'I'I1E t .U. m. IDAILY.
MICHIGAN G"*ENTI(AL NOTICES. I "Stops Ito____a~ n,
EAS.1WS lbTh 1 of 1I.1. MasonieC(lob will New, belpful aod pIatasical book be
ilnd oEx-.--4 0 i ___ " odis i meeting in the' Ma-sonic a ('bicago edtior. for all yooog writ"I's.
N. Y. Special_-_:i10 p(i o 0 eple on A'0 ctIayt, Oct. it, at 1t tells bow to get a atart, bowv a
A.aicr 1Ms . Ptinaox--__ 1 1:0 .. saarp. All osastecc lnaosna constroct a ncwspape'r articlc, s1.
Atlatic ES 77 a4 " v en x in ithe1Universiy oarc 1'(' fslefito lbe to a aibounandeticailo in a f lsib
G. I. Express -I1i03thIcNt. I _10 prsenr't. iii tyle. pIt2.ll; Pi'c , $41.2-5.
1). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 0 00. IX I'st.(n-o i ilnc itaibarougbly p1)1aclfeal. I hi lass
G. P. &1'f. , tChcago"' tElz ,101 lio O o n If .- ccoet iar to ills' final cif'11nothoolr l: s i bili tan a soroat-
Itisswell befoealeaig home,olwheihcr
fotonbifssness or' dceasu'e, to doaide upon a
Ihotel and therefcb a si fsion.
Whben yau sisit ODetrit sac oolbe
ad Bates Ss , -whre yousawill.havea fod
maeal and alanbedt mderate rates.
The hauseahas been reaovatod fromf fallto
bottoasndis now n is tclass onitionf.
Resptfully, it
Ite (Coun1 try. I
fnresftfcffff'fftof hltfsri 11f' l~a 1ffn
Irnilisl Ethifcs Avllinc151t ff11 Soffflys,
and151 ednesdaysff at fttIf o'lock, rofoff21.
A. 11. llOYD.
finth Iflllfielfd dily afrf' Il e1sf ff1t1f
l'fc al ot for srorii at f1t1ff'Athtlstic
fie'lteerct'afternltoon. M'.lilelllrilk
still be off lhad fromillI tos G lfnd sill
rendera' 'swfat fasisaneflc' ll'1 n1 11afddi-
ltnIfo tfkilft cfre'Io ft'e fots~ball)
'ills' Thefalilfiell Illy511 If' flill)
illfl~l~fI.liles sr't''i
i 11botff sts'sAvo'1f I f151 1115
.111 .ll A.'1lO l'lll lfff 11 Sf' Cptfl .f' 5
11151 ascr'tainl 111111lwetriilwork, t.if
fl~~'. i clii 10'i lg f' 1.5'ol )I '.
foe _Mcctlrg & sf.
N eswo llas e11 xpetsfat1o Iwrfite. c I 1
occ'aionafllt'.fisletill' iress all 'ill be
sstou ilflth1110valuaffble' treatise'. I11is,
unive1rsally' collnff'fl .- t'he li'"Vs-.5
AddresfC'a('51. lS'holllfof .ilffrfl 105ff
i'vll s 11S I, 111.
lilt'tId'l th fell'e flllltampu.
Corne1d Ill'(s 'it' 1nor5 1hf,. 155ff'
'irl'1 lllships t s'i's I' 111515.l ;l t Illc
the1se, tlhe 'e ile I '115511 isi I. 'lssssirll
Cello ' If p" sfre swoll l 1 l s H w
lout) t' '111 fi 'f'lfffif , 0Itt Ilcent:
cla 'ash lllf)iaaill lofil111t'ckts sl.
:il'y'io 'cnffI isl-ts e llall l otlt
sftslit' Sal lgS an.1k.
t'braebhll I.lifhfidff111 h, n~ly 111 ;$8per
ITwo astudentsO from1 lisaScbool of
Muicitwa'slltedl toslicit Dllyltsub-
1.itolsi) 1141'sl.
Mir. IHumphilrey't)'lIaW,151'sttaIpal'
ssf -oltd liflll'll 'ye n lascats ilells''r'
elfhe -en)llFillh 11.an.d111th11e1cit'Ifs'thtt
Il ifty (_'1111) ..is'f 1r 1. 510 erce t
'1115 commission1 1515 ll tiis'ts'old.
