THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~lf -~~-±1 ~ that spirit of loyalty acid devotion + -V p tfrI. whicli is so sorely lacking, and obtain _________ the saupport wliieh it (deserveCs. Pihded Datly (Sundays eeepled) dursng h~le Colege year, by Need ot Western Athletics. TH U E M, INDEPEDET ASSOCIATION. Yoti ask ine what z think wvestern OFFICE: Times haililsy Nle. liists.,opposite ttieh iel ot ii ioe post elite. you that it requiires, before aiiyting Suscriptio prleet-c$2.50 per year, invariablyelth tiolterany htte isi advance. Sn{ lecopiesi i rellts. 501)0011- esteasltcranyta h ed and artificial strength. Salistac_ J. T. JACO.05 CHAS. H. ALLMIAND.. tion should be more in a fairc onteti with certain defeat, iliac in voicy J C B LM N , thruhteado hs od hi art only through stpecial incduceiment. DEALERS IN Beiiil)your colleges tolwardl developl- ing good malterial and let liii' cliani- +f Sf .1-i Ih s. plions" leek out for tleinsclv-es. No onivers5ily is going to btild til its (COME ANt) SIFE tios omayib-e litat lie- olice ofthle holY, i-andlidaits for its athletic, folottll, ath~letics leellne iit hilpllrns tltolhae at Sloillel's, at Stale Si. nsand, aniocy basetmal11111dOther trall illills slluld eoe Or ttlI11115111ni ll relird break - The Washington Block. o the editors or athoriesliciors. C'ommualotion,,c shoulld reselcii ieollicer by ilnia Ifiieunilergrtaiuates, anil younig e. " e n - 7 o'clt. ititey re on apear the nert Wino nusindaitu tn- Ls erannbro c)talFLOW ERS, FLOWERS day. Addllress all mallereisteeled ftiple 011- Ffrleversllhli e F111and Everybody. catin1t t1e ' 51111 orllEdiitor. All hasiness lug. That is siltle eniiughi isn't it! tieiams layled ll 1111'coachce soildsolight 26i &S.LLU ivearsiave. comelllclelllil sould be sent1 11- o the B111' i- CUIS&NIoists Teephn1115 ness illlll ~r. Aciii yet 111w iiften-timies it is lisle- to strengthen their elegc-eisiiy ''indiuc -Teelee11 TH-E U. OF mI. DAILY. gWardied. 'Te disicuss thiese mnatters, toi lng" seine gooiid player lie oither froii EXCELSIOR . LAUNDRY! AssnnArbor, 0Mich. tell what is thie first still necessary ini tanother uiiversity.'T'hese are ihings ?0 EAST HURON STREFET. ______Good Work DsUlclltcl'd. Gods liled tor EDITORS.riaisilig western athiletic's to the easl- for whichb Ilaliagershunl faci-ultie are Old idelieerei.l. '. 4Cii t:W. 1' ep. J. L. Linat I, Lit. '95, Idamogaiag Editoir. irn standalrdi, requires no1111er1y'lengty idirectly respln sibile, .an1d1whlIichimay pfi1e lo .Di F. P. LEcee, Lit.'911, Asisant. article; these iqueisionisictil be ainswver lie stoppledl'withi great acdvantage 1o0 C~ 1. OEALt 9,Assat S. 11. Sulier, Lit. '95, Assistant. vcery briefly. lbe sport. The es-erlookicig ut silll___________ J. A. LeiRo, Lit. 915, Athilic Editoir. Yen knee I alwsays wencler whly ioir tictioci cot tily establishes hanrmfail Flit DA IT cotntaicis official notices J.. PE IAac,, Law '95, Business Ilasge. Acsitant. civsersity asseciationis, acid'ichy we0 trecedlent, but is at iireit blowv at the frocci the Factulty, and notices fretac Assistant. gnrly.