THE U. OF M. DAILY. . . " Publlshed Daly (Snday - excepted) duringI the College year, by- THE U, If M, INEPENUENT ASDIATIN Owree: Times buldilng N. Malenat, opposite ' pastoilce. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN,Lt. 'V, M~aaging FORr. G. B.J AnttsqI> _Law'9, Asstn.t A. w. Sva, Lit. Spc.,Assistat. W. A. SPILL, aw '6, Assistant. J. A. LeRoY, Lit. ', Athletic Eltor. d.9. PEARL, Law '., Business Manager. It. W. LEVY, Law ', Asistat. . Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit. 'S. H. A. Dancer, Lt.95. E. L. lvans, Law '.- E..Snsderland,Llt'9. Casrrie V.SsithLit'S..LiEt. Hamblen,Law"96. C.A.Hoghton,Dent 'S. C. H.: Farrell, Lit. 'O. M Glbert,Engr.'7. H.B.tammon,Medl'98. Minnie li. Thoniso, Lit. '7. to.A. eath, Pharmic 'N6.' Subscription price $2.5S per year, invariably in adv anoe. Single copies 3 cents. Sbscrip- tlonoa maybhe left at the office oc the DAILY, ~tStile's, at-State st. ewn stad,with any opithL~e editors of authorized solicitors. Conmnictoss s-hold reach the oifce by 7 o'lOck p. f toy are to a~pearthe next day. Addresaii matter intened oe pbi- cation to the linagIngEitr. All boiness commslcativo should be sent to the Noe- t~e Mnsr .' THE IV. OPi..DAILY, " -( nn Arbor.lVich Attention is caled ,to liii notice ill isoter coitimn of the smeetig of te Isotelpenttet csociatioP whici s ,to. ise bld Saturday at 10 i. m. Theo.Detroit veing Newo'goes on in its own way to explain wiy the mantnice of a consumptive hsopiat is impractical. It is sod that oan editorial writer mst know soietitg of ecvrythking pns nt mch of any- thing. Tie positio of tho News easily demosstrates at eattsl latter half of this adage. 'Vatsity football practice has ben going on for over a week new and quite a. number o ew moo have Woen bropght ot froos the clas topis and other sources. There are not neiry enough nmen, however, espcilly when the importance of 01)0 work Is con- sidered. Lst fall we wre decidedly weak all around at kicking, a fea Oune of fotb ti lxtht is bipg made more prominent ;every ygr. If we re to sucessfully compete with'tie universities of tie. apt oett yar, we must not be deficient in this lise. Coad c Cauley was ied for two weeks pring training with the ob- ject in view of binging the rosin up Jn kicking, .catohing, tacklingsad othgr details of the game, and lie must have all the available material to work7 upon. It is to be hoped that a much larger number of now men will turn out t once fr spring prc tire. There is as yet but a woek and a half lft. The New York Ties says that the colege uniet'grdtato is more inter- esting as a football player tane a de- bater, simply because bie can play footalbetter thaL he ceas.e ebatt and so the pulic will keep aoy from his exhibition of minid, "eeing thait he hasso st eflois ltodlcteitll energy to vait." The Tnes' logic is ;kew; te prt us esaso ceptcl 'shologic ly, thephy a1Ad t lusz ta rc parallel; tiey do not ci vervge. Public tste Is not so bint criminate as to confuse, for instan the pcsuro of ia theater with t phisaure of a Junme regatta. Te' nin;ofp sr redt ct A it stands to reao tlt acolegc'. bate could be made as big an eve as a ;football mci f it wore aot,smld. uoyPaper, 50'0 cents; Clotth. Cli $LOOdv. - Bitlfst ningC tiQlase~sree' ly ",COI4f.GtSONGS .fl 6RLS." po stibeuled ''ee prs wtil 'ig Oly bosh at the kdnd pabished. The out cange. songs of the 1 inig ei es for wepse. Lis eavy Pso. .$1.0 . JE KINS 0 ,ROYAL 9=L i 10 lltp LT IMDiiIT~l ulC;,' General Passenger Aft., Toledo, 0- dEight R -t o pees toe the uitar tfrom the best so rees. A splesdid'clheton.(hand Co pine Cover. P:0Q cents. Lovel Diamond Cycles ls Any bookSept postpaid ou p 1. of PrIce. Ararpnetr le, Q1 l I1 0QN C., 4UTY.S,P P W),'( MI Godanesos's amadeou second:. 5 41111 465 'Walintun [;t, iotp. ;aulhe id. Cifl. son &co. NT.' GE. F fl$IIF.I, Aent, s5 E. nslyAy. ws CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. TordarIikel tohe tos ie Itolaat, to a ,sarl n'li l e ate 5 Osmtisueyou wmtcI our handsoe astrad -etlsglesfree. -PAtHltit PN (iein'Als', - J.secil, wei of SEEliAN & CO..Exlusive Agents for Anau Arbor. c- ,i _ i fOfffISKR1~f Iy sit se, u', IS POSITIUNS .Fl IN i894. Send tor 'Agency' Rtassnai