fy T " Freshman Football. T he Oracle. __ First ('as= a"li tsrsl
( <11 . (_' a hra7dolinI. 511 3tfo14 . c
Tisme Table (Revsesd) July 1,15491. c'liS '.8sfot ball affasl were given 111il Oracle oflthis year Iaseves 'IlThayer St. 12
EAST. I 1TIastatA'dedyafternoon wenprm s f sucess. 111elsbolrdslavss S
11.le M. A.15'lllM. I abolalel-1 A pros ilS sssIs made 1 rer
flailuand Es--- 5fal-------S 4I I relnporsry Jitanasger 11. T. Hldl, slrelldy llsel Severa~ l islillg[S. isi and all iind; ofIsew 1057ing at 3i-. Slast'
N. Y. Specil---51 tY pca r0
Eustern Ex----1 5 S iitd.-_ q 25-calesd out thIle candidalltenth 11ue clalm- sinoslst. IIIllh ) io ls landl arse nlsw St.,Supsairs. 12
Atlanstic Es --11714lllM. l ' 111r5'he(ltyllolsillo. Abotlet31) Iulollng fthIleicrlmatersial. XAlssllor D511tforgettoIsubS~tscribe for 1110
i). N. Express- 5T40Wselrne_ 13
G. R. Express- I Os ch t ..Iss --I---'s 05 shien1 re llsS-l 1-1~slsspo dIfr m o l lolela hs mIlltin5117 sill bes- ld hi s lflsrls . DaOsily.
(I. St SLGsis, 1 hIAi, were lined up11, bsstlpractlice 1151 11113Ills-thes-est Isseasaill 1l' at Ia111
_______Ngt,_hiag _A_.,An _Abor loped bhe 1r111. At 4 1,.Ii.yes BUSINESS LOCALS. lei's Jewslry Stolle. li-1l
iera 1abo ilheseame1111lumberlll of Oe Dollalr buly, safirst sclssFousu-
I [Notltc c s ins-ertles inIstIhi. s olussss I lls sthe slate sinl less, ladls I Mld ellll
fhOSE inchTIweres llt5wills I'ssiser. ostes f IllsEsi s-essls ineles-.furnlishIedsls-. lss-Islilrri C. ns. bitwll payl, Ms-toitly&
DE (RLI, MIC .L ofsl 1111'or tsesdiffersout possitionslas TO I ETN.-A lealsalt suill', fur- State nleSt..Solsy Stud~entIs. 3 .lf
Iis ssell before leua-ig homeet helr 75vell ill tos.1s1alssssr IHesldsVrea 1F1r1st15 lsiss esoardgs$51115,l atls,311113 Cl
fors- nesus sr pleaure, Is decide spun a - ses -l. 111 ii. Stsate St. 1:1lssil 23
hatel uisd therebsy 51vo111 cnfuseon. Ifollosws: (C'ome'1, guasrds 2,clef isosilSt., ssecondisslisise fromincamplIus.
