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September 29, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-09-29

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Time Table Revised) July 1, 1894.
Mail and Ex----4 05 Mail -------S4
NY. pecial-- 0 .Y.seial---7 05
Eastern Ex----10 25 N.S. Limited.-- 92
A.cM. itisitiEx-----1Z1.
Atlantic Ex-_-74 .M
1).N.Expres---540 western E-I-- i5
GR.Express11 0 li Nt.E-----0 2
0. IV itttGLE l. W sHYit,
G1.P &T. Ag., Chic.At ,AnniArbor.
Ittis Wll befoieleavinugh h etlt
for bustinss() teaure, oteideupoa
Wheyisit Iletrt I wotldhbe
pleasediolhaveYo sp a i e olil
"Frak flaullntw," cr. Larnd
atid Bales Sits, where ;si will1 have aiicnii
The housanIst(teetit-inoved ifrotiuti
bttca, atnd itee- vin fiint class cnditioti.
Per Day, $t.5it.
Represtits Every Depirtmet
Oif the University.
$2.60 PER YEAR.
Big For Rout
Throgh SleepngoCar
an. C.llC~lll, It.I ATI
A C inninnfoa dplcain
coiSK ORtTIsanddraVItAs

INTER-COLLEGIATE. Iowa Football Schedule. $ $.$ SAVED.
Fly seelig AMr. A. E. Rose, at the
Eight sif lsst year's U'niv. of Pennt. The followitig is tiie football silted- Stick ioitse, Ttesdsay, (lct. 2. Ie cviii
teati will returni this fall, tile of the University of Iowa.: sate you frioii $10 to $11 per suit ott
E. Al. Houghiton, '94 mtihais IDr. October 1, Iowas. Agricultural Col- Attn Arbor pirice's, anti alwatys guiatlt-
Clark's til ollice on State St. lga oaCt.Iottiit5~lttti tikisilit. i:
'fwenty-two Yale gradtelis wiii Oorll('rul "llg' l Stewaortd wanted.Iinqtiire of Daily
coachl football toamtishils fall. Verno'llil. tillicit. If.
A. lt. Crittendeni, '94 lift is picipal October 20, Kniot C(ollege'. at Roetk Subtscribete o liii'Dully wileo yottste
iof the scelti at Sellootlersift, Milh. Isltindl.flush, $2.50 per colletge your.
Scrlet has been udoted ttauss t'etol- Octobter 27, ('licasgo Uniiversity, at Tiit Daily bus betei etiltirgedt audis
loge ecotor'of thelUniversity if ('li lilethicgo. tieitIiitstestls' 21 e'el
igi.Octoettrt 2), Nttrthwt'sttr 'riiviersil sgo ''loge ytear.
W.VI'. Roittnisoni.'915Illlists gosh' it Il'autoliess youtt seslit 1 i' ttidcSli-
iiito business sitIis hsso'e in lit-l- Novemiber _ll. Ixtiissis lonicersily, <I( sciibe to the Dstiiy.
titotiol.Int. Iowatity l. 'T'e Dailly histalreasdtyimoire stilt
It. D. Thoiiitpstnlasst yetar'steciali Noteembter 10 lose folletit'.Iowalttc csribters ninonithelicoit-tile Htisi tve'r
lit, is ltehinig biotlotgical sci-entes sit City. I)(tftire inits l~eIisltry. Cot-edls, stil-
trut-ib, c iiiaiii- rt'tltstlltei till tse
'lois titit e lttiii'litt.ssis tltittbu. ''iii' istetite tttv 5 tll slttiatitbta
potunttedl. it (consits of 1it gasmes, sill Novembler 29, Ne'brsaskas Idvtitl us d ouviurt'laundryi- wevork:*1. 'Wei'asit
of cii-ctwill be ptlsye-ti st IC'ambriudge', sitt.issiliu.uresponttsiblltio' iaslty atie iis iii' lost.tutd
except thsose -lis Vsial', Cornsell sonol Otter to Music Lovers. cwilireptltace sstiiie. 2. W e ct-ill icretr
Petnnsylcvaniai.Nitv. :3 is left otitt. stiltr twttk ctl'ii Ii prttise'd. i. tol-
The Sevenoth sanuasessiuontoitthliii I~iiiiueis Musiosal World ftor 0)-It ftti'tli g'oditt Iclik. Wsogner & Coi., 21
S.Alaiii i St.'eresenllinig 'Toleo LaItiin-
Uiversity' ittWisceosini snttliir ter conitains besidets thenustil isirge- - - - - -:
so-hod cc-sslttithis sotitissiroi-it amnouist of reintg pltsoter, "i~loi-tn ty tt
liiiyi-till t boardeiltrs'? If so, '-
Jttiy I)to Auguist 3. Abotit 160iosit uss Firie's," by' C. Iholmts;..Te List:cN il is i itseliii'ly. 1-4

dots c-'e iii uttendanie.

