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October 27, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-27

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nrzo6 S. MAIN ST., and
WAT RM N' W W W TMOREu 34 .SATE St., Cor. William St.,


UNIVERSI TY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New,,
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books.

H~asreceived a new and serv.iceable
line of Goodoffor
Sest af Workmoanship.

All around the world.
Every Onse Warranted for

AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 Eant Washington St., near 5th Ave,

T O \ TsIr TG- NT= 7j ?TT
L We bavn decided to satisfy a long fol want forarn op-ia date tarn oat, and so0 L
haveo added to oar stock of flan hornes and carriages, a rALLY-lHO, wbich srata
L -fourtenersoana. Coaching portico will now be in order. Secure a date far the L
y( TaIly-Hoa. Call op ;y
0 Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. !0

W. J. Bo3Tm, PE$. SfT
W0 . SRoLo , 2d ie-pee.
Joa CV. Ac2dot.Cares S8fVINOS
Transacts a general
Banking Business.
PIDCT IJATInNIAI Rill of Ann Anbon

Five Yas 1 ~ .. * * - 11InIA1IIUIIMAL UM1K organized 1803
___I L RI I~~ F R ~ ~ ~ . jCairt al 810,t'0.So pluanrd Profitn, 140,00
I i W I-Tr E arsacts argeneral bankioga nuinea.s. Foreign.
ehanerouhato-ld. Furnihlettesof
Doin't be deceived by fake signs We call attention to our complete line of (enter Dealt Nickel Plated Lamps, cedi.SOL
and advertisements offering the Wat-; ranging in price from 75c to $+2.50 each.Threse Lamaps are of the latest add , v. iINNElae.IIARRISON soulen
ernran Peia froma $1.00 up, as theec is' most improved patterns and makes. Incloding "Thre New Rorhester," "The sw. CLA50(SON Castire
no Watermran Pen made at that price. Yale," "The Royal," "'fhe Berlin Student L.amp," "'The Pefection Student ="- _- ---
We hiave the so-called Watermsan Lamp." If yora want the tost Lamp for the Least ifciey come and see us. jutn &11hrii nk
Pen, which is extensively advertisedj Old Number:
and whinch leads the uinsspecting 44 50. MAIN ST.,A
pubic o elive ha thy ae ettng ANN ARBOR, MICH. D A o.Mi n uo tet-
public to,00. urpbelieve0. ranrigs
the WstersnaiaIrdeal at this reirmarkro.. =__- -- _ __ ---___ _C-rprt-l- caeral a...ngo ensi nes cin
bly low price. At airy timreprtospect- Every audietrce before wvhichi Dig- 'Hutch" Will Be Here. IR a il"ier s.Pro CC Oar 000 YVterrc sr
ly peabyer aeafx orlt lay Bell portrays tire character of Dr. tGraduiate Dir-ector Chriles lBrir I orr- C- rn-trace -
leisure whe will gladly shrowettinitire WXillow, -'Tire Hoosier Dortor," de- receiverd i letter frorr Loraris Huatchr-;Theea nn P'ror Savin gs Bank
owinrdletrat is beinigiperpretrratrerl dare-cl his oork 5strper'b rid iis1ired. IrSorriyestcrrtri v stitirrtirrhat Ire wortld1
upoin tirepurblic. ) Has portryal is said to brelitchedieti Iere eefor- lietlrirniigrarmeSactur-CliRalsurces. rs ~ doesss
surre airristronrg, rithr a certrain searse driy snd ourrlr la~iry eud.lie hats oried-unrrrhe hGeneral Caoking Las
onrf hlirirr-that butbbles aunh gurgles pre-rn aborradrthle'Yrrsemtaie allouimrmer of t"acstote.lieceives aetac-iclrr, buyarartFello
liE Ef~i~ Nx&hanln tericiarpalace oidenriedn
SHEEHAN jadut beloaw the suarfrace uniceasiglyant i i inSplendaid shapra. it will be Sa ra c ae uponaropidniiatithe
! Sarty e poslriatraoxes- tar enrt.
all oftvlhicligoes t0 ro ave thrat an- reirreirbered trrit Illctrinsori twas rreercirr.rC0lirsin l tarch.Pee.; W. 5). ilanel-
