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November 04, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-04

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It Will Pay You


YY H H IT t 1 YTo take a look at oor TIE
WINDOW. All the new I~G R,_
25 shapes and colorings in Pall11t
ID E A Land Winter Neck Dreseinge Ha-s received a new and serviceable
::....._...._.-... At 50c-1-2 Dollar.
T T A D .T NK R v O ,334 S. STLATE S'TREET. nos of Workmaosohip.
j Comp~loteis sotmnts of Sweaterso. tgos. for the Celebrated Longley $35 Hat.
P E N I ass Eist Washi..gtn aSt., .neer th Ave:
We sell the Best One Dollar Glove in the city-Silk Lined or Unlined. ----- ----
W.__________J.________ B5T ooTRST
L E -L I E Y otNC LAll around the world. B1,issflta tsho NK
__Telephone 106. 515 E. Liberty St. I Transacts a general
.Y Banking lBusiness.
Every Onee Warranted for I NE COACHES ANI) COUPES FO1t PAR~vTIES. _
" 1:13STNATINAL ANKof Asn Arbor
Five Years. FISTNAIOALB n izesd 1863
Cajopita, t'150.Suols an sd ProisH0545
LAMPS ST DEN TS o-ooso sba meoanoolssobsines oeg P T
essisi's.bousght aodssioslid. 5tss'is Psir: >
and'detibemdectei he Wat- IgsWe call ttention to ons complete li ne of (enter Deaft 'Nickel PlatedeLIamps, .s. I~NE Pess. o iiARISiON' S'05
addvrieeitofeig teWi ranging in price frconst 7e to :2.50 each. Thseam nps are of the latest and i r
ermian Pen frsiii $1.00 up, as there 'i most improved patterns and msakes. Including "TheI- New kochtester," "TIhe S. W. CLARKSiON sie.
no Waterman Peisnmasle at that price. Yale," "Is'e tRoyal,," "TFhe Ilerlin Student Lamp, ""'rho erfectioii Student
We have the so-called Watermsan Lamip." If you waist the best Lampslifor the Least Money come sant see us.
Pen, whsichs is extensively adsvertised Oid Number,
and which leads the umnsspectimig 44 SO. MAIN ST., D E N0
public tss believe thsat thseyare getting AN AROMH.N * (Sssossiito5
the 'Watermnan Isele at this resiarka_ -, Caital, 055550b. Sssttug'. 5.sO
bly lose price. At assy tisme prospeect-. Notice. Hare end Hound Hun. ;i Rim, K IssoIh . FsG. ii vierPr-
leisure we trill glasdly show tisessithesinsostisisg, sit 10 so'iclssck, sarssng isisn isrunSssisrslssy 5555555555 - s l illes o i ii p- lt a
swindile thsat is bseisig perpsetrateduse Gyis. All sdistase u.s s i-liareh ysss. st 10iO'eisxl, .All lsog [Ille iinlRrorlSa~vinsEa
upoin the lpubllic. di~cs s s ss.sitance anl cr-ss o nii isi u-irs apitil Osost. '0551. 5thsrins l o.,
l15 sirs ', 'lissik _Asissssss-s- 11,s init iesi toii rt iipA hll) Organ iiiisunde isth is-eneral BntiatiiiL
U~~~mk L 'tsssls'this i-iss a lermasnselit fixturin of tisMate-.Reise--isi- is, s s and
811 E 11t~1 11 Isat '. 'l's-islsluositlis esiicipali cotiisl oflthelis.site,'.
TfI 5A o iI rf.Toa i ublo sei-ol 5olg tltc. tg.Irf siesl onpslitisitiicai~ilt
lug8 the ceisirt of se pi-oeesdissl S 0f Slft eot-si i m. o tn PItR- t-in3a1Peo.;-W. 0.Hasrs
Univereity Boosellers, Stsationmers, the Natissial Assscisatissnsof Elsicis- LOSTs.-lasck ossdl siite IsisolgIlss'sn- crs. Ch~;a i. itt-roes., Cashliae;Mi
saisil Esigravers tiosists held at Cisncinsissti last Isue. Iserbusch ppIblack eas dspolht
