pening ljti.01011 heir neighbtors lpaper fot, honest, aod trusty worker, as is J. T. JACOBS. CHtAS. It ALLMAN5).
fi O~f 4 1+ l '+ ote news!'. The Daoily is Uolver- evioced by hiong stay at tie' Lniver-
s____ ity (00 tO 1(11(dited etire'ly by5stud('nts sity. I A P fl DeQQ. AIII If
Publtshed Da~ily (Sundaysyex-epted) uigOf teilt' r As-It reeie 0re'- To give the "Best ons Earth" is the
he olegeyer, y tttntt~tiot ttos ios ttit ttttd ttmotto of Witters' Palace Lautndry,
IHIE O f MIHUFFENDENI AMIAIUN lt'e'enjoymen'tt itt the Aork, nityre iti'which loaves nothing undone that can
OFCEoneslim uildiioN. Ataini t, opposite lpracticltexperience.The'in'Daily' askso bo dono to gist perfect Aworlk. We tot-
It~al tttt~t' ~ thostesn sirthtertefore whot rendtht iis toot Mondatys andt deliver Thuorsdtayo.
Sustcriptilonti PchO 1111tOeyell , invarablly (tvhess tay torrowv thi e ttbrih's Leave or'ders at Fude's Tailoro Shop,
int advanc'e. Oigttcopties t1cents. Subltoti- l r. of State aisti William stts., or ad-
lioli 0((0 e les li I t tit -eit he iattO tttttlr) it (((111'dteststtttarstttoerLt. Dr.sCctrrtoL 21. Ca .,S2tNtStatsst
+ * S ItO 0E8S ++
C M A N '- I-ETh e W a s h in g t o n B lo c k .
attt tlc~t't"O,, atoMa'eot ewstn-wtoolh asy
like 111elj. and thus vindicate them-
C'ommea i t io souailtaeli thie office y ^(tvo'i of atEpissaiitle' ettltt'goof Ottlll- The Daily is edited, pJub- F OV 'R ,F O ~ '
day.tAldteltt.1itmOtter tintodd-ortli- lished and supported by the ltot Ever. t t grdtEverybody.
Baint h ItairgEio.Albsns low Practice Yesterday. su e t.COUSINS t& FULL E~rSIi (;S. Utivsrityae
Communitio s sholdbl hi' t tto thesteiai- T__________5
AtttiArhor, Aluch., tIltlssf it'tttl y'ltlirllty, at Im' tIW .H 0SiT IfIt ItO's'l y
toth bsneITOPO. fthiin CIOL T tsti orki Gutrt t eed.A Gos, i llr. -'r
EDI. ttt. ~ T OR1.1, S.iii ~iie ttstiidttoes. 'tia w-et't't tte sc Dancing and Delsarte. _anddelivered._______.______________rop.
J. . Litl ,1,1..95,AltininnEdtor Tirdt~aonope"ithwteek inNovn i 22 Years inthe Busnesses'-"St1T
I? '.5n. 1ot Lt ii. 'Oi, Asletanti. Stdtiltetto tl l t Ill hirt ii te a"?oprt ims enqireabteeLngd , LA ND Y
tI.<o r tit- , oLO it'9,A ist a tile. ta'i tthelittsilhooli-
Aaatahlttit. 5nt o-t eshValee.GU Y LAUtiY
S.I.- ii ,Lt9,Aosas il. tlttstSi'ittl - tv't. Sl_ ithitliTuia, 'an oin a d ano W'l;. E BO T N . . t 50
J. TI itotatLittI9, 0. Ieati a, itor Sat alt o t s int- i olltif. a
Carre S . StihtmLa', usines :fanto Ailtttiittctitt1N-Mssb Hf at ie o ngOiI
liti' t ittr. Rt1lts.1illss'Sitediat d$JNE S
________ Assit t'.tttt ilitti eyei. Is oTElAHEoR iia oto
All Attissolli' is itt ttteot i tl ttttant. oni tif iecitdtittieti t'l 1 i l e from ist- tandll inon icanj fott . - - N .4 . t ae
A.n. tiltol te 1' 9{itti.llltlli.ttt teB.t eiiii. it-saetiimillttaltei t-at '11o5er.sibsi
pMitie et'litititlttlii .ttLth e tato 9. oand ttis ltitlt lt'r'tr' o lt ttti' ne1s1) oviis f ilees.HAD.M etihet oittthaeltalies*ht
lila It- N t m ch its reeitogoeoetttsasopyetheutte tas. tep
The sooit I t .iti' a mo, R I ihci Aittttit t l bi n te rm, e -ep ltlts itit tdetr'tte -isttet.ioo aiiistrpai~sd e spatc
li itto I tttli ttti5 0alir io't1 f ittittl ftted t ' e tio- et lat yoll T e DA L ' ontr' h ci oi e t d too i s 5 7 e e o pt
_IR -IEruftea Csi dod:oalbll
tf -iay It ltthtttreli .aseo lt a-i-t rIltto f t1 gtl ttt"t-ti'ttriv the FacutWand ti ceA fILmAllcop-os tioettheoffceaddore8:ssa
mfthtti shlav oftiattilt'tlssti .inii'oi tt' Oiitn is olils e the i aniateslthe $2.50ti a D an C e .BtudNe) OPERA HO SE
Thn it ors dolt''tttno't, od Ihiig tol iii' (-Bo - < trtt' ttto Vr oliliti tt- a le t ltr.111og nzto s
tsiitor tf liop ini sitite tof tottr eis -I st tttlte'tetl-aro i It t c rptainso rltee prts- ofat l st heOLEAD NGIHO TLOFBSNESLT d. OT
ougs ati tr n'inig lt tft rti it-h Sot u lt hereforeti. et tttS 011tdt J1 'otie T ns tidHiANtlt RD a Y',ien OClin;tOBtecer;12rg
be'siet itif t tt't lyly ii s try ster' oog tolttf io ltt' it' lIt nby tylt l ttrsted oo lr s uple.edn om aiylcue;Stra
111 I__________oalana______________f________fr__heeam,_ndwearent_ BoadIaidr aom i6 tolit75 ohr wee r in tritat
amng the isost paltriotic oft the uis-
versity. They have seculred lte itn-
inuitl Thtankisgivinig footiball game avilt
Chicasgo, at Ciceago, fotr thte ltc thtree
years tinid httvet gtiarateeid tao-go suitms
# to the tetaml ettch y'earl. Now. they ttrte
boomntog sue Otratoricl't Aasociaition,
and only ask Os rieturn thtat hints num111
her ill the S. IL. A. ecurse be nameidlo
in teir hotnor. 'This is a itost itoitest
demalnd anittil nto1 doubt heom1111
tied with. Tile SUiversity is ptroud
of tier 5s115 in Chicaigo (lid httlds thlem
up as a ilatterin to her ailumn~i Ii
oth~er c11100.