pleasesito ave yeustoslp at ise old end J , sissrter t. hsslf It,5and ftull T(,tilsaobisUe cssie -S
4Fraonklin Hosei,"eeor. Larned Munsic wanted to solicit D)aily susb 1)tslsilit silelI Sictfr
and Bales 55u, Isere yea Iil have agousl bsicks1. DeritalsstudIlltlissi scisost. Ilslicisifor
mseal and auceanusbed atnmoderate rates.tieDly
Tile hose hsnbroeeeovaed fromlltep tu (Ssoiss' 1f lise psitslins 5111 isssi ls-slyLOST. IIiii esll is sr551
bettmund shnowein sstes-classcoundition. I ales.JwrySoefr ou
Bisulseellslly, ss 'ssl. Ilss 'e'snter is heavy,1 8(-Is) 31-' llI ' lr'y laIw, loIst a pair l'slllii rsis ii
H. H. JAM ES. puss bu. sst is 1115v IaIllse1511ri. A 1st goldsimi-medssoleye-glasses ibetweens .nio'Il ll~l 3rlt wiits s
dals ~5e LS odgings, 50. 1Jno fseir"I'lc"vaie1t
1 PrmDay, 8 1.50. j lls'stiln ssofsall 55 I~s swish toIsesIss (Is-slitheissr 49 tiftiSst. inilsithsccity ssr liss' tt ass stcvsirsl. Cssl l tiDily offic at
datls. illbe11 is,' lillllooI f) 1 isisr- Lwbidiglast I - dy.The 1 hsovnnt
MTJSICALA GOODS ci 5 bilsit 114o'cilcsis IlsaflltrnIo. findsrslts' 111 avescs'Illsill st this oilicer sr I s olSsits os 'sl I
AT TIlE NN EO ill ise libersally reswsarsde'd. s is'lOS' 1( ltiNl
101' TI inst sosrin thll itylilly a s-FirenchlI 'l, irssssas
Ii Isil 0 Si 5115.5.- I. s'ren-l, (xerlilsIllcsssss rssitioii circles,
S 1I[ TII[ MIKIC ShiRE iTheI ofs M.3.Malson~ic (i'11 st ill .:,>1-. T'ashiilgtonl St. II TEveninsg clsss. (erIIial dramtic~tt
thes- 'ousntry-. 'Temles'1n11WI-InllI'1a (Is-. 17. tll llOiO 'NI .1Nis tiltibsssltli. ssl f iBerlini, GermIany3, U. of 31.
R R CATERER, I7:30 p. ill., Shsarps.. 11mister1asns IIs sl 113-il s sanlIItIi l ayIs sss si s sciss Isexpsriencedsiteascher'. Rotor-
NA G T R 1 51.sssillgilsh' UniveIrsity il--'Ire ls-sfu l1,1tiss-e at131 ';ick-last-, i.ast .$2.11). 1ItI Oh ssies-I 'rc'sds-nt Jaslss B l. Aiigell,
present.ii. 31". A. ('hses, of llIslr3i& (11:1s,-sL1.IsD);1Prof. - (asvinPThomasss, A. 31.
\ , UsI 513, E ETICIS- l -s' L l'~ ilg si lslss'sssf D i'isssil, wI-ll or " sle (ll-sll 1111 sI1. 1lulll'11111i
- i~Ii 11l'll 11111 ssf lssls'li ssthe siss l it 1s, swiths a 11111111- ofssf ililll of5ssi Lion.I ('aill IfIcrol11 s 1 \ . InglslistSI
____ Briti-s I-Elhis.Ilill 1m11-sI n1111 lsssis o Illis(i-sLatsestn vlie ssforc faili ln i ter I3111 sil ~sl sll 51511
DO 111l11 Ws-siIscstsI-s sat Isl'c lsk, -s)-ssss.21. sillsit s ind lovercoats. '11113 isie t
MASR5 e(5I1111dvetisethliemin llthso Daily. 1-7
. .II. 1.1.) (11. 11151155111' SI-1l~(ialIII sf s-sll'sgs' s-sill
0 5iit sEIE'issi'S.r . and1a1'.oI -- I 3. sluisssits Sloldllis-sll. 1110efiD-ily hssbcenclariisiged a11111i1
Siccll~g1s lio I-sio lis~~lsIlil'1 4x(I ANII I-Il'S ( -.SSI-S IN l)AN( 'IN .1111011ttbtutl. fileISosc~riptioin
If NVWLINK CULFrF' lsI ~lsl l 1 i~i I ll~l~ IfI31o1u-101iII istoHlearnsstols1115' ;illl 1 t I110 10S~~O$.1 c'cl
- ________ for ll'e1110eion of 0t1 asilsi - ssi . lissor:- s lasse~s at (1caller'T Acaemy, tis-go eyear.
