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November 04, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-11-04

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rtt 1t An Interesting Relic.
ft It thas been runored recently thatf WE ARE 1...
Sthe small annex at tie north conl of EXLSV
xhiehed Dily (Sundays exceptd) during the the north wing is to be plled dsan.a AGENTS
Collee 9n.It has aii interesting history which d
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, will not be inappropriately toldl at FOR .
'Jrrc nThe inlandFPres, Henning Bnices. this tite. 'NT r 1 ~1 I fl~TqpI
Roth Phones 147 It was built ini the summner of 1863 <+ HANAN'l Uant BAN11ISTER
TANAIN~tEJSIO~i. for the accommondationi of Randolph
F. Enae L.nI1itogera statue of "Nydin'at"wich
BINES ANAE~R. nowe stanids in the ceter of the ArtSH E
O. i. RenS a .L. Gallery. Roger was borni in Ann.
EaT s.Arbor and wlhenahIsisart mde ili] B S-t E9TRE SN. MAISTREET
Athletic Editor, T. R. Wenna, '0 L. famous, ani assciatinsii fo0rm aedapaQTHUE
. W.JuaN, h, A. H1. Mtovan, '5l1 for the purpose of buying a copy ot____
'y .E~ANA. '1 L. C. H. Ln. '555, this statue. A part of the north
r. 1). ileNUT, '01 E. Iwngaste used as a imuseuim andtG T I T
thaexacefs built to forni a suit GEINT
abepaefr"Nydia." Thee5statERT
was purchased for $1,700 ii85,i
he saubscriptiontcppece of tic DAILY i$2.50 face exhibited in Detroit a while, later iii
he all g yea, witla aregula dlivery helace the uniion scoluiin this city adte onec a.Ntcs omnctos aallucia fr/ il-thrmteinnddorpbcaonouteIl
183wspae 1 h loe O - OTanded in at the ffieeee8pi., arsmall fewsatfrtcharged ~to'
male Sto lie editar helae 39pm. oalihe day fe(1s t ist V and .
--peviiuatoc that oa which they aepected to to help the associatisa pay fot. ! (-f This timleofteyaan
ahascriptiaccemaybe left at the DAILY othee, Here it remained until 1883, when it you wil finti otirsel
Mangw.iahlchlcwilficncna y aareooucitoteeaevfr
y ec, r Slalela newtad, ac with BsainesetVgalyuprojremerlytodressed.r Its aely
-Mngr usrbr il ofrafvrb epoeting pamptly a thiscoaice any failucre f Whei thteastattie tastaken oaith _ f I
toarrirsacadeliee pap e. -oat that cn9 be woras
All hangea in adetiing matte muat bie in railing sas -taken edowniand the al- .
'aSehOpatanted9pcnatcthtcove thrownu into te rer room.ila lle al(as
nwhich they ae ta appea. /I/yIathese1shivr dysfall1days
I CAG i OA su 1 ipa.t eeutiosedahasi cia/
O.e Doaaa TaoaDNItauIni.ngko poat ar dyspnyth
m.H U~II.iodels and papers. \_n splendid assotm ent
The idea of having a special coacha The American Republican College of the best tilored kind.
or tla freshani football mien, is a League. ASK TO Si OUR $15
pes sne at Michigta, ut inithic east The seventhcannua05 coniventisn ofi$19 1 an c .
' sa lontg esstalished ecstom. Tb the Amiericau RepublicanaC'ollege Bloc Sege Soit.It yousan etit a
yosr ta trial is being made Of the ad League, which tas pstponled in May cait ystll laok no at her.
isaility of stch an unaertakiiag last, on acont of the sar, twil1lae
and good results tirc looked for. heleat Iidiaiaalolis, Indiana, Nsvcmi
Much goosd football material it- heret17thlada 18th. Thec regalar anit
kzootingly cinters college each year ncual electiaon of officers swill take , sJIJ4~
,nd tise adaed atfuccuicut of a spe. place. The official programs of the
-ial coach brings it ot, while the csnveition's meetiugotill le tstest0
,coaching serves to dvlp the mensc about Novcembr 8th
into a form mcore naearly approaching Thae Leagaic is compased of Reciab.
hat of t1cc 'Varsity. In the ast anid lican Clubs fraoma any college or sniisi. --
al15o i19the far twest the gaies be- versity in tahe United States, grait- R C - c ; S 0) 1
tee elc freslhmien of rival college tg the drcgres of A. B., B. S., L.
