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November 09, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-09

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fl~1I, I~tTIflflr s6 S. MAIN ST., and
V!oIIVIufl 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St.,

-fakes ciapecialty cof
ine Black Suits.

Recently Received

'UNIVERSI FY IEXI BWJOKS, 'Second-hand and New,
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
I Fesitin Pce n qndMieeollcnriiie Rnlimi

The Philippine Islands, AlJ Workmanship.
by De~ac C.Worcestecr
Hope the Hermit, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 Ecas Waslingtan St., near 5th Ave.
by EdncaLyalli
The Cantle Inn, ii ysci-WJBcPiSI1U
Afterwards, b a alrn -M Nf OI M .V . 1EJA,ct Vccspiar'eiyr
The Days Work, M Ac it iL M.WaaLi hcc JfYV'IJA
Rodeos Corners, by Kipinga Telephone 06. 5 15 E. St.ry 1RN
Tattle Tales of CupidTasat agnea
lT cF1 Tr14by PauliLiecccserccF IN ICCOACHS NDC 11 Or Ti l TPEI. FO, PAR LIE~ls. lanki g lBusineas.
Buccaneers and Pirates ofor Coasts, __________ ________________nn___Arbor,___
by Scociton FIHSI NA tICINAL ANK 0gci~edn18c
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, ED0 F RCpialo 0.Srls n rfts-4,0
The Californians, ii ic anerta. .lwugLAa-"a3tiR 3-ol 'l. liccciccdiittesco
biy(GecicudicAiihccion X 1ecall cattnticntoIour compi leeline 0of1 ente a I -Nickel IPlated a manps, reiti.
Cyrano De Hergerac, rnigi rc foI5 t,25 ec.''ee aip. arc.ofcthe le st ntdm E, 1) iINEPe. c.iiARISiiON .iiit,
hi Edmond ii t'aici Inust itnpct ccii patternas zicldcmakes. I nciiing ,,1 ic'New loccc-lesicr," "Theb icr--i'cc'
The Gospel of Freedom, ISale" ''he lie ali," "I lice ictiniii Stuce-it I tLim , " "The' I rfcctiaiiStudtcini S. S'. tiliibiiN . t ic-.
byiacitccc.Latmp ' If you manit the liusilLainp fot' the J cLtw .loii-egg ciio i d iccdseeu. - " - --
The Loves of the Lady .Arabsila, nf-
h._S.ioM.Saicecii 1Old Nurmber: 4Ti itIM £131 r Fl tfC3Lc 1111f
Long Drawn,,44SO AIS.
b dindc athic ANN AREOR, MiCe-i. 7°j Cr li iiiIn-1 le~

by Eizacccbithiadircy
Ave Rums Immcortalis,

Attin Arboar Railroad Connnectinnac. cc1.iii1, , ri>< iic. E. cii. ', iC -ITS,

Gle~e Club Meeting.


by c'.dicaiouCawcford Thcre xiill lii i ii i u~et i ii ioiiihe!ii A nAr cli J Dlii cdii xci
,i Hattie cf the Strog, f l'cii ic Dir 1 ciie t ib I a <tcP' e11 a 11'1fir iti p t1. c t i l5
iliicciibrtia ri ricl k ini Dccci 24, t iivoc-itv Ui 11.ii biiiiii
7:ilic'ucu'r.ii ii riii cii Icc cii uArive i c. . 7) i
I.Ip n E15 0 n d :5. iuri ( a ch! l iii icc0 ar iqi cc-. xi ii cia iii'8 ic 11)ii riri.. rr i.Iii . . .t r.
en-raved. Nim Stae i i taiocary. i lle tic r'l-Vchl i tl iI5idefiiiie 7 i tia....Arrveiiac cn a-.i cc.-. 1)ca . i
l J; iiu7ci2)a.c lictitii.ciir.a r"ic c-ae r i i cc. *17 c. i
~i Unit '1riday evcinitg.
aHlt... re cc1is ill(,t0i..' i
UNV+tI BOSLE8Engineering Society. 'ii:25a. ci .arri xcceiccv lniii nc r
The'irifcr ii h Eugncir ici rAccatiic>aun
Suciey have secured Mr. 13. J. Deliil-c15a. i..c.aArriveC-lni cii p.tn
tit, chief etigiticer cf the Tiriedc, t8: Iiim...Arivcri icircirt i....:. Ii
I3ONI' g G eenc'"Fre ontRait'tadl1 841it. it ...drrivc Coumacc d.-.6 iaTt
bib :15p.n1...Arrie Cpr als. ba tn.
A MccgiGalrden s forecttheailEr-ni K8 4p ir..Arrv uf a 74
<r I fl'I ic ritg Scciety oilti ''Lttr-hTirb&itI 843 ti...Arriver ~ t.iia .(,5-rtt
- - I rc-9:cc a. s.. rnride. icitid-Rpidsix t :~ oo
1 IRailwcays" ott Friday evetintg, oV. 4:516ii cc .Arice Scccn..iciciuc a8ciiip. m.
i4a86ap. m ...Arrivre tay I iy.. .8: .m
11T, at So'clocek. itt the Etigineicentg4a56ap. it....Arrivanst.ing~
Ibciiditt g i veryboidyr is itivited Iao xc456 i..Arriveac. ,ti iRapuid.. tv p
(Students' Lecture Asciciatio.) Cattend. __WAN______ rED-citEvey one toibuytheilatestran

