]if. sStudio THE ORIGINAL Students ! Student;s THE GREAT MANDOLINARIT
Piano, Pipe Organ and Conpposltion If dissatisfied with ytosliundry service comenMr. W. ug n Page'
Froam Stuttgart Consevatory, Germany. u A. F.i COVERT Proo. 209 E. Wash. St. Jso omn
612 S.Divinion St. Concert Piano Tunigg Teiephone No. 2i1, 2Rings. And alsntise
Students' Laundry Association C oc laes txcselentWsehsndl Quick Sercice Gnaranieed. Washburn Instruments,
WChocIIolataesX getsle LRMCLC ,~They nrn for sate nt the
The best high grade..ltsnsdey in the Slate. The ARE NOW ON SALE AT 'U114FWst.LibrtyStret, An Arbor
erynty macine domestic fSnith in the Iwest. Fie1WtcWteeatenLibSertyly __Street,______ Ann___ Arbor.___
Glave finish altn given. All week pronmptlyiieWtcC.arn aSeily
neutly and cureflsly dnne. BRWNSDRG TRE 0M MARTIN]
(Jtee 202 S. State st. Rlesidence ot0 Lawrence s1tRW' U TR. J. L. C HA P MAN, U.II, IJIflIIL,
New State Phone. 441. FRESH EVERY WEEK. 2nn Sisnte MainsSSreset FUNERAL
CALEDAR.TheOrace Agin. Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth
THlE Friday, Nov. 4-'O0M vs. '9 The Oracle managenient dlesires Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ron-
PR [NTI+:KL.a, egns il the DAILY to announce again the idence 302 Fifth Ave.
Ann Aegsnt, Fiels. eate by which all competitive stories,
_____Arbr,_ich Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 a. m.--'00 poems and drawings must be in. MO
M1Gf 10 N G~ NTK ~ L. vs. '02 1., at RegentsaField. G IA G N LTis is otl next Thucrsday, Nov. 10., Mfl1 lok
_______ Saturday, Nov. 5-A1l-Freshmsetn So far very fete articles have beeni l
The Niagara FallsnRoute. vs. Altta, at lRegenats Fed enter d. The prizes are most sub.- Plji ire
Saturday, Nov. 5--Michiigan vs. stancial, being itn cash, anod merit a
CENTiIAL STANDSARIME l~i. Northiwestertn, at Evanston, Ill. strotig cotmpetititon. Thecy are $10 i Lein
Taking Eilel Aug. 14, 1898. Mda o. 7-Pri Wtic nfor bst story, $10 ffrontispieceOIULeaelnr
ratn EAT. ondy, ov. -Prf, enly o Tfrntispiece
Vail~~~~~~~ asdEpea . a1c'.a.'oetBriiaUiyCtbLe antd $5 fair best lpoemn. There is also
Ma. a.n Expresspec .....l..347 t> t"R r t oc rs inanittlubse5t
ba. Ea BstnS ti........4c8ned for a.few sketcliesillustr.aing GET YOUR
AJlastEaterlnt....e...s....7 43 "A. oe. Care
telanitEpress..........A.. Saturday, Nlov. 12-Mticlilgata vrs Joakes, stories, etc., so anyone desiritig
Gand Rapids Express . t.....t 10 Illinois University at Detroiit. teselponesa thtgthre mlin wil
ai&Exrs.......... to....91 A l Saturday, Nov. 19-Geni. John B. editor, H. C. Stevetis at 10 Ciormiwell L N H
iBaston, .NY.&Chsicagoa... ..s13 I AT
at W5esterni Express . t...... ...139P.Al Gordon, in S. IL. A. course. Place. A
#"J. ItR a.Exrs .............5
sllaaNgtEtrc . S, Sattrday, Nov. 19-Micignvs. Prof. H-insdale to Speak. . W. TUTTLE S
Chcg ih xrs.. ..... 3 Jb (,Pcific Express . . ... t12 30A. At. ,Beloit.18,o laeStet
O. W.& T. GI, C icgW. AAn eba limady ia.24MciitOi~ il Iriday atid Saturday of this 33_SoSateStret
P.______ t, week the Central husay ov Ohio Teachers. echrs hcao a Ciag.I ek h Cnra hi Ascitonwllhldasesona
Colitttbus. At the mteetitig Sattir- OUR PHOTOS
I N77 The Death Rate of the Unicersitqly iayorniing there will be atn address. . A R E..
9, Y . Hospital. by Proif. B. A. Hinsdale of this Uni.
