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October 19, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-19

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~lf -~~-±1 ~ that spirit of loyalty acid devotion
+ -V p tfrI. whicli is so sorely lacking, and obtain
_________ the saupport wliieh it (deserveCs.
Pihded Datly (Sundays eeepled) dursng
h~le Colege year, by Need ot Western Athletics.
TH U E M, INDEPEDET ASSOCIATION. Yoti ask ine what z think wvestern
OFFICE: Times haililsy Nle. liists.,opposite ttieh iel ot ii ioe
post elite.
you that it requiires, before aiiyting
Suscriptio prleet-c$2.50 per year, invariablyelth tiolterany htte
isi advance. Sn{ lecopiesi i rellts. 501)0011- esteasltcranyta h

ed and artificial strength. Salistac_ J. T. JACO.05 CHAS. H. ALLMIAND..
tion should be more in a fairc onteti
with certain defeat, iliac in voicy J C B LM N ,
thruhteado hs od hi art only through stpecial incduceiment.
Beiiil)your colleges tolwardl developl-
ing good malterial and let liii' cliani- +f Sf .1-i Ih s.
plions" leek out for tleinsclv-es. No
onivers5ily is going to btild til its (COME ANt) SIFE

tios omayib-e litat lie- olice ofthle holY, i-andlidaits for its athletic, folottll, ath~letics leellne iit hilpllrns tltolhae
at Sloillel's, at Stale Si. nsand, aniocy basetmal11111dOther trall illills slluld eoe Or ttlI11115111ni ll relird break - The Washington Block.
o the editors or athoriesliciors.
C'ommualotion,,c shoulld reselcii ieollicer by ilnia Ifiieunilergrtaiuates, anil younig e. " e n -
7 o'clt. ititey re on apear the nert Wino nusindaitu tn- Ls erannbro c)talFLOW ERS, FLOWERS
day. Addllress all mallereisteeled ftiple 011- Ffrleversllhli e F111and Everybody.
catin1t t1e ' 51111 orllEdiitor. All hasiness lug. That is siltle eniiughi isn't it! tieiams layled ll 1111'coachce soildsolight 26i &S.LLU ivearsiave.
comelllclelllil sould be sent1 11- o the B111' i- CUIS&NIoists Teephn1115
ness illlll ~r. Aciii yet 111w iiften-timies it is lisle- to strengthen their elegc-eisiiy ''indiuc -Teelee11
TH-E U. OF mI. DAILY. gWardied. 'Te disicuss thiese mnatters, toi lng" seine gooiid player lie oither froii EXCELSIOR . LAUNDRY!
AssnnArbor, 0Mich. tell what is thie first still necessary ini tanother uiiversity.'T'hese are ihings ?0 EAST HURON STREFET.
______Good Work DsUlclltcl'd. Gods liled tor
EDITORS.riaisilig western athiletic's to the easl- for whichb Ilaliagershunl faci-ultie are Old idelieerei.l. '. 4Cii t:W. 1' ep.
J. L. Linat I, Lit. '95, Idamogaiag Editoir. irn standalrdi, requires no1111er1y'lengty idirectly respln sibile, .an1d1whlIichimay pfi1e lo .Di
F. P. LEcee, Lit.'911, Asisant. article; these iqueisionisictil be ainswver lie stoppledl'withi great acdvantage 1o0 C~ 1. OEALt 9,Assat
S. 11. Sulier, Lit. '95, Assistant. vcery briefly. lbe sport. The es-erlookicig ut silll___________
J. A. LeiRo, Lit. 915, Athilic Editoir. Yen knee I alwsays wencler whly ioir tictioci cot tily establishes hanrmfail Flit DA IT cotntaicis official notices
J.. PE IAac,, Law '95, Business Ilasge.
Acsitant. civsersity asseciationis, acid'ichy we0 trecedlent, but is at iireit blowv at the frocci the Factulty, and notices fretac
Assistant. gnrly.<ly.r opritnl atn ucs n ulla~t fcleeah the athletic teamis atid other stndent. ieLTRR .L
g.F okel'. I .lanl,. aot-ifrttcll ieilesistently ourtl gsuiestci iiiitrl f-lee Orgacninics.
A.11 tlltsl, li, Pii libit,~ti tbii ii'silcut-sli laut 1c tilli. c'.It cnttains corlitilete celiorts of tall
Mibie T'l'llllssl,'97 E. L. Evsl, 't15.1 1
Carrie N. Siait, ' i. { leics and 1to1plciteil a basiis In coneluesiiiiilet ite say tat there 1University events ef interest.
