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April 03, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-04-03

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ie )-A -the G ald"^ pe ra I jq l ,- BUS 11ESS, LO A S. f
S MisLat Lynne, a new anember NOTIC TO M N)If S CRE IRILUIIVJ W
FAST WEST. of MissCoghan's coepany j, a QII tii tRoom No. 14,Masonc Block Q F ICAqO.
Man and EX Ba0,Mal - 43Young New York society ,girl, -who and inmect those i ehand anddpockt APOLLO1 A rtS/1/ O
N. Y Spe i_5 15 N. Y Sec al _.7 3 a adope the :stage from choice cass made by te Arus ook Bind/ yL: ,f
Eastern Xx ---10 25 N .S.Ltmied -.9 25
A.M. P cic Ei-12 15 Ad not from necesity. :Shr belongs cry. If you hae any special design OF CHICAGO
0.nti apEas.. 740 - . uto a well known ud wealthyfamily in mind they will e p1easid to ex- ~ft(',7 [(PlRS j-{/ M fly 41
0.EE xp as .4196 CiNt . -...1.25 aiid in addition to her histrionic tal- cute same for you in leath woik t 1' G. B5x5-----Y5575
O ._ Ron^Es naIss eat, wich ar very promising, is Two good Solicitors wpanted at once
G. P'. &1. aChlcagp. Agt. A i Aek r.posessed of considerahleiprsonal alt- for~ ork its Ann Arbo. C I at 44.1"YIESIT O0DR
ee r p ~ttien She was educated un Pal7 Ann St. between 7 andl S o'clock this Ael for sove fih s now Iere at Car. .
".,A. 4. " & N. + " + and learned to :spexak trench before evening. MGIR~tE. Unversity ae. anad tit.
Taking eSSet;aday, Asg.1; 1594. she new English. She played about AGNSWNr
Trainssleave Ann Arbor an tCetal tssd' CAll TSWNT
and time. -° tueeyears snein Fenhwith much (alat the Art sBook tnders, No. THE NRTBICYCLEScs.adspn toyer wt: H
7c;98adaopm. twa yar wilsio.eA4 Itasonic Block.MAS
:18ap.m. 1 an Of Augsti ayscmais h
4;,15l p~m. 9: p" tuigutin as wic op anie. Se ~U.OtM. SPRING VACATION.'
4:55 5.m. 5 nnArbr dTo.l' suieenPaidwtools takFor the 1U. of IM. Spring tiacationl, -
oTly sshen n ro adaeate manager of theo Odeon hate, the T.. A. A. & N. M. will nake rates
Al 1rin daly excep Suada wocniedhrOe fhsbs i-.S..RE OD gn of one and one-third fare for the rund
. . BENNETT G.eP. A. Toledo C. pil. Miss Lynne hasareceived flattrti oalpit wt~h eta
ing notices for lenr ectperform- trapftc allsoiats ionthrintryupntree-
AN RO PSILANTI ST. RY(1 eso1or i Sro'smseric sentation of proper certiicates.
____DponayLead Hlda,"The Itdeas a Tickets to e sold April 11th, 12ths y -
Time Table, October 7, 1894. DuhsasLd1-iahea t and 13. Limited to return nt la TTr -
part thoroughly fitted withs her ples- than April 23rd, 15.2PONRADT.18OUDAC.
Leaveo YpsilantI. from Congr,5ieS t .,7:0t, 21iPOUNiROApersona8lity.D IllsR
and 11:0 am. 1240Iit,6:t.:4b900sadCoghlan's con- ItSGREWO,.A.
LeveAn Abo Jntin,7.5 .m sdpany will present "Diploisacy" at i'lse .S RENOD g.Maiiufactred by the
11:0a.m.; 1:15,l:005,5i0,7:15.s3landllOtp.m. Grand opera house this evening. Fl ooc oktSek saeMARQI-DAV'IS CYCIIE-tCO.,
SUNDAY TIME. ~~~~~~~to your order at the Argus Book tBid- 0N.CiseOChrgat
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:25,.:25, U. OF 5. CALENDAR. cro.14Maonic Blok. Caill and
5.006:3009000p.0 Fri, April 5-Loan exhibit of old see samples.