"antte ' sIt l'flsffgIt'.s'lss:''l~sl
1 ir. .0A. ('isas',Il offs'er&t In 10.11'.
theIs' as'lff 't''a''oss'osf lDe'ro'i, ssill
15111, 1 ills1 f111 linfe 151' samlesll off
Ills' als oelts it'sfso'r'fill) '11111 wint'.1lf
(.lIIANGIEl'S C11.044151IN' D:NIINCl
T0_02"d ca'j't i y a . l <'1,5at .1115 Ill' ll'k 11i1s t il t' eh lofffflll a':" fee ,ll Nsfwi eki i-1515fill tlli l .01
t'l1bli)l4 I1liilSig'.re litllit' to11't:I'tll's'i'i. sll'ro 21-l issast to~1''f'..s 5'i515111'l a1
'0 'is'sst . 1 a. . 's " 5" if,,'c
1 Fa 'rI 'llo g t's' L a s o i111liEa t" is tlss' { t i t:sf1 A fllopse Iitd. 511'. , il515511 . oI: I t1. 1s'yfs'
;. !" fttof , s i' '00 lfs' 1'al5t5' t 1i l1't'. 00 151d.. Os-.ct. 1 0ffii. I1. 1,. Il'551( 'IfC ., lDetfrfit, w'ill ei s' f it'f1 lltbo',
Wichnleavsstesa oililfg tundonell tf' (< 1.11! ipen155 . I1.. .. ttcre Iff l'itit 115' stls 'tssy <tteC o.1it l s li n, Zi'f t , stt' ''isty
1}e., d-.1 ' I o ntet'Iagt to1 pefitt r. X' o- I- sii. 111111 50estl'saf' Ot .i. , l1 1111 17O,
~J) 7. N ! "5 LlI.', - C 11 -'lles ondaysft's f1'ind f'l'O' 'tr'.ittrast's Thurffs.. I{ff1. 1 Iff ssi I nfl u' fIth tw'll Il'ie leif(I sito shso'w k'. sf 51.
Leshor rsf'ia t Fldeil'lts ' illa' ShoitIl Ifilis'f'. fits' llftft'isitIy' litsenty li1tly f'tlll~ f't ull thlinelfl' aI'S ltfttsaoff
tar. tof Statie and10William stas., 'o'rti- stltitly sit' . l If 'ricst' 15 cet;tl. 111lft' 1ssat ttti Ifs-st nfftrt'li llt
Tres c Ifstoi.. 0.C'arr, 21 N. S1ta11'st. 4111.. (IttI. 2t.-It. A.IC. vs.' . I. sit' atylcs off hoosts, 4ltostt ' llippr u-oU k --_ia tdtcfed esh -rbe o lltl'faii iiit-
l1,-,7 INF 4S1, (Iti.27.-1111 lFild lt'lt'. Alth- fls' r f. A15l t t-iso h itee rated 'tl ' - r
INI~ OII he W iei I RSEiS w letic'-grsontis. IFta--'llrlt" aitos. E cy Atf nnisssbr-
LOUIS ILE, Isil s lllft1-ret 'llfs 111 sie BUSINESS LOCALS. 1-r4fsAI'ttlflliir'st'lttl
lit t f t yo'u'l backstff1iIllf tibidi'bicycle.Iss''cfsst 1itlit0.'is 551155 s lts's'st
Ae''tpa l s l 'If'et f Iis ls ist,ssts st ed f ill ".tss cnss-ts'i t sti tesf I (.ondit1on. bst fs' l'its 'l x,50 tlkst
ELE ANT ~ ~ ~ ~ Iii tal~edy. ('ll1paits' 1111 Ia anty s tun.a f etaHl",(u~its' Iflyi i.llt elb It(SIy.(r
'Through.Sleepring Cars whtl"ethousilsts tintg I Ift'nIl,1,finest1,ltinfIo f Ns''kn'tt1, islt.0*0t -)01 I . tn
'11oo ltlnd i llt't50 self-f~ls-(.~it N bes. ta- TsoIPsnt.1 1'lsittt Stilt(', aso as r-11
IIE rssI N -i tg' atsd adaptseid st to isg tsr'( fSON. irstl's'I(st sll1 E. s -. 'ass-
PetoskeyLouisville and l Ittdorasedythe til'lefasli th-flelt'Cteof i-FINI: ~li414 0' 'I''1
Cin inn ti.i Is le ay'. Call for caas i ss dss rt.lli' (x . o sf tet o ldel1<si fiftfollat.
