f Dr. S. A. Steele Speaks Saturday ______ _ __
XL.. ~ ~ itI 1J, Dr. S. A. Steele, of Nashville Te.,
Publshed Daily (Sunday excepted) dunndeieriis the second letreilli the El- -
the College year, by worth legie series of leter:s net
THE D. OF K INEPENEN ASSCIATION. Saturday evening, March 23, in the Q
GOFFIE': Time building N. Main St., opposite Mthodist chrhi.Ie is n eloiuent
post sfiice. southiernesr iand~ has filled mny of the
I., COLEMAN, Lit. '7, Manging Editor. icist iiiiportnit pulpits of the South.i
G. l. itanesoc, tsse'i, Asistant. Hie is a closstiiieit aii incesant
A. W. SMITH, Lit. Spr., Assitant. wie.ths C ' h- H wu
W. A. SelLs, Law 'it Asistasct. wrer iunin pub3 li cLSieii HEVCTRTRADE
J. A. LEROY, Lit. '55. Alicl Editor, is lut a nacttral gift, lin theliristlt of
J. S. P 'Anci, Las 'S, Buiness Macager.i nabouegurne
it. W. Levy, Lass'i, Ax istant. litg,ystmiastic aciduniiiriing scicy It is never fosd on acyhi
Associate Editors. Ducring tiioiat two wiks Dr. Sech goods.
Vicor Atletic Goods
s. B. Shieyli. 'a. IH. A. Dancer, Llt.'9. hsab-cuadcresiig laig cicdienes Viccr Bicycles, acd are
E. L. Evans, Law 'S. E.i.Sunderand. Ltit. ttrocgii \ewvYr more popolar every day.
Carrie V.Smit,Lt.'S. Lit. lamben,Law'S. ____________Fuinisioti Basba, Tol
C.AliougiconlentSL6 C. H. Farreii., Lt. '98. Alumnus Honored. bai, Gymnasiuni and At
M Glbert, Engr.'7. l.l.Dammon,iledic'98,_____pie.
Minnie 5. Thonmso, Lit. '. Sn o aaou fVe
G. A. Heath, i'iarmic'96Itcrry A. Piersol, 'lID lax,rcici SedcrctigeoYi
Subscription price $250c per year. invariably ing at Moiro City, Mo., recives
In advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subsrip- very flattering iticio iii a desrip- OVERAN VWEEF
tosmybletat the ofice of the DALY, Makers ofgVicitor fle
at Stoilet's, at State St. news tadtwith any tooftaCiypbsednitrcel Bso. Phaepi,
og the editors or authorized soicitors. issne sf tic' ianinibal Times, of Htan- New- York, Chiago
Communicatonc should reach ihe office iy ab lAo i . lePiersol has reeiuntly PAI COAST:
7 ociock p. in. ig they are to appear the next itblFanFeunrse, Ls Anels
day. A ddres ai matter intenided for puibli-lbe'ei apploiitdl spec-il liiidconuiis -________________
cation to the Managing Editor. All business siorcciofcthile Northeic-t Paifi rail -_______________
commoications souid be sect to the IBusi-
ness Manager. road iwithi.lheacqarers at Dtrit. y A
Ann Arbor, Mic. _____ __________
If the legislatre doss not do well by U.O MCAED . "SIX Love Songs,"
thio Unixersity i will not ie ithe fault Fri-. Marehi 22.--Licis tler club aitid y Frau k E. Sayer. Tras
ofte aly opeMiss Ecrpec ill S. t..A. -curse. oftHeie's finst yris isecci
oth Dal.Copies of yesterday'ietns. ev ae..7
Sat., Mrch 23--i. of . Graduate stig.HayPpr
edition containiniig the detailed ac- club will meet witi Dr. Vaughan, 13 6 COLLEGE SONGS"
cont ansi discussioni of liii.. financiual S. St.
miaageneit sere pliced in liii iicnds Sun., Ma-rch 2.-Prof. J. (. Inow- The sadard coetion of C
of thio legislators at Jcieicsohu en rouietoo before the University Bible ca s cents Cloth. Gilt $I.0D.
for this city. - - of the Mtiodist cirehi on "Thie Trial '' COLLEGiE SONGS FOR IBI
_ of Christ," 12 o'elok.
Sun. Marh 24-Shrwoo Edd, ny bok of the id p
This is this day of our bieinnial gocd u. arl 4-heno dy songs of hic ieadingcilgtees
behavior. Tue University is at omne secretry of the Student Volunteers. Heavy Paper. $1.00.
and our guests are right royaly re- before the S. C. A. iVAVL COLLETION ISIROMENAL
lio., March 2ai.-AI. Eugene Ysaye
cesived. A pot-ptrri of get- club and vilinist, before the C'nivrsity\uia Eighty-wso pieces for the goi
y nbi.cetcories. A spendid cols
choral muctsic, oficioscncss Of towns- society at University hal. ome Cover. 50 cents.