Leave Ann ArEr Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:2,
70an93p.mbleaeattehmofMs.Jms MDCLSUET.Cars rsnun dcity time. Fare: sIngletrip ~1 Angell, for the benefit of the Frui THE WABASH'RDUTE
ens: round trip tcketn 5 ets.b It will e to your advantage to call
Wa. F.,P ER, Spt. and Flower mis-lons.an saIh mdca1css0ha ts
Sat, April 6-U. of At. va. Albionoargseetemdclcw htte-FR
F W~ , F~LOWERS at Athletic rund. now. Bookindery are pluttiisgupH T PRN SAR .
FLOWERS, I~~~~f HO SP IG ,A $ ,
Far Evry hig and Everybody. Sat., April (.-tudoor contest for
ni.531 $ eryer Sa.Api.-Ainual election o Gaduia students having ither a TEXA.S,
TQUSIO$tl ~ one; n'5. major o io nAeia itr
Ip55s. the officers of the Athletic association.W ormio i meicnhit
°DIETXAS & 6QN4 at,Apil f;.-Meting of Iu. ae esese1 om ta ciuM.ASAN E E
an" Idepend It association at law ile 'tune room Wednesday ev nslg Apml 3-ANpD--
U. = + T14 +Q~r srom lioT election oa Daily eiaa t :0ococ.SNFRCSQ
Our Sprang and $nmmer Woolens 9aAil6-aqe fils f0 xssulo o 10rmt~To New Texao and California See lg
axe n~w on st. Priceo Low. at flang t frs. coditois ,received last simestem u arLie
Call and see us. Sat., Apil ;f .-Ainuil election of Illy sections will occur at 2 p. in. on_______
,41..state at.. eendaF er,,AnnArI or. A htcasoitoa 11 'lc. Saturday, April 6 and again onl Satr- HE WABASH AND >IRON MOINTAW R.
- ' - ------ - '1~~hurs., April l-F,'acutty recital at day, April 27, in room ae sasrtda1e9D.yL~sv
22~ez Mer s h a~aes.-' 'iaIemorial ll. A. G. RALL. FIST CLASS SLE 'PERS ~ro -
Thura., April 11t.Mrs Truelo's STAMIP COLLECTIONS. ( tf pn C
iTY LAU DRY, rcital of dramatization of 'Silas We want to buy stamp collections CUJQAGiO TO - LAR1EDO. i~T~XA,
l1T LAJNV - -Maner" b1L.. chrcls. and wil py cas for the ame on VaLitlemRock Mlvern Texrat;, al
N. ~. ~ No.~ ~ tb V8~Fri., April 12.-Spring vacaion b- receipt if price asked is satisfactor. on lo peluseshave oly seq ehageal ars
ginoletions should b su yrgS btat 'sen, :0at,5110net.dy,,ix hoi
aon., April 22 -Spring yecatlonte red mail or express with lettr nasa- uicktthrss 5h sloeping ar ise hrwe a -.
