed the older THE
blus, and other matter intended for public- -,h0.Tl M WSeUWt
tion mst be fr .. handed in at the Di)ly effice be- te Iaiand had the bal on thelilttersCR ® N S
fre 8 p.m., or mnailed to the editor beore 32(83y1(d line whenlino was called for BLICKENSER ER N D IN
p. in., of the day previous to that on which110frtiif
thev are expected boaappear.thfisha.
Office, Meyer's or tu ffiets N estand, or In tie secoud half le fres'lined(id TYPEWRITER GUT R A.eANO
with Business Manager. Subribers will con- al lhs work aud gradually' forced the TeWsbr nteoeadol
fee a favor by reporting promptly at this TeWsbr steoeadol
slice any failure of carriers tu deliver eumper, b)a11 from their 2(8 yard line where i IS THE BEST. make of world-wide repuatin. Sold
_was downied ou the kick-off to tie by first-class dealers everywhere frm
The Daily Board will sme-tuhisfter- soponmores 13 yard hue when ime ~ , FRwern Sc $15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
noon at 130, 'illRo11001), Unit-emily was saled. WATCH FORlTHEIRl A. so be sure that the name George
Stal. Th tems lned p a folows:\OWashburn" is burned upon the insde.
Ol ing portraits and letters from the Dr
R;uder le elec-tive sysems thast es- To so 0e.. 1. ea Reskes, Cal, Eames, Nrdica, Scal-
Thisispon. I.e . It Beai-'chi ad oo other famous artists and
iss i simiiisttrsgetht any ......t...I ...Boeb teachers, mailed free pn request.
ilssprtexists at; all, but that it s plin 1g ~ Mser' Address Dept U3,
vresent inilarge qsintities was iproved Lgrssu"c. Ma" Isrstom LYON & HEAL,
yesterday Iby the attendtance st the '05)lUti.~l..............fe WbshSeanerdastonhcas
vs. '01 iter-cltiss ame. Althotghi tie W111ms (I.........Hoy
weather was most disagreeablie(le Gresbec.. r. i.B... iker..a
ide lilies were crowdsd aimd this-plri-.lHahe .... s. qNichoinflsii I l i
amisnsde tei rpiesence knottisfyn t . ..Ii Wmiemu ti AA ~ UE
Iamosely encouraing thei respective Bsilsi-ii. ix Ii. . .eal )LUA so ia io
teamss. The match was a success in Dat-di....tl..f.. ...Nsale ~ u u~ u
every particular and the .wore, 0 to 0, Dvsore,0 to0; tnl f. halv.I es, a leiF R Y-TER E S N
shosthat goosd football ttas plsayed. uScor,0 offiia, Simios sad aspar.nin
heul casspirit evincesd yesterday)- tieextffi ale in the teser dies still Csa.be _________________
shisuld be continiuedl through lie re
misinser f rse ntr-casscllmilsill-Isaed st 10 olak this mriing at
Shp eres o te ntr las hanp0itsRC-rets' Field betw-eesn(iosesniosr and THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE.
Sihip series. freshsmanmslasiteamsiss. Tim enosiomstil
The question chosen for debate this 'present the -fllotvimnglhne-ip: Shea, DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN------------------------------------ Nov. 16
oyear is an excellent one and not open (enter; Connolly and Fell, guards;s: o-
to) the objection made to last years out ansi Brandy, tackles; lanoey an HON. ROBT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee -- -- - --- --- -- -- -Dec. 3
Subjet, that thee was only one side. Stow-, ends; Blanchard and (ODonnell, LELAND T. POWE.RS-----------Jan. 22-----------
b rmlcclsinio vas feveteily divided mi-athacek;Lwqmr ; huthmsBOOKER T. WASHINGTON, Chicago Alumni Number - -- Jan. 29
treaty by the senate and there s ccc- 1Ths forumatison of the freshmien liss SOUSA AND HIS BAND------------------------------------- Feb. 25
tainly room for as mucoh aiguniemt omi not been determined upn as ,yt. ORATORICAL CONTEST- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --March .LS
limo negative as on lie !tlrmatve. IF YOU WANT THE BEST HON. BURTON ----------- -------April 18
The thimk to be dlone uo- Is for th-
debaters to get to twork and hott is FRATERNITY STATIONERY,
oil (iso question. There were two hum- BAGES OR INS Season Tickets, - - - $2.00
dred contestants last year; there Send tu
sdhould be four hunssred this ye ar.Tim- SMITH, STURGEON & CO.,Tikt
larger the nuber of ecohisllitos en- m37,239,21 tWoodsard Ave., Detroit. Seas onTik t Reserved, [Extra] .50
Coing, the miore chanefliers- toill be Desins and estnates funrised onall woris_________________________________________
of this kind
of securing thse best amen m(ine Ini-
versity to go againstCh(I' go. Those
having ability iii dfbating Should enter ,
imemuediately. 9 Chocolates FORI
lowed the lead of her sister- state mmn LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY.
regard to hem- edmucational system. fa The last of this week weO"" CUTTING, REVER & CO.,
Yihbm oasrmgpeoiefsoemt* shall have Allegretti's A.201 and 203 South Main Street. - Ann Arbor, filc
to bear- by thme Conk Coumnty Anti Staite Chocolates in 2, 3 and 5
lar Associatom, tie supreme costin lb. ;packsges. We also
Thursilay last extended the temf omr
which an applicant fom admsIision toy have Lowney's in all sizes 4___________________________________
the bar must study whma prsctiing the same as before. 4
attorney r at a law school ft-lnm two BLA(AU RAl A0oD-$4.oo
tion tireesear, anhgd coledc- 6 t a Pounyd. lawundreds of men count them the bet, the emsiest, the dressest shoes they can
tionto ecesar anda sudyof an-ge. We hnow they se thoroughly good-any shoe approaching their duaity are
ethics will be requir'ed. The new rufle I tone11,5 more. Every toe of worh on them is done by hands siled with
in h eryapoa falthe I -WMf. J. A1PiZILL,
ing attorneys of the state . 1i 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.

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