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April 03, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-04-03

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. .

" Publlshed Daly (Snday - excepted) duringI
the College year, by-
Owree: Times buldilng N. Malenat, opposite
' pastoilce.
H. COLEMAN,Lt. 'V, M~aaging FORr.
G. B.J AnttsqI> _Law'9, Asstn.t
A. w. Sva, Lit. Spc.,Assistat.
W. A. SPILL, aw '6, Assistant.
J. A. LeRoY, Lit. ', Athletic Eltor.
d.9. PEARL, Law '., Business Manager.
It. W. LEVY, Law ', Asistat. .
Associate Editors.
S. B. Shiley, Lit. 'S. H. A. Dancer, Lt.95.
E. L. lvans, Law '.- E..Snsderland,Llt'9.
Casrrie V.SsithLit'S..LiEt. Hamblen,Law"96.
C.A.Hoghton,Dent 'S. C. H.: Farrell, Lit. 'O.
M Glbert,Engr.'7. H.B.tammon,Medl'98.
Minnie li. Thoniso, Lit. '7.
to.A. eath, Pharmic 'N6.'
Subscription price $2.5S per year, invariably
in adv anoe. Single copies 3 cents. Sbscrip-
tlonoa maybhe left at the office oc the DAILY,
~tStile's, at-State st. ewn stad,with any
opithL~e editors of authorized solicitors.
Conmnictoss s-hold reach the oifce by
7 o'lOck p. f toy are to a~pearthe next
day. Addresaii matter intened oe pbi-
cation to the linagIngEitr. All boiness
commslcativo should be sent to the Noe-
t~e Mnsr .' THE IV. OPi..DAILY,
" -( nn Arbor.lVich
Attention is caled ,to liii notice ill
isoter coitimn of the smeetig of te
Isotelpenttet csociatioP whici s ,to.
ise bld Saturday at 10 i. m.
Theo.Detroit veing Newo'goes on
in its own way to explain wiy the
mantnice of a consumptive hsopiat
is impractical. It is sod that oan
editorial writer mst know soietitg
of ecvrythking pns nt mch of any-
thing. Tie positio of tho News easily
demosstrates at eattsl latter half
of this adage.
'Vatsity football practice has ben
going on for over a week new and
quite a. number o ew moo have Woen
bropght ot froos the clas topis and
other sources. There are not neiry
enough nmen, however, espcilly when
the importance of 01)0 work Is con-
sidered. Lst fall we wre decidedly
weak all around at kicking, a fea
Oune of fotb ti lxtht is bipg made
more prominent ;every ygr. If we
re to sucessfully compete with'tie
universities of tie. apt oett yar,
we must not be deficient in this lise.
Coad c Cauley was ied for two
weeks pring training with the ob-
ject in view of binging the rosin up
Jn kicking, .catohing, tacklingsad
othgr details of the game, and lie
must have all the available material
to work7 upon. It is to be hoped that
a much larger number of now men
will turn out t once fr spring prc
tire. There is as yet but a woek and
a half lft.
The New York Ties says that the
colege uniet'grdtato is more inter-
esting as a football player tane a de-
bater, simply because bie can play
footalbetter thaL he ceas.e ebatt
and so the pulic will keep aoy
from his exhibition of minid, "eeing
thait he hasso st eflois ltodlcteitll
energy to vait." The Tnes' logic is

;kew; te prt us esaso ceptcl
'shologic ly, thephy a1Ad t
lusz ta rc parallel; tiey do not ci
vervge. Public tste Is not so bint
criminate as to confuse, for instan
the pcsuro of ia theater with t
phisaure of a Junme regatta. Te' nin;ofp sr redt ct A
it stands to reao tlt acolegc'.
bate could be made as big an eve
as a ;football mci f it wore aot<v
tised as e? hnsivoy. Osayhe thel
spctive classes of 'interested pop)
might be different as to inteligen'
but ,the tinostlon des not bige
that point.-Bloston Steudited.
Work On Track Athletics.
Work will begin in a day or two
the runninug track at the fiel is
taro-offs for ,the ,umps ad vault :w
be fixed. It to stll too cold for t
candidates to gt outdoors, but pri
tite, on the track and field will
be delayed beyond net week v
if it does oet -arns up much.
present the'te raek andid' ten r -e
pected to keep up their work int
cymnuasipmn. Simce the ind0oolnim
there seems to ie a disositlis on is
part of the, great musjorty of tie c
iidates to lay elf uPtij utdoor TvO
Regins. As ,less ttan two nontsr
lft before ue Cis11ago met an jor
a months and a half bfore the 'as
field day, all the time possible ins
be utilised. Alli epudidtes for .
sprints and hxurdles puro reqired
go into the forty yards dsi;ts t
gylnastic contest net Saturay ia
in oder, to obtatin al the experis'r}
they can in comptitio nitd it
report to ile capain t once. Xia
steady ,pactice fromn now on is w
cont, and all candidates are ;elte
ed to get down to it at oc.
'Varsity ractice.
'Var~ity pesectiro Is being serous
hindered by camp weater and oo;
grounds, but notwitstanding ti
sen very sprited work was idulg
in yeste ,day. .Cptiin134--hiela
his first appeairilnce on the diao
and agin took: carge of the lracti.
Lee, last yor of Oberlin, wiseh
been lairs up with a sprained aub
which lhs inttfered. wth 'is.1ol
was given hiso old position at seen
Not having had the .early spring trat
lug le will be some time in gtti
into shiape. In atting he ,shep
specical strengths besdes being an e
cellent fielder and hase runer.
Blooiniigston did the best wrk
the practice showing Is ability
cover short by clean fielding and f
curate throwing.
The positions to be filled now
among the followiiig men: First a
Hait, lcKenzie5 Van Tisy1; seeni
base, Butler, Lee; third baset cDeit
Condon, hambers; hort sop, Russ
Boominstn; fielders, Shields, to t
St. Cair, Farubam, Waite; pitche~ynBcowicn;cth.
Holes SHubei-. ; t
Subsribe for the Daily.