Ceanng, Presning and Iepatig hi'aand ster. 'AlsosiyIl te
d ;enal b sre clossa Exercises resulted in all de- -:lug pice under separate -cover. W'e Trist Seeepeis, leaving Chc aos same
AUG. SCHOENEWALI, SO.E1. Wmsnld~gtn parimen Ssend superior approval sheets to e- taiteloug t C nFal.cova o
Insrucor ~ages illqui th B posible parties.-
EZQ-ELIQR + i9 DR~Y T ntutrM~~s ilmti h W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., Fr maps. tickets and fll hefrs lIon,
25 STHRO TREET. section filet didl1not recite mu Torts' pply to
EA8T HRON '~ fortwo lalamarroo, Mich. IiH OEN .HADRMN
Good Wr Gas anteed. Goods, Gl'edfo-to ogo, apsnext wee, fro 10 Ed.C. SlJeld. B'96law -s defsteS
and delivered. A. F. C0OVEIKT,. Yp. in roomels, 4. l, 's 'feaed Micigan ain.:At. Tra. Pa. Ag
to AROR11 by I50 votes in his race for school __a
1,AN1XuscAbRDEBORTS.- Subscribe for the Dains. emenbo."loper. TTCRT OFpICE-,201 (Clark St., CB2AGO
STE M YE OR S.F H.Tniatgwa, P.E. Domtlsqgi
Ladihg' AadGen ' loth o gCleaned ,pS.C-o'Ps,Ag. Pas. & TickAet
roW E~9 ST. a. rOR - -- lea tPltagAPapoldo.
- rDyd -Cr7h ave sd Smith- 307Ma lsen't.,
Members of Garantee Ticket Brokers' Asso
cI tnagofU.S e.
Coby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency o A " T ew
50 Ada sst , CIco o. Reduced rites to aslt fC.". - isLi , - - -: 0I
'gn~ r Ito eKinde~r ~ o.3 a^^l
oL M~natAnn Arbor MiChi oT"is t t
$250i.Q00 star 4 "1 51gDyB ERo.&2
peal Tpur. If a; 'r')6,
We are oraIgann eetSparty for a.mim ;.yt 4 e °'y' ,is the LEADNG150000.OF SItiSS sd S55,05-
oa rt o e 1 o- p9leaving em wYork Jane-LI :HAND-.1100Magitilen S ildig: mten t -ser lu~t
sO1, foe Lan60on, tAntter - raBruses C'mtoge afl - siednee;ons diplie: sperir me, : avi
Cobiont, Franktfort. HBelet rg;t antseg , { .4.. P - v1 ssappiedreadiig room; dily lecisres S- 07a
a - ft Pm' a rnd Iieli tr rometg -rievenm ecestiss; oena he enire yar _soyp
tms gg p m~it tn A ansS led ' e aty ,+m pnil a ie forploeingxldrms i a iieis
will be fosdu?"tOd and fdr ther' eon l + oosiBad n ro,$2th.s*prwepi t7r
yy pe , } ,ramise. Theae rates r eed t ;m i sse sef-
ek ree aMY O-rdxa fsoOsof Combom * Ijapt.
srco O~Silm~eO. ndtrei1a gdltml MTEI t NE "s rY g' a. Pree
s'nrge ec nrereo travel Eachdptran /A~ILTI~115
git havesa erthn a lre prm ens pdeck + (UEL/atiEI T-IP4 Q OIIfIDIGPE $5.T7 IO!: j __
steream, sod the shIps e leted are soe y pS~m I vi ms=sUL% U RNTEED .,fCAALOGUEI nftmr ronr4,6cmr.4TM-nmit
e8 IYtoontwin srestamercop amdedeithk- --- -- -- - -- - -- - -- -
olertrj Ii sg and steam teel om rploie nform Htfof .'---t --
lllnork ya~ d f m onmaieldn r er[ept:
0' evrexse Qhs btdtruvelo 0nd, .p~j^j OFFICKE ACID FACTORY LAKE { 5TD SSI--
tet. 1 liformtion and it'erary 'EAL ISAft 0071 OQ28Ay \,A mA f-Is.C A ITr'
v ie n e7Istopl~f-.addo4rsed envoliope KtAS LSv WFSaetiouh0 7-9g51-REAGE ST., N-E _1'..Y:ftflYARFJ
Gen. Tourist and SeasllpAgt. .SfALT I-Af1ECITY
(Law ates evrywhere.t Ceiadasi o. - - -- - gT /m taANEW LINK CUFF

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