~, RAILROID sovie.. receltly publishted slatis- veroitty, oni the snusject "Forces be. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH
lies iof teUniversity hospital, te hitnd Moderta Popular Education.' T H E
TIME TABLE death rate, thsroiigli aprititer's error, Prof. Hinisdale's ability to speak ona
Tak ngEfret, ct. , 198. was -giveti aid26 per centt. Th'iis, if tlhiosciuject is welllknosets and tile Berm nSu i
Takig Eree, ~ csas. it were truie, would tmeantaist omnly Ohtio teachiers were wise iii choosing rm n Suu1
rd Titleac ss ricb etllSad three ottt of every fsotrli atientds who hit. 1 2 West Huron Slt.
.d lie _______
NenTI ~ ater the htospital cotneslitt aivr. Ntc o h cus State Phanea 119,
b3 a. it. ai.25 A . A 11.f atth et eiei The scrumboswill be expected ouit at
ota40 . A. 11t:25A. AT. abotit 2 lie cemnt, wvhichi sisimcih____-______
4:5u1M.i 840m t~. lowcetanmini the majirity o io the athletic field thisa afternaoon anii
I :aliA . 9. at. l. J yo o VriyA. G.SPALDING & BROS.
-tss te-esiasssAror cli v itails ha~vimng tt large numtmber of oper- tomioriw the siame as if the ' ist
Tisese erains sn Suneday onlyanid ran be- atiomi cases. In sutch imstitatiotis the -ti ob hr o.CahHahtac ~ ieNm hcOisate
waeob hr o.CahHl n ?,weu oeoalea 'eptSudoassililitell. All othser traisa . aei mull rai sVilla xwiiiltieet thiemi, antirgar'FOOT BALL
E. S. GtLMOtRE, Agesat. perC cent. If- itm additiomn the citoo practice'wiii be gone thmroumgh with as ' S P LE
11. W. BENNFTT, 0. P. A. iary redulctionmais miadc for tmoiribundtairmly as swill be possible. Offiialutfiteters en aimlIbis
caseo (those (dying twithin 24 hioutro Whienmyoutaimk isbomit Mandiloinasatledigcoleeas n
if tee arrival,) the actumal death ate let tue tell yout the Wialdo tlaat thte Spalding 's Official Inter-
amonitg time imipatiemnls is hblt 2.33 ie nAtatbXhor Music Co. sell, io a xworldl collegiate Foot Ball
sF.TROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- remit, amid amlomng all the patiemits 1.5 beater. Price not so iglmh-a good Usedeclusively byYale, Princetson, Harvard
g Pnnslvaia.Corellandalt othser leadiog
SORL RAILWAY. prcet.oe$1.cilleges and universities. Itanagera should
per cttt.osle$12.write tar prices aed samp~les beliire ordering
elseaihere. Spalding'a OficiialFnot Bait Ouide,
Cars leave for Dletroit at a qatet . ruc - _ eied by Walter Cutup. Rlecordo. photo
quarter (em pbs og teadiagttaus. t189 rates, with in
after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. t o n xlntr oeIc
i. antiliup to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsitanti 111eutsCber, the 1 otogtanbe . AOC SPALOINz6eO& ., New Fork, Chicago
at a quarter before time hour utp to 12:4<5 i[C Q!a.m CaslvecrrHuoan- O Luf W y
a.m.(rolev crmp turt an- 7F,_____ ______ Mo ~';lilllh srY A o1ra
Malta Sto. Tictkets on sale at Breown's - -.. ______
Seog Sstore. Int.RrclhIPanat~e Bureau Of PR6AWonG GOStUmoI Al Newt Seaod, 607 E. William St;
Give nmn a triail. Firatclanasavork and
GOTRELL & LEO7NA3RD,prmtsvie
AAY, pop evc.AN. Y.PA LMYR
Cape, Gawns, aod Hoodosmade to order and rented. Also ClasPULMYR
W anted-8' Students Caans, Class Halo and Caps, Claoa College Pitis. Addreosn -_-
Toesolicit sabeeiptimnitonthe V ,V. C. I3; iN, WesternaStage., F C L E E
alanke11 ittaxeun, niav. or Chaicago,.2405S. Stsate St.,
- - B___ _____ ______ ______ --inmds Booksfore2lc euspwards, and setls A. A
C nca.o Reor -* A NT" ~Al I IsU n AI Every kind. Wateenuan Founta~mtaiesfr $1.00 and up
inieaopportiunityltoaeansomeomoney. V ' * L H" v . S'tAEBLEE, AlLnnPnr, b.fR5c
0. E STPHEN, i L. tat Phoe 14. 19 XestWashingtoni Street
G. M STPHEN, 19 LStae Phne 44. Both Phaones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. Finest Stationery in the city at lowest price,