The Dtilty is foiced l~lti al lilist
its atitt to umake a11 aphibeal so the isbn-
1100( Iind university spirit of the stui-
deiits. 'Thei Daily io i-cad by niearly
every sttut ini the University, but
the trttiblte lit's in thtat thte tian wtho
subscribes ptay's for iiot ottly hilm-
self hut for the wvhole htouse, aiod
mioreov'er,' as ta rsule, hto is thte last o111
to get tile hater. 'lits last fetttre
has been iai enidless source of all-
notyane aitd vetxatiin to liii' etditors.
tapers are left regulairly at tin' houtses
of mny of ouir subscribttrs wvhilchtthe
eawuer never receives, ani iti coiuse-
quently lay's the whtole blaite ott the
carriers. There wvosild bo no cauiso
for selt comptlainit if mtore of thte st-
dents wsould sibicribe instead of do-
"Do" Naeglo. I- + + + I'A17 .+-*+4+
J054101' + C IBT'FIZT.
Ntn-gh', thesi' jtltor of Ote titittcat l1 taLtIA
schtottl.lit'hate bet-Itlhert'e(r since PrYices: - 3CS, SOc, '75C.
ille foutitont of teivrsiataly. tittiTheEv elt oto Spat.
sty thte tetht of Dr. Ford, tie is te MERCHANT TAILORING!
ontly' survivor of toseo a-It on110101- put. 'osaal attd tettaitbOg
dose seaitlytby
tectiont aith thslintstitutiotnat tits be-At.t,')IN-ALt'(5.1tstsIsl
glinintg. .T u
Douibtltess thttreis not tais ptut oilout
thte campuis whaio 11as0tot seen "Dr."' COTRELL & LEONARD, CRANDALL TYPEWRITER
Nagea soetlerante.ABNNA. 47AN47BRAWYAbttut four fteet six incites iight. of tMaers oh CAP' lSd OWVNS to te
Aterican Un tfiversitiets. Itustrated
tsoineittatight, atithilong a-ite halir t tIisec5101010.
- ~tlltgwt rtustitle i itl lakV. A. M1URRitELL, Agt., 44 Willim Street.
soft hat, e Itutay'he set every day FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
ait abotut uoon htotor, etautciusg out itsOh' ANN ARBOR. 1
i'attiotdIS 1001
front of the uledictil buildintg, saitg- Capital, $10005C0. PSplossetndProfits, $00005.naltlehdbl.Trscsagnrlbnkgbuns.'.z1tr "
Foreign exchan~ges bhtandisoltd. Furnttletk
Dr. Nacgle wais tornin Iii uirlemt-lettees oh credit..
"brGrayIach2,12wee'. IBACHi, tree. S. . 0CLARKSPON, Cashier.
lite rteceivetd agodcou ninichtool TIhe ontly AHigh (Graude M~aces ote
edcto.En15hVcm o-Mc-TYTHE Smtrket slatullIa AReastonable Price.
igaiil.litre lit' eartted a lilitioti uts EIE fIN A LR Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight;
a dad= ELITEr fill18.50, whARLe be-Permanent Alignmont; Instantly
a ayIbotr 11 011 viei t 50 Cou. State and Liberty ss. Changeable Type.
gat ts o-ecc frtio is c 1l AIWARD LEWISIOro-pi J. S. PEARL, Agent,
-~e 55tciaskeod by toDaily rpmut 11, Boatttders tttted. 51 E tahingn ttat.AeltArhtir,
tive wetheitr the itic, concecrnitnt1hs DIETAS & SCHANZ, ST TD 'Trr
proficiey ini te science of anaitomoy 's
wtere true, lie sismply laugited hid U"O AZ Q STl
t, 'Last tolit fsutnyhteteandtiedtl tylca f oh en i netd Do- FINEST RESTAURANT
sadIl~o olingo aaommesttt Swt oht-tta-ilst ctss 11fit dirsedcasa in AttttArhor is
oxeeyt aita 5 taveliced u tuttutsdwort guoateied. 5lcatting. pressint' sui
sepaert togiteatty dotte.' Q .1_AL ~~'
tho buildinug." Dr. Naegle is a. faith- 48S. Stale s5,OSeond looret, AnnuArbor. Clot it aitotal. 25E. Hlorottat.