M 3. T UoD
T[HE GRAND LAUNDRY, We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and W aulstruen
05n RI. equail ansy ini the State. WabualoIntruens
The boet high gade launedry inthe Stae. The We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. 'They are foo sae at th
Gonlylo m is ~ l ll o rorkathe Wet.
Gloeo fnish aloo given.l eet oaaty All garynents mtade by us kCet pressedl andi iii repaihr for SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE
ncaty and carefullyy(oe n er 114 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor.
The Excelsior Laundry Co Off M. MF'IB 8I,, 0-M MARTI
OF KAtAMAOO 106 E. FHeron. New State Phone 43.'' a I
Collars .....................1bCent _______________________ FUNEA
hirts.......................CALENDAR. Mihigan Elocutionists. DIRECTOR
Ethtrofinsoh. Satitsfatiotn garanteeo. Clveomamn t N .20Fut
natorialo Saturday, Oct. 29. -Michigan Atttng tle numbers for the tiird Ebliga peilyNo200 Fort
ot~ce02 s.Statst. RsiaeeesioLawrnceA.'Varity v. MihiganAlumi, atannua meAve.ofAheoichlaneev. nightanandigt day.dayl ess
0M td50tooShehao.05awses.'Vriyv.McgasAmiiataiauseitofteMcgn idene 302 Fifth Ave.
New Sate Phone. 441. Regents' Field. Association of Eloctutisoists to be ____________________
Saturday, Nov. 5-Mirbigats vs. held at te Uniitarian Church, Ie- e 1 k
M i I G N EN T R fL[ Northnwestern, at .Evanstot, Ill. trit, Friday of tis week, is soe by In Cok
Mi~ N6Satureday, Nov. 12-Michigan vs. Mrs. Tits. C. Trueblooed. The title
The Niagara FallsRut." Illinois University at Detroit. o the selecions is "A Set of Tur. .,1It Jl
CETA ToiJrosANARDTT, sss prof. Otto Hatsry, graduate Chi-
rags Inst. Phrensology. 303 So. State, Engineering Society. W m Anoald n
oOING EASTWin.Arnold ewle
Malt txlNpres............3 47 r. . invites you te bring yror head and Mr. J. R. Allen, of the esgiseer eee
N Y & Isooteto Osesat .hav5 a deliseatioss ofotur charactr lg faculty, will deliver an address-____
Fat Eastern .............n94
AlantictExpressr.. .............. o. soade. 150 references here, 300 at before the moemsbers of te Engiseer- GET YOUR
Detoet Nidhs Exsrest.... .ii o Ypsilanti, 400 at Valparatiso. Book log Society its Room 10, Engineerisg muin
GOItI & WEros 05N ~ST charts $1.00, $2.00, $2.50. Withous tilditg, Friday, Oct 28Sbjct, L UNCHES~
aIt S.. ......... 8A i oto. N Y. chteiago........13 - book, 50c. IReadinso msttde outside "tie New Heating Plant of the
FastKa1 Western Expresso.............. 311. withou~t extra charge aeapit pe ennuaIsn slm"(AT
Ni. h a xp&sc t Exres eo ........ e...Make.appoint.. Upper 43nsteatlonesdyasseadAsylastono
Phacif icpesst. ...o..o..os ssA. os ayssedM. o foW. W. 1U1FLE'S
F0e.teWtReo..U(0A 0.f sigfersedisPirsolgasd Football Managers Notice.38SoSalSte.
0.l . .5l'tES, 5H. Iw. HAYE3, 38S SgeStet
t. P. & 5' o Ag't,(ttete. Ass Arbor Physsogisosny. ( The ames of all casdioates msst --
InterClas Scheule, be ihasseed to sse by Thtsrday sigt,
sIteCatit Footba lsaerote Oct. 27, at te latest, asd all pro. OUR PHOTOS
AssstntFoobal anaerPote tests ssstst be hastedee to ne also, two
' 1 . i as cempleted thionter-class cedule days after psbicttions ef the snamses. ...ARBE
--- ! ts s it is risted in full below: Tisrl solb eifcd wtsou
1 :I'!l R OA D - 1901pvs. HighoSelool, at fair fafi r il. eefre ihu PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH
gsonds, ontNttv. 2. F. Ws. POrrTER, Aost. Msgr, T H E
TIME TABLE 1900 vs. '99 at ftir gondott 10notsae
Taking Efrert, Moay 7, 1898. Ntov. 3. __erry an__udi
Tratns leotee AtnnArbor by CetrttlStad Wisnners tf two above gmeautvrtyB rym nSui
gwto, A very nice stite of rootts, tior.