University Booksellers, Statioers,1aothier gosodcomasredians safouiiid Iis jleft cud cciitire 'Varsity in '97. He I mnVice-t.irChas.u.. icsco, Cashir;M.
ianl Fuaravers, righitfur l Mace. tPerha rs theatre is atpresenrtlacated ini Akron, 0. !____ -- - -_--_
goal-s have noat stopped tar coirsider
320 S. Stoade St., Anni Arbor, Mru-l.i hoat very feow sterling cirrerianis Mr. W. Eugeire Page, teacher of LA
--thleeare at Irresent Iii legititrte tl cIreiisidarlllin seal gitar, whose IYM B & I E CE ,
comoedy draima, ill fact they can isrndolin playiing last Friday even- -.TBB
shout bse counrtedl 010thre finigers of lng at the School of Mtusic teas be- TH
one liaiid. As Dr. Willrow, Mr. Bell yoind qtuestionr the irest ever heard 1
A {is said to furiiislh a niasterpiece to the Iere, will bse tt the Cook Hlouse to-.
great iterpretationis. Some of the whlichi was formed at the close of the
mnetroplitan paspers comprare Mr. coiicert. '['hose desiriirg to enter Iris W e keep everythtirg usually kept in a
t Bell's wtork with that of Jefferson classes may learn ternms by callinrg first-elase Grocery and Blakery. Call
aeid Goodwvin, wehile others declare uproniiti"i. and see us.
(Stadeata' Lecture Assosciation.) him mnore in line with Jayires A. Notice.1 318 S. STATE ST.
Ilsune, bu rst our thiiikiiigiae is as 'rue Womren's League still hold a T S-lc BA H
individuallyhiiiself as is Stuart pT S-1 -BA H
C Yreceptioniiun thie Barbour Gymnasitii Utnit Nan.v, issIil-ttsell ticetsr
lTickets faor tire eiitiae corse at-c Robsoin noite but Rtobson, proving on Saturdasy Oct. 29, from 4 to ti p.GOOD FOR 10 BATHS FOR $1.00.
nose oitsale at Wilder's, on State St., ha atogh u ievy elst In.is Addresses by Dr. Aingell aird rlgcCria ilraan o rs- 0c.
and at Goodyear's, oiiMain St., or ciirydanu r eli y noDr. Mosber. All are cordially ii- j<.iR. TntaaAxotsar, rap.3 X2ico s5. Sae
the ma ehalfor tditslc ieans out of his elemnnt, but rather vited. LELIA M. CHiumDs, Pres.
they ay behad fom stdent olic-in his irattiral veint aund as Dr. Willotw,RA O H N[NG
itors. 'i'he price is air11ly $2.00. tehat a thorroughily good hiiimor te Tire Iater Ocean, leadiirg Cicago R Z R H NN
'rinofittinr gives tis. "Tue Hoosier Doctor" diily, is handled by F. Stasfihet, IS A SCIlE N C E
-hn:o ern comes to tine Athens 'fitheatre sin Fri- Opera House Nl eses Depot. 1't'rial Wa GarantOurri Work.
BOU RKE COOKCRAN day, Oct. 28, whuen each aiid every. stibscription, daily only, delivered at WAIRREN THE BARBER,
one willIrave amiple chtanee to enjoy itssn, $1.50 for 3 mnos., payable ilHl O EL o tteSre
For 20 eta. , a good entertaiiniieint for besides thretadvancde._________ BARBER SHOP is DU-Nsa & ELY'S
title part there tire others, especially Bico f nIWshigotD.frtcan okad y--u desire
anlBuJfrieaioiiaWsigtn .frtcls okadcourteous treatment
ihat of "Gesamase,' a played C nomto pertaiing to tine try George and Harry at 332 S. State St.
IN N ES' BA ND by Laura Joyce Bell, "Graninnate' Lw f h uitdSaesfte _________________
Fo 2 ea, irissvrt hekiorin.several states and territories of tire anHflT[I Embalmer d
i-ess repairing dune 412 B. Huroin United States, of Foreign Cotnutries EI1U ILLI,1-Funeral Director.
11 AN M A CLA RE N~ t 31 furnished upon applicatioin. Calls attended nay or Night.
St ~No. 16 . Liberty Street. Residence 5300s
For 20 etsa. = TARI I.% I- 11-fl RR (

The dates for the above wil soon
be made public. Watch the Bulletin


when he went to school here.
S.L A. m wyw

'M. M IR
SAF., f

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