Prize Essaij Competition of Aei Before Buying YouIr_
U . UJ4J can Protetice Tarif League.
Pulihe Dil (un a cpt d uigthlLah butoffe tlrs thrierde FALL SuI O O ER O T
su ent fsenior e asend egdaeVT R OV RC A
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. and unver-sities int the Uinited. Statces See 01n1'. we guarantee the Style, Woiknansliip and Material.
()FFimF1The limit npr-ss, uienis ok..( a series of prizes for essays: Subject,
1Bot Pone, 147'The Amteican tMerchant Marine:' nnRnRICSAERGT
M AIN DIr1 Its lroralmon hy Means of Discrito- ORrw~ EBGT
F. FNoi i~nn rorL. inting lDuties."
1ItuolNiS MANAGER. Competing esiys should not ex-DLTW-
OiiUY,0 L. eed 6,000 ,cords and should e;C tig o
I DTTOtis.1 signed y some other tian tie writ-'2 l010l Soth Mlaioi Street.
Ahct ~io i t, 1P. iA. Woono,'01 L. er's iattie. Essays should le fo1-Ir -_______ ______________________
P.1. EAnon, la, A. I. Mc Ilranoi, w artthetd to stiltte A erickan Protective'~~-
F. . i 'i. L. Gi, 1tet, 13,Wes Tw nty
v.' n.. tsno. 01 1. r t. to, t t, ariff LeaguekNo 13orkOily, t TetyorThe Most Delicious of al~
hefore April 1, 1890. Mnncript Molasses Candies.
rieshcito sh~ o h AL i o!rouhldbe acomplatnied y the antte 10, 15 andt 25 cent Packages.
- tund homie addrsess of the swriter , to- Cams n Sale at Cma Drug Store.
ttem-l i o-a t 0n o-5 oether with certificate of standing ol-,yawt-at iaIelvr eor.gehrJ.JU R Y
tonoac ca. NolQeo lo ullialtiotis, ail 5ignedcb seine officer of the coleg
otheattlitteria to lionso lcaibotn mt be to whicit le hettgita ep rae- __
hoior to-to m.if t e itday sealed ettvelope nmarked blt aword o strL O EN N
penvlttlt- to tlth a ltwicht tiny ant-nae p tt-otI
p e. sytuhid co-respotndinigwithithtet signa-
otel ~itiozo imaybe0llol at the DAILY fotet, thre to the cesALL OPE IN
aeey- orStio-lot tetti cnoroteforwiotavor 0r1y7y Mauuscripte inutst e lypewritten. We cordially extetd to you an Invitation to examnie our al
repoting pop litttisoffeltaonty tailuof wad aoolow111 ad un, atd Winter Shoe. You will fitd all of the swell and tewest
carriersto dleAwrdsapllrbelasta and with popular price. itEIEMBEII THE NAME.
Alltha e stina dveri t ising a t ein~tbeito t1 1899-
thil tto yni . 1m. Ottheclaty peinstotht i
onwhchthy r t aper.{ For tie est essay, $1 te 218. MAIN ST. YWI tI & MILLER. Ttle Shoe en.
itttit~~tti011ti~t150'OtOO~e. For the second best 100. ______________________________________
ix xASE , TOAY' IsUHFor the third best, 50
A. i.MeOiTA~t IAnid for other essays deemted cpe- Rbams Va~aar
Professional Football. cially nmeritoriosus the silver miedal of HEA1~ruA-RTi7s
A tnutiwhto owns one of the la telegewilh aaddwtn tt - For LAMPS of all kitd.
ct clubis ill the natititial leagtue i orable itentioit of the authors il PORCELAIN CRIAMBIER SETS.
authrit fo th staemet tat extPublic notice of the awards. DNE ESadFNYCIA
yealrit fotlheastnetamithettrtext Tie leagute eserves the right to 115 Sutb Main S. Japanesac oods and Novelite
yearsh atfmtil l )lecii s ra-its ocwniexptetse, ity of --_ - _- -- - _
mced tot cwliptise lBostoni, New York, publishs atebee
Phldepilatmoe ittsbuirgth essays forwhcprzslveen MONEY LOANED M~AKE A STRIKE
and Chticago, tatd that only ex-col- aw oarol es of tolles will.b0 iioliopwe l , tty.--AST illE-
fee laer il b hre.Int it- ouned M\archi 1, 1899. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BOWLING ALLEY.
tu vrtettitrth ot yiisti VtL.tAot I. L SriOov, IrS. liesat etla teb,3lit F. tibmety sI.,nnAt,tA-310 S. Main St.