rtsrim, fair grousnts, on Tueseday, Nov. S.5 ghyhatd at nIalmden I12 West HuronSt
NoI55eoeu 1000 Medic vs. 1902 Medic, at cnsveiestces. IPrice reasonablti. Osly Sar Poe 19,
s* c, i-.t. 0.a0 t tX Peests' field, otn Nov. 4. blcsfttCcttts 54 Pak
" I 4o c ri. I it 2 A. II'. n3blcsfo Ca p . 54 P ck
,,1 o.00.5't. 1900 Laws vs. 1901 Laws, at ttd St. 33- -
5t3 A.xs. Sornt., IRegesnts' fielt, on msorisbg ofNov. 5. A. G. SPALDING &BROS.
on twotcoee Ass Artorandotol Toedeoatly Winners of theto aetcbove gamues, atot Ft hsN-At 508 E. Liberty TtelNametetieuarate.
fi tee tratns, o Snday only and ruontbe- ma. .
tweeToreo a o ellot. At otter trans fair grounssds,003n'sWenesa.o v. 9.Ob' OR 0 swell rstttseit o rsot
diyecpSudy--St.,sell e t uiteaotfllssorsssto- FO T BALL
E. .GstLittOtE, Aent. Notice.nchabt ndalmdr rl
1. o. SENtOTT.G 150A A Haore an osuend rti will be trovetoetts. Price $$3.00 per week. S UPP LIE S
- It elot Saturday tooring, startisg frsttt- ____ 30 Ofiial t etlhIt tleoto alt the
tait l eg oiie, scotoeleand
the gym ott it)osclocke. Allowto 'hitspltcte to biy fisteViolistandastlthlete leb cs c.
haove sdoe ltttg distatnce runttingtre Guitr Srinsg is at the Antn Arbor Spalding's Official Inter-
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- invited ttt partiiate.Msk cCo. Wingt ont. uliyI~ eclsvey ~ lcollegiate Foot Pic oBallvr
BOR RAILWAY. . F. MCLEAN. rig totee.,ttig tt.28 'eoeoseYeo eteea. Ct ooett ad altotter ledng
jcelegs nd uiversitie. Mners soldoo
_______________ _____ ---______ ____ w_ ritfor prtie ndaloestobefoeortrig
CasevefrDerit urtr..etsewer.Spaldigs Ofiial r sot Ball Guide
-ar lav-fr-eto.tata-uate~. - -' edotle y \Wetiter (amoop. ilt od,.phthooo
after every hour, beginnitog at 713toa. rettesofteetettog tturn ses6rottes otehinto
Mv. antd up to 11:l1t p. m. For Ypsilanti s1 + dL.o xen od ooilecoettory nots, to
at a quarter befere the hour up to 12:41 1RZents chier, the Qj.hItogo apev. A. 0 SPALDING & ROS, Nw York, Chicag
a. m.n Cars leave corner IHuron and i a r
Main Ss. 0Tickets on sale at lBrowns srosg Store. en rx r_____nz. ^°:F1a'1o'cnors L~r~ulllin. urYaf.Asroll +-Y
InterGoIlogiato Bureau otf1Gad6uhG Gotumo. Al Newt Stand, 607 E. William St.
GOTRLL &LEONRDGive me a tri. First cass work and
GORLLAr . LENAD.prompt serie.
___ o~oosv .Y.PAUL MEYER.
II ed= Students Cap, Gowns, and Hoods made to orser and rented. Also Class _____ ___
IVCanes, Clas H'ats and Caps, (lass College Pis. Address F.J-CH E D
To soioit sbscitisos to the }.W. C. KERiN Wstr ngr., F.J1CLE E
C ia oD crdHaskll Msuan, Untlv, of Chiag. 340 . StkISt5.
ChcgoR cod AN A LO AL .Every kind. lWatermanoout ls orieof orad sell
A fine opporunity is ears some. mooe. 119 est M. S'AEBLEI, All Linen Paer, 4 I b fr 50c,
G. M. 5TEFHEsN5 L State Phone 11 Ws Washington Streetlb.f
4" Boh Phones, No. 10. Ann Arbor. Fiest Statoery is the city at lwes prie.