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February 27, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-27

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[ At the Grand Opera House. ( ADELP1. U. 0F? M. CALENDAR.
MICHIG N GENThere will be a special meing of
l Tae Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. "Young Mirs. Winthrop," a society Adepli society at S p. i. today, for Wed., Fob. 27.-Prof. Taylor speakls
EAST. WEST. comedy by Aronson;Jloward,,author the purpose of mnaking arrangements on (urrency in Tappan all at 7 p. i.
Mal anid Es . 3P55M.Mall -.8-- .43ofStolnoa,"'eIenets" for the Ypsilainti program. Tmrs., Feb. 28.-Meeting of '94 it
N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special-7 30 "Aristocrmcy," and many Other sue- 1. I. LEV, Pces. intRom9, -Mains building at 4 p.in.
Eastern Es.---10 25 N. S. Liaised.--. 9 25
A. X. Pacific Es.....12 15 000ses, isOtile bill which will be ofreti The seiii-aiiual meeiiig of to' Fri., Mar. 1.-Ladies' program givein
At.ani Exress...5 O4 estrnEs ' at th flraultd Opera house, Saturday stockholders of tle Wrinkle tublishi- by Alpla N litray society. Mrs.
03. R. Epress--.11 0 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 25 Matinee and night, Marceli.tngassociation will nctur Saturday at Trueblood will ead.
G.w 075.5 R. Ex-.--n---ES, The play -ais for eiglti outsat .R 2 o . .IAESS .('cock in the afternoon. The 111300 Fri., March 1 -Meetig of amdi-
G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Al., Ass Arbor. the Matdisoi Squ~sare Theater iii New wrll be aiinouiicedito, tomorrow's dlates for freshmnm track ta t.siiit4
York to esormons business aiid theni Daily. All those iterestetd in thie Iptb- p. nt., Itoomi 9. main hal.
T., A. A. & N. M RY'. isade a one of list' big cities of lb' liestion of (le papec. or desiing to Fri., Sar. 1.-Freshman class so-
Taking sfet dSssday, Asg. 1, 194. seattotrd. Itlias been iven an Bab- try for a lac 011liie- oardshlstode t'ial in Grangrs hal.
r ims eas s ro n eta tn.orate lproducl(tienthlissesasoil an(s]lwill ireseit. H.I. i.BLISS, Slt., Msar. 2, 7 p.- i-Mleting of can-
sn-Onm. SOOTH. to takens atl over tie coititry payiisg Secetasry atstl'Trtastirer. idastes fore 1t rack lant in Room 24,
7:18 a. nm. *":5 a. (tfrt clss thatstlarg(s setso n -1ily. mintobuildiig.
*12:25 p. a. 1130 a. m Ua.SSLCAS
4:15 p.a. 9:00 p. Is adve-tit is eveywhere mttairkted by BSNS LCL. Slt., Sas. 2.-Atti Artor socity of
*Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toedo to iig00so1ialrit outitantiSociety let'Ih cslercotleinatIbis cotleasslatetbeate-sre
ony t(aotssedustnsecept insntays coItumnittrite rae liit ttiittwllttttiSrs
Al-tais01)y Agentndy S rearn its best gownsittdudress f 5 cents per ie. Special rates oe oger H. C. Ad Lllis at i. it.
R.S. GREENWVOODgn time, anti extra lises furnised by applying VtMs.12-iiest r~res
W. II. tBENNETT . P. A. Totedo O. : st'ts to welconmethis sileutidet-iiii' at the ])AtSY olbece.1 r. a.1.Uivriyoaoia
roittlitsus at lostionl . superbtrtn007- '10 IENT--A nicely ftirnishetfrontcotstit t liiivtrsily i1tl11iunderasp llt-
ANN ARBOR &e YPSILANTI ST. RY tally will be seen l(l tie lt tay. It i1- suite of rooms. Funce hea. '73 e:s of S. L. A.
eltides (011(11 eittier. iHotert Mo-E. lWasingtonlSt.Fri.,ltsr. 2t.-WVarsiy intoor ilect
Time Table, October 7, 1894. Wadt' ero-i Dtlnill, Wilisatt Htunt, TO RIENT. inl (yitinasiuit.
