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November 09, 1898 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-09

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Students' Laundry association AND SIYLISHR.FoTAILOntiNGr3
o ly laciriti n t e ini nt hel-I cs
Glate hnsaleso attn la. All wt:tpmtly,11
neatly and caefully clne. {-t the -finest tailoring trade ill the city, and
Offtice 202 S. State at.t -eletrne 610Lawrenace.t1e tt.
New Slate Phone. 441. e(I iIsStte
4,4 s~lilly, solicit yotur vainued paitronalge..
111 asic Stdio # ititst made by us kept pressed anfd inl Vtpalt for
Plane, Plpn Orgeti end Ca pasttan j o lt2 'M L
FromatbttuaeltCnservatory, G(innte9
612 S Dvisian St. Gancert Plano Teely)g 10 l a 0t101r. New State Phonae 431.

E) f1T0f-
i 119 S.MAINST.


=r_ - -r- r ae. x--1


TIlEl CALENDAR. The record of Jahn Plilip Saisa E
' . and CltarleoKlint's "El Capitan" A
PRINTER I Satulrdaye~, Nov. 12-Han. Hlerhert, which cornea to the Athens, Tuesday, is
An roMc.Welchit21ll (rie Governmatent Clubh Nov. 15, is already cieo heget
I~ecti r foi rs" ot in the history of elalaorate acd
M IGHGB R ~N NTI K Satttcllal, Nov. 12-Michigan vs. complete comic opera productions itt
[ LIllintois Untivernitv at Deiroit. the country, atidibefore tine vast
'The Niagara Falls Reute." Satutrtlay, Nov. 19-Gen. Johnt B. tmultitude of Amterican tiacatre-goers
Gordonll, itt S. I.. A. corste. hecttmes surfeited with ito sparklihng
tEN-clPvi STXNI) mtt) Ti 1E.
T5yigm mr Ag m s. SlItllY o.1-Mctgt s telodies, stirring march numbhers,
IltiAe.Beloit waitty lines, brilliant stage pictures,
Mail tttd Enprean.s 3 47 t1,. t.iltlayN r 4Mcigtt ricit costuttaes atad atmtusittg situatiotts,Y&flsoSpca........45 y, o 2 -M hi nv.wllrbbyex lalot rsnpit
Attanttic xtinIene...........U (4i5aA. 11A i-tng tf 1performiantces givettatad itt ttttt-
DicetoitNi~ht (nitries........55m " ,bt5fSCe~fle cae et si
GreandlttapidsnExpress...... . .1to ' TineCamipus in narhines . hrofsccsfiletggtctt,' si
MaltN& E WErST. . . 0t .0 l-rCll tetllt tatlt tafis houndlto proveItte (If tile strong-
Mil E xat- s... ....N...Y ~ ... sA r :<n r atrona bu af est ttagtlets of attractiott dutrittg thte
Pant wentemrtt lrt. .Z i nort.n. pact four11o'clock every lbutildiitgott cottnittgldrtattatic year.
G. i. 1 t Ki I tlIe5 . . . 4 " te11t"Im tSis ,thlrownttitnto darikntes___________
Chlienet Nic-hetialitprsn...... i ti
PacificElICIne. . . . 12 no A. n.by 01111 iloi c leighits gittig etitt, 'ile F g trisa ttei ohn
o. W RI i 1:itt1.tW.5,YEDoaae ritle, caret bettlthtliling
G. P. &T A (Ot, i v. ;tI.W Antnit- IArbioillr ittu a b lout caterittg to the itadies anld ciiii
e. '.a r Al, Iicace. ctAtt Al~lr lth till'fist's itt te miniti ci-cilt cri e tl 1 wtttl getJii
litti -tlrtlii _11--_-le _l tetitt tact L -cblt noti so with itotaekeret c eJo
~~' AR~~BOI~~ (.ad buniocut.Ti li ilelltilicmach iteie Isttettiiwnc it
~t4 jE a ii (ie clii wc e i"l~y( wra .Slivn h diia taket cartofn
tile i ciiaload of aiboutrli liliCO in ci 00 itiampfehisrteeer
TI E T B E I 10 o io ^The iniith-tir ie ipiti lilelcttta pes fet aeayspargy a lield-
d~all enter tacnfelttlin thich h-nothl
Ttig4- ct ct -2-455 iin tie if Plll'wa i ttr e lll- rieoiiat lih. isetil ciden'i7cii
atte tere AnnArilngbymae.els san-ti orss done (fthe anofendit1
NtttBy rti soccrtpathe fll fivehea usof t e itrthe iAthens, or ri ay, rNov.j
~ ~ie. _ ehelenA et, iscveedandc 12
ctc'. T e wudel pluge nto ut f ap recatio117 f tis. the per.
4ltbt~ t ~ J~ jttt tlt~l~rrlee Ilgllt tettn nul 11cc ttt e~tt~c tt t~t)cot t ettott

