'THE U. OF M. DAILY. NJCHIGAN GEnTF Time Table Revised) July 1, 1894. EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex----4 05 Mail -------S4 NY. pecial-- 0 .Y.seial---7 05 Eastern Ex----10 25 N.S. Limited.-- 92 A.cM. itisitiEx-----1Z1. Atlantic Ex-_-74 .M 1).N.Expres---540 western E-I-- i5 GR.Express11 0 li Nt.E-----0 2 0. IV itttGLE l. W sHYit, G1.P &T. Ag., Chic.At ,AnniArbor. DE TROT7, IrICH Ittis Wll befoieleavinugh h etlt for bustinss() teaure, oteideupoa hotelandthiereavidetciin Wheyisit Iletrt I wotldhbe pleasediolhaveYo sp a i e olil "Frak flaullntw," cr. Larnd atid Bales Sits, where ;si will1 have aiicnii The housanIst(teetit-inoved ifrotiuti bttca, atnd itee- vin fiint class cnditioti. ilsutilfally, H. FH. JAMES. Per Day, $t.5it. Represtits Every Depirtmet Oif the University. $2.60 PER YEAR. OR I/i!FAI UF Big For Rout FIS IET INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLRE, Throgh SleepngoCar AS HFETICE TS I BIL OURV ROUTE an. C.llC~lll, It.I ATI TH SMLEX PRNTER A C inninnfoa dplcain coiSK ORtTIsanddraVItAs INTER-COLLEGIATE. Iowa Football Schedule. $ $.$ SAVED. Fly seelig AMr. A. E. Rose, at the Eight sif lsst year's U'niv. of Pennt. The followitig is tiie football silted- Stick ioitse, Ttesdsay, (lct. 2. Ie cviii teati will returni this fall, tile of the University of Iowa.: sate you frioii $10 to $11 per suit ott E. Al. Houghiton, '94 mtihais IDr. October 1, Iowas. Agricultural Col- Attn Arbor pirice's, anti alwatys guiatlt- Clark's til ollice on State St. lga oaCt.Iottiit5~lttti tikisilit. i: 'fwenty-two Yale gradtelis wiii Oorll('rul "llg' l Stewaortd wanted.Iinqtiire of Daily coachl football toamtishils fall. Verno'llil. tillicit. If. A. lt. Crittendeni, '94 lift is picipal October 20, Kniot C(ollege'. at Roetk Subtscribete o liii'Dully wileo yottste iof the scelti at Sellootlersift, Milh. Isltindl.flush, $2.50 per colletge your. Scrlet has been udoted ttauss t'etol- Octobter 27, ('licasgo Uniiversity, at Tiit Daily bus betei etiltirgedt audis loge ecotor'of thelUniversity if ('li lilethicgo. tieitIiitstestls' 21 e'el igi.Octoettrt 2), Nttrthwt'sttr 'riiviersil sgo ''loge ytear. W.VI'. Roittnisoni.'915Illlists gosh' it Il'autoliess youtt seslit 1 i' ttidcSli- iiito business sitIis hsso'e in lit-l- Novemiber _ll. Ixtiissis lonicersily,