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October 15, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-15

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ttlw Of


VOL'. V. No. 14.


P incE-TitiR E CENTS.

'TWAS 26 TO 10.
In Favor of Michigan.--Albion Put
Upo a Stubborn Game.-The Play
of Michigan Much Improved.
Saturlday's gitne' with tilbion
sih(Iveid stitat one' seek's ptracticec IIt
do for a. teatttt. Thiire tlls vtiliantd
(tnapt'abt't tteyptay 1thteead leeni
('lter gitide gad AtthOtcyr
('se.e tylitpoetenlt, 3i11espetiatll
tl ntce1ableiithelin,11( a b
Avokat by I hri.'l'tll' presentet a
citter aid egiit tes (i titli
t-irlquite.ertin tai'our ttti
Altch futerttt ll gati foi t lient
tlls ik-offtitl, *inlsitecilioef
gtefMeliegistirsl ~thas . atd Itllnl
aetttr 01,11itNvasthis tarlygee.Liste',
poits butiililll.ca"'dwh~
Titrplaed allefitretlca,};adet:,left,
enMidtigttikedat y itne slellt
Nvt halfodalbiett Leonard ityttg stt
tote tdhalethoget isot:ile ac.r

place. Steady, short gains gook the
ball up the field for a tolichdowil by
Pout. No g-mil. Time, 11 min.
Albion recovered the hail oil dmviis
after her kick-off, and imIlde llut a few
Short gains before ih( y } oro Iteld.
I'loolnitt ; toll A n: llnrt. 111(1 L,,, ,! nrd
went in. font made good gzilny, but
t:he bail zN'a5 fitmbl"(1. A fill blo by
Albion restored the Mall, and Rieliirds
went nrourld the cm1 for -10 pirds.
Font Ind I ygert 11-vt -2'00ci ain>
and Leonard cm-ried the bIll over.
go'll. Time, mill.
I>y ert: caught Albiou'ti lick .>11', and
Leonard went around Ow (_>nd 10
yzIrds. The Imll ~ns lost on -1owils,
and Albion be-nil htiekin9 11w like.
11er ;aiiis were slo«' nn(I ;Alichi";,ti;
50011 recoVered the bflll rind 11.1.(1 it on
Albion's fifteen-N-ard line when dine
wtis cilled. Score, ?( to o.
The line tip «ras I oflmv :
1'. of Al.-(xrcenleaf, 'eft eml; I:11- i
kor, left tilekle; left r j.i<trd;
81111tH, center; IIennin.;er, 11,101t, "11,11"d;
Font, ri-Ilt tcklo; Price, 11-114- nd;
1 ,0rd, (11iitrter back; Blooniiltie toil,
left halt'; Riclinr(Is. ri llt; hnif; I>y-ort.
full back.
Albion.-("ill, left end; Landon, left
tackle; :larrili, loft, "-11,11-d; Jacob",
center; Jle:ider, right ~nard; ('o-shall,
ri~ llt tickle; S. Shipp, rillt; vild; Me-
Pherson, (Iuarter Nick; Shipp, left
half; Alnywood, right hall'; )TcCor-
niick, frill back.
Uinpire-Anderson, of Albion. Ref-
eree-l3artells, of* Alichignil. Lino
inaii-II. Dyer, of .1lichi nil.
Castalian Board Organized.

First Number Will Answer an In-
sulting Letter from the Harvard
ito so byt4' lintii their namties to P'resi-
dett' i tlt ll.clThelit i If :111 artle Nill
Itstl'tiisltateer fromtthl'551'd. V'tles
tlai i tlii ' fielt' risl wl .
esr vesopwllbe at'e bytNoruml.,

Itrysts learn 11 tult booIi(ks.
Ill' til otne.
We Say Buy 1 hose W1hich Have Tone,
l'e e l ltiat kind~.
5t South Main st.
.. , --FINE-
G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
Boarding House,

suid very inth'tii'It work ithitr1111' Fotr Latdues stillGettlemeni.
the this-us wu'e'.80 hiiiltu's lui. T.lon K 2 'ICN'OHIEIS
plaeonu (llverytrottti gruuttiu, and Ii I i (SI' III' o
raiti parlt of the huh'. 1Thu Normal LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES

'thu ('aitaliant tuuoardltihl ai ii'tihlgsced' 11the iest toutcihuuowntiineiigtit
a1111 pe'rfe'cte'd orgfanhitionasol owuu s:ui onl)y'tuttu'hilots'i at 1111' clots' of till
Mla iigiti;editor', lI bryI. Ku'tluu; irsthatt', fomhi otes ellt1( giu t eat
1Iv-; butsitiust tllitlllu., ('. II. hitleesti; Ititill'sectiud half, thu resureis
assitant bttsitnuss tilnilg('i', tiiittilittiii'u'ed tuikelehe till' lill titill'Nuur-

Adamts; seeeetsey, Itiss .Mou'ieiu' lalae-
keyu' '. 'htoresignaihtin(If 'Mils(e
tude' Sundteland ft'omiithe tbuarud wtsi
acceed and111(1the fourtti'e'minh~lig hi]
uies 011 the boaerh were'autthorie to u
seel'ctiesueeessor. Meltig au-
aging euitoe.

Ilililt teerituoey ooust (If lie tine' and~
htsit'u'hatd it itnsidehe i'ttlyedtlin'.
Theu'Nuuemail -goftwou' utou'hownsin
this 1i.11f, giiuig 11(st tbytt'lu'
eln theii'Nteel's fise-ardlitiu.
'Tei'ueseeslitii'up ai s fuullowo:
liee 'alilt (rate'slift e'ud;Fah nu

Classes l now (lien. Iuils reeied t any
the, grufloorile, 6 M(tynardisl
We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,

'-' -' f.it/ ll li li \i 1L tl ( 1llt, 1. iA ll 1 01.111 (.l Aii
I..FJ- +.: 1-7,.. L(....,,, .-, ,.17 , ,, ,7 71..7, ,,,, l..i'/-

let, but1 Albiton scored her second anii Glee Chub Meets. lett tackleu; i551litll'ndIlEuteniileftII] Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
lat oulthustii lveiutittekilg uardl; tDe'nby, I'enter; hittileand 1and Scientific Books.
1'i(hu Ge'blu olut' its tecoth Iuuu'ut- lii',e rgit gualrdi; httsos, ight We boy and sell secoind-hand hbooks.
tuggsa. Cpt.F. ttp wa hiteting of the temiporary club this o've'n- tackle; I lbrouuk, qhuatrter; Leiiiuy, lift Mathiemiatical Instrumetnts aitd
antduleadsl to leave the gamhue at flits t tltt Drafting Stipplies at special
poin. i,:.. Te maeril i quto horns'n, hlf. nd aptin;Kooherrigt hlf;rates. We offer
butt.11ttit thedesire I'spetciali tSliic~ler, full backt. Best Linen Paper at 20e Per L..
Taikintg fteball froum Albiuon',,,lick-____________
those whto haseiut ftethanustsih sill sistiBS OEBOKFR2c
off, ittichttgantued behit sutuhi shottannr"aietido lr-
t tiy to peent tihitIeh'-s t this 'amme"tittiu(t it.hu BET OEBOKFR2c
gatns arotund She eisu to A1ihui's wtttitig. 4eetiiugit iseldin oen 24 ftuting tb' which ttat'uhll' ceturest SL AET511
forty-fiee-yard line aind lost it on tt 7ocok eiwdadcnesdi n ln;+ AEMNSIELFUTI E,
dawnts. Albhont couldh tot .;itin. Peice's _____________ sitting of frotulihie tfits'o tues. hurts___________
tackling being responisitble. I'eise's Te tiarvard library conttainslisghl.- lbeen'forbidden'htat till' iNetit'Il' b ty TWO STORES-
Knee was inset aind Hadd~ei too011l il afres of all its classes since 1752. the faculty. onuitaestleSt p Cut Clousen7511.

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