Ijc ti. or
At. Waihi.
VOL. V. No. 1.
CENTRAL HEATING PLANT. tion. On the opposite side of the tun-
nel from the pipes are placed the elec-
All Campus Buildings to be Heated tric wires.
From a Single Power House.-
The Big Chimney and Tunnel.
A student returning to the campus
after the summer vacation would
scarcely recognize it as the place he
left this spring. The ground is strewn
with timber of all description, with
here and there a pit or hillock as if
an earthquake had been at work.
Everywhere there are signs of im-
provement and there is hardly a build-
ing which has not received some at-
The greatest change, however, has
been in the method of heating by
means of
The old system of heating having
proven inadequate the buildings will
now be heated from a central heating
plant from which a tunnel or conduit
will extend to e-vcry building on the
This central plant is located near the
medical building, where the new
boiler-house formerly stood. This
building was torn down to the founda-
tion walls, enlarged and is now well
under way. The basement will con-
tain the 16 boilers necessary for heat-
ing and is 141/2 ft. in depth. Large
coal bins have been constructed of
the same depth.
On the west side of the boiler-house
and in direct connection a building is
being constructed for the dynamos,
engines and machinery of the electric
lighting plant. It will be two stories
high of Buryea stone and will have a
Gothic and slate roof.
Opposite on the east side of the
building an immense round chimney
150 feet in height has been construct-
ed. This chimney has a double case
and has a flue eight feet in diameter.
The lower portion is faced with stone.
The conduit is built of brick. It is
5% ft. wide by 6 ft. high with walls
8 inches thick. The floor is of Port-
land cement and a person can walk
upright through its entire length thus
making repairs easy.
The conduit goes north from tht
boiler-house to the Medical building
thence to the gymnasium, then west tt
the Dental college and Homeopathi
college and on to the Law building an
the museum. After reaching Tappat
hall it extends east again past the lab
oratory of Physics and Hygiene, the
Library, the Engineering building an
the Mechanical laboratory. The main
The new heating plant whea entirely
finished will not only be able to heat
all the buildings at present on the
campus but five or six prospective
ones as well. Among the buildings
calculated oiiin constructing the heat-
ing plant is the art gallery; the space
calculated to require heating there will
le about two-thirds the size of the
Five of the Old Men Will Not Re-
turn, But Much Good New
Material on Hand.-Prac-
tice Today.
On Monday the Daily will give a
full write up of football and our pros-
pects of a winning team. At present
it can be said that while the failure of
several of the old men to return has
teen a great disappointment, vet the
amount of new and momising ate-
gymnasium. This shows the retgeents
gaium.Thse sowa telr rial almost, if not quite, compensates
have ii view a large building to be
for this.
devoted to art.frths
Of the last year's team Capt. Baird,
Harvey & Sons, of Detroit, have eon-
Henninger, Hayes, Dygert, Ferbert and
trce ofinish fthe rientire veplant -by
traced o fiiis th culet lan bySenter will play this yettr. tFerbert is
October. They are to forfeit $50 per at.pres.iit coaching at the University
day fr.statst tisge utytil the plant is
comyletem Tht te ot illthe alantsof Indiana, but will be on hand Octo-
00plete. The cost viii be ogarly ber 13. W. IV. Gritfin is in the iniver-
sity, but says he will not play this
The Electric Line. year. Yesterday Manager Baird called
The street car hne commenced to
run regularly last Monday morning,
with a full equipment of six motor
cars and two trailers. The line has
been overhauled, and new wire and
generators, together with all the latest
improvements in electrical machinery
put in. The old track will be used,
except that there are two extensions
one of which has already been built
from the fair ground to Packard st.
The other will extend from the present
terminus down Hill st. to East Uni-
versity ave., thence to Monroe down
to State and then to William, thus
naking a loop. When this is com-
pleted cars will run alternately, one
going each way, on a 10 or 12 minute
schedule, thus giving efficient service
to passengers. There are to be two
men to each car, a conductor and
Inotorman, both in full uniform.
The officers of the new company are
F. H. C. Reynolds, of Bangor, Me.,
president; Chas. E. Hiscock, of Ann
. Arbor, secretary, and James Carroll,
superintendent. About five-sixths of
the stock is owned by Maine bankers.
Graduate Club.
s The U. of M. Graduate club of the
Literary department, which organized
e last year with an enrollment of two-
, thirds of the graduates, will continue
o its work this year with J. B. Johnson
c president. Socials, consisting of re-
d freshments and short programs, will
n be held every two weeks at the homes
of the different professors. The aim of
the club is to keep up, as far as possi-
ble, close associations, and college
n spirit among the alumni.
out a number of the men, who prac-
tired passing the ball anid pliting.
Keene Fitzpatrick, the trainer, is on
hiand and the coach, W. L. Macauley,
of Princeton, will be here today. Capt.
Baird also came this morning andi all
the candidates are called out to begin
practice this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Any new men who intend to try for
the team should get out today.
School of Music.
The indications are that the success
of the school this year will be even
greater than it has been in the past.
It has been the good fortune of the
school to add to its faculty some
names well known in musical circles.
Alberto Jonas, the Spanish pianist, is
a graduate of Brussels Concervatoire.
and a pupil of Gevaert and Ruben-
stein. His fame is well established
over nearly all of Europe and he was
most enthusiastically received on his
first appearance in New York last win-
ter in the concerto of Paderewski.
Miss Charlotte Jaffe, pianoforte and
voice, is a graduate of Hamburg Con-
Mr. Gardner D. Lainson, a pupil of
Georg Henschel, is at the head of the
vocal department. All of the faculty
have arrived and the enrollment is
increasing rapidly.
The first faculty concert will be
given next Thursday evening in
Frieze hall
The Harvard Daily News.
We have received the first issue of
the Harvard Daily News, the new
Harvard Daily. This will not con-
flict with the Harvard Crimson, al-
though Harvard will be the only col-
lege in the country publishing two
daily papers. The Daily News will
consist mainly of correspondence from
other universities. C. H. Flandran,
'95, is editor and L. W. Mott, '96, man-
aging editor of the new paper.
't 0
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They are the cheapest
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51 S. Main st.
Subscribe for the U of Maily
The DAILY contains official notices
from the Faculty, and notices from
the athletic teams and other student
It contains complete reports of all
University events of interest.
It keeps you posted on your own
and every other department.
Subscriptions received at the
DAILY office, Times building, Stoff-
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By buying your
G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
Be sure and take this notice with you.
Lowney's Chocolates,
+ 48 S. STATE ST.
School for Dancing. Classes commence
Oct. 6,s9 and 11th. Gentlemen (exclusively),
Saturday mornings 10o'clok, Thursday even-
ings 8 o'clock. Ladies(exclusively), Saturday
afternoons 4:15 o'clock. Ladies and Gentle-
men, Tuesday evenings 8:15 o'clock. Juven-
iles, Saturday afternoons 2 o'clock. No stairs
to mount. Oice and Dancing Hall on th
groundSor Maynard st., one block west of
state St stores,
We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We buy and sell second-hand books.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies at special
rates. We offer
Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.
University Bookstore, Down Town,
on State St. Opp. Court house.
tunnel passes between the laboratories James Mitchell, who holds the
and library and back again to the world's record for throwing the ham-
boiler house making a complete loop, mer, has entered the Univ. of Penn.
while the last mentioned buildings are The building which the University of
reached by laterals. The pipes consist- the City of New York will erect on
ing of feed and return pipes are cov- its old site in Washington Square will
ered with asbestos to prevent radia- be 10 stories high and cost $700,000.
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