U. OF M. DAILTY. post office. Tho Daily will also have a The Michigan Alumnus. J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H. ALLMAND.
tJ l rl 1J branch office on the campus, probably
It has long been a matter of regret - --
uihelIiy sily c tddu i n h r7nosr lli tin vl n ' . . . ._
the College year, tby
Subs-riptiono price 2.50 per year, invariably
in advace. Singleecopies-3rents. Subscrrip-
tios may ire left at the ot rotfh til ) sL,
at Stefhets, oith asy of the relitorsoro ath-
orizedi solicitors.
tioiauriratioit shoisid reachli theisifier hby
7 orlort< p. m. if they ar to appeiar thernet;
lay. A ddri-ss all matter iotentdrt for pobli-
cation to tie' Managiog Editor. All buisrs
communication-s shioldihr satt ihretBusi-
nes mtlaaer.
Anni Artor, IMichi.
J. IL. Loittie, Lit. '95, Matiagin; Etditor.
V. I' SAtiiLrtt, Lit. '9ll, Assistant.
F. tt..tWiiriLrcs, Lit. '9.5, Assistant:.
S.5. St. Ottittitt. '95, Assol tant.
.1. A. Lretote, Lit. 96i, Athletic Editor.
Wmli. A. ilitito, Lit. li7, liasines stoosger.
Mit iiiie ftI'hoiito,'97 E. V. Evais,'95.
Car rie V. sitli, tori.
Harry Ccmoral'Sp hee l tEiiic!A..
iETeAL.. E. S. Nibiack, '95.
Allcottysiust lie it teficitefolois:3l t.
m. oft te iday sot publication.
Itihe edtitors. doi not hldilthesselves resp-ona-
sibletfor thie oinions ostatiieiitsioficoires-
pondtsiit, apptrio ii ia he DAIL..
In TIlL I- mnaSIUIr . z nis oince «iii ac
used for the collection of newvs and re-
ceiving of the smaller advertisetments
known as locals. With t hese iuproved
facilities, thle IDaily is prepairedl to givre
the fnllest newrs iii 11e most satisfac-
tory imatttner.
Douibtless ter-e are the usual tutm-
her of grumtblers ott liane this fall to
comlaiin of tmistakes in the tiattaeig-
tmenit of football iterests. JT-e loss of
live of last year's teamtisit of course a
baditilbatck, atdedeto the fatethtt
trat-tire eius si t e. This 11a10 bien
rendterodlneccessary by theimpttosibtil-
ity of seeturinig a reasottabile titimtber of
that Mit-higati with the largest litinog JACOBS &. AIIMAND,
altmni of aniy university intsh le cotut-
try lut eveer hotatia organt to keenjt DEALERS IN
thiemsiniformtedt of ottoanottler andlc-f
the Uitiversity. Last fall the D~aily + * S-l O RS . + +
stitnt ttttiuiber of cirettlar lettersits COME AND SEE
the aluitttiwithi lie views of startinig____________
t eel devtog listedto ittheir it-rests,
hut iieiespose it-t e5O niot.' * The Washington Block.
antI the ptan ssas tcketllfidtoltlsse. FLOWVERS, FLOWER~S
'this gear, hittsev-r, thitotltok is Fcor Eseur liiie isd Evryboidy.
birighter otid an tiluitti111 lhti- is COUSINS & HULL5 i lfIii 26 .lUnvi cs 11y is
ntss ooi t-l lln iterwllli- EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY
malgaine llfttrmiantientiiltfl T.e 2p EAST IltittiN STREET.
Miehigani:lmittits." It will alpe-tr tGtotdWork Guaraniteed.Good- itlled lot
(:)I te iftent o eah.11111111 11'eaii delivreid. A . .COVtiTPr op.
tietito otitit-baik ftrie uly taiin ,first tilitbr iit-lou issuted Octt)--'it.
Aletoeamtiwill of cottrse- tic tini- Alit lteatiti0.11iclit-teotitlli u1111 !o
cappted bkth-fis, bltl lltoacetias 'stillItt- cotitribtedt-tl igfilti Stton-.
bereti madte ftrit- t iintarragingt5ht- t2tlts.
st-litdul- anitnolipttat ai ors still tilt-011ehiIhtor :lit-isA. Pi.'lt esiii ti
hi-lye tu u itfl tie teamtihats hail titieolit, it sti-iits. clareful tall, s most~ 11(
ft get sti-ll together-. Aiyour famiiliat- t itt-titt iit,-ly tof lltheiints--- . lis
twilth the amunttt an isndiio f maeri st'i-iletars(,dssithi the tiriesposi- -its-
toss in sight losas t eotbit tbhittwset-lum~i.
s11a11 turnt out ati tiiiiteiami. Many New Hooks.
The Christian Association. ISovi-nictses of booiks, eontaittiti~
Thte Daily tcongratuilates ifself onthfit- Witht eat-liotOgoing elaiss flottllt- ,0e oitis. c shs sise t ii-_
numbr o suscrptios areay s- gnera lirar ths yer. hre. eses COTRELL & LEONARD,
utthronetsrttoi arays-tiviersifty the Studienits Chrisitianis- ALiAe-ci NihY., 472ts si-ar.7fit-soAeWisi
hitiet-atre-tdy arriitt ad het tithstts N , 42xiddltiatx.
cured attong th1eso-eds. fever before soeiafion hosestmetmhers stwhose tilliltt i fit- 15 Mktshersof CAPS atil tOWN S 5toiis-
in ts istry as her ben s may illbe erein fe das. t~hy pr_ Amicanetu iiersitius. tIutsrtitedi
inlthsoyisteeh-et5 ii5settee, it setes aitfhte titne, wosulsd treset, tr., spot requoest.