MEIA"where whtolesomne'guosili is asotorod. is nii need fur yoiir tuniversity iir any- It keepls you posted ocn yotcr own
seI ?rAc. It. S. Nibliaek, '95. - adeeyole lpriei
1It. .tGammn, '110. Tlte reimedy is tlwsotso vieliy simleiilhieriverlsisity, ilto lunge inthe ii-anevrotrdprmn.
_______________________________ thaDt it ioeiseoilillcucriiocs ltt it is niet iricate lc'gishltion o 1erailicte11evis. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE.
Allcp iust bat il-lthilelffiec elefoe 8:3011.tipplieienore frequlllty. Abslultely Ihet 50o1'rlimanatgtrs tiniicapltainis
m. e cie ileyl~tilsllOll 111. ctan epresettiiocnis ItcthmaxicmiTOonicly fcoiitlho~se ill toulhi with the best $.0INA AN E
lice ediioes 1111o101110111 1c 1 sespon-
sibiifo teoie on1~lll5eslr atnil 10111 corres- -iditeac stiethy to it is thie curc'fcr tesiide of tamteurii'shirt; peeimiit noiceti- Subscriittions received at 1110
ilnedto, tllhi'eailc ic thbl' evIAI. 'i'wiirst diseaseofciti-lliege athtlietic-s.chilttes foir youlam lus tuless lhey ;Ill'DAji,v office, 'Tuneshicuidinug.Stot-
:niti ite'iway shiouidibeilla 111ililllgil. hbonattifenl iulcgrtoiliti(is atdil thud letestiid by all autiholrized solicitors.
Thicre' isill lie a. een'ibug ittthei'Daily-
Boar itoightlt 715shialh. I If yinura' tsis is albsoltely 1-hallyouth le' uniiversity o tuy-d ot
ici porttant thalt eer luiiciibc bi' hills- 'isill nt treqluire' aily re'striictive' or endi- hily fooltalllor batsell; let thefc d
ctuswr silil'tsgiefiltileiss legisltation. If yon ge't tigiod, lily visit thic'se'veres't Iiullilit ti111
yeaur cletan, honst aictt'irllliuegradte th111 itug'rs 1a11d1catptainls iith1 1
_____________________ theiis no n111edI ofct yolur keepling rainu i ht ht2lisgr('ssioulof lthaateurnaspiiIt
'he iDtily selggests thattthe fresh-ieye's 01n himiitio eethittlie iioes hun gtuie:in I thitiktihaet you1 cwi linilyour ila
~~~~~~~~~~atltcmoepplryorspoten huelid their' lmeetig it 4 o l-ckchatitray,.tIhuat iSsIs'y, 111oulned'i'li'- hl otl el5il ~ialII5 1(
tomeorow' tfternoon ins11tbteadof ?atly speaklling; tOf courseltiire"'ate coI- in(eg unuollii'i.-Ctasplal' 2'. 1'52 hum yin
o'clock, inlcrtder to allosithosie to 'isit- c-i'1iioll o ill r3 -cul~rie. LaeuheForest Stentor.NNsOSe. MNagniicce ildiang; e UIN chc erhs; llad;ts
neSthe feelotalul le lob.Sill'Athletic Now, 501yo h lly Oay, hollw' tre 0b-l lh o rga, atteaece; good discipline;s;ubperiorework;weel.
Alcssu aogamlsppliedresading room; daely hlecuesm;Saturdop
_____evening rece5ptions; apes theentire ye.bEcep-
fielid who desire to ido so. It is acbadein lg to knoiw thaet youc tre getinug gooid,toal fasciieeorpacnstudents ins 5iion.