.ar swatched witlh as mumch iterest, asI L. B., or ainy other degree of euaal i niPOTES A105MA'UFACTREERSo
those betwecenitlc older elevens raok; these clubs to be admitted up.U)IA ua hSCLAPRTS
Last Friday night a big mass miee- sunlppicatin to the President of the ( (I)1IA n H SCLAPR TS
gug tas hed at the University of Leaguie or thse chairtma s' the de 1MIROSCOPIC FNDINGS. Headuarters for all Labrooa-
tealiftiruia to cer thaeir freshmen oiCi tmrient it abell the clubs ae, tory Supptlies 11u an5cct n ete iec
nthe gae Ia stimgdysihsituatcd. Ths elembeship fee is _____________
the irs yer blcHfro Leand$5.00 per year for each daub. Every Fn ofcin
Stanford Univrsity. Thisonly serves club having an iseusersip of 500, aor I ?Bn Bonsectan
rs slhows thic grat imprtanice placed n fraction thereof, is entitled to ole IonBos.n
by other cllegeso th~ lese contests. delegate to theac sivetlan. Chocolates.
S toorrw lt evry ne urn ut Futherinfrmaion ay e o. } 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET,
leo witness thec gamse wills Alma. The taiced from the President, Arnaold L 0 /
boys sill liate bard work to twin, but Davis, Indianaapolis, Ind., Hotel Ieiii "'- 316 SOUTH STATE STREET,
aith student sapport may e expect. soi, or I. Henry Wurer, secretary
cd to do so. Incidentaly, ta god INtre Dame, Ind., ar Gergc P. M- If You Want Or Binding, or noing, or aything i our line, noc matter
,pportuity to knsowetihe Jrogres..of Calni, Thompson, Mich. how smal or Case large,
the Narthuwecsern ganme is offered in On the advisory oard of the Lea a Job of W A O I
the reports Itole received an1111dis. (gue ar, amsog othieio: Hon. Wiliam E Cs O I
playedI there. McKinley, Ioma Benjamlin Hlarr'isoni, Printinug Mr you. (alt and get acqaited.
unoClsMetn. Hoi. Chauncey . Depes, Hon. T.','Cle InlmandilPres,
jnoClsMetn. B. Reed, Hsi. Henry Caiot Lodge, ac "Hnnng Bloc.
The Jumior Literary aiid Enginsem- Hon. Rutssell A. Alger, Hlon. Levi 1'. ________-_________________
tug classes ill lsald a nueetimg this MrlnHms RbetT-iuesl ~
afternioon at 11, in Rtoomt C. This ----_linbtefismeigfthea_40SSAE
and thse cias sail either eect a fol lIAL LGHAN v. flC01340 S. T a TEldn.
set of oficrs or contiulse te planUI IUI.,~LUI yp-telcnncldn
followedh last yecar of electing a Chair Law BookPuD ishers and I p res
u'an amd exeestive cmmiittee to mct F ~ D OkF UI~eSI~ ros
luring tle year. As this latter plan jlA H ~ ~ ff i
'as very succesfuli last year, it till H Tave youl 1e1d Wilsni's Works, as e had y James DeWitt ~
imuportant event on the Calendar fau T IM ATR E i i ofea the.UnutedstSaes?" These ook are far sle at omr
the Class of 1000 this' year is a ban.i str mand esallbe lush to have you cll amd
Junior Hoip. Amd s this is mit I - 1ij] examinie temi.
,iretly maaged by the class, ai full ii Our Bac eeCoe bu o.1t ~
set of class officers sil ut e neecded. (I Brnh HeeCossA ou o . t
'The executive committee la st year L7
,onsisted of tie general chairmunm, S _ _ T
the anagers of the various teans, UNIVERSITY ISHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET.
and the scial committee.
Wraheexetst mkeis eoudSchool of Dancing' OLD GUNBOATS cami YOUR FANCY,
-Wperneectsrthyarkonit eaody S-Y COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fit YOUR FINANCES.
next. hellt Phone 24a1.I W. J.I APRILL. 119F. Washington St."

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