cc. Ths on imeeting of l el Ijt
the pondenta 5c tion for the ale on of JUS AR VI
n-eitors to snmreami thieo'rdof tlei
U.of',f.17ll wll1111heldIn'p'
lmc 1aw leture rotom Saurday, ApriiI, A SUIPMIET 0F
lt0, at 10 a us A short business sesion
lie willi be ldafter which thor imemsbeih nn T
n' wtill ad onu't90 therrespectiv ed- s .5 ~liU~
ud partlcci , kmig lbeir hom -'for
dtrs.Only aid-ismp uhari '5 of 7Q . 3 "'j .
dethe 'Daily will 4o llow ed to vote, ;this.
'ut }being a rule of the .{pseeatian.
Washington Blck, As Arbor.-
co; P S.-See our ShoWiudw
IOF TTUEro them everwwhere. Wednesday, April 3rd.
41 I~ol mial#icycies "4OSE GCOGHLAN
'ill ; *O And Her ret Cempsy ot Players, under
tli, ~~ tdirction f etimcry T.LeliepeRr-
be " senlafoe the Set nchere, Sa-
se_ " J5IERE'S a whole lermon Iso * don' otpwru ly
ot the above n prachs theu' st erulp1y
en ccnnomy o baying tlhc best-a I LY "1.01[AC.
'n" wise economy that every one
At - can practice withs Coumbias Prce, c5, 50c, 75c:sad $.
x- al$lO0. Thenew Columbias are " itesed seats on sale t' t ee
te marvels of sreng i, lighncss, .
e * symmetry, beauty and speed.Th
iso POPE MFG. CO., Hatford, Cnn.
ic Bet., New Yrk,idhi sgo, ", Clover Lea~f
rh" Saa Fgne., I rvidce 6taIc n e "lC ove
Au. ArAt Catslees n e o oubscnsbe hd1Q ti
hy maiertwa eet
mst ga e t SN. ( Please keep in midte Toledo.
* St.iLons'& )an04s Oty X A.,
to The lovr T1 4e I~tout, "Fat
Die ITSON I,,j ]( ine"for St. Louis, Aio., ad the
Ml "LI~I West and Southwest leaves TPO-
r~t ledo Union Depot at b p. i,
qe ee~x ~ pjly, arrives Nw Unoc$tsaiou
EliSsts,(tbe laget s},Wa world), -it
rd, Ps'n E Sawyer. Transslations of 518 Lois early Ne~t Ornig
saof eln's fis t tJyenIn equIstemscl ,p
sa ett 0i. 'ea vyapaT. 75cents. pp { p p }
Yet 0 ! CNNETI&EWI{AN illB
~o~e ~I~a jebiigan , ptral lnsa
bThe standad oite tIon ot Cehege Sgongs. Toledo
Over '>,smld. uoyPaper, 50'0
cents; Clotth. Cli $LOOdv. - Bitlfst ningC tiQlase~sree'
ly ",COI4f.GtSONGS .fl 6RLS." po stibeuled ''ee prs wtil
'ig Oly bosh at the kdnd pabished. The out cange.
songs of the 1 inig ei es for wepse.
Lis eavy Pso. .$1.0 . JE KINS
0 ,ROYAL 9=L i 10 lltp LT IMDiiIT~l ulC;,' General Passenger Aft., Toledo, 0-
dEight R -t o pees toe the uitar tfrom the
best so rees. A splesdid'clheton.(hand
Co pine Cover. P:0Q cents. Lovel Diamond Cycles
ls Any bookSept postpaid ou p 1. of PrIce. Ararpnetr
le, Q1 l I1 0QN C., 4UTY.S,P P W),'( MI
Godanesos's amadeou second:.
5 41111 465 'Walintun [;t, iotp. ;aulhe
id. Cifl. son &co. NT.' GE. F fl$IIF.I, Aent, s5 E. nslyAy.
TordarIikel tohe tos ie Itolaat, to a ,sarl n'li l e ate 5 Osmtisueyou wmtcI
our handsoe astrad -etlsglesfree. -PAtHltit PN (iein'Als', - J.secil, wei
of SEEliAN & CO..Exlusive Agents for Anau Arbor.
c- ,i _ i fOfffISKR1~f



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