'lit' Alpia.ttNUc isill givse c'f0IIlii- B~ord ad eoam Sc2ino $.75 perek-ainusprivate
pIbhltol 1hlolid the uIet tin;vih'li telionestlainteuc~rs; a quiestiona that huastoaiiees. Thee crcsrduced iso.5eopysell-
inig praograti t7:30 heomolrroeetilcg hoarding. Fee Caalogue address
gameis oin on asmany ae kpt een ut o ie anumer f tlne byP. R. CtiES. Pres
fram atteninag oil thatt aceolunt. 'T'e corresplondtsi, tiiiiit 5011110to e aTHlGADlPEA HOSEI
fotalMusic, PitanoSo1)10-...ir. Stct'heiauuTLn RN)OEA HUE
fotalgaitue'is-ll tproialyhSbte over very unlecessaery 0111. Dclecaation.u- --......J.5. lHaudy
by 3:30O'b'loc'k, 1a1d thitt ssilItteavc' I don'it Itinakit itOncelssairy, eithelr, ELieullertau''otICALpeEV'lu
plety of time for the cltess loectigl. toliell lute eveci lios to go abeuct io get- - - 1,T. .i hlautbliu MONDAY, OCTOBER 22,1 9a4e
If thssugge'sitiontie accetedheiitchue right sort of mtcrital.Theereis hling ..............-- - 1.1". Ste'ine____
Daily 'isill gladlly uanounuc'e te chanlge plenity of likly cutatcritch, butc the tie- Debate-"Rteslvsed that thue uniteth A ES O ER .C
nttsstuhlcot restrict thinese WA ES OP R 'O
it tomotrrows ptaper.'plorabhle ftict is thaittoteie-tiiiecs aaa - imm~eigrattion."StAtesshouldhnof 'T'iffanuy, inellatetop5r11talc.sccebss,
__________________ teours arl' uiade semli-plrofessionls by 1). F-',Mle; Neg., H. A. iDtencer, A i ~ ~
'The Dtaily greets thee latest of oair the uletcitgers tild captaines bt College W2. tP. Rttbiin. A I [1 IN I .
college tealpers, the ASichiglai l Aumnusi. teamius. My meeanuing here is plin to Shusie, IPiaeno Sole. .....
Thae Alumuns sill noe doubt suppIly a esery College muan whuo is acqulainedt Critics teport. - - - + -+ 67 PEOPLE 67++
Abnd thle wonedel Lt et,, tisahaTrii.A
lon1g felt 'isalit amouncg the alumni of wvithuthiei'tllecs 'i'ihiicu arei or eta ve University Write Up. peroductiouncoapltbtin eey detail

flit Uniersity; it wiill be a lie to bindl
them to their alin. umtter, and ctanncot
fail to interest thiri'i in her needs uand
her tprogress. 1110 alumini of Mihiu-
gan, ulthioughi by far the largcst in
the Uniitedl Mates, acid althucghe standil-
log svell up in both puiblic acid private
life, aeis to forget the debt of grati-
tnde they oswe their Uiversity on
leasvicig its healls acdedncte'rinug inle the
pucrsuits of ectise life.T', hue ualumni
'of otheeruniversities luteledowed
aund re-endowed their colleges, but
ours rueaicnstranigely5 dormoant, and
only heere aiid there in isolated in-
stances do they manifest any cnthums-
iasm or ev-en intercst. tt is to be
hoped that the Alunucssill engender

be-ceued biyit cost colluge foetbealhll
batsebtall teeams. 'Therea''shoucldlhI' hu
selhf-binudineg as to whrlattrteee-
prfes-1ioreatlly is aced there a-" noltI h-
110 esof purity itnauhleltic 05 ) a.sT)
tie an1 a eiecur oecmueist be iune Ilt-
tetur of thee highest steninllg. No tieiti
of plroessionlismiushtould be rn-en i-
Thien, tee, ite idea of fortever' see k
hne- "cheamiones" is oiie of thee hOIoti
huarmufl ones in the lie lhotpmhent tof
anator athletics. Thee idea shouild be
more that of doing thee veiry beat lees-
sible wiithi the hens dide matinal
wvhichu is at hand. Hosvever gloomy
the outlook for a winning teami, there
shuould he no 'casting abont" for fore--

'The Chicagoen'iniig Post, of Wed-
nesiday, Oct. 17, giv es a very toll scud
intferestineg sc-cit of the University.
It dlevote's a full peage to cnts sod bie-
grauphies of sonic of the leading of-
ticers, professors, amng 'whomcularo
Presidenut Angcell, icrof. f1 L. D Oege,
Dr. 12'. C. Vabughiane,Profs."F22'. Kul-
sey, 2W. B.iPrescott, 1. N. Demonc,
B. A. incsdiale, J. I'. Kowsvton bled
Drs. Taft scud Obetz.
To give the "Best on Earth" is flue
motto of Witters' Palace Laundry,
which leaves nothing undone that c-s n
he done to give perfect work. We eel
lect Mondays and deliver T.hursdays,
LeavTe orders at Fiulde's Tailor Shop,
cor. of State and William sts., or ad-
dress card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State st

PRICES, - - 35e 50c, 75c.
ALAN~aY, N. Y., 4il AND 474 IBROAnWAY
Alaebs ofa CAP'S aud GOWNS to the
Americas Univer-sities.Iltated
treatise, etc, spas requesk.
V. A. MSURRELL, Agt.,s44 Wlliam Street..

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