lircetitig," by f'. L. Reck; '"MY toe
L~ittle Maildihi the 2Ettous" ceuit%, ty

UNIVERSITY NOTES. kAittO vstens, andl '"sii'ttt'il. I'atil-
'1ls0' lug irganiwcill i ls' univrsity use,'' by OGeorge' Mayctood. 'iiis ituisit'
secuured tlsthle Exptositinit C'hicao'gi, itise cc-iorths $2. Tue ' orldl is $1501
is alreadtciy iiithe grossud, and t' iperyear, 15 visitslieu' -opy. Dtoriuig
ccork ottsestung i 0 50iit oituien-i. tils mothlthle piublisheris offtto sends
S.he liicastionus tire thast it ctill ilk'elte Mlusicali World cii tristifir four
at least twocothls itefoitic w till bo monucthis 0nreceipt ott 21 censts in
comlspeted. stasillts. Tils ccill includte flue besutu-
ST'eofficers caiidusmiemters itflt'e S.fuilChuristmaussund -NccvYcor's hsolidsay
C. A. ctill gice so ret-optiontitlithlii'slut- nu bers, authue touris suoseswill cul-
lonis sit Ncetber'ry 11s111, Ft-lusy cciii- tiniialbout 20 pieces of iiewce uisi"_, Le-
in.g October 5. 'Shuli is certsinulya sities a isrge amuounut of interet'sing
gresit opportunity foe stiudents to be- ittusical retinug. No tmusic laiver
comte secqiisiiietl, an itis opedtthat ifshld faGll to saccept;..thislilberl offe'r.
as manoiy as csalceill atteit. .Addrless She 1S. Brsiuiurt's C'ott-sCo.,
"At Homes."____ ____
-I" . A. sauisy. '93 lie.,hlst yealr gous-
ise your;u peole of ft'esty chill eraul steretsary of thut S. C. A., is pn-i-
give "sitlhomie"' recetionissto stuldents celusl of tic high seholt Mollinse,
Saturday, Stilt. 29, tattdlMcoldiy snduel l.
Tuesdlay, Oct. 1 anid 2, frolicnA4Ito9 BUSINESS LOCALS.
p. lit., at the follocviug tlstecs: F-itt
fNiuieee isseelt in thOliss'uluituuu sit Ist- cMil
Hlobart Cilil at IHarri hatll; Metlito- of o cesutepee liue. spila Icts Ifeor
titne, andistraet lines fiunisised lbp spplyiuig
(lists at tlie M. E. church parlors; lures.-sit 1liE Ii site tufitle.
bteorlanu C. E. at le-Iillan ball; B. Y. Doiut forg-et to cibheribc for lie
1. U'. at Bapiitist chuchl; Cogregationi-hDaily'.
al C' . tgetiurctituLunglishi aiii If -oui c-iis to hate ioue rooms roust-
Ocrsusith'.sunehe'ul stutites ~ule'd, advertise thestisn the Daily. 1-7
'Efc-c tsihrs call snakie gooid uuuoutey
giegationti l chu'clu, tutdfir Osh'eC. E,. solicitiug subsriptions for flue ft.tot
of flue Chsurchs of Christ st terjir- M. Daily. Call at the office inti Tues
hors cii S. University ave. - block.
hBlly yocul' gyuuitssiiuuii otits-t of Situ-
The InlandO League. stillt.heii' Bookselle'r, thu''eyscrry the
We undterstuindilthast f t'ecommtult'e I lrget'i anid best lhue.
onarrngmet for theIs' land jii uniuot' ot' ss'ior "leisolo" ct-toted ts
Leaue s pannngfora hp bt sueatasuewt'tard. Caiii st Dly fiy ce'sst
Legi s ieiiuu o s u hsle7:115fltis t-eenlng.t
coturse thinutercfote this'yeari. A Aissosos'tuetoflig5111ir
inuber of linte' spesakers stnolcol ,t-s 5Squusou'eein spoleidolpastterus sitMsartinu
hav-e alreatdy bees engageol cehile IaI isuihir's.
.umuuber of otliers sire beting sotnsidleredl. SV'A'h-O.
Tccenty first clss erittsiitieuts foer Studenuts tot occtupy three unfturntished's
outedollasteis csfsaiinly locw -nohfotuu'roosouein tea 'c'o'eien' titndidesilet
silybohy Th Iail ciiigu-c e cti-quarsuter' ofthlit'city. Will1enlt elite'
sigrly, otoeut'sitgle asdlsh esuite. hstcli
iplete list of thse different entcrtsain- is isrge e'nuough to sccnitiidae tcwc
mtents ini fle coturse iii fle nettr ftutuire. iessuouss. f C'o'enleeosuas to cosal,
ct-tutu'and -wcc'ster. Ptrice 50c. each, or
The Daily only $2.50 for thn college $11.25 fuse thei'thurt's'roomcs. fall at No.
year. 02 5. Fifth ac-u. 1.7