_________co_________et_____ortantitlemst 'ounltainl 'tIen ssin Uo f 31. Novel-
fligU FJ(1 Rto~1ute lit t 11Ju.Iconvenl~intto is rself. SitrictlyaItiessat Ilsiliers .Ie~elr Stosre. (6-il
.tl 111 11 1 uwh xpectt ss ill d 113 1111117 shsosos. Nss publlicshlsss5111m1l,. iAlr. i-OS-f'
BEIST ILINEP 1(3 ill 1110fsll feddy elss 11 1''sssils'stlsso Is and1 31s. Iss t ) lglr inst11ru1c11sll Lost, 100)) pa'gesof lasIItist-rilt itotes,
INITAN'A POTLIS1.1111oilleot for pralctices-o th I lt 11 ihsis's. 1511 Zssslogh-s lboraltoryapr3tl''. 1le-
Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and
E. 0. 3lcCORICtl, 1). ii.11I lINi,
Passenger Traffic abs. Oses.1' &,r.'A-t.
tCornei ofStIsle anWilliuamI sic. st. entsrante
Choicest Lino of Cigars and Tobaccos.
No. 3 N. 3111111Stre'et.
Assn Arbior, Miss: Is tl ltbotk, $50,010
Susislun $150,1.I
Oganize~dlunderlitelGene i I In5Lac
of thiscState. Rtces-sTscdepssI lI. buycs1an1
esosslisle onl ishe1priplit11iesof the
l~iiStateOslc.iDrafsas hed55 upon 051r5o5515
ids'oifatois.O Ssety ldepos1itbos tocisrents.
OP scisiS: ChisiaII-ssasses. 'rses.s AV. 1).
iBarrimesnsIVic-P'ros.; Chsc. E. IlicoIIki
Casir oil. Fitz sstatC hir
Hig- lo Sssnd 111 melstic FOlsisli.
E. S. SERVISS, Manager,
fieldT c-os-y- afternoon1. -Mr. 'itl~ticWrs-'IIs 311sit is51-A uclllir 31ou11gl li 111sf Iturntlo slgiss slaibosratosry 1and1gct
SIill beon011hand111from ll4 iso Gindiwil511lsiiuml1lelit;to Iss iss htiwntsssl. ('sll lrewasrd. 11
rendel~r Swhat llssisllt' illhecati l~d'sili- betwee-si12 anills1 today11111 ss1 I1_The - Daily hIs salreadyi3111010silb-
111)11 tsstaing ~ lcsures--f 111e flotballN. Inllls st-scribcerssl lmolg the co-es thlaOes'r
tssams. 'ill fld d11 ytisi SSlbeis-l-il MSr. ii1155151, sof R.It.i. 1' ies- ,befors' in its hlistory. Co-ods, stib-
ill abssssth1111-IwI' s. Co'I., Dtro-sit, csill Us' in AllisArbosr, scribse, youlais rrsnt edlc on511the
,L. A. ITIIIOl, '51111. Iatlishe('ool:lHoses, Mondasy13, T1'sday bosartd.
