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November 04, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-04

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j ~ ~ j~ OFF FOR EVANSTOX. Proposed Shaespeare Club. The Second Facultyj Concert.
CC 'arsitsj Let This Morning to Meet Something which the University The second of the series of c&
Northwestern, of Michigan ioes not possess is it certs by the School of Msic faclty
The arsty leve toethe w hchsarelballghaoolatiol wa gienolast nigt to al audience
T T Manelevenird oe awth whihkscsareluthgs ooor col-ni ichfilled Frieze Memorial hal t.
H IEFL WIG. H Fretg n bu it tdnslf lege ins the conty is without. Rt the doors, and was a brilliant artistic
FINEFALLSUIINGS H Frbetorni o tfft a ets81 hiao ll it is likely that Michigan will soon5 and social success. The Ann Abo
thsmrigar:3frCiao l have such at club, the olject of which music-loving pblic has reason te
E ~ ead forthestrugleseit Noth-will be a careful ad thorough study feel gratified that so delightful a o-
western tomrrow° afternoon. The o h ra lyrgtadhscr a egvnb oa rit.
following players were taken: Browns ftegetpawih m i cr asb iesb oa rit
center; Cley, France and Allen, works, with a viewe not osly to liter- The program posessed lear~sng vani-
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T gards; White, Seckle and Avery, ary cultivation,tbut with the idea of ety std was so arrangei as to prodc
A SOCKA tckls: ennttSno, hcksandstaing one of his great productions, the most satisfying effec.
A A 'eetelends; Street and Talcott, after the fashion of the Shakesperian The oening number was the Grieg
IN THE CITY. quaterbacks;- Widian, Ba~trabee asd clubs in te big eastern colleges, sonata, op. 45, for vilin and piano
IWhitcomub, halfbacks; Weeks and ti. tLas beentsotortneesow sitter Mr. Joias ad Mr. Zeit idividin:
IG Mcl~onald, fullbacks, saking 18 a Shakeparin piae has beens rn- te respinsibility. In this the No.
L itcoin all, tred by local tUiertsity talent, the wegian sotpossr ias emtployd fP's
11 lasevrtitgwenft oteio last tme bing i fir spring of '96 Iis temtes treltharacteristiefdlk
0as evnn hnthUocee when, through teefrso rf og n ac yhso i a
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. tred lto the gyinnaSiUto frOlotheTrueblood the clitti to oProf.was tv on rnd anrrhs ifhisyus-
R a tftetrnootnptictice they exreisst(ted'thevnich, .walis bottit' fi afit's ciiiidtith10 etttii l li lilly st-
opiniotnthatttthe 'varsitys swork iiiiodvest siliotias.bftattties eiiit ititth itrtteiitt
pi-ieie wuldtt sc trutt stss-ssi sudaruste ttee-~Threeis ante it tfte sotttt. hisittumbettwasa
fritceittultti o meait s walit t celletfittildopen-tiee itt AnniAribeittdisedilovelty andiirned tin' tso-t
theg sentieg tht le s to b pt-for the jproctioni of suc apiy iteetignuiidierof liee ceiiii
tit he giiie. If they wlliiiit wiill tiintg. lte itsott-fbelg in lieSires-sdis
Ile betaue thliy iut till btte lay
:Doctors' ing igliiisf Nititlwe'thrifll i v The matter is big pisle b eti '5nutiy Shutbert-List, as itu e:
t lri ili ig iitea-ter severitera l-stui ts stillrtimtot hointnottctrni-ti C il.t.
two days. doid this o ittithe elthetgwlviiipobubly ito elli in ts fe ittoithenntcties, ctitpotsel by ils
twot . ue dshAnid stetis11is e iiJonasuitddeliated tfils vli
Prescription1s s-idaymg~s T hit ietcilubrh wiltmeaetti ttcweleklytttttoeuit-hittet
} 7 o stf oc oit-g eli tt'a-r e ' rot ly i n u o .a s iti o tis o f its so je ts tw ill ie s o e ial ,( s -te ete r e id a i ti y iits . T h e itre a t h t
tlyugy eiseedsthvi I l tfher rspects ttey are pa AtFesmnGae rigiatlity f ssannersare setswi
riot' ini guarateeveo y pre- inb r- well, lit yestet'day,, pt-atic
captions tuu-sittluouttftrtesmsutti utuyite Tismorow the AlmaCtllege fotf-this attettiotta stihIteec-sit istd
thass they hisseedoseaso yet this fsh; ball testis wilhhe enterttainecdh hy theric-s. At this chostf lthereformt-
+WILDER'S PHARMACY in fact, as CotachsHalh expressedi it, All-Freshsmanss testi at Ifegrits fiehl. stieshsie reeivdl tshadshsomueot-
an Sountse Steert. the play was fierce. Bcutswhat is Speciah reports fromo fle Nrtwest- uet.
+4++++++++++++N++++++N1 tr44-~ oublisg this coaches is the fact that ern gamss will be postsei on this U. OF Miss Alice Bailey cnsswshss
- -- its at least three ot of every four M. DAim bulletisn board. These cout 0n a hetrty welcomesu froit th.