Wr. W. Eugene Page,
oseoh IPohmann
And lsohe l
Washburn Instruments,
14 Nest ILiberty Street, Ann (Arr
Embalming a splecialty. No. 200 Fourth
ke Ambulance nigeht and day.l Res
tencn 302imfth Ave.
W in. Arnoldleading
W .1W U TLE38 So. Slate Street.
Berryman Studio
1 12 West HuronSt
Stare I'lim ,nit

OtA __- lctettmo, Profs. Joletisos, M cbang "iI- elte( hy futrnatce. Bath and allA.GSALIN & O.
*Rttn ietneern Antn Arbo~r adletTt.do Itnly. l T \eiy eiioi ly ll, r1110 iiitpr'ovemmicnto. 42 Th' ehee , C1Guara1111nice.
v'iertIi~Ie niloyilttrtran,,i 11( n ,-____________nTalo, lo,
cWiycet 'rometmSnadty~i. Alohrt-ti ~i~m Prectt, Mlr. Elini- FVC, I B L
It enet5na.lil Hoe.Irl-ss Aepimlimugcrdiine at t412 E.
iL. S. (IitMO1E, Agent. ge,_ BIt antd.41 L LoPsPLerE,
Ntc.The latme tsong is 'ItWant a lReal --.is 1,tl 111 n
Nil liiliittaitle tot Regets Ficli on(>11111. It has tie swimig that mtiakes e Spaldfimmo 's (fittital Imter-
Wcdtii''lty, tttli iii 5iiit and Friday it cachy. If I reiaembierccorrectly . collegiate Insert Bell
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- {afteritnons. SicreltIpractic. ititily cistil 25c. at time Music Co., Ctiseti ,-tl111tly by1aiĀ«, Pr. ill 101 tinHreard
Ciio BtiM agr ti PigiliSt tenr m atn ool lC othrleadt0ing
BOR RAILWAY. -nelcin irc tdtletla i~~rlr itr ho
- - - - . elseweree. . paldiegsOtticiat Foet Ball Guide,
Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter .~.~ aa~ie ~~raaphllt 1 Xbcl-e:,ttll ttt189 r'e , t n
after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. de-xilan ltld elantor ts,0.IS aiettIn
i.andi up to 11:1-i p. M.. For up'tantm IICftC IJL6CV, tC i ot~ hthe (aA. G.SPALDING &BROS., New York, Cicago
at a quarter blefo~re the hour sip to 12:45 -I....I. um1e
a. mn.tiara eave cormier tHnron and - - Momc91YUYU~s hllnulY A RmliC
Mlain Sts. Tickets on sale at .Brown's __- _____
15mtg Store. - lt Gl aaP ll alolf~d lGGsu I. At Newa Stand 607 E. Willias. 51..
Y U ~ UiJCU. Give me it trital. F'irst cliis work and
GOTREL L & LEONARD, promipt service.
Atmi~n, N.Y.PAtUL MEYER.
-I V., Cps, Gown, mnd filods made to order and rented. Also Class__
XW anted=3 Students tCanes, Cla55sl ats and Cape, ChasCollege iPins. Addressa4'Q C.IKSc, HsLEED Er.
'osiiasaubesociptions me the Haskettll Ms,ttensn, of Chicage. 340 S. State St.,
Chicago record AN A LEl AL Evrkid Binds Ilooksfa 25e. atid tuwiaric, end eclii A. A.
5Ae opporueity in eatnsosme teneny.!' M. S'PAEBLER, All Linen Paper: 4 l for 50c,
e. M. STEPtiENS,'tO L. State Phone 144. 119 Wett Washington Street
G} Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. Finedst tationery- a the city em sowset, price.

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