peoide, spechimaking of regents and Ties ., Ma~rchi 2.-Ainual elecion of Any boot scnt postpaid on ec
co-ed yelliing is serv-ed wihc a gen- Choal Union Ofiers. OLIVER DITlSO
ercity that should call forthi ll the Wed., Murch 27.-Annual S. C. A. 453463 Wshiunlcgton 5..
election. C Ti. Ditso -
gratitude of which this iisitts re,3t5 We'i., Alacchi 27.-Juior it social i. _______________
eapiable. Let us enjoy the occasion. Grmdagers academiy. THE
In alludingh hs itiuto Wfied., Mrch7-Hiss Octavia Wih Lovell Diamond
alldin t th ditrbuton f iahs Sats bfore thi eister socity
copies of this Daily to memcibers of the at 7:0 p. m. on "Darwii." Are unsurpassed fe
legislative iparty on this speciat train Wed. andThisr., liarchi 27-2.- B GooTY SihowDANe~DeWOnR
yesterday the Detroit Tribune salt Classical coiference under auspices of hansswieeis.
represelntative: says: Michigan Schoohciaster's club. GEO. F. FISHER. Aant, 55
"Tie h isatos dlhSbetat iras ~Fri. Match 2.-Varsity idoor in-emt
Lak bya dlegtin foulAnnA ic ri. and Sat., 'Muarchi 230.-Mheetin TAnn H Arb Nor, Mich O Capital I
Copies of thesL!. of M. Daily, contain- f hMichigan Schoolmasters' i-ub. . horpus, $220,0.
hut inanuswter to Tis Tribune artichl- Fri., April 5.-lion. John W. Daneh Organied nder the GeneralB
of ths StatehReceives deposs
of lat lisicday iee freely distrib- in S. L. A. course. sels echadge on this peinipal
Ic-r A~~il .... United States. Drsfts cashed
uthFnrii.o hsfue t sa- ,.pil .--tLoan ehiit of old identification. Sfey deosit b
uted Invie ofthisfac itisasblue wars at thshbone of irs, ames OeICERSc: Christian Sack,
Stlmd tat te aticl cae frm aHarriman, Vice-hes.; Cs.
Shuieditha th arhel cauuetrouc t 1. Aingell, for 5110 beneit of the ruit Cashiee:iA. J. Frito Assistant C
semni-officiul source." and Flower. huuhsion.
Tics article referred to is quoted in Sat., April G.-Mieeting of U. of AI. IT'S HARD TO E
fhllt ht'ivas hot, lhowever, furnished tIndependent association at aw lic-tur
rom for eltction of Daily ediors. C O S
by a member of the Unicversity Seut'119 Thurs. April ti- Faculty recial a e
ccts tie Triboune seemsd to tlhik, but Frieze Miemorial hail1. T rPi iikirshycIi
wvas written by a neniber of this Daily Fri., April 12.-Spring vacatiso be- oue handsics hlustatd caalogueuI
s taft, anhd tbco expenls of mecetinig the 9gins,
train at Jackson. and giving eachc Mon., April 22--Spring vacation
ilelb~r f th ' acloses. Exercises resumed In ll tc-
i ehbe f heprty copy of this par-hents.
iaper wvan borne entirely by tile Daily. Fri., April 2f.--Intercollegate debate E
Reserve Football Men Wanted. between Northwestern and Michigan
atCiao -CAThe following persons are requested Thurs., Say 9.-Faculty recital at ' M G 5 a
to be presecnt in foothll clothes and Frieze Memoial hal.
reserve sweaters at Gibson's at 2 p. Thurs. June 6.-Faculty recital ati a
in. Saturday, Sarch 23: Denby, Rn~- Friee Memorial halt
del, taikes, Thompson, Evans, Leon- The junior dnts get their star
arC, Bourlarod, Welshc, Gates, Freund, chambers on Histology this afternoon
Holbrook, LeRoy, Farnham, Palmer, to Drs. Huber and Olsen at 2 p. in.,
inde, Matrston and Ryan. in threlhstological laboratory.
og qsuity
it the best
rank with
enis, Foot-
hietic Sup-
tor Atletic
,L CO.
isthocis of Sis
siciite mousia
College Songs.
Paper. 50
ibihled. This
user from this
-cion. Hans-
;ceipt of price.
)N CO.,
, Boston.
&bCo. N Y.
E. Usciv. Av.
IGents'Eine Tlan Shoes.
Washingtonlchek, Ann cAnior.
P. S.-See cur Show Window.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera-,
Monday Evening-
Euge~ne Ysaye-L
"Like Paderewski Ysaye possesses'
genius-New York World.
- Tickets on sale at Calkins', Annl
NGS DANK Arbor Organ Co. and Box Office
hock, 150,000. night of concert.
husking Laws
ts, buys and 'W'M. R, FUTTLE,
1cities of the
upon peeper
E. hlacock, Corner of Shtst and iWilliam sts.,
cashier. William stC entrance.
)O WITHOUT Cthe ndruTbulr Fee-the pefetll
if he ,asn'twrites ad e'lsened youthecifrman y ovu wntnd
lresa PARKER PELN COMPANY, Jc..enyilie, wit.
IN t894.
Send for Agency
Bostes New York
Chicago Len Angeles