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October 15, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-15

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I at iiit I y !3 y
Ie Cltttcayeart, by
01;,Pc.:Tima'es btildit'ti. Xlata ast., Opst
at Stoftiii''', at Slate '4. ni antaai, gait baaay
of te ed itorsaoraeit~i aii'colt ictr
7oco k). il i teyaret() iiaiiat' theli next
day. Atdrtisiallat tat terintt endedifortpitai-
AA \laa,Alith.
J. L. Loan~ ,Li.tit_ 1araagiag Editor.
I,% . S awaut a, Lit. '1i6, Assis'tant.
It. I tEAi a'ILitI '97, A--i-t n;
S. It. S itv i. 9,A ssa t
l .b. VtaLo,aaLit., Ataaeaic Edtor
AI .IrAL I-. itt Busiessiitn -
l -tiiti i -at- a , Assisa .
- Asitt.tb i
115r r r . 1AW

itia ttttitt'r beittutitit at aSttno ita-tanll 1110" ANll i I !;Ā¢ 'j fO'T roi " . T. .1 blOBS. ('HAS. II ALL'S Alt)
____________-Dancing and Delsarte. JAOS& AIAD
The New French Instructor. Thirdttsew iattttatitiafirtĀ«l til tNioit'tlte.
at' tti'ith s ctl ai, i tta,,, DEEtlS IN
l 1r('ttt'lt,1wariiiitt W'ati'rs'iltiSe', iss Hattie Long, + -,e^SIit()111. ++
Ilay 25, 1868, wi ttt't' it'e ot'ec ied lilt Acia-
atlittitich t'littettitii. AlfitiinGuitar, Mandolin and Banjo, (COM~E AN 1ItS5-it':U I
it ttit-i thittandtitt ttl t d ~k o Ic 1 The Washington Block.
tt' liattti ICltasical Iiistittt', a t iio U Tubs iIUI fUtheI U t3 0 1 VII L IU ...-L O
Itit'~tF~lti'itt'' tittalit tltttia it'__________ FL WERS, FLOWERS
itt 1 titilleieto tail tittylu ly ,
He aftrward went t Boc-dill from eta ii'Fatt'ilty, atial eticies froitiCOUSIUS & UALL, UI i t - itt " ilme,11
'ttiitgt', iiitinitt ila, silt'-'helit' anthe athletic tamis h anta'ertil'iEXCELSIOR -- LAUNDlRY[
lil lt''1iliiltilii tit'itll tittt It tatititia a'omplelt rpoits ii' t~ I'i Iii.11tit
atitd A. ;St. it 'ilt. IHteehe le ilaiaiil' It Ikeeles youttalealoliouara ' iii22 Yeara in the Busin s-~
distiatuishit i iilita'i'as it student and ad es vyitheri' tepartitia~tl
celr iliii h ti tiprize giv' SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE CITY LAUNDRY,
lI ueilbtil tinisfrtyaofeidnenlalsat a prtize' inittudernt $2.50 IN AiDV~ANCE.
___________ M. X5. SEABOLT, Nofe 4 Nf. 4th ave.
Iras I tio atillit-,in'IMr. Edenliiisid uSut ~6-
eli-i e lii'ii liitralti t ria It i' it-it-a \% -A~a"

