THlE U. OF M. DAILY. pening ljti.01011 heir neighbtors lpaper fot, honest, aod trusty worker, as is J. T. JACOBS. CHtAS. It ALLMAN5). fi O~f 4 1+ l '+ ote news!'. The Daoily is Uolver- evioced by hiong stay at tie' Lniver- s____ ity (00 tO 1(11(dited etire'ly by5stud('nts sity. I A P fl DeQQ. AIII If Publtshed Da~ily (Sundaysyex-epted) uigOf teilt' r As-It reeie 0re'- To give the "Best ons Earth" is the he olegeyer, y tttntt~tiot ttos ios ttit ttttd ttmotto of Witters' Palace Lautndry, IHIE O f MIHUFFENDENI AMIAIUN lt'e'enjoymen'tt itt the Aork, nityre iti'which loaves nothing undone that can OFCEoneslim uildiioN. Ataini t, opposite lpracticltexperience.The'in'Daily' askso bo dono to gist perfect Aworlk. We tot- It~al tttt~t' ~ thostesn sirthtertefore whot rendtht iis toot Mondatys andt deliver Thuorsdtayo. Sustcriptilonti PchO 1111tOeyell , invarablly (tvhess tay torrowv thi e ttbrih's Leave or'ders at Fude's Tailoro Shop, int advanc'e. Oigttcopties t1cents. Subltoti- l r. of State aisti William stts., or ad- lioli 0((0 e les li I t tit -eit he iattO tttttlr) it (((111'dteststtttarstttoerLt. Dr.sCctrrtoL 21. Ca .,S2tNtStatsst + * S ItO 0E8S ++ C M A N '- I-ETh e W a s h in g t o n B lo c k . attt tlc~t't"O,, atoMa'eot ewstn-wtoolh asy like 111elj. and thus vindicate them- C'ommea i t io souailtaeli thie office y ^(tvo'i of atEpissaiitle' ettltt'goof Ottlll- The Daily is edited, pJub- F OV 'R ,F O ~ ' day.tAldteltt.1itmOtter tintodd-ortli- lished and supported by the ltot Ever. t t grdtEverybody. Baint h ItairgEio.Albsns low Practice Yesterday. su e t.COUSINS t& FULL E~rSIi (;S. Utivsrityae Communitio s sholdbl hi' t tto thesteiai- T__________5 TEU. OF M. DAILY. IIAINII I EXCELSO LUNR AtttiArhor, Aluch., tIltlssf it'tttl y'ltlirllty, at Im' tIW .H 0SiT IfIt ItO's'l y toth bsneITOPO. fthiin CIOL T tsti orki Gutrt t eed.A Gos, i llr. -'r EDI. ttt. ~ T OR1.1, S.iii ~iie ttstiidttoes. 'tia w-et't't tte sc Dancing and Delsarte. _anddelivered._______.______________rop. J. . Litl ,1,1..95,AltininnEdtor Tirdt~aonope"ithwteek inNovn i 22 Years inthe Busnesses'-"St1T I? '.5n. 1ot Lt ii. 'Oi, Asletanti. Stdtiltetto tl l t Ill hirt ii te a"?oprt ims enqireabteeLngd , LA ND Y tI.