,t bills I 1IiiMiEN'l'FOR1115 1-155't'iO. a11111 Ivscll1153 Octs. 13, 10t andT17, 't'iree reasos whSilyo3011should thave
All studen1itsiexpecting tso gisd late in ssndl ciill b ll' ased15t5to shloSS'T . of 31 nusdo your laundry Stork: 1. We are
1a113'511111 '5r 1mus5t reolrt Iss liso I Dsily' irsaders a fsill lule-of saaile of 4respionsible if any articlessiare lest ands
registrar at 111heloeninlgof the ye'ar ;sll till sistv 111111best meltroplitan.ll Sill rclace samel. 2. We swil lirtun
i adisces~rtaini Ssllat Iproscribedsswosrls, if -s-lessof lioosis, Sillss, Slippelris.,11151- iyour wsorks Swhenl lroleiset. . Uni-
aiiil, is still lascksingsfol' till' s~ 1esf- l-s ansdlOveshoedsss fosr fall11llan vi- fOlrly hog oe -rks. IWagner & Co., 21,
ssssgll. Os S~sll' Alo lis' 'clesl'sls' "-3- s--. 1ain st., repsresenting 'Toledo Laun--
P. iR. dePO(NTl. l-'sssslT'shoes~sIs. EvIery An AioSrbor- dry Ce. 1-13
ill ssssls Tss-11150gsssss.Do a-oil sanit bosirders? If so, Id-
The class football games swill hoe SMr. . . TIRose, I rl-lsesltilss thssverttse inltile Daily. 1-
111a3esT early thisiyeari.SMalnagers lend Coleco n Talo (Cloting('o., of III lrsil, NbesS-rCeiigIes
c ullio rgoseod e tuir ,nloStill hoettNo. *20 TE. Huron, st., (Rasn- NbesSa lohn os ella the-
onpt atinsaretillsoornsgetld te tehosoof(il ehst $3.0Derby in (lie city. 1-12
CHARSLES BAIRIT),ilKgr. week15 andsall of inest Swsek, withia P1111 For110hexet two s elsd SS8 sill
11111'of sample1-ssiPf1110 latiest anibilst shoi os'u t(le largest 0011 best lines
U. OF' M. CALIi'NDAIL fsall a111d wintesr gootssi for ithe IlistOlnl of Sitle lt $12.00. Othlers still charge
trades. Stuntis, if you11intendIITtosbsuy yon $12.30 Iand $15.00 for the same
Fri.. Oct. 12.-Adlph~li society im'ets a sisits- ovecoat or lllsseisiiIhl, or ill H1ing. NOBILE'S SPAR CL.OTHIING
ill AltphatNui 11511at 7.:10 15- im"- fsctath513inig inlsth l'esof clothess, it HOUSE. 1-13
Sat, Oct. 13.-SeclondilevenisI' ithcilSIill 1(ay'31111 tso5111' Ir.iRo~se a rall. 't'he host in evcrything alway3s gives
NirossssItX'siil~~i . it til sI's 311 ~lsls'',1111 s-l 511hie greatest satisfaction. Th~e ROSCOEs
hssigouns-. 2.Isl l-s lo.Il-ossi s ls 53 ss 151''sl51CONTifINGC (igars are the best ansi
lilis' grI~~llill ~cheply'51 that111113111 ill ilIvilr bsy 51113 cost niioillre (11111 infeirior brndnss.
Salt., Oct. 13.-'''ssiy s35. Albissli il\llers sIs-s-. iIalhs' 1151 1 fine1 111-ille5of t'is thems.
Athiletic elds. Sready11to(is ir l'gossssill stockIs at 1111
Ssat., Octo. 13.-A11(ihsNiitset s isAl- sissisam 'lc, whchilire11'e(111;7soii lI eyt II'agnes-is Co.,'Tailor's, wSill be
111115Nsihssll 1t 7:20 p. 111. ceap.l ll r. lssas' catered111111o 1-le lesed to ill toost iyosiin the many
3lois., OIl-. 15.-R1ev. St. J. s ntsles st 1uiversl55i3ittracds-foss' lisi-s111xs'new1SttingsItisy lire offering for fall
open~ls Uitiy clsib course-. Lecsturse, 'e'ars, 'I5111 151'13'5givsr l~els-st: of lwer. 1-13
"II'lat O'clotcs is it in TRligionl?" stisfacion111 in ithIsty1'e11111l lrill. 1110Daily S-ill1lprint fell acceunts of-
Wed-., (Ot. .ibisn. '1BI. heed ssi Slidelsand 11111 r,,,;l-are1111'icl toliis1ca1lulllfootball gamiestiis fail.
lietns S. N.L. courlse' st UTiI'i's5i13' 111d insplet Ihis soat, wthehe hey-cull' 1'agnoer's & Co.'s U. of St. Collar,
11111. jIs-sirs- is sbuy'oll'n11sf Do 300u110111'itil 1-13