t i i'ion tto tt-li i-i' at'ofhis chotseni pro-


tin. 'i't5 io'fii i the iii' 'oflill ii tioieisi~tn nd 1ii 'I ~utt an ii it-i' ii' i1
Tti iit~ilt 'tilittt t lt'tttta i ati-N wIt t-i''tti'ii at l' r AN( I istat O R L E N R,
The ediors do ot boattStli'ilaiesaetltt.
atl fori te oti nsao'ei ait ll fittiit'of ts tals 5 4' a, t ua ii-a
et'-'i12'a lilst
'itti it ialt'iri. At)theiDA ILY.taltaii aiatt aieetii t'ii-ita. li a M A 11 a e a el
arie tttb's tjretiniatis'nec'a ry tnt adia'' _ i_ the_____Ma___ r
thaatgveryt mehoi' le ofttit f i st' atIne tin at-'itt tgClumbus,'iiuiy tai l e t ii-
'pr senin a i li' uila is a pplii'i tiet 11o s int5 a a i ii 1111a iii te iit t i
oftule i iz sr cttinsiinlajun iti -egali' o iS'.acl ait, sa liii sault'tAsi)ts'ltii'tt Ia
sttiecis haattarsseen ividghe ylit erard' ,',tl I'' ils (' lit' \\(Iilit ecm- LA3.VTO C IS nd &W Cs o.,
erataa' itarestity ltasa'satit itttt ili Ia i ii' 'iu''ilttt ittSti'.II. I Ilua. itt20 Veey St, Xci Yar
studernt a 5'tt;juniolt'laiivtworktnotiit I Ilite anlt' -wIll. i ealt tuettti sue-ii tie' F I ST ,NATON AL BANK.
andr is tetretisly cnlt i ct t heNutl ite rr- = th r1St ,is ex e ti na a iitiiiHE SaPEX RI N TEi
Ii''i15 l iaine td ,Seit'. laniatiii,ttaa-. pad tliaaii aruittibeata, a~a
tituet muras t'make le s'it e eir stta ia ut''lau sititu l' a T i-ii et' t tyittit Stiu
change f hoursill hi del~arlnent.of the reel'stI-aeueto the 'll iaa. liiAnew invntion tor d aiaic iain
eslne ttt dythesliabsntut tif tetIrlv a oal I'.cme ndethisimsrue c i-es.f S.rit.igsad taittN jsti.
tatizuistagiui'rctatglit' iectint ira'ilit-Itt' I.
ISohe eshely eita iter'larwokTi hett I -'-utttti.F i lttuuit.a' 'i'75
'hate I'ows't'eenl'haitngedtl' tril 5 I The1 Orclet boaIrd hel it -,iti d1(; (>1 SaI sudLiery 1-
casy su ila alteri aurttionsi thu trs ilt' tru luuaetrlis tltillig s il 'iritte~A DLE IIcp
ofste li teraryettudbet Ct coualur urset of' antt'ut'th rutut seittfaant'ttu tpeassdt- tr i a:,,'otitu it. rinr pi~rwi
sidpyera'blee t tibttt~it.thu lii' 15The ulle i a nyte,46copsv-m b ma . Fiy
ututesto, typeaitatbiiil manuIETAS ts pCoANZe
aThesist 11mietu ntir. t sssecdeaitt, ueledt elct ittutit b n last in5'f'itt'. oL auteat sad nT5 IN etlee at aiadad Do-
yLtte oftty alti fl, atp lie a ttil ttrea'ed ofteatic.VValiasltaloewallillandrerurniao
anc slosoiedyothardcitoteh is nt11 Uls yuian-ebeu rit ut-w a par t e. Ln.piraa. ai
ssetatltheualicatonof t lpaer.tisIf'scrbe tothe a, ily.us,48 S. Stat O1'At., NrAadFRBAOR. e

iAND. agiicentbuilding;tenac,' ]. _
itt uu,~ sue aaaaddisciplina; super'iorau ; e
eaeiA.A edigrom aa ily i-aturs,=ii" <a
cv w a; ee tis; apenthe tire n a. i v;^
:n:!fcl t a fr plaain stu deniu tin
f.It~. hese rasates reduclitseaoby.et
This space is reserved
for the (Grand Opera
i'latine. treasing aed ile tcaiii'
danaeineautly lay
' RtIOE $5O_
Te itnly 11ig1 (ratle iirtaionathe
Ita~rk,'t itoil It aRrasoaler Price.
Simple; Durable, Writing in Sight;
Psrmanent Alignment; Instantly
Changeable Type.
J. S. PEARL, Agent,
53t Wsiitn st., Ace Arbor, Such.
in Ant, Arborris
Giveit atrial. 2IE. Barsn at

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