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March 22, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-22

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CM OVRLS NIH. (orsodce-Tigle madln ARE NEARLY COMPLETED. Sonic people though try to use
Taken to Granger's for Supper- andl banjo clubs) gave their annnal____ musical instruments with little
Met by the Students-Attend the coicert at ]library halt Saturday Barclay and Reilly to Wrestle-May or no tone.
Concert Last Night-The Objectors night. The claim start 011 their trip Have Some Preliminary Boxing 5ay "' sNhhVv ln
Stay Away Lest They May See next Saturday and will give cocerts Contests-Seats Will Be Reserved litay uyhs hchHv oe
Cood in the University. at the following places: Mtilwautkee. tor Ladies-Tickets Fifty Cents. We sell that kind.
The seial .train bearing the legisla- T1is.; Appleton, W is.; tskosh, Nis.; Ti(kes for the inuoor mne t are no
tive party pulled into tileMieltigan Itacine, Wis.; C'hieago, Ill.,; Rockcloed, (oit tind ay be obtaiiied frni the ( f
Cetral depot at 6:401 t. i. yesterday, 011.; De~ioines, Ia.; (Council Bluffs Ia.; idiretors of the Atletie asoiation 51 south Main st.
taviiig maide a quicik uetwet ii Siiux City, la.; Minneaipolis, AShun.: Tuie pried is vt)centis apiee.Sat
Lansing aurt Ann Arbor. There werethIa i(tire, Wis., anid ILarosse. Wis. will b resered in the best batof We
255 tiersousĀ§ in the paty and sev A. WSciiiiidt, rpreenting I'liii the gymnasiuim for ladies and lhei Emiploy
coilcles were requited for tiieir raiis- iiiiethia, won the juinior orttorical ess'orts. There remiain btltw oi more --
porttion tRepresentti e Kelupf, cotest, with MIiss Wootton, of Casis idays, Friday aiid Stturdaiy.ftrerren-n
Prof. Mctauighliin anti D. F. Sitirer talii, second. Tfli final oratorica coini tries toi be handed in foi' thei io'ing Me
hat charge of the teti. At Jackson tst to select reprtesetativs K for the 111 oi'ton. miel d10 itribue A -
ael paymauesfora igh roae Ame.
the train was mettiy the loctl rcepi- Contest of thne No~thern Oratorictl theentriestre il the dttes for the sIiseie 5i5sesdSe a asappova,
0reSdoe itilthisedbiycltsmarrives adprrvs apeves
ion committee, Messrs. Scott, Suminer league will tic held next Fridtty. reiitir cotstwllb stfstisator.
and Stiwye, aiid before the 'traini fT'faculty hitve ldoptedl a set sit it is founud ncssary to hate pelim- Young Ladies saeerms.
IIf bps or irs appletheemast be welrecm
reacicilAiiti Arbor vtch 11iiibler Ofathtiletic rulesi similar" to those projios.ti iiaries in any class of boxing or mendei.d, te foe, poars.
Olie party was provided with tickets iy the college presidents at Chlicagu. wrestiig before te mee t. 'flit e- ACME CYCLE C0l1PANY
for tipper. A memnber of thit Daily 'ts (college Repuiblictiiiclubl is stil- Lire of the evening in ths lmin ll ELKlIART, IND.
,tsff alsoiimet the train at Jticksoni potiing E. J. Heiniig. ,ttt6 law, for the le three wresliiig tbouts beltwein S.
and gaive a copy of yesertlty's Paltsr IKssstiols of presidenlt of thet college J. Reilly, amateur chamopiomi of Ant- I "'I, 'tJT CT=:S
to each pierson en thie train, league of Ieplttlliai clsbs. He is eiica; and Batrlay, taimtteur ~thinLO N YS C CLA E
Wheni this' visitors ste'hped off the nlow thirid vices'priesidtnt of tio leagui. of Michiga t is)3 ound. Bircay JUWSERECHOCOLATES
tra-in they were takeni to Granger,' 'ihi'dsltetgttes toitheii'conventioti harts is now at Pittsbur'g, wheeii' is cee- + T TL '
aid theoFrtinkliii house for suppestr. benin istructedsthtopt-ts-uti r.lHen- ttiiii tf againi winninig thie 125 pond:; + 8 . SAT S
Fllowingti theisr caime the concetiniig's nam anmitithItsios tll in their timtional champiionship. 48______ S.____ STATE________ ST.___
at Unilversity hall. 'fhle programi coil- powertt seumes his election. He is Prof Scott's Courses In Rhetoric. Go0 to RANDQALL for
sttert or selections playedi- by Prsof. lromlinent i tatltpohilics antl las
Stanley oii the Coumbiatn orgiin ansd heldl aLgetat numitlsr o txeutiveT''hose who believe iii theimiphortnict'yteCoa 'in ndte fie nclee.o riigi uls
numer b te 'liea Onia nstths thne i~ cllge o trsiin i Eighsh emihisitioni A rtistic Photos.