Cincinnati. ( iinspetit. 1'rite stly 15. Fotr sate ilb trl ol its 1 811111 1W ejs ifclt
Iy BLOUNT & VANIKIRK, ls1 f slis 1 list' I Ifiia 1.1111 a we'k'ro. twos'..ftlft111
14 N. Ittgnsts., Alti.AI'ifsl',MichlT. ue'llsdayt, ItI 1sf.stwithas t si ots f, ss I15..~~)fl's~'
AlSKOR lTI CKETS'V I A -isis- samlstof t' Illsst ill antttsiit i 5 )[NaI ~t.- s~tiflon.e. lsre soll
BIG + FOUR *- ROU"IE. f . . S I1EBBIN'S, Woo~llents.1 'tis 'itltsttsligll's t'siIts' 'lit1) . 1 1 r'fi~ll to etsrotit Satlrltty.,
R OU TE._______________Ii intthlst'liste' tr I lsstistg still OItI ?}. 'tl l''sttis lvs'sAnbit1t. rstsn 1
1 IISsIl lI'l I ii 10110sa.''s Issssss't it} cit itt'lstn t 'scasii 7: a.i. S tar. l nai sot t ssf
l',ssen It,, 'r fIeTI s Iss 5 Gelst.ft ', &. I\,1r iri; r l' r ?flilUro I SatbtIp.s in.'of liss' Strillt'Isssitt
~ TL~0, l[I L LnU 1fllYA i Speias alissee lt OXril'eSts~ i istlI~
W _FF Td i Hos liwekWht.De; lirsĀ°<(ef I0 FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORINGwrh$.5t 2 t et 1-fll o' ogttUsisrb o h
WNill t ii IoItt(i tu Is'! It I s cottĀ°la sileds. I Is-tist'Ilt. Is ilort ,52 is o Daily.
Corneroff Sitse lnd '15 lias ti ,
William t t.'ea t a ~snet'tl~I).1. a:Sct t I..het.ito lt 5 ntsla . goll t'ttt-r Iaco-
K = 1.t 11-1 G- .( A..J,?, T S___ . 1.. Ilsi~ti seslsrs Icfill' toit ts It ls:' -tttlID I'IiC
BILLIARDS AND POOL. SATIrACTIOhGUARNTEED - . aCt 12 it 2 ps. s FIosr sale nt tu l forcsh, lfiittIlitttis'
Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos. 'lst'sls t s.1ta-ls sn4 . udIosttt iai' lat oti
No. J N. Mainstret-,. Itics-ll. ttI iCa llferttoonts, 11 N. IngallsO at.
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 'Os. s. sroft the s'riL. A.IIoard1.tI.lIIIIIIKSXi'sa1'-saiftwisite0 then iotcoonsilyt1-
Ann tArbsor, Oihts. Itals s t osnI, 'i --t't"ss is'ii,..bssri 1' cl alai oltT IniM oly -
dstrpltsfst450,0s0. (. ill., Ne'wb'es'ry't 11,11h, ITutdiyI. Toe Daily htssaliready' moctsusb-
ssthfissSlta. lit-n 1sd' e oslfits, bniy.'sssf1 tnit' ('Tli is sff I rit I t ? p111ic s-ft scribers sattottg thto co-otis titan eeIr
Int tae. I iat s cshedsssupcoln'spropers' iashit omistffIsionttoan all I iess s olds~s. Pofote itoits 1hitor'. Co-edo, stub-
idenitiatisn.'Safty dpss it:.Ii, 'n or enSf t. Anon e 1'wsising ttosh 111.ma' obtinl tcibeyoa-o reIra es nctled 010 tilt
Il to 0 im 0 t V i Ifrs; s. 0 its Is k, ticktsa fr'ont t iitsbs'i i P li its at (t' boat'd.
.1 tl 1 1 1 tc AsslIlt t'.sttf'IX'ISIL NI', 111(1 Isstt' Sl5'l~t lt't~lt.Do yott w'ss o arders? if so, id-
9 1" 'ARlltt5O R SNAYDNERHTe 'LCK ality111d1 substanltilay boatrd vc ito 111nttoe Daily. 1-4.
STEMLAUNDRY CO. SNA INR T5OCOK at 45 P'aekard si., at $2.50. lIll6 Tu'e Pool in everythaing siay~ts gives.
High (hosesod DsoestcFinish,. studentis td aitizens stottld matte Itis If youIsmoif'.('igars, buya'hebests. ItegreatesltSatisfaction. Tbhet oOCO.Fg
tiIeir heasdqu0aters wsalaliii Ypsiati, and 1I IOSCOE CONIILING is lihe brala CONKLING Cigacs aro tbe bolt and
lssue atteft teilfind rnaseera,
1E. S. SERVISS, Manager, iost Icodially, Buay a School Soil at Noblte's. Oly ostt 10otmoretitan inferior Itrandis-
55 S(OUTH FOURTH AVEN Cl-E. W. H. LEWIS, Prop. u12. Noiting likelta'i. Try (bran.