Lessee Ypsilanti froa Cossgress st., 7:00, 9:t0tLansig Iowaniililistn Shovelits.
anti 11:3a. m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:t, :45, 9:00 ansid ,151 A pleasant, large site of romss wtth Corse 4 in Cetistry will be giel
10:3Op. i. l'msstAbell ads , t le:Anti:'- llstiusr.funchetlitadbt. re
LeavesAnn Arbor Junction,, 7:309 anif:enc;hat0gl antbth Picast 1. . .instead of ii a. i.drig
11:30a.m.:1:15,2:5,5:0,7:1,J:tssstl:ttp.m. H1iss Lsnsinig Rowan,tf tile Yousig$4 11 State S. tl ~Ol ~lOtr etrswl
SUNDAY TIME. lies. fWinthlroptcompansl~y rtOminitlgTOIE .begvnithlorlcuerom
Leuve Ypsiiant from Cogress st.,l: 30, 3.30, (isesucess tf her carerill (ie It: O rolItei-i i ielosrlctr o
5:0,0:10 anti 9:00 . .Asutofroswthetadlgtmdclbiin. PC.FER
Leave A,nArbor Junction, 2:0, 4:0, 5:, of COnStalle:'Winlthlrotp- Hteform~er Azut'2E.Jeson00llStsiel(lilgtueiclbidn. I Rt
7:30 uesti9:30 p. i. sutecsses illtilt'originallDr.Bli lat E.JffronS.Advertise in te atl.
Csrs run on city timeebFsre: singe trip 1 dvris n-h Diy
ceints; roundi trip tickets 25 cots. Charles Dickousimpanlt~iestt5hilvetbet Aderie n-ie aiy
Wa..AKR uf cmltl cisdb e oki H AT Et L W R ,FLOWERS Bromsontilosacd's geeat eeiie-tly At Granger's andMsFse.Sdn-u A A HHlgshosfrthi eas.n comeses n-
Fo vrtigan vrbd.NOTICES. next week;. Ticetos for either shool - FOi-
COUSINS & AIL l hl l iS s . tem s'rseyse
Tlpoeiesitl5a NOTlL TO TtRACK -II=N. can ho obtained at thie Daisisofotheet HOT SPRI~NS, ARV.
'Tre will bt m o ieetimg of al eall- greatly retitted prices. Th iae o h taktaeStra Tebs detsn mdu nteT X S
tvensi, lurchii2lsd, t 7 neinti: in city is the Daily. L S..T EE
iPlls ahims for theisritg trainimig l-LEAND-
t wsitl be: tisetussedi andthi:'e 'ttidtets S NF A CS O
R<ou~te wiltite'set itt wserk-. A Paty o ef ladiesntd gettleaten is S NF . CS O
.. :A.. Li" OY, C'a. btiig ogizedtt to lve Annut Arbor Nosy 'Texas and California Sleeping
'hee'iltl titbis a mettting of allc~n-Sttrday, Miarchs 16, for a tso eks' Car Line.
Please keep in mimnththe Toeoddttssfto tit'J'Stkteam a ttito(taJaksonille, Flia.,antirettrn. __________
St. Lois & Kansas City I. R. . ii.. Fritday, _ltai'eii 1, i lltttotil, Thoinvtaste csr "Cty~ of Ann Arbor"
The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Mala ill]d. IEAI, ligr. will cllrry tie party through int lsvl THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.
Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the Alt '9(4 its tre'ressiestesi tolmeet4in ho)tsesi for dininmg anti slepinig ttur- Hatve inaugurated 'a sew Daty Line of
West and Southwest leaves To- roo 1, iptm sh,'limsly i.ioss sitming the etnltriptst.biTCLSSEEESfo
Ledo Union Dptat h5p, m"121. at 3 p nl D. I YOS Tie rate fee te reuddttit frons HCAO T LR 1, EA,
Depot 2b~Aim Arbosr will tbeonidy $62.0, anti
daily, arrives New Union StationPSClLlY iiiittl etpnleettioiltts Via Little Roek. Maiven, Tearkana, PotI-
ss c-LOY il nld sepn acmoatosetine, Austn and San AtoniotPaseners
(the largest in the world), St Sueissiiin ocmsl vih ieaigsei o 1sas
Studntswising o cnsut wth m an mels fr 1das.oetHot Springs have oily one change o cars
Louts early next morning. a idm rm4t i no :
- mayfintimile rom 4(0 ItP lit, OilA stop wsslll teo imaddOat Ciattamoogal at Mlaven, 9:0 a..ia.next day), arriving
CONETIN IT AN RBRFriday, at my residiencee, Nso. 7 Thide to eniailte sembers of the party to at slitsprings at 11:10 a. . Six hour the
CONNCTIO WITHJ.ANNGARBOR quickest throughislseeping car ine between
tndeMithist. Central1linesIatisit Looktiott Motntain. Sos will Ciago antiMalavern. Also tiily line of
adMcia Cetalieat MATIR2ACS ti be made t otie poimts that tie party Tourist Sleepers, eaving Chicago n same
Toledo. The setions in Mathecmattics 2ai vwimay deide upn. train, through to San Frrancisco via Lo
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free ho as stated its the announcemet:ltex- In ese of faluere to oganize a prty Angeles, Ca.
and Vestibuled Sleepers with-~ cepting as folosws: Setiots 7 andelI1 of 18 thie ti with nt beitmade. For maps, tickets ant fttitifornatio,
out chanze. will recite to Dir. Hall in room 19, Write R. S. Greenwyood, Agent T., appy to
Unisersty hal; Sctioln IV to Dr. A. A. & N. lIf 11., at Ann Arbor for J. H. GREEN J HALERMAN, ;
C.s Cs JEN KIIS. lMarkley in roomu 1, Tappn hat. A tickets ad reservations of berths, etc. Mihigan ams. Ag. Tra. Pss. Ag
General Passenger Agt., Toledo~, 0.Section X will rcieto (0Mr. ialh 'acts Competent servants will accompany -n
day except Thutrsday and Saturday at car n etitre trip. TICKET OFFICE: 20t Cak st., CICtACO
DIETAS & SCHANZ, 11 oclock in rooin 17, Uiversity hal. I. S. GtREENWOOD, Ag. F. Hf. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh,
17. OF X,. T&ILOa~S IV W. IV. BEMIAN. I. I. BENNETT, (. P. A. Ce. Pas. Ag. LPas. & Ticket Ag.
Cor. 7tb le. and Saith- .37Saison st.,
Our Spring and Sumnier Woolens c fed st, Pttburg Pa Toledo 0
are now on sale. Prices Low. E L FR C LE E N W I l
Call and see us. qALi i , Dl 4 , M
48 S. State t.. SeoniFlsar, Ann Arbor. $ , 5P < ____________LF.U ~ C ti ik'J .ypes
22 Years im the Busines.-'WR9.
M. MI. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. T ~ .
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing,, BE RY M N
dane neatly by
As.C5OIEAP'5E.assnnn Will be delivered at the your room the remainder of 6 E. Huron st. -
EXCELSIOR _+ LAUNDRY! the college year for only $'Q;1.25.SEIL AE O EIR.
Good Work Guaranteed. Goos called for E B N $ KEYP ,
and delivered. A, F.. COFtEIIT, rop. S 'BSy"rR I S X
SU SORI NrUB teN H.alConervator,
AIO( AR$O1l Stut/~ ateRalCnGerm ay
STEAM DYE WORKS.BlcaNesS nd Teacher of Piano, Organ And Musca
Ladles' and Gnts' Clonhing "Cland At Daily Office, TimesBlca StoffietsaNw Saa Composition; also the Art of
'or Dyed. :I . t STeaching..
8' w. HURON ST., ANN ABO1. or at Paul Myers State St., News Stand. [Studio'22S Division St. Ann Aror, Mic

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