n" sadB\[~UII1". W'Aici MANeto ilae and. itilto dan ad7o toST:>eatsI0. y 4T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor
'there t is lto rettta vitwy'uch atine-a Joeph c Wtt t.tlv a;+isnscn-adwthe n.Dalrl", Oe a n fgt
league shoultitno'to otisccess. ItGeerlerttiv neae ootiittinilmotttniti. OpnayniN1.
wiii be reieleei that the letague U. of M. ifles.
manatnes tot sot very lonmg tigoc tis- leCofi.Rfesciliett-[F 1
cussed a plalnttotorogaiize footall Thd.o .Rfe ilme o
teamis ini their cities, the elevenis tot itorroic night for drill it 0:45 itt the t CO~LLEGE STUI)ENTS
iemadeuptitof basebltil players. lut gymnasin. A good fast drill ws i11U ~ W
owing to the uniinhhmgess of the httd last Monidaty evenitg under
latter to platy the gattmi, the semecti Seconic Lievt. Wilson, cotumaninmg THE
fell through, tie comnpany. Thin companty is doh- ON1lY
"The actioof the1)Duquesnie clubvi sttme very efficenti workhoidiier 0 Ei
in peny ngaingr x-cllee layrsits present conmmtander. Qtuite a ubro e e r unn u MK
and paying saltries to thterntowssever n heqoairmseion iob
is the first of a series of tmves to be anill e ioaprtt s som o b
miade by the letogue baseball mii.hlolnJ ' Gil GD
They have recievedl ssuramces hat C. F. Juttimr of last ears football
the gammic plyedl by profeionals is a team, returmed to college yesterdaty
financial winnmer in Pittsbumrg. As adh is expectedl to relort for pratc,
ito footouball of tztny accounmt is played this afterntoon, ~ idno uig rantii noeln.n tte
in Greatetr Newv York, the menrt whms______________I_____ f You WantOrBnigorRlgraytngnoulnenomtr
are back o tlh isenw scheme believe ow small or how large,
that a relpresetative professismual ATHENS THEATRE.I a Job of W A O I
football elevetn tre wrould proovide Friday Eveaing, Oct. 28W CA DO I
gosd short fr thosusandsihs vto wtatn joai5msno b e tmtmt t metol 1 (intn for ye. all and get aquatinted.
ally wo uldm ho t mio nmey moak or, i B Eo r LLU -ig iltk
'Boston,lPhiiadelphiamnd BltiO AR.lflI G I L L B Y___ -__ _________
nore are rel hot i'oootlIhtowvis amd 5 ii Im ml y LUoam Be ott.o - _ __= _-"_ . _=3- ______=__ -T-7--__---S--____=_________
As far as gettiung the- talentt is eon- 1101onee' otaettc comiemi Itoam jlft 9340 S. SAE
cemed, it wcoutlitarlar timat not The Hoser ~Doctor I CHLA H OANotom-ilt Law emoing. h
iimehicdifficulty- vmmuldmb hocexeieneuuclTed~i _____________
in secumrimg i oy ilthu. x-tslege Prire, 215,0 7 tmId t$1 .
wiI mtoN1mfsrsiame.Fic Sa I L wBook Publishers and Importers.
teamn couldpyti t useries of exhibitioin U IV RSTYAnre-a-o-\ot oytem aostiuti byiadPoiiclitoyt
have ounidWismt's "osiuinlisnsWoks, s dted by Jamics Degoit1
mdgeia motcmiposmpSchool of Dancing 1 branchem tstore anti we shall be glad to have you call and
thtsristoe ielbggaes ti si uqen lu ilclear -AT- examinie them.
$20,000 liitscasen. Granger's Academy. ti Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I st. 11
Plin1 45 HII
Mrs. Jacob . Reighard presented - - - - z
a paper oin Correlatiomi of the Eduica- iheV a lYh -els-
tional Forces of the Community' at heMa hoS llJSHKVT OEIe YORFET
the -meeting of the Michigan State Peats andlPocottat theoAthlieico S A E T O E e YU ET
Federation of Women's Clubs whicht Fietdis OLD GUNBOATS can YOUR FANCY
was held at Manistee Tuesday. S he AI P R E , BCOTEYALDSOS. OU FNNES
represented the University of Michi - V $ A K t a B OREYCLLDSOS YU IACS
gan at this important meeting. 315 S. Sate. Caiii in and ee him, W. J. APRILL. 115 E. Washington St.