I itught lJohnusoni, lI1 soul thu e. , gict's
ths hbest mea'suliiiliitilt c it' fit'e
imonetuy. Rhht'guiumalse25 cents. ('oldi
lhotees 10, 1)and 'h 20couts. -'eal
ae call. Hs'ctill saeonstisonuot. It
Noleh's5Star('luotlut'iiHue ;eclls thue
bost $ 3.00l Dertby ini theto .v 112
'fSplendhid l ines ot I us 0 Ittleili',
l'pstiisi'y tushSillk.0 i utuie it lista-tin
hlleis''s. 1-t
'ue hIslly i ishe oilily ueoospstpoul
Auim arbori'devttedol t'x-osive'ly tIt het
loIst'.thexstt'sooths to''\oil
,howt'you thet' lgoset; tutu(1host;linst'
tot Suitls ut x$120.1 (-thioet wilituigo'
you$13.10 tutu tJ.-ll100fttu'thbeSaie
hI(sE. 1-13i
Wa'sgner'u'&sIt., Tilhors, cwiiil1be
pleasuseol in uterest:i-o iiithe uuusuuty
newi' tthiisgs theyisun'offerluugfoot'faull
tt'ear. 1-13.
Solicitos wtedo'f orte t'U.of M.
Daili'. IEnuiueasithle offue, 'fTes
nilolhig tote issitichulsur.
If y-ouuit'e luooksiugfus e l test iii
fsall Itlh its's'-oods, be sues'ando
ss'e Me. A.I:. Ihose'it lie'ouok Hotuse,
studeniuts! Buty youtcbooiktutnet
c\vvek at the Sttudetts'hBosostore' sano
sae mtoneyi. fituti' telrics ciisill
studsenut pulrelmtses.1-
'lhe Dasily cviii prit fulllaccunllteof
till fcooll laesssthis fisul.
'hets' sisgo-iuottebouok inIlse city lot'
2(1 touts sit S11toili&tot's bookstor'e,
SItoSt. 1-3
Ju lst ru'u's'v'oh, si.uoec lot of descks and
bok 1as, I sut-tiut hisuhhor's, cteli
a~itdfli'sloushoutte' le.
W'sigu;He's & ot's Z.'. totf I. 'o~thlu.
D o you Nvcys tic ?11-13
sVA. Ti'iV AI T:
MeI. A. 11. Ifoco, lupeesensltag titu
fhooit Et~a: igh.' O'hluug vo tt
in'. of l90 SWoodwacysrdl !is"., De-
troll, 'SNich., ctill hoe sit liii
('cookhthouse', toutTueotdauy, Oct. 2, scith a
feull lhue of cstamples sot faelsol a ct-inter
goods. M~r. IRose hsscatteredh to the
studencuts foreii past six icars andsh las
alwctys giv ensatisfactiion in pcrice, fit
anth cworkmnishi. 1-3

Picas sanseigiusuuan tordinarsy papfeewth
any peti, 140 copiecats be'tumsade. litty
coiptes of typewrittemanusecripts upodtuced
it : lmuuu tes.eneceootito tlamtan sam~plet
ot uik. AEINTS, tVAN'l'hTI)
20 Vesey Set., NewYcrk.
OecsuuuLizod I11500
Capial, $otouco. 'urplusatnud .lrcite. 040,400
Trantsat:;e aigercul hbatukitighuieses.
Foreigns eu'hktutuutes hough t ansold. Furnshi
lctters of credit.
P. IIA'O, 7*n . tV. CLARKESON, Canstler.


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