DON'T FORGET plays the balh was fumbled. Not reports sre exiected to comse sot Ant Arbore ctncet-going pucbli, such
the OI) REIABLEonly s pasing b the ackshut th lantessminssutes apart std wilheir sicdsirers received ter selfh es-
Hos.th adcl esseessLDRafterE ain pla y e a ksebgodttus keep uis t gtod runisismiigaccosnt tlusiasosits Prof. Sasley assisted,
oueHoancodpnhseeafeaplyrhdmdagodat al hours. Chocoiates and Ice run f ten yards he seemed unable to of the gamse. her to this platforsmi. Sie sasg flit
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cgars and retain Iis hold on the ball and wouldl A good game sisy be expected, as Mesdelsson aria "Infelice" with fine
Tohacco, and fulh line of S moking Supbttem arsto thuhtedmtiefchrsrnguty.-
plies. R. E. JOL LY &COfunmble i.oh-tasar tog,though thertic viefetts Sroight sym -
308 So. Stats Street- The msen are all in goodl physical freshmesn are as yet ustied. The patstcvoc esg amsirably Sie
----__- shape witli the except ion of Wh'lit- value suP the snew scene of having a to this briliacy of the piece. A
___________________________ -cosit,sho has a lasse askle. Tal- special cachs frfle freslusuen will grupn of songs frost Gecmass cost-
MVy cough Balsam oft is also uursisg assisjured knee, bs shownssiii this game.- The pan is posers clcsed tie net
but will probby be all right by ose adopted largely inthle east
is tomorrow.~uvl rrv t hcg where stich good 'varsity muaterial is A Ladies Glee Club.
is as nearly Iaruies as I The temwl rie tCiaoa developed us the first-year class. TEle Te folltwisg is an accunut c h
msedicine can be ansd be 3 o'clock such sill put i at fle Vie- price f admuission will be but 25 ladies glee club, which Ias its urganis -
effective. It is msade of tois Hotel untilfosmsrrow noosnasuc cests std the dubule attrctsn zation at fle University of Jllisois._
doctors use forgssiglhs will reach houe Sunday sight. sold drase a atge crowde, For it we are isdebted to Prof. of
asud is fle best thisng to '99 Deleats '00. I Detroit Alumni Banquet. Music Walter H. Jsnes of fle 1U_
uses until thse doctor Tue Sesnior and Junior its playedi ITe Detroit Asociatioss f U. ofofI
^omes. 25 cetts. a good game of fotball at the fair M. Alusi sil give its tiri annual "h lflusmwhtsnra oe University Glee cuibils its char-
grouusds yesterday, '99 sinnsisg 10 to hanque othle snigt of Nov. 11, so
E. E. CALKINS. 0. Tthehball ws 50ini this Junior's honomr of Pres. and Mrs. Angell. It actr, being tiuade uph osuPouumg ladies,
- -territory all throughs this gamse asud swilhe this first visit mtade by lPresshuo ae sudents in fle uiversity-
fhue sore sholuud haeehenscuhseiAsgell to Detroit sices Iis retrnThEle mtajrity of themutases voctum-
Ofl a.1~ useer, ut fr dsastosusfcssuliug rinEttesue. 'he afair silh e as dets in the Seiool if M usic, asuj the
on thus part of fle Seuos. Bothlaborate ose. DossiIM. Dickinisonsthcpuofeisorcofuhicsetiing.f-lis s
New Third Edition of teams put upi a good defessive gamse, sill act as-toasttsitster. fu ioesro oc riusg
but swere weak us offsnsiv etiork. The wies std husbaus of aumsiTshdleearek20tvokes is ofea litle
C O E 'S The features sof te garswere thus std shsuumsehiavehensinisvited tt bean th
line bucking f Tupper asud Richard- presest. 'lie associationtusmusbers smorse serustsaurtmusttsin
CON TIT TIO AL osimusd a40 ar ru byThosuplun225sumusbrsandtis uscisshl ham'sbythe boys. Thisludies give a,
CONSTITUTIONAL on afn'99sidua tis0gerdrunigiThosvtkof 22ttembssers expectdlbcusealy are ysy fyearlyth gneagodisrkouatertne s hers,, ecusbust erl ey cncrtarttishet,,btrtkig velfo
LAW, Capt. Atweoodl tf '00. '99 situ '0i oi the eve sf te Michign-Ilinois B NRWC cA 'Ex ilil-o h ierrd atnu"fobalgm n ayot hiy rehisenymear the -gsceneP
chtamupionshsip sext Tuesday. Oficials ailumni ire sure to be present. au~jiuigCisei'Eu-s lm
A. M., LL. R. PrfessesofAmnsisory, ofestrda's..un s.reeti,_-ht'yig DutchmstaT."'he cluts as
Ulnivesityso ch~ig~an. oRetere;yChseampire ehraid The Daily's Telegraphic Ex- its regular uorgaiation anmithofiers
(iho~s Bssdssg...... $ ~0Cosger'lTimekeepers. tra, giving a full account of the amidrts us.i"f sesItiuss
Fllh Law Sheep-----------..... X,0 Daniel Webster was editor-is-lief Northwestern-Michigan game, Teudsof'Fc akitan
of the first college paper iss the Uii- Tecaso 9,Faki n
L~tn n te Sttes.It as phulshse atwill e on sale Saturday at 6:30 Mrshall, has plantedh t class tree on
W ars Dookso reU iedSaeIUwspbihdattecmuDartsmouth, p. m. Get one. fu aupus

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