feminitie tnatmes 111o01its bookes. Thecippltihe orkthsfist htefolowtsillg taitnto satlIkindus of lieaturet, pure1111(1V. A.3IIIiIELt., Agt., 44 WillIam Stret-
cs-elsar aft~cileesited st fhytar. .S E i-eaht~ soils this ftoe tse 1<"tswsill lbe iltlocuediredy-fir stess MERCHANT TAILORING!I
board ande there is no reason wvhy ga ti tfi oso teiofesi ~roadeso uShetiiu
thseudnt usrb rooto- ,,sot is tpossibtle. donoetietly tby
they w11o1sktotsuberitMprporion-J.t ttdd, Miss Jessie _______A____AUG. SDl-IOENEWYALi-, C26 E.Washhingtont
ately. Phelpts, Str. F.A. EtMatny antdlMr. To gistetohetesO t 1rt"s1 h
TteDeh esidrsus ta ieyIsear Itoberts. But, fortonately for"ltito of Witters, Thutti udr, Id_.-
stuen it s-hoe ituil t (-ils, alsthio associastionstOhiostossofficors antelsshichili-itses suofhinug undoethatoal
stotll tuhyit tdvrtshg ottntm.emtbters ore tioretist tilling ttohe beidosie to give perfesct wsi-s AVO l- 1
wouldstudyits ds erisin coluns.hect Mostiand detl ieT urdat .I!I~
It is but right that 5-ottshould suppshort siatio sahot uio tt~tmLeaveorotters iathudoo I lI Shi)
those firmts who suptiort youir daily wtgraestnrgy thian ever before, use, of Stfatsan Williamots.,Ir ad
Iaporansd it swill ho fouened that toso the sworks of theo assoeltion itotsneswsreuss curdl to S. ID. Ctin- 21 1' t st.(
firmus ss-tdcht sotilort univ~ersity huobli- filds of usofouttess.
cain aeb ~mts sis erft f The officers of thto association wttsht 22 Years in the Business- Is ihe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUIiNESt anid SHORT-
- uttdesfos Ncshseri-HAND.Magiicttobuhiling; sentirehbe age
to haveeittudrsodthat Nebryattendonce; toad disipline;superior work; well
yottr tsotooago Thu'le Dally- ohscr'ilu-
happlldreaditig iraoi; dailylecues; Satoeday
thou rites arc so extrocoely hs ha thuh sopott to all students the fir'st CTRY eeigrcpon;onthetreyaetmlylwhtIt MUY UfID tiol tfailitis teeplacig sudenscint positions.
itlo l-stditalrettuue01fcsw teeks of college and thsat theiog Bused and reosm hahotot7peset k itnusprivte
Inus deend ll la1ge easue ol efamilies. Tbes toelstreudomto 10 hisobyuself
are ead torener asisanc toallbordiag. Pie Catalogue address
the tadvertiosng suppihort of Atin Arborwh are tdystosrctdcasote to ill o21hem 1Te . M1. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. P. H. CLEARYPrss
antd outsidebttsincss turn.Yott stillth l i Oiii tt
encourage suicht assisftuance if you begysworks of tho asocoiti~ton shot get fully
traunized atid ut presentit w sill sutfice
of thiose-whlo adveortise- intsheuse cot
lt anttoutnce a fcew pubslic mttintgs.r J
_________N. A. Gilchristtpresidenut of thc tos- R-_Mo
reots, theiol~ty esiters upon its fiftht old antdinesw studetsoStutdayltog(i- M
ycxtu oday itt its nosy office in flue morrowr) motrnintg oftfis5 intihtil ~ttdi- ~d ARE' SHE JEST.
Tinmes boildisig, itoprosved in every forium at NTest-erry~ hall. Sondayog CIGARETTE tMOKER1Suit e iwiill-
lag to pay atttle tore thaun the lure
st-os. -test of all, it is increased in atferttootn there still he asetintg at lIchgt oetile ordinaryitralite Cigttes
size, andelwill print tutre uirsnity te satme ilace, espsueitatlyfortuesw *Willaid THIS BRAND superitoall11others
nes hnany othter collegolaity itt studets.oTeRcmn trih u o
tho countt-y. Socondly, the contract I'I I I 1A ~f.'IES
A NewWalk aremode from tie btielttest most delicate
with the Wasliteit, s Tituss coils for AienWl ~laveeorandthigeseot GLD LEAF
thlt paper to he off flue press by 11t:30 Amonstg tile mlly chianges stichit he !BEgrwA nVrEgFiAia. .od het
a. mi.Thisstitt inusutre ai soonls uttlou amutllts tiao beentusndergoisig situce cot- e111thaltne solut heauiaotreors 00
Thut tis, every toalset hit hobe tlisuroshlego eclosedl last goar, is fithetilditug ofbeou oovryptao
by 12:20 p.inli. -for the Osst a nussr sittilsthle (tysotuasiosti. It is " ;& g t~G#r ,, 5s tbOCACO io
time its ifs ex te Daily still to he six feet wide, mlade of PortlanudBRNH ,,CtMNVP1A
hav acn offoice - steely by fluet anthd whlen comupeted still oxs- DIETAS.& SCHANZ,
Dotty ast iulttfe Lcomofortablo fetid frouthte svat-r fotutisicroso
manner. This if possibile, flue.atletic gtounii to the Waterman "U* OF M" TAIL+O .
more cestrally than thie old Gymnnasium.i If the swather holds i Litert anS test styles of oreignandu S1
5 - - ~ mettle Iwooles.sFirsteclasshftuandhirst eli
One, beinu on t 1 floor of the good it will also be extended sotth- workouthalranteed.Cleaiug, prossaican
repairingnetly doer
Timoes building, opposite the we sO to flue tiuseum. 48 S. Sate st.,Second Floor, AnnaArbor