320 . SateSt. Ans ArorMwl. ''he repsort, wichel is isowe in the press on hip. Leave twithiJsitsior (of Medic --
320 . Stte S., nn A borMich 1 iths the AissiArhbsr Courier, trill sl buildinig sind receive restaid. L M E H
Prof. Truseblotod, who presided sit te Teewleameigo the LAM9GER
Cincinnati iseetinig wsis re-eleceds class F~ridasy afterisoon at 4:15, in ..THIIE
T * ~president. The meetiing of 1899 wrill R~ooimi (, for the purpose of electiiag
(1 *U be held at Chasuitauiqua, begiiing. a class oratoar.F n y
\ l June 26. ______ LEsONARDmsVERtDnIEi, Presideist.
JJ L . Harvard is to have a weekly paper FontR REN.- Single rooms groundycer
S o L e fur gad-ts to be kinowni as this floor, fronlt; furmnace heat amid bath; We keep everything usually kept in a.
Harvard Bulletin. It will be pub- 1 blotck fromcapus 224 S. Thay'r first-class e Grocery and :Bakery. Colt
(Students' Lecture Association.) lished unuder thme authority of the 36TEST
Athletic Association of Harvard Chias. F. Steinbaur, teacher of 3~18 S.ST EST
Graduates, though it will not be an Mandolin, Banjean amid Guitar. Stic- YOU'RE NEXT
athletic paper int any excluisive sense. cessor to Mel Gillespie. Studio with U. of DI. Barber Shoh
TPickets for the entire course ate Mr. Otto Lawrencee '01 L.,was Anmn Arbor Music Co. Mandolin Or- utatlton.
now on sale at Wilder's, on State fit., married on thse 30th to Miss Alice chiestra Music furnished. 39 J. R.ToOJAsOwsKI, Itrap. 3al 5. state St
andy aGyea rstdMant.,or Handford, of Decatur, Ill. Miss The Free Press, the old reliable
thenorsybheh ric soml studemnt sh Hamdford s parensts seers atimne tinme and headliing State amid Sporting paper RAZOR HON ING
itre Th rc soy $.0 residents of Ansm Arbor. is hamndled by F. Stotflet, Opera House IS A S0CIENCE .
Thiunk of hearing Juis-.Iea- Netws Depot. Call amid subscribe. We Guarantee Oue Work.
JuisE elwselected last Good delivery guaranteed. WARREN THE BARBER.
Wednesday night as trustee of this _--__- __-- _____________
BOURKE OOOKRAN ftiet hita soitomt Good Baritone, and Tenor soloist,TE MOE of Slts Street
succeed E. F. Mills, resigned. Mr. can apply for church position at is BLNc & ELY's
For 20 cta., Ba' emi o he er. omice at 312 S. Division. 35 BARBER SHOP It you desire
Beal's trm i fo thre yers.first-clots work and courteous treatment
Bureau or tuaw, Washington, D. try George and htarry at 332 S. State St.
I N N ES' BA ND LOST. -Cornser Washmingtonmamid C. Information pertainimig to the__
For20 a.,orIngalls. Opemi face, screw front Laws of the United Slates, of the (ENOCH DIETERLE Fuebahter and
Fo 0cs rElgims watchi, with gold chain, gold several states and territories of the' I init Director.
stone charimi. Reword, 421 Thsonmp. Uiited States, of Foreignm Countsries cailstattetidesi Day or fNight.
"IAN M A LAR E " Snito. 16i S. Liberty Street. iResidene 533 S
IA IVM L II 37 furnished upon application.ForhAePonV9
For 20 cts.

The dates for the above will soon
be made public. Watchm the Bulletin
Boards. -!Derby Ribbed
Fleece LineduIDER E R 50
Cotubinatiomo i4- QQ Ct Full.
S o L N TIdertm a I *, Well Made.

-M. ltAN DIR

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