Glee mhnd Banjo clubs. Onei of this'Prot,.iHas',,sf tile 'Uivmersitv f miay le interestedh to know somietiin~g____
best receiv-ed nuiiibiirs wats this'rentder- Chicatgo, idilivere's'sl ectutre' tt Libray sf thin toork noiovheing tdone in courses N e G L E Y
lug of "Ave Maria" by the younmg hatll lts Fridlay iupotni"'tle' ltsiii 2 anid 2a In rhetoric, esiecially as st'si- ''w GAL ERY
ladies of thin Chortl Union. After tileties." one efforts to implrove aniil ieveop LAGES OPEATING BOOM IN SAE
concert thin visitors tor-sitakeni to thisi'eir i'btisebiall tiali will take ah trip this work hitivt beni moade within heOt
roosms. aboutthoinimilei of ty, plyiiigiit last two years. At one time tutii-its T t
It was iotable that the iieiiblers of Ann Arbor, Mlay 1, Oberlin, Mtay 13, course '2 ert' subjieteud to Olin Cruelty NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
thio legisliature who have oposed anid Notre Danme, Miy 20 Thie re- of oriting but two ssays a sms'teir; Ann Arbor, Mich..
granting ainythiiig for thin Unvrsity turn ganie with Michigan will be in recent ceais iis conidititotoas con -_______________________
wr'>e not iii the is'etry, played here ay 2:1-Daily Ctrdinal. s 'omuiy iitigited'i by rqiring or' ED. A. CADIBUX.
frequent essys unitil thin requiremiednt POPEO OF THE
Regent's Meeting. Prof. Scott's New Book. wsrie oa sa vr ek. Latest Improved Barber Shop
______ vasraied o a esay ver ovok;Is the city. E. WahisgooSts., ht door
The report of the finances cominttee Prof. Scott, iii connection tithi Prof. this sresterl, four essays tveek are east of Mi St.aAsn Aor.
toas diE-nsed at hei egents rac'- Gayley, sf iheo University of Cal- written by each student, so that hi,~PP
tug yesterday miorning The budget fornia, nill publish text ftll an- "In- itay nowv begin to consider himself MAMMOTH PP SALE
recommended that Sir Doo's salary rsdetion to thie Study of Literary treated with some degre of humanity -T.,
ho raised front niniesto ttvelve hinti Criticisnm." Thin book till be in two and justie, Aost 12 stusdents ae ,JQO LLY $& CO'S
dred dollars; atnd thin dropping of volunies, the first treating drama and taing thise' course s-nearly 100 ihr 26SOceH STATE S. Don't fal to came.
one assistant in botatiy. poetry, tle seotid thin remioning lit- course 2, and 2ii in course 2a, thin adl- Ht and Cold Lunttes a All Hons.
The total resources of thi ntivser- erry types 'Thie tvo vlmnes will vancedl course-so that theintrtten out-
ity for the year are $378,975 ThIs thus cover the woliii'ratige of literary put is a ittle over -50 esays a wveek. H e ry
will be divided atuotg the various thery, Eae cheapser cottains a dis- Inti oncin i sitrsigt
-dpartutets as follows: Lierary, csssiois of at certain problem, a bit- nobe that thin iuliy of thie works
$,71060; medical, $23,307; gymia- liograpuy, nith a commnutmry onl eachi keeps pace nithi the quantity. 'The Crimttin'al
slum, $501; library, $10,0t00; museum, referenice, and dually uges tiono foe standard of the' written tork, this
$800; hotneouathrieal, $250; dental, special Invesigatioin. snmstr, Prof. Scot says, is higher ]Pleading
$5,15010; fuel, $20,000; ansi. m pay' roll Prof. Clarke Not Coming. than usual; thin essays manifest more
of $275,140, Thin balance will be originality, life, and acsth lan ever
used in miscellatnous expense. Sec- Prof. Clarke, impersonator, wilt not before-apparently the result of fe- NOW ON ALE AT
rtary Wade states that it actually hetoithi Lotus Glee club, but the S. L quent and regult' criticism atd prac- . __
costs the state just $001 to educate A, has seuredut Siss 'mova Burpon to tice (JW Af H ,ij, S. .
each student, give reitations and readings instead, Isaac Shets, '95lit, tho was called
TesnoswlheqiedoEv-She is said to hoi superior to Clarke, tnercnl o ucuto i Up Twn. Does Ten,
The enirs illbe luiicdon vf-hom reenty a acoun ofhisUnvesty Booktre, OppostelosrtHose
dec in room 15 next 'ieek enl lee- t ousts Hupp formerly 'h7, lit, is v'ist- father's illness, nill not return to col- t0 S. State St. 4 N, Man St.
lures 10 to 131 inclusive, hotg In the Oio city. i legoi this year. ANN ARBOR

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