m-i),I.is hun. i'ai inn

ilc n~n i'bor Svinps rank
i a italsl crc icc. . c-ric tn c, l iC aca0
cci a iac.. d ic-rcic cc, i ~r i a cci 'ii
Cci a. i iize udrih nr alcci c cc iii Law-
ftis accc c-ccci-e ficc -icc.. i 1xx11i. tcaci
ici nia Irc icrcci icc. iti'coi thci 1iicici.
dz cifrtthd pnpoe W niiain
an c y G r ha ' l oc ahers M
JeFkeep everylzt hitie aalykpti.
fin-cas rc r d iserCl
and see on.


Students in the War.
TDie Alntmni Associaticti desires to
Tickts or he titre 'cirsearecollect all the data possible cncern-
noseotn sale at Wilder's, ott State St., ing the participatioti if its grado.
atid at Goodyear's, on Main St., or staes atnd students, past and presetnt, in
they may he had from stcidenttcolic- the late war with Spaiti. The U ni-
itors. '[le price is otnly $200. verity is very idesircus that ftse rec-
ords he as ntearly ciiimplete as possi-
TIhink of bearing f ble, eveti dcowi to the most tiitue
"scraip of infortnatlctu.
I3OURE COKRANThe Michigan Book
For 20 c~as, , Clii, 323 pages, Price $1.50, pith.
irshied hy E. H. Hutmphtrey, Detrit,
1 N N ES' BA ND ciii be reviewed int lciiirroiv's issne.
For 20 cta., ccrTh boock iii theni le placed ott
sale atid represettediittAttn Arbior
all wi A r I A r_ ty J. H. Eihlers, 031 So. Itigalls Si.

stc iteesting ciccm c ieierinventd. 'Picca ___ V.__ -_ ____
Bail at Homeni." It. is piayecd icy itotireonsii
ecesingiitBasealinesiandci wiscoreYOU'RE INEXT
ini ruinshits;citnd erorsaiteic i ts an ay gamet
piayedoteicfield. Scsi pccipaid c toay adresscc U. of51. lts-ber Shop
onc recaipt ci tic.
itASP BALtL ArTiai)Ms Ccc. and B t t oostus.
508, 501),ChambefCme r ttccTcItc TinAxOiKIa. Prip, i22 S. Piate St
cThle Itter Ocean, leading~ Chicago RAZOR HONING
daily, is liandiledi by F. Stliit, IS A SCIENCE .
Opera Ilonse NessDIelot. Til Weiuaana itit ur work.
subscription, ihaily otnly, delivered at WARREN THE BARBER,
sacs, $1.50 fcr 3 nuts., payahble in - -
advance. THE lVilsEL of Sti Street
______________Is tryniu & deivre
Bctea noLae, asliligcsD.BARBER SHOP If c dsr
Bureu orsla, t~shllgto, D first-clciss crk nd coatrteous treatment
C. Informcationi pertaitnitng tic the try Geocrge and Hiarty at M-*' ir. State St.'
Laces of the Untited Statcs, of tliii'-- ----I
severai slates anth territcories if thie oc UCI tEmbailmer and
Utnited Slates, of I'crfeigti Ccutirties". C Clth qiuncral Dictor.
furntisited tupontapplicationc. Ci-iiaidtc c iii
No.i1i1iE. iicucy. Strect. ticcuciccar b33iS
--Fucii iAve. Iihonei1ci.



Fo 0 t.ESTABLISHED 1858,
The dates for the above wvilsoonti
be made punblic. Watcih the BulletiniY U od ~ j .ors esl RN FTE I